Earth Science Applications of Space Based Geodesy DES-7355 Tu-Th 9:40-11:05 Seminar Room in 3892 Central Ave. (Long building) Bob Smalley Office: 3892 Central Ave, Room 103 678-4929 Office Hours – Wed 14:00-16:00 or if I’m in my office. Class 24 1 LIDAR 2 What is LIDAR? LIght Detection And Ranging 3 What is LIDAR? Optical remote sensing technology that can measure the distance to, or other properties of, a target by illuminating the target with light, often using pulses from a laser. 4 Uses frequencies in the near UV, visible, and near IR 5 LIDAR systems Ground based Airborne based Space based 6 Types of LIDAR Backscatter Differential Absorption Doppler Flourescence Raman 7 Backscatter LIDAR most common functions almost exactly like RADAR but at a different wavelength (typically looking at something solid) 8 Differential Absorption LIDAR (DIAL) Calculation of molecular species in the atmosphere Transmit pulses at two different frequencies determined by the absorption line of the species you want to measure (This and those that follow – typically looking up or through gas to determine properties of something in gas) 9 Fluorescence LIDAR induce fluorescence in the species you’re measuring 10 Raman LIDAR Works on the principle of Raman scattering 11 Doppler LIDAR Works on calculation of phase shift Very similar to wind profilers 12 13 LiDAR – how it works Each time the laser is pulsed: Laser generates an optical pulse Pulse reflected off object and returns to the system receiver High-speed counter measures time of flight from start of pulse to return pulse Time measurement converted to distance (the distance to the target and the position of the airplane is then used to determine the elevation and location) Multiple returns can be measured for each pulse, up to 200,000+ pulses/second Everything that can be seen from the aircraft is measured 14 Geodetic Applications Backscatter used to locate (range, azimuth) of item generating the backscatter. 15 How collected – Airborne Laser Swath Mapping 16 Airborne Laser Scanning • ALS/LiDAR is an active remote sensing technology that measures distance with reflected laser light. • 1st developed in 1960 by Hughes Aircraft inc. • Modern computers and DGPS make it practical. • Typically used in very accurate mapping of topography. • New technologies and applications are currently being developed. Why use a Laser? ALS systems take advantage of two of the unique properties of laser light: 1. The laser is monochromatic. It is one specific wavelength of light. The wavelength of light is determined by the lasing material used. Advantage: We know how specific wavelengths interact with the atmosphere and with materials. 2. The light is very directional. A laser has a very narrow beam which remains concentrated over long distances. A flashlight (or Radar) on the other hand, releases energy in many directions, and the energy is weakened by diffusion. Advantage: The beam maintains its strength over long distances. 3mrad divergence = 30 cm at 1 km and 1.5m at 5 km. For an easy to understand discussion of how lasers work check out: ALS mapping concepts • The position of the aircraft is known (from DGPS and IMU). • Measures distance to surfaces by timing the outgoing laser pulse and the corresponding return (s). • Distance = time*(speed of light)/2 • By keeping track of the angle at which the laser was fired: you can calculate the X, Y, Z position of each “return”. • Requires extremely accurate timing and a very fast computer. Basic ALS System Components • Laser (usually NIR –1064nm) mounted in an aircraft. • Scanning assembly – precisely controlled rotating mirror. • Receiver for recording reflected energy “Returns”. • Aircraft location system incorporating Differential GPS and Inertial Navigation System. • A very fast computer to synchronize and control the whole operation. Two Distinct Families of ALS Systems Waveform systems (a.k.a. large-footprint) Records the COMPLETE range of the energy pulse (intensity) reflected by surfaces in the vertical dimension. Samples transects in the horizontal (X,Y) plane. Waveform systems designed to capture vegetation information are not widely available. Waveform systems include SHOALS, SLICER, LVIS, ICESat. Discrete-return systems (a.k.a. small-footprint or topographic) SAMPLES the returned energy from each outgoing laser pulse in the vertical plane (Z) (if the return reflection is strong enough). Most commercial lidar systems are discrete return, many different types are available. How collected – Terresterial/Tripod Laser Scanner (TLS) 22 23 Advantages of LiDAR Technology Provides a highly accurate means of elevation model collection for 1’ or 2’ contours Acquisition can take place day or night… shadows that are problematic in mountainous areas are not an issue with LiDAR Unlike photography, acquisition can take place below cloud cover… cloud shadows no issue Very cost