Extra Credit Guidelines

Extra Credit Guidelines
First and foremost, remember that you can make up any assignment that you missed for
half credit.
Vote Nov 4th and write a 1-page response paper relating course concepts to how it felt to
be a part of the democratic process. You can earn up to 2 points total for optimal work.
View any class related Ted Talk and complete a 1-page summary and analysis. In the first
half, summarize the information of the talk. Afterwards, analyze what you saw using
course concepts. You can earn up to 2 points total for optimal work.
Watch any movie featuring a small group working together to reach a common goal.
Then complete the film analysis questions as applied to the movie. You can earn up to 2
points total for optimal work.
You may earn up to 6 points of total extra credit and no more. This does not include any
late assignments you make up.