Shared Governance Task Force

Shared Governance Task Force
Evaluation of Shared Governance Committees for 2010-2011
COMMITTEE ____Educational Planning_________________________
Regular Meetings: Yes
Membership Accurate and Complete Yes
Agendas/Minutes Posted Consistently Yes
Major Accomplishments of 2010-11
Development and approval of the 2010-2015 Educational Master Plan
Development and approval of the Program Review Handbook
Revision of the Program Review unit assessment tool
Development and implementation of the Program Review unit update tool
Comprehensive program reviews for PACE, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, Life
Sciences, Child Development, Library
Reconstitution of the Strategic Enrollment Management Committee
Completion of the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan 2011-2015
Commendations: The Task Force commends the committee on all of its
accomplishments this past year. The completion of the Educational Master Plan
and the advances in the program review process have been critical to the
success of the college.
Recommendations: The Task Force recommends the committee continue to
clarify its role to that of Academic Senate as it relates to Academic and
Professional matters. The Task Force also recommends that the committee
continue to revise the program review tool in an attempt to create more
efficiency and user friendliness. The last recommendation is for the committee
to develop a mentoring process for the potential faculty chair of the committee
to help ease the transition of the position.