effective for larger projects Does not provide break lines, nor is it imagery 24 Time to collect a million points – Conventional Surveying: 15.5 years Photogrammetry: 1.5 years Lidar: 6.7 seconds @ 150 kHz Lidar is expensive (as opposed to impossible) 25 Aircraft Requirements Flying heights from 3,000 to 6,000 feet Speeds ranging from 90 to 130 knots Ability to carry equipment (relatively light), personnel, and full fuel load 26 Aerial LiDAR System Components* Aircraft Scanning laser emitter-receiver unit Differentially-corrected GPS Inertial measurement unit (IMU) Computer LiDAR point data colored by height *components can be sources of error Figures from McMcGaughey USDA Forest Service--PNW Research Station Scanning Mechanisms Mechanism sawtooth Ground pattern Most common pattern (Leica, Optech) Figure modified from: Nikolaos 2006 What LiDAR is not – Photography We can shade the elevation and intensity data to create “imagery” Doesn’t capture breaklines Doesn’t capture planimetric features Advances in software may allow automatic feature extraction soon 29 Traditional Photogrammetry vs. LiDAR LiDAR Day or night data acquisition Direct acquisition of 3D collection Vertical accuracy is better than planimetric* Point cloud difficult to derive semantic information; however, intensity values can be used to produce a visually rich image like product (example of an intensity image) Photogrammetric Day time collection only Complicated and sometimes unreliable procedures Planimetric accuracy is better than vertical* Rich in semantic information *Complementary characteristics suggest integration Why is LIDAR better than photogrammetry? (It’s the trees) Suppose timber allows 1 of 3 arbitrary rays to reach ground; 1/3 of ground can be surveyed by LIDAR Photogrammetry requires 2 separate views of a point; only 1/9 of ground will be locatable Shaded DEM 32 Cincinnati Airport – Aerial Photo Overall Accuracy (X,Y,Z) position of each return 50-100cm horizontal 10-15cm vertical Ground surface (bare-earth surface) What is the ground (grass, rocks, stumps)? Tree heights Underestimate tree heights by 0.5 to 2 m Error is species dependent LiDAR accuracy Accuracy of elevation in range of 6 to 30 centimeters (0.20 to 0.98 feet). Accuracy of XY position in range of 1.0 to 46 centimeters (0.33 to 1.51 feet). Accuracy depends on pulse rate, flying height, GPS configuration, location of ground stations, and position of the scanner with respect to nadir 35 LiDAR Data Characteristics Raw return data are XYZ points (point cloud) High spatial resolution Laser footprint on ground ≤ 0.50 meters Typical density is 0.5 to 20+ pulses/m2 2 to3 returns/pulse in forest areas Surface/canopy models typically 1 to 5m grid Large volume of data 5,000 to 60,000+ pulses/hectare 10 to100+ thousands of returns/hectare 0.4 to 5.4+ MB/hectare 36 Intensity and Multiple returns Most units today have the ability to measure multiple returns and the intensity of the returned signal for each. This enables specialized applications using the LIDAR data. 37 Multiple LIDAR Returns Waveform LIDAR This is the “waveform” graph of energy intensity Notice that it follows the “shape” of the tree biomass Return Density In LiDAR the footprint size decreases with increasing post-spacing and importantly the last return from a discrete return system is not always the ground LiDAR sensor systems vary in the number of returns from a surface Figure Source: Leaf-on vs. leaf-off (A) (B) Cross section of LIDAR data through a single deciduous tree (A) and coniferous tree (B) including bare-earth returns. The green dots represent leaf-on returns and the brown dots represent leaf-off returns Waveform LIDAR: SLICER Waveform systems have been used to accurately measure (r2 >.90) vertical distribution of tropical and temperate forests (Lefsky 2001) Discrete-return LIDAR • Records data as X,Y,Z points. • Spatial resolution is expressed in terms of “post spacing” which is the avg. horizontal distance between points. • Returns are “triggered” if the laser reflects from a surface large enough to exceed a pre-set energy threshold. • Minimum vertical distance between returns is ~ 5 meters. • New capability to record the intensity of point returns. Discrete Return Data: Millions of X,Y,Z points Area is approximately: 1 X 0.75mi. includes ~ 440,000 returns From Point Clouds to 3-D Surface Models • Points are used to create 3D surface models for applications. • Triangular Irregular Networks (TIN)s are used to classify the points and to develop Digital Elevation Models (DEM)s. • Points must be classified before use: “bare earth” points hit the “ground”; other point categories include tree canopy and buildings. • Correct identification of “bare earth” is critical for any lidar mapping application. Reconstruction Building a 3D model from the point cloud A polyhedral model uses edges and facets (like triangles), it should “fit well” with the points Types of models/approaches: Meshes: many (small) triangles that use the points of the point cloud as vertices (like a TIN but not just for a bivariate function) Parametric models: pre-defined shapes where certain parameters can be set for the best fit (e.g. the 6 planes of a house with a roof) Hybrid methods Reconstruction methods Iso-surfaces and marching cubes Medical imaging DEMs, and parametric building models Geosciences Region growing and surface extraction Urban reconstruction "Bare Earth" model Significant editing must be employed to create a “Bare Earth Model” which models the natural ground. Some automated procedures may be used. Imagery backdrop may be necessary. The 80/20 rule applies here as well. In some cases, traditional photogrammetry may be necessary to add breaklines 49 10m USGS DEM DEM & Canopy Models LiDAR Strea ms IFSAR Landsli de LiDAR IFSAR Strea ms Landsli de 470’ Tall Mississippi River LiDAR is not only replacing conventional sensors, but also creating new methods with unique properties that could not be achieved before 57 Applications for Discrete-Return LIDAR Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 4m DEM of PREF Subset USGS DEM (SRTM 1 sec?) vs LiDAR DEM 59 WV (MPBL source) 1-arc-second (30 meters) 1/3-arc-second (10 meters) 1/9-arc-second (3 meters) 60 LA (lidar source) 1-arc-second (30 meters) 1/3-arc-second (10 meters) 1/9-arc-second (3 meters) Geomorphology Mapping geomorphic features (Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium) Wallace Creek, Carrizo Plain 63 Geology Mapping Faults (Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium) Other Applications Measuring volume change in open pit mines. Utilities use lidar to map power transmission line curvature and clearance. Discrete Return LIDAR for Forestry •Can be used to measure forest characteristics including stand height, biomass distribution, volume. •DEMs are used in planning for erosion and engineering projects including roads. •Mapping of forest stand structure characteristics and fire fuels conditions is under development. Finding faults with LIDAR in the Puget Lowland Ralph Haugerud, Craig Weaver U. S. Geological Survey Jerry Harless Puget Sound Regional Council 30 km In some places, it is easy to see where the active faults are. Seattle Tacoma 30 km In other places, it is not. What are the salient differences? SF Bay area Puget Lowland slip rate 3 cm/yr strike slip 4 mm/yr shortening average tree height ? 10 ft ? 100 ft ~106 18,000 years years age of landscape age slip rate = feature size 18,000 yr 1 mm/yr = 18 m 106 yr 1 mm/yr = 1 km In the Puget Lowland, to see a fault with the same slip rate as in the SF Bay area, we have to look more closely. Start with traditional topo map. Where is/are fault/s? 10-meter DEM from contours 12-ft DEM from LIDAR PICTURE: OBLIQUE VIEW OF S END ROCKAWAY BEACH High-resolution LIDAR topography Fly in winter, when leaves are off Near-infrared laser; doesn’t penetrate clouds, rain Errors Largest are in angles—up to 1 m x-y error Ranging error = ~15 cm z error! 2/3 of surveyed points on trees and buildings; remove with automatic geometric filtering Multiple reflections from one laser pulse = better filtering Optimum working distance circa 1 km Adequate reflection brightness Keep laser eye-safe Spot diameter: decimeters to meters Spot spacing: 1 to 5 meters Multiple passes multiple look angles higher point density internal consistency check $400 - $1,000 / mi2 15 km west of Seattle Toe Jam Hill fault scarp Waterman Point scarp beach uplifted during 900 AD earthquake landslides southern Bainbridge Island Carrizo Plain section of the San Andreas Fault: Paleoseismic trenches provide access to geomorphic and stratigraphic records of repeating earthquakes. Fault-parallel trenches provide access to intricate geometries of offset/deflected stream channels. 0.5 m ALS-generated DEM Data collected by NCALM for the B4 project, and processed in OpenTopogaphy Uses for high-resolution topography Finding faults (earthquake frequency, kinematics) Geologic mapping Landslide hazards Flood hazards, groundwater infiltration, runoff modelling Fish habitat ?Precision forestry ?Noise propagation Sources of Error Acquisition Processing Strip adjustment Selecting ground points Thinning Interpolation Analysis/Visualization Acquisition Scan Angle LiDAR data should be acquired within 18º of nadir as above this angle the LiDAR footprint can become highly distorted. Complex terrain can exascerbate the problem Strip Adjustment Systematic Error (shifts & drifts) - Wrong or inaccurate calibration of entire measurement system (block specific) - Limited accuracy of exterior orientation (GPS- & IMU-related time- and location-specific) Result: Point cloud will not lie on ground, but is offset in planimetric view and height (10’s of cm) For removing these discrepancies strip adjustment algorithms