Shared Governance Task Force Evaluation of Shared Governance Committees for 2009-2010 Committee: Educational Planning Committee (EPC) By: David Jordan – 9-20-10 Regular Meetings: The EPC met the following dates during 2009-2010 – 25 meetings The EPC meets on the first and third Mondays of each month. Agendas and minutes are posted regularly and are up to date. (See Agenda/Minutes at This is a very active shared governance committee Membership Accurate and Complete Membership is accurate. The following positions are vacant: 1 – Vocational/Workforce – AFT 1 - Classified: (1) TBA replacement 1 additional Academic Affairs – TBA Agendas/Minutes Posted Consistently The Committee has a designated note-taker, and agendas and minutes thorough, complete and timely posted. Major Accomplishments 2009 – 2010 Formalization of comprehensive program review schedule, comprehensive program reviews (5) units, revision of program review unit assessment tool, development of unit assessment evaluation rubric, development of Program Review Handbook, expansion of chartered membership to include ESL, English and Math representatives, developed subcommittee to draft the 20102015 Educational Master Plan, reviewed hon-credit program, reviewed and approved of requests for Basic Skills Initiative Funding, reviewed proposed mission statement and developed a survey. Recommendations 1. Post the Annual Self-Eval on the EPC webpage (probably all Shared Governance Committees should do so) 2. Add “unit self-assessment update tool” link to webpage, along with unit assessment evaluation rubric, Program Review Handbook. – Also consider posting a link and reports to College Council on your webpage. 3. Update Essential Skills Page to reflect current status 4. Consider developing a review/eval cycle for program review, and publish on webpage – also include the DE Program Review for June 2009 And consider scheduling DE Program review every 2 years (next one 2011) – also suggest posting link on your page to Sub Change status and update 5. Develop and/or post current rubric for evaluating and approving Basic Skills Initiative Funding. 6. Outline the review of Specially Funded Program 7. Update Viability review of educational programs (if any) and provide rubric and standards of review 8. Update prioritization of Instructional Equipment Funds (if any) and provide rubric and standards of review. 9. Suggest you add as a prioritized goal for 2010-2011 the following: - Oversee the development and completion of a Substantive Change Proposal by Distance Education by the end of Academic Year 2011 (June 30, 2011) 10. Under Membership Responsibility on your charter – correct/amend to add the following provisions: Membership Responsibility Faculty, Staff and Student memberships are 2 year terms.* Individuals on the committee may serve no more than 2 consecutive terms. No Faculty or Staff voting member may serve as a voting member on another shared governance committee concurrently. . Each member has the responsibility to attend each meeting and adhere to the college code of conduct. Members with 3 absences in a semester will be replaced by the appropriate constituent group. Members are responsible to disseminate committee information to their respective constituents.