
Official Meeting date: September 12, 2014
Call to order:
An official meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission
College, Sylmar, CA, on September 12, 2014 in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting was
chaired by Sara Sanchez at 5:00pm. Sara called for a recess at 5:06pm. Recess ended at
5:24pm by Raymond Gosen. Raymond then chaired the meeting.
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Raymond Gosen, President
Sara Sanchez, Treasurer
Jasmine Gosen, Executive Administrator (Excused)
Kandra Brooks, Parliamentarian
Jesus Martinez, Administration (resigned)
Anthony Trejo, Health (Excused)
Robert Crossley
Review of Agenda:
The Agenda was reviewed by the council and adopted on September 9, 2014.
Review and Approval of Minutes:
August 28, 2014 was an unofficial meeting. No motion to approve minutes.
Open Forum:
Opened at 5:26pm.
Eugene Hernandez: Spoke about a bombing in Gaza that happened yesterday [Sept. 11]. A lot
of people have died, and many have been displaced in the territory. He is asking for ASO to not
support the barcodes that start 729. The use of our tax money is being sent to war and not in
education. He is asking ASO to condemn bombing on Syria and Israel. Ray will take it into
Closed at 5:31pm
-Raymond: This is our first meeting. The contracts are with VP Dani Villanueva for Healthy
Green Machine, and the massage chairs. He spoke about the charging stations, and the
advantages. It’s still being worked on. Our legal department will be working on any liability
-Sara: Finance Meeting is on September 23rd at 3:15pm.
-Kandra: No report.
-Crossley: Heard that welcome week went successful. He thanks all of ASO for being leaders.
Volunteers cleaned out the storage room, and the PA system is missing. He is tracking down
the speakers. He wants Ray to appoint people to Shared Governance Committees. He wants to
show other students they have rights, and that there’s a code of conduct. Oct 13 is Transfer day
at Campus Center Main. Voter Registration Day is on September 23rd. Crossley is asking to add
LACCD Leadership Training request, Parliamentary procedure, and CCCSAA to the Finance
meeting agenda.
Committee Reports:
No committee reports.
Standing Items:
Lorena Aguilar is being appointed to be Fundraising Senator. She does a lot of fundraising, and
she is interested in ASO in bringing in new ideas. Ray motions. Executive Board is unanimous.
[6:10pm] Daniel Salgado Valdez is being appointed to be the Security Services senator. Ray
motioned. Sara second. Unanimous in the Executive Board. Unanimous in Senators.
[6:12pm] Jesus Martinez is being appointed to be Vice President for ASO. He was in ASO last
fiscal year, and also started as Administration senator. Ray motioned. Sara second.
No Club Charter.
New Business:
LACCD Leadership: Today [Sept 12] is the last day for registration. Sara and Jesus will be able
to go.
Parliamentary Procedure: Sara and Jesus are able to go.
CCCSAA: State leadership workshop. It will be held in LAX Sheraton. September 26 is the
deadline to registration. They are at capacity. Attending members are pending.
Fall GA: It is a mini student senate. They work on resolutions, bills, and it’s a great way to learn
how democracy works. The prices are not out yet. Once we know, we will present it to the
council. If not, we will use the prices from last semester.
ASO Workshops: Crossley wants to do workshops to do with student services. Jesus wants to
do a few workshops.
Ray motions to suspend the orders of the day to standing items.
Sara seconds. Unanimous.
Jesus motions to resume the orders of the day.
Ray seconds. Unanimous.
Breast Cancer Awareness: Jesus gave last year’s report, and Ray seems convinced that the
event of last year was a success. Jesus will chair a committee on Breast Cancer Awareness
and Lorena will be co-chair. Daniel is member-at-large.
LGBT History Month: Jesus mention LGBTS Club will be taking the lead on this event. They are
looking for ASO Sponsorship.
Constitution Day: Professor Jordan wants to create a Debate Club, and they want to lead that
event. Ray will chair, and Jesus will co-chair, Daniel is member-at-large. Event is on
Wednesday at 12pm.
Old Business:
-AC Catering: Crossley met with the Legal Counsel from the district and they mention that AC
Catering isn’t an approved vendor district-wide. They have an arrangement with Southwest, but
not with LACCD. He mentions we need to do a request for proposal to Dani Villanueva with all
of ASO. There is no food in the east campus, and this could bring food over there. Ray feels
that it may hurt the Culinary department, in reference to Trade-Tech.
Jesus: Motions to remove this item indefinitely.
Sara seconds. No discussion. Unanimous.
-Amendment of the Constitution: Tabled for next meeting.
-Vending Machine and Massage Chair Permits: Previously spoken upon on Ray’s report.
-Crossley: Thanks to all of ASO for their leadership and commitment.
-Jesus: ICC Meeting on Thursday at 2pm.
-Ray: ASO meeting will be next Thursday at 3pm.
-Sara: Leave your Welcome week receipts in her desk.
The official meeting was adjourned at 6:53pm.
President, Raymond Gosen
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval
Executive Administrator, Jasmine Gosen
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval