[[1]] August 1874

[[1]] August 1874*1
We go to Belfast on 19th for Brit[ish]. Ass[ociation] where I take a Presidency of
subsection of D. & read an address which is not begun -- I am awfully sick of Brit[ish]
Associ[ation]. Then I shall have Sept[ember] & Oct[obe]r at Kew before beginning
R[oyal]. S[ociety]. in November. -I forget whether I told you that Lord Carnarvon had pressed me hard to take a Knight
Commandership of St Michael & George -- which I stoutly declined -- I really don't
want knighthood, nor to does my wife Ladyhood, & I dislike losing my individuality in a
title. I could make good excuse for not taking K.C.M.G. on the ground that it was not
good enough for me! as P[resident]. [of the] R[oyal]. S[ociety]., my two predecessors
who were not C[ompanion]. [of the order of the] B[ath]. having been being made K[night].C[ommander]. [of
the order of the] B[ath]. with far less Gov[ernmen]t. services than mine. So I have
staved off the evil day till K.C.B. is offered, if ever, -- that I believe I could not refuse
so long as I remain in office. I regard these titles in a partly
[[2]] official light, and now I have exhausted my subjects.
Ever y[ou]r affecti[onate] | J D Hooker [signature]
Baker bids me say that he has lots of Gay's plants ready when you are.
Mrs Lombe is very unwell & suffers from melancholia.
1. Date added in pencil in a hand not that of the original author, Joseph Dalton
Hooker. Letter may be incomplete as there is no other date or salutation in Hooker's
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