The Cabrillo Aquarium

The Cabrillo Aquarium
3720 Stephan White Drive, San Pedro, CA
Hours: T-F 12-5pm Sat and Sun 10-5
Phone: 310-548-7562
Fundamentals of ecology can best be understood through studies in the living environment. This lab will
familiarize students to the California Coastal Environment. You should acquire some understanding of
some basic principles of ecology and the role of biodiversity Ecology is the study of organisms in relation
to their environment.
Cabrillo Aquarium is a Teaching Laboratory, PLEASE SHOW RESPECT FOR THE FACILITY. Speak
softly and exercise care when moving about
Define Ecosystem
Describe the Ecosystem depicted in the Aquarium
Biotic and abiotic factors characterize an ecosystem. Biotic factors are living and abiotic factors are nonliving. Describe 3 biotic components. Include Autotrophs, Heterotrophs.
Describe 3 abiotic components.
The environment acts as a strong force selecting for those organisms best adapted to certain environmental conditions. Those
organisms possessing characteristics best suited for the environment survive and pass on advantageous traits to their offspring.
Over time those organisms most fit for that environment proliferate while those least fit diminish in numbers or don’t survive. Charles
Darwin proposed the theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. The two requirements for natural selection are Heritable Variation and
Differential Reproduction. Over time populations evolved having traits different from their ancestors Gradually new species evolved.
Evolution is the unifying theory in biology that explains diversity.
Many habitats exist in an ecosystem. An organism lives in a particular habitat. In that habitat an organism plays a particular role
called a “niche”. Describe 10 habitats in this Aquatic Ecosystem and one organism that lives in each. Describe the organisms
adaptation to the habitat as it relates to modes of acquisition of food, color advantages related to predator/prey relationships, or
Habitats Description
Organism 1
Within a habitat each organism has an ecological niche, its role or job, in the ecosystem. An
organism may be a producer or a consumer. These are referred to as trophic or “modes of feeding “
levels. An organism is either an Autotrophs (Producers), Heterotroph (primary consumers or herbivores,
secondary consumers or carnivores or omnivores or predator or prey). Heterotrophs that decompose
dead organisms are called detrivores or saprobes. Some organisms live in symbiotic relationships.
Identify organisms that are
Draw the food web of this ecosystem.
What is the role of Algae in this Ecosystem.
How many varieties are present.
What is the largest Algae?
Name five beneficial uses of Algae for Man.
Organisms (Name Four)
Anatomical Distinctions
Go Visit the Grunian Exhibit. Describe the Grunian and the Grunian Run.
What examples of Convergent Evolution, Homologous and Analogous Structures are discussed in the
Aquarium (See Whale Exhibit). Write a brief (one paragraph) synopsis of the theory
On the back of this page draw the Evolutionary tree showing the relationship between all animals phyla
you described earlier.