LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE 2015-2016 MID-YEAR UPDATE Name of Committee: EDUCATIONAL PLANNING 1. Please indicate your fall 2015 meeting dates. a. 9/14; 9/28; 10/19; 11/2; 11/16; 12/7 2. Please give an update on progress for prioritized goals for fall 2015 and indicate what has been completed. a. Goal 1 (Complete this 3-year comprehensive Program Review cycle): in progress b. Goal 2 (Oversee the rewrite of the Ed Master Plan): on hold pending restructuring of LAMC’s integrated planning by the coming Integrated Planning Committee (per instructions from Dr. Perez) 3. Does your committee have any vacancies? If so, how many and what constituency? a. Two vacancies: a Senate-appointed At-large position, and an AFTappointed Non-instructional position. The co-chair has discussed this with Senate and AFT Presidents earlier this semester. 4. Which goals does your committee plan on completing in spring 2016? a. Goal 1 from above (comprehensive program review) is scheduled for this semester and is currently on schedule for completion. 5. Do you need assistance from the Shared Governance Oversight Committee (SGOC)? a. No Completed by: Date: 2/25/16 D’Art Phares