Week 10: 11/6 Introduction of the Research Paper, Annotated Bibliography, Grand Mall Seizure and Identity in a Virtual World," Logical Fallacies

Introduction of the Research
Rhetorical Situation for Research
• Every piece of writing has a “rhetorical situation.”
This is the set of circumstances under which the
piece of writing is produced, and it affects the
choices a writer makes. What is the “rhetorical
situation” of piece of writing that is classified as
What is its purpose?
What is its audience?
What is its tone/stance?
What is its medium (print, web, film, recording, etc)?
The Purpose of Our Research Paper
• Make a CLAIM about some area of pop culture
and defend that claim using reputable sources
and your own analysis of the issue.
• How do I discover and defend a claim?
– ASK a research question that invites further
– READ a variety of sources about your question.
– DECIDE, based on your research, where you stand on
your question, and put that stance into a thesis/claim.
– DEFEND your decision (your thesis) in your paper.
•Don’t ask a question to
which you think you
already know the
Audience for our Research Paper
• Assume a general audience of other collegelevel students and professors. Your audience
is interested in your topic, and they know
what pop culture is, but may not be familiar
with your specific issue. You will need to
provide appropriate context.
Tone and Medium of Research Paper
• Tone: I will expect the paper to have a clear point
of view on the question you choose, but I will
expect the paper to be professional and
respectful of those who might disagree. (If you
wouldn’t say it to the face of someone you
respect but disagree with, it doesn’t belong in
your research paper.)
• Medium: Written paper, with the option of added
images at the end. Also, if you choose to do the
extra credit, you may use video and internet
sources in your presentation.
Expectations for Style:
• This paper should be written in an academic
• Some extra points to remember:
– No text-speak (“u” for “you,” for example)
– Precise, academically appropriate language
– Limit use of “I” and “me” to well-chosen, relevant
Brainstorming for the Research Paper
• Make a list of ALL of the areas of pop culture you
might like to write about. Come up with some
rough questions about each of these topics. (You
can refine them later.)
• Be curious! What are connections you’ve always
wondered about? What are things you’ve noticed
that you’d like to explore in more detail?
• What are readings from our book that intrigued
you? What more do you want to know about
those topics?
Formulating a Research Question
• A successful research question will:
– Narrow an issue related to pop culture down to a
manageable question for a 6-8 page paper.
– Be specific.
– Invite discussion about the answer to the question.
• Some poor research questions:
• How does science fiction affect society? (Too broad…
affect it HOW? And who is “society” referring to?)
• What are some good science fiction movies? (“Good” is
too subjective. What do you mean by “good”? And
what is your purpose in ranking these movies?)
Research Question, cont.
• Improved Research questions:
• Has science fiction historically been able to comment
on issues of racism and prejudice in a unique way?
What has science fiction contributed to the
conversation about these topics?
• What are some of the most significant real world
scientific discoveries that have been inspired by
science fiction films?
• Remember, your research proposal needs to have
your research question at the top, followed by a
discussion of what is at stake, who might be
affected, and what you need to find out before
deciding where you stand.
Ok, I have a research question. Now
• Have your research question(s) checked by
me. Continue refining them.
• What knowledge/experience do you bring to
the topic?
• What are issues you know you will need to
explore in order to find out what your claim is
going to be?
Rough Research Question
• Turn at least one of the topics you brainstormed
into a rough research question.
• Now, ask yourself, to whom does this issue
matter? Who do you think is most likely to have
a strong opinion on this issue? Why is it
important for this issue to be explored?
• Where should I go next to find out what other
people with credible knowledge and experience
are saying about this topic?
• The answers to those questions are what make
up the paragraph for your research proposal.
What should I be doing this week for
the research paper?
• Research Proposal
• Start finding possible sources. Keep track of
where you find them.
• Read at least five possible sources. If they are
relevant, annotate/highlight/take notes. Keep
track of which ideas came from which source.
• Begin to notice common debates or themes in
your sources. What are the big issues that
show up over and over again as you research?
Suggestions for Beginning Research
• Make a list of terms and phrases that might get you good search results
for your question.
– For example, for my science fiction and racism question, I might make the
following list:
– Science fiction and racism
– Sci-fi and racism
– Science fiction prejudice
– Science fiction and race
– Science fiction civil rights
– Science fiction social justice
– Etc.
• Try different combinations of words that might get you results. If you
don’t find what you want immediately, change your search terms and
try again.
• Once you do find a source or two, see if there are any common phrases
you might add to your list.
What is an annotated bibliography?
• An annotated bibliography is similar to a works
cited page, but each source is followed by a
paragraph that summarizes the source's claim in
three or four sentences, argues for the source's
authority and relevance to your question, and
explains why you have chosen to use it in your
research paper. What perspective does this
source offer? Why is a quote, paraphrase, or
summary from this source a valuable addition to
your own writing about the topic?
Format of Annotated Bibliography
• See handout for general information about annotated
bibliographies and an example annotated bibliography
with three sources.
• Your annotated bibliography will need…
– Seven sources
– Each source put into MLA works cited format (as in
– Sources alphabetized
– A paragraph following each source discussing
requirements on previous slide.
