Los Angeles Mission College Child Development 30 Infant and Toddler Studies I Spring 2016 Section # 3190 Mondays 6:50 pm to 10 pm CCDS 202 Prof: Cristina Preuss, M.A. Office Hours: Mondays 6 pm -6:45 pm Phone 818-364-7600 ext 4463 Email : preussc@lamission.edu Course Description ( 3 units) This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth study of cognitive, language, social/emotional and perceptual motor development domains and milestones of infants from birth-36 months. An overview of major theories will be covered including attachment, brain development, the value of play, early intervention and relationship based care in the context of family systems, culture, home language and traditions. Class instructions include objective observations of infants and toddlers in diverse settings. Student Learning Outcomes College GE SLO Assessment method Students will be able to identify best practices for observing infants/toddlers in diverse care giving settings. Problem Solving Observations/ Presentations Students will be able to compare and contrast developmental milestones in the domains of infancy/toddlerhood. Written and Oral communication Observations/ exam questions Students will be able to explain the role of relationship based care giving between adult and child. Written and Oral communication Problem solving Exam Questions/ observations Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, student will be able to: 1. Identify the developmental milestones in infancy including physical, motor, language, social/emotional and cognition. 2. Recognize physical, social, psychological and intellectual needs of infants/toddlers and assist in accommodating them with appropriate routines and activities. 3. Identify culturally responsive practices that support the infants/toddler’s identity formation and that also leads to strong family connections. 4. Identify the principles of infant/toddler caregiving, which include nurturing the parent as well as the child. 5. Identify appropriate health/safety standards and how to maintain them in school, center, home or family child care setting. 6. Identify California licensing requirements and recommended practices for care of infants/toddlers in center or family child care programs. 7. Observe and evaluate adult/child interaction. 8. Identify developmentally appropriate practices for care of infants/toddlers in group setting. Attendance: Los Angeles Mission College attendance policy will be respected. Students will be expected to attend and participate in each class session. Students with excessive unexcused absences or tardiness (3 or more) will receive a minus 10 points from final grade. Coming to class late and leaving early will affect your class participation that is so important to understand material covered in class. If you cannot attend class for any reason, it is important that you notify instructor in advance via email or in person. Students are responsible for all material and information presented during class sessions and for completing all necessary paper work and assignments. Always get the name, phone number and email address of one of the students in class to get an update of what you have missed if you cannot attend a class due to unavoidable circumstances. It is your responsibility to drop a class if you are no longer able to attend the class. PLEASE BE COURTEOUS AND TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE TO A SILENT MODE WHILE IN CLASS. NO TEXTING IN CLASS OR CHECKING EMAILS WILL BE ALLOWED WHILE CLASS IS IN SESSION AS THIS WILL DISRUPT YOUR CLASSMATES. NO SIDE TALKING DURING CLASS District Academic Dishonesty Policy: 9803.28 Academic Dishonesty. Violations of Academic Integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade. Any dishonest behavior will be subject to disciplinary action. MANAGEMENT OF STRESS AND MENTAL HEALTH: As a student, not only do you have the pressure of succeeding in school, you may also be contending with work, financial issues, relationships, managing time effectively, getting enough sleep, etc. The staff and faculty of Los Angeles Mission College are here to provide support that will help you to be successful in your academic pursuits. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential student services offered on campus, including counseling and mental health services, by either visiting the Student Health Center (SHC), which is currently located in the Bungalow just west of the Collaborative Studies Building*, checking out the SHC webpage at: https://www.lamission.edu/healthcenter/ or calling: 818 362-6182. I also encourage you to enter the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number (1-800-2738255) into your cell phone in case you or someone you know is in distress and needs someone with whom to talk. *Please note that the SHC is slated to move into its new location, between the President’s Office and Administrative Services, in the spring 2016 semester.” Text: Recommended: Gonzalez-Mena. Infants, Toddlers and Caregivers. ISBN 978-0-07-802435-1. Ninth Edition Optional: Carlisle Solomon, Deborah. Baby knows best. First edition. Class handouts provided by instructor Student resources at LAMC: LAMC Bookstore: for information call 818-364-7798 or 818-364-7768 or visit: http://www.lamissionbookstore.com Counseling Department: for appointments and information call 818-364-7655 or visit: http://www.lamission.edu/counseling Disabled Student Programs and Services: for appointments and information call 818-364-7732 or visit: http://www.lamission.edu/dsps Financial Aid: for information and applications call 818-364-7648 or visit: http://www.lamission.edu/financialaid Library: for information call 818-364-7105 or 818-364-7106 or visit: http://www.lamission.edu/library Assignments: Please submit your assignments on time and written in blue or black ink. No pencil please. Active small and large group participation is important and there will be extra credit assignments in class. If an assignment is NOT submitted at all, the grade for that assignment will be a 0 (ZERO). No late assignments are accepted. If you will not be able to submit your assignment on time, it needs to be discussed in advance with your instructor and it should include an exceptional circumstance for approval. Students with special learning needs are expected to confer with this instructor to arrange for possible adaptations of assignments or accommodations. Arrangements must be agreed upon by student and instructor prior to the due date of first assignment. It is recommended for all students to access Disabled Students Programs and Services for further assistance. Class Assignments and Grading Scale Developmental Observation Quality paper Midterm Exam Topic Presentation Final exam 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points Total 500 points 460- 500 pts = A 400- 459 pts = B 350- 399 pts = C 300- 349 pts = D 299 and below = F Description of Assignments 1. Observation- There is a developmental observation assigned for this class of an infant/toddler ages 0 to 3 years old in a childcare setting. This observation is divided in two parts. Instructor will provide a questionnaire for these observations. Observation report must be typed. a) The first part is to capture an overview of the developmental levels of an infant /toddler. b) The second part is to focus on caregiver routines and how this caregiver relates to child’s needs and his/her development. 2. Quality Paper- In essay form, you will describe what you consider to be the five most critical components of a quality infant/toddler care program, providing reasons for these choices. The information will be gathered from class covered material, articles, literature, etc. This paper must be 4-5 pages long and should include a bibliography for works cited of at least 2-3 resources. (100 points) 3. Midterm Exam- It will consist of a take home exam and will include questions related to the chapters covered in class prior to midterm exam date. (100 points) 4. Topic Presentation- You will be required to give an oral class presentation with a classroom partner on a topic related to infant and toddler care or development. A list of topics will be provided by instructor. On the day of your oral presentation, you must provide a copy /handout of your power point presentation to your instructor for grading. Presentations should be no less than 15- 20 min. in length. It is expected for all presenters to equally participate in the preparation and presentation within their assigned partners. (100 points) TIPS ON HOW TO DO AN ORAL PRESENTATION: Be prepared and organize your part Practice before the presentation. This can help with both your timing and your manner of presentation Talk; don't read. Nobody enjoys seeing a speaker burying his or her face in a script, reading stiffly from a piece of paper. Try to talk from notes, or if you are using a power point text, try to look at it only occasionally. Don’t talk too fast and make eye contact with your audience. Include your audience by asking questions or allowing participation Be yourself and relax 5. Final Exam- It will consist of a take home exam. CLASS SCHEDULE Date Topic/Assignment Reading 2/8 Introduction/Habits of Mind Syllabus 2/15 HOLIDAY/NO CLASS 2/22 Principles, practice and curriculum Infant-Toddler Education Chapter 1 Chapter 2 2/29 Caregiving as Curriculum Chapter 3 3/7 Play and exploration as curriculum Chapter 4 3/14 Attachment Observation due Chapter 5 3/21 Perception Motor skills Chapter 6 Chapter 7 3/28 Cognition Midterm exam due Chapter 8 4/4 SPRING BREAK/NO CLASS 4/11 Language Chapter 9 4/18 Emotions and Social skills Quality Paper due Chapter 10&11 4/25 Physical & Social Environment Chapter 12&13 5/2 Adult Relations in Infant-Toddler and Education Programs Chapter 14 5/9 Presentations 5/16 Presentations 5/23 Presentations 5/30 HOLIDAY/NO CLASS 6/6 Final Exam 8 – 10 pm.