Classroom Report PowerPoint

Class Report
Child Development 11
Be Prepared
O Research your topic thoroughly
O Refer to your CD11 webpage on the Library
O Find your topic in your text
O Read additional books and articles
O Discuss your topic with someone who may
have experience with it
Write Your Paper
O Write a three page paper on what you have
O Use information from your readings
O If you are quoting from a book or article be
sure to use the author’s name and page
Works Cited Page
O Include a page listing the books and articles
that you used.
O Format for a works cited page can be
accessed through the LAMC library webpage
or visit a librarian for help
O All sources must be referenced
O Include the children’s books that you have
found in a separate section of your Works
Cited page
Attach Grading Sheet
O The grading sheet is in your syllabus and
must be attached to your three page paper
O Submit your paper to me BEFORE you start
your oral presentation
Oral Report
O The oral presentation is five minutes long
O The preference is that this be done on
O Help in creating a PowerPoint is available in
our CDSRC (Child Development Student
Resource Center
Be Prepared
O Think carefully about the main points that
you want to share with the class
O Organize your thoughts on small cards to
use with your presentation to remind you of
your key points
O Collect and prepare the resources that you
are going to share
Resources Required
O You will earn points for bringing resources to
share with the class
O Resources can be children’s books,
handouts of websites or places to go for
help or information
O Practice your five minute oral presentation
at home in front of someone or even in front
of a mirror
O Time yourself
O Use cards to stay focused and confident
O Practice looking up often as you go through
the presentation
O Smile in front of the mirror!
Day of Presentation
O Bring everything necessary:
 Paper containing works cited page and grading form
 Power Point
 Resources (children’s books, handouts, etc.)
 Small cards for your reference
 Confidence! Smiles!
O Breathe – inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale
O Look up often – engage your listeners!
O Remember: you are the expert and we appreciate
you sharing your knowledge with us!