ASO_Minutes_March 12_ 2015

Meeting Date: March 12, 2015
I. Call to Order: An official meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar,
CA, on March 12, 2015 in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 3:03 pm.
II. Quorum:
Executive Board:
President, Raymond Gosen
Vice President, Yasaman Shayseteh
Treasurer, Sara Sanchez
Executive Administrator, Lorena Aguilar
Social Activities, Angelica Venegas (Unexcused)
Publications, Diana Cohen-Herrera
Recruitment, Margot Waithe
Educational Services, Jackie Ambridge
Political Affairs, Juan Ramirez
Robert Crossley
III. Approval and Adoption of Agenda: No objections.
Community Relations, Katherin Jordan (Unexcused)
Historian, Joeanna Valadez
Administration, Chanice Brown
Health, Anthony Trejo
IV. Review and Approval of Minutes: Approval of 3/5/2015 minutes. No objections.
V. Open Forum: Opened at 3:06PM Closed at 3:13PM
David Gerson: Accreditation standard along with shared governance requires role of student activity on student
government. President, Dr. Perez, would like a Focus Group 4/1/15 at 12:00pm-1:30pm lunch will be provided in the
arroyo room –possible 40 students to participate. Groups of ten. Facilitated by rep from accreditation committee.
Open ended questions will be asked. Will provide flyer. Will add to agenda and ICC agenda.
Andreina Castro: In charge of an expanding project, Identifying Leaders. Passed out interest list for interested
VI. Officer, Advisor, President Report:
Vice President, Yasaman Shayesteh: Attended CSUN day as student and passed out flyers for ASO elections.
Treasurer, Sara Sanchez: Finance meeting Wednesday, 3/18/15 at 1:00pm
Executive Administrator, Lorena Aguilar: Assisted Transfer Center with CSUN day. Also built relationship with local
Fresh and Easy to incorporate new sign ups with eScrip. Suggest all ASO council to sign up for eScrip.
Publications, Diana Cohen-Herrera: Finalizing publication for March in March by 3/12/15
Recruitment, Margot Waithe: Volunteered CSUN Day. Passed out for ASO elections. Available Positions flyer.
Educational Services, Jackie Ambridge: Passed out flyers for ASO elections.
Political Affairs, Juan Ramirez: Attended Student Support SG. SSS recommended a follow up report with an action
plan on what ASO is requesting regarding complaint boxes. Informed SG about crosswalk accident and formal action
will be taken at college council.
Historian, Joeanna Valadez: Passed out flyers for ASO and elections.
Administration, Chanice Brown: passed out flyers for ASO elections, BSU, and ASO. Student requested to recruit
volunteer group for ASO.
Health, Anthony Trejo: Attended Technology Committee SG. Committee would like to have ASO contribute to a
survey. There was discussion about kenticl system to replace SIS, PeopleSoft. ASO needs direction on what kind of
questions the committee needs.
President, Raymond Gosen: All items in need of discussion are on the agenda.
ASO Advisor, Robert Crossley: On 3/26/15 Coffee with Chancellor Rodriguez on 3/26/15 at 8:30am. Add to agenda
Spring GA 5/1/15-5/3/15 Ontario Convention Center. Update on ASO canopy purchase is requested; Ray picked up
check and will buy shortly. Update on ASO song commencement is requested; committee will provide songs next
VII. Committee Reports:
ASO Elections: Working on six banners for posting. ASO members have passed out flyers, acknowledgement of
senator’s time. Update on banners printable is almost finalized. Deadline for application is 3/16/15 for Student
Trustee and 3/19/15 for ASO officers. Flyers and banners need to be posted by Sunday. ASO needs 10% of student
population vote on 4/22/15 4/23/15. Mandatory for members to participate in passing out elections flyer. Flyer to
hire poll workers is requested from Crossley to committee.
Open Mic Night: Confirmed date of April 2nd, 6pm-9pm.
VIII. Standing Items
Appointment of E-board/Senators:
Club Carter:
IX. New Business:
AGS Food Pantry: Introducing food pantry April 11th-17th during midterms. Looking for donations from ASO, clubs,
faculty, and staff. AGS has not reached out for donations. ASO request a plan of action to consider donation. Action
plan will be given at next ASO room.
GA Resolutions: Brief definition of what a resolution is was given. Chair is requesting for ASO council to presents
resolutions at next meeting.
Mental Health Awareness: El Centro de Amistad will host event on 5/12/15 9am-12pm. Collaboration Anthony,
Health Senator will host event 3/16/15 at 11:00am
Job Fair: ASO looks forward to have official Job Fair as fundraising. Previous job fair included 25 employers. Goal is to
have double for spring 2015. Appointment of new committee of Job Fair Chair- Katherin, Community Relations, Cochair-Ray, President, Standing member-Joeanna, Historian. No objections.
X. Old Business:
Charging Stations: Areas of high student population are as follows: Instructional Bldg.-former culinary program, CMSquiet lounge, and Library- lounge area where couches are located. Sara motions to move to finance. Lorena seconds.
Motion carries by unanimous vote.
Blood Drive: Courtesy of Providence we will receive in n out gift cards.
Leadership and Fundraising Training: Waiting for professors to submit schedule availability.
BSU Recruitment: Reached out to Academic Affairs to request list of students of African American request; request
was denied due to privacy policy. Will purchase another banner for recruitment.
Kangen Water: Seller and hydrologist will come in at the next meeting.
Complaint Boxes: Please refer to report officer report Political Affairs, Juan Ramirez. Recruitment, Margot, was
assigned to create an action plan for follow up report.
XI. Announcements:
President, Raymond Gosen: Will be running for student trustee. Dr. Perez applied for position as chancellor
/superintendent of Cerritos College. LA Mission College’s mission statement needs to be reviewed; add to next
meeting agenda.
Vice President, Yasaman Shayesteh: Please enforce paper limit and food and drink policy in ASO lab.
XII. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 4:09pm
President, Raymond Gosen
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of Approval
Executive Administrator, Lorena Aguilar
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of Approval