– Please skip a line between MLA works cited entries and
paragraphs. (See example.)
Logical Fallacies
A question to get us started…
• Tell me about what is logically wrong with this statement.
Why isn’t it convincing? What other problems does it have?
• “Every year in California, many students fail to pass the exit
exam. I believe that laziness is the reason for so many
failures. I have known several students who were unable to
pass, even after two or three tries, and all of them spent
more time doing other things than studying. I don’t think
schools should waste money helping lazy students like the
ones I know pass the test when they take it a second time.
Besides, if they’d paid attention in the first place in school
they wouldn’t have a problem passing the test. I paid
attention, and the test was easy for me.”
What is a fallacy?
• The previous slide contained an example of a
logical fallacy.
• Definition of fallacy: a misleading or unsound
argument. Any of various types of erroneous
reasoning that render arguments logically
unsound. (“erroneous” means “containing an
• See the handout for some common logical
Why are logical fallacies tricky?
• Logical fallacies are tricky because they sound
good on the surface. At first glance, why
might the statement from our class example
be a little bit convincing? Look at the example
fallacies provided on the handout. Which ones
look good on the surface?
Logical Fallacies in the Media
• Where do we see logical fallacies? In the
media? In advertisements?
• Logical fallacies are not always as easy to spot
as the ones that I have provided for you. Be a
savvy reader. Be aware of author biases and
of these patterns we have discussed. If you
see these fallacies in something you read,
question them.
How can you fix a logical fallacy?
• If you catch yourself or a peer in a logical fallacy, how
do you fix it?
• Moderate your language. One of the fundamental
rules of persuasive writing is “Don’t make claims you
can’t prove.” Also, if you make a sweeping
generalization and the audience can think of even ONE
example that disproves your generalization, you’ve lost
credibility with your reader.
• Give more specifics – this especially helps with proof
by too few examples, allness, and oversimplification
Fixing logical fallacies
• Allow for complexity – this definitely helps with
oversimplification and either/or reasoning
• Avoid common, over the top phrasing – say
things in a new way
• Build credibility – your own, and that of your
sources. Show yourself to be knowledgeable and
reasonable, and your sources to be trustworthy.
• Look at the big picture – think of various
people/issues who might be affected by your idea
and consider them before making blanket
What are the assumptions that “Grand
Mall Seizure” is making?
• Many sociologists and writers of cultural
criticism have written about malls as symbols
of excess and of mindless consumerism.
• The assumption that this essay (and other
cultural criticism about malls) makes is that
the way that we shop and the way that malls
are structured and presented to us as
destinations has a profound effect on our
culture and the way we think about ourselves.
Grand Mall Seizure p. 292
• What is the author’s attitude toward the Mall
of America? Where do you see evidence of
this attitude?
• What contrast is the author pointing out with
his description of the hammer in paragraph
• What do you think of the idea of the mall as a
fantasy, a place that separates us from reality?
Grand Mall Seizure Cont.
• What do you think of the idea of the mall as a
symbol of American stability and possibility (see
paragraphs 39 and 40)?
• What do you think of the concept of malls as
placed that might have “served not only a
community’s physical needs, but its civic, cultural,
and social needs as well” (paragraph 8)? The
author seems to think that malls have failed to do
this. Is he right, in your opinion? Why?
Preparing to Talk About “Identity in a
Virtual World” p. 176
• Have you ever participated in a game that
required you to make an avatar? (A character to
represent you in the game.) If so, what did it look
like? How and why did you make choices about
what your character looked like and how
he/she/it acted? How much of a reflection of you
was that avatar?
• If you have never made an avatar before, what
would you do if you were asked to? Why? How
much of you would be reflected in the character
you made to represent you?
“Identity in a Virtual World” p. 176
• An “avatar” is a virtual character created by a
real person to represent them in a virtual
environment. This essay discusses the various
ways in which the avatars that people choose
reflect and shape their identity, and the ways
that online environments free us from social
norms (a social norm is a behavior that is
expected of you in order to appear “normal”
or “polite”) at the same time that those social
norms are carried over into the virtual world.
“Identity in a Virtual World” p. 176
• This essay reports on the findings of several authors
and researchers who have been researching the topic
of real people and their avatars. They found…
– People like the anonymity of having a character who is
unlike them, but were willing to pose for the book. Why do
you think this is?
– People often chose characters who were “less ordinary”
than their real selves. Why do you think this is?
– The researchers found that men choose female avatars
more often than women choose male avatars. (Which
made me laugh, because this is the opposite of my
experience….) Why do you think this is?
Thinking further…
• Other than online avatars in virtual games,
what are some other ways that people can
create an identity for themselves on the
• What are the benefits and drawbacks of a
virtual identity that is somewhat different
from one’s “real” identity that one presents in
face to face interactions?
Applications for Essay #2
• Both of these essays touch on ideas about
how pop culture (in one case, a mall, in
another, online games) affects the way people
think about their own identities, as Americans
or as “improved versions” of themselves.
Notice how both of these authors paint a clear
picture of the situation and thoroughly
explore why the observations that have made
matter. These essays can serve, if not as
sources, than as models for your own writing.