Minutes November 08, 2007

Budget and Planning Committee
November 8, 2007
Gary Prostak, Karen Hoefel, Joe Ramirez, Alma Johnson-Hawkins,
Jerry Garcia, Phoebe Rivera, Sandy Thomsen, Frances Nguyen, Maury Pearl
Clive Gordon, Marcella Lozano, Leslie Milke, Lilamani De Silva, Debby Wong,
Pornthep Sripuntanagoon
Meeting called to order at 12:37.
Approved minutes from Sept. 13, 2007 and October 11, 2007 meeting.
Financial Status Update as of October 23, 2007.
a. Projected $1.9 million deficit includes updated projected growth of 285.95 FTES
b. Some expenses such as employee benefits were charged to district previously and
are now charged to each college which increased expenditures.
c. A report was presented to the Allocation Grant Task Force and Chancellor
Drummond in an effort to have our total 2005-06 debt forgiven. We should have a
decision by next week. Karen will provide Budget and Planning Committee
members with a copy of the report.
d. Mission is reported to have highest cost per FTES of all district colleges. Karen
expressed a need for us to become more efficient in some areas.
Elumen software purchase update
This request is placed on hold until further evaluation of Elumen and another piece of
assessment software (Wavelength?) is complete, probably at the end of Spring 2008.
Request to purchase oven and dryer for culinary program
Discussed ways to fund and replace a $700 clothes dryer and a $9000 oven.
a. bond, block grant, CTEA
b. repair, lease, refurbished or new
Alma will invite CTEA coordinator to our next meeting.
Status of Block Grant Funds
a. $245,000 rolled over from 2006-07 for instructional materials
b. $81,000 combined scheduled maintenance and instructional materials for 2007-08
Basic Skills Funding – 2007/08
$430,000 is available from 2006-07 and 2007-08.
Budget Request Form Discussion
Budget Request Form is posted on college website
Transitional form until all college unit assessments are complete
Units who have not been asked to complete assessments will use this form
Review form to verify that there is enough information to prioritize requests
Adapt form to be used for emergency requests also or develop an emergency request
Karen indicated that the college does not have a contingency fund because of the
deficit. Discussed establishing contingency funds from CTEA, Block Grant, Title 5
and other special and categorical funds for purchasing emergencies.
g. Joe suggested that budget review and requests for funds be reviewed at the division
level to determine if resources within a division could be reallocated before
requesting funds
h. Maury will review the Request for Funds form, make suggestions for changes and
suggest a process for submitting requests.
Adjourned 2:10
Next meeting, December 13, 2007