ASO Mins 11-19-2012 (2)

Meeting date: November 19, 2012
Call to order:
A meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College,
Sylmar, CA, November 19, 2012, in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Michael J. Griggs, President;
Michael Cortez, Vice President
Pavan Basra, Executive Administrator
Carlos Lara, Parliamentarian
Robert Crossley
Chelsea Tang
Lilly Cabrera (point of privilege 2:06pm)
Kimberly Calito
Esteban Hernandez (tardy 1:53pm)
Angel Melgarez (tardy 1:52pm)
Doleatha Young
Randy Gamez
Approval and Adoption of Agenda:
Michael Cortez: Motion to approve the Agenda for the November 19, 2012 meeting.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes:
Carlos Lara: Motion to approve minutes for Nov. 5th, 2012.
Motion carried
-President: Attended the Student Services Committee last Tuesday & met wonderful people
who are interested in becoming more involved with ASO. Informed them that they should come
to meetings & see what exactly we do. Regarding the tech. proved having some type of planner
come & meet with ASO to discuss what would be the most ideal setting. Gave a speech at the
Honor's Ceremony also.
-Vice President: Went to Region 7 meeting. Main issue was the federal loan programs. Will
have a talk about the region to update us.
-Executive Administrator: No report
-Parliamentarian: No report
-Technology: No report
-Community Relations: No report
-Administrator: Went to Budget & Planning meeting last Thursday, deficit will be at 435 this year
due to the passing of prop. 30.
-Historian: No report
-Health: No report
-Advisor: Knowing that we still have a deficit, we must figure out how to secure money & make
most of ASO go to the committee meetings. LAMC is going through accreditation process, they
are expecting the school to follow rules & regulations. A student wants to hold a Bone Marrow
Drive, but is not here today to discuss this request. Storage room needs to be cleaned up also.
Committee Reports:
-ASO Teacher Appreciation: No report, will work on it over the winter. Postponed.
-Deferred Action Workshop: We need between 10-20 volunteers & 5 lawyers in order to make
this workshop happen. Wants to hold an informational workshop to help us plan a successful
clinic in the beginning of next semester. Will have a flyer ready by Wednesday.
-Holiday Toy Drive: Working on a flyer so hopefully it'll be ready by next week.
-Student Oversight: No report
Open Forum:
Opened at 1:45 pm
-Ashley Oshilaga, (certified anger management specialist)- Would like to provide a Conflict
Resolution Workshop during Spring semester here on campus, to maintain stress & anger
-Louise Barbato, (president of local union). Has come up with a pledge against bullies. Going to
have a big pledge signing on December 4th at 12:00pm. Next Tuesday on the 27th at 12:15pm
will have a meeting about this issue.
Closed at 1:49 pm.
New Business:
-Cancellation of African American Studies: Af. Am. Studies will not be provided for Spring
2013. Michael Griggs went to President Perez & he was not aware that LAMC was stopping
these studies. He is going to meet with Dean Atkinson today & reinstate the class.
-Historian & Tech. Supplies: Postponed
-LAMC Holiday Luncheon: Will be held December 6th from 11:30-2pm for $8.
Esteban Hernandez: Motion to approve 6 people to attend the Holiday Luncheon.
Motion carried.
-ASO Student Surveys: Since we are going through accreditation, would like everyone is ASO
to do this survey to use these statistics for our accreditation.
-Business Planning Workshop: Person in charge of this is not here today, so will be
-Business Entrepreneurship Club: Also postponed.
-ASO Business Cards: Provide business cards for each ASO member, will do research to find
cards for a good price.
-Campus Center Lobby Technology: Want new modeled furniture & technology for campus
center. Will bring more info to next meeting. Michael Griggs did bring it up to College Council &
is aware of this issue.
-Chicano Studies Department: Postponed due to absence of treasurer.
Old Business:
-Constitutional Amendments: Postponed due to absences.
-Update ASO Plaques: Will find quotes on this during Winter Break.
Postponed indefinitely.
No announcements
The meeting was adjourned at 2:39pm.
Next Meeting will be held on November 26, 2012.
President, Michael Griggs
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval
Executive Administrator, Pavan Basra
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval
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