require quantification of these offsets at various locations Improvements are needed in automatic tie elements detection & 3D adjustments Manual effort and labor are time consuming Ditches & ridges are useful Improves planimetric accuracy by about 40% and height accuracy by about 25% Data correction and quality control tool Overlap, across-track flight lines and ground control are needed to fully adjust the systematic errors Create a seamless data set by correcting for the systematic errors Selecting Ground Points Active area of research Many algorithms Project specific Manual clean up necessary in most cases Result of 'slope threshold' applied to an urban area (from Vosselman 2000) Getting Down to the Ground 89 Progressive Curvature Filter (Evans and Hudak 2007) Filtering Post ground point selection filtering is also performed to reduce the size of the data sets This type of filtering should only be applied in even terrain Uneven terrain and densely vegetated areas are most susceptible to removal of critical interpolation points 90 Terrain Digital elevation model (DEM), digital terrain model (DTM): “Ground” Digital surface model (DSM): “top surface” In open terrain, the separation surface between air and bare earth DEM is different from measured laser points due to very different reasons: 1 Filtering: classification of points into terrain and off-terrain 2 Basis for DTM generation, detection of topographic objects 91 Other Considerations LiDAR derived DEM are not often hydro-corrected so as to ensure a continuous downward flow of water (no Digital Line Graph (DLG) hypsographic and hydrographic data). Water creates a natural void in LiDAR data and manual addition of breaklines is necessary. This type of processing is feasible with LiDAR data but it adds cost 92 Visualization Shaded relief & DEM illumination can be used as a simple visualization technique. These methods are subjective. Sensitive to hardware parameters. 93 Further Analysis & Ground Validation Once the DTM or DEM is available GIS can be utilized for further systematic analysis and modeling Accuracy assessment should always be attempted (best approach is to do ground validation) 94 Issues with LiDAR data LIDAR is indiscriminate… it places elevation points on everything. This includes cars, houses, trees, etc. LIDAR only places mass points, or random xyz points. It does NOT pick up breaklines, or lines of abrupt change in the ground elevation. LIDAR is NOT imagery. LIDAR data can be shaded, however, to offer a relief image 95 Reflectivity Highly reflective objects may saturate some laser detectors, while the return signal from lowreflectivity objects may occasionally be too weak to register as valid Minimum detectable object size depends on reflectivity A strong sunlight reflection off a highly reflective target may "saturate" a receiver, producing an invalid or less accurate reading* *most acquisition is done in a preferred range of angles to avoid this issue Dust & Vapor Laser measurements can be weakened by interacting with dust and vapor particles, which scatter the laser beam and the signal returning from the target Using last-pulse measurements can reduce or eliminate this interference Systems that are expected to work in such conditions regularly can be optimized for these environments Background Noise and Radiation The laser is not affected by background noise Most systems determine baseline radiation levels to ensure that it does not interfere with measurements Cincinnati Airport – Intensity Plot Intensity Image Commonly unused bi-product of a LiDAR acquisition and is the intensity of object that the laser pulse is striking. This is an uncalibrated 8-bit (0-255) image that is ortho-rectified as therefore can be used as an orthophoto Not typically used in quantitative analysis as image gains always set to 'adaptive gain' setting when images are acquired What are some of the LIDAR data products available? Digital Ortho-Rectified Imagery Some LiDAR providers collect digital color or black-and-white ortho-rectified imagery simultaneously with the collection of point data. Imagery is collected either from digital cameras or digital video cameras and can be mosaiced. Resolution is typically 1m. Intensity Return Images Images may be derived from intensity values returned by each laser pulse. The intensity values can be displayed as a gray scale image. LIDAR Derived Products Topographic LiDAR systems produce surface elevation x, y, z coordinate data points. There are many products that can be derived from raw point data. Most LiDAR providers can derive these products upon request: Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) (bald-earth elevation data) Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs) Breaklines - a line representing a feature that you wish to preserve in a TIN (example: stream or ridge) Contours Shaded Relief Slope & Aspect 102 103