[[1]] Liverpool 5 am [c.1877] Dearest Hyacinth *1 I cannot sleep, & so have been writing a few directions to Willy [William Henslow Hooker] as to the newspapers &c. which I forgot when I left. Please leave a note for Mr [William Thiselton] Dyer -- that I hunted in the office for a Camera that Strachey had lent to Harriet -- & have brought away the wrong thing -viz, a small square mahogany box, with what I take to be a camera for a [[2]] microscope. Ever my darling | your affectionate | J. D. Hooker [Signature] It is packed away in my big box which I cannot get to & so will take it on with me. ENDNOTES 1. Lady Hyacinth Hooker née Symonds later Jardine (1843--1921). Joseph Hooker's second wife, they married in 1876. Please note that work on this transcript is ongoing. Users are advised to study electronic image(s) of this document where possible.