Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
1. Explain why operating standards are
important and how managers can enforce
2. Identify, implement, and review sales and
service goals for the Front-of-the-House.
3. Identify, implement, and review sales and
service goals for the Back-of-the-House.
4. Describe a nine-step process for scheduling
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
5. Explain how checklists can be used to
monitor quality
6. Explain how communication logs help
monitor quality
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Importance of Operating Standards
• What are Standards?
– Level of quality, speed, food safety, or hospitality
that employees should demonstrate
– Customers receive a consistently good experience
– How staff member should do work tasks
– In place for all areas of the operation
– Example: Exhibit 6.1, p. 171
– Standards →Standard operating procedures (SOP)
– How tasks should be done so standards will be met.
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Importance of Operating Standards
• SOPs Implement Quality Requirements
– What employees must know and do as specified in
their job description
– Mostly routine procedures; work is done more
– Must be reviewed and updated as necessary
– Tools to ensure quality in daily operations
– Can be develop to improve a specific step in a task
– Can be developed after for how an entire task done
– Use task breakdown analysis from position analysis
process (Chapter 2)
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Importance of Operating Standards
• Enforcing SOPs
– In most cases, must be followed without
– Must describe a reasonable procedure
– Discussions about performance problems
– Use Progressive discipline process (Chapter 5)
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
• Correct number of employees in the right
positions at the right times = products and
service meeting expected quality and quantity
• Crew schedule:
– Employees who receive wages when they are
expected to work
– Considers the expected volume of business and the
labor costs incurred
– Balances needs of operation and its customers with
the needs of the employees
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
• Nine steps to plan, manage, and evaluate employee
Step 1: Determine Budgeted Labor Costs
– How much money for be spent for labor
– Strategies to not exceed
– Update as necessary using past, current and future estimates
of number of customers
– Fringe benefits budgeted separately
– Does not include salaried
– Calculations
– Average of $$$ for waged employees each day
– Average number of hours each day and each week
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
Step 2: Create a Master Schedule
– Estimate of labor hours needed to generate the forecasted
– Accurate and meaningful to be used for routine scheduling
– Two purposes:
Correct number of employees in each position
Planning waged labor expenses to meet budget goals
– Exhibit 6.5, p. 179
Waged hours for specific positions, not names
Each hour position must work
Provides average hourly rate and total labor cost
– Used to create crew schedule
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
Step 3: Develop Sales, Service, Production, and Quality
– Sales Forecast; influences on customer counts
– Local Trends
– Customer Service Needs
– Production and Quality
– Master Schedule and the Budget
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
Step 4: Assign Individual Responsibilities
– Which staff member can perform each position
– “Floaters”
– Staff availability is a concern
– Know the days and hours that specific employees
normally work
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
Step 5: Develop a Crew Schedule
– More than inserting specific names
– Balance between needs of operation/customers &
needs of employees
– Should be flexible in design
– Time-off request policy outlining procedures &
guidelines for day-off and vacation requests
– Employee absence policy
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
Step 5: Develop a Crew Schedule (continued)
– Other concerns
Use employees skills & abilities effectively
Special events/circumstances
Training needed & meetings scheduled
