
Question Set #10
Respond to the following questions in as much detail as you can within a single-spaced page.
You must write a fully developed paragraph in response to each question. You do not need to
copy/paste the questions before your answers. Alternatively, begin your responses with topic
sentences clearly relating to the questions. Your answers will be graded based upon their overall
depth, clarity, adherence to text, specificity and legibility.
1. What did you personally contribute to the final group project?
2. Was there an equal distribution of labor between the members in your group? Please elaborate
if any members contributed a substantial amount more or less than the rest.
3. How happy were you with your group’s performance?
4. As the semester is coming to an end, what about this class did you find to be the most useful
(or not)?
5. How has your understanding of small group communication evolved through all your group
*This analysis should be a reflective and constructive exercise. I will ask you to individually
share your answers to questions 4 and 5 with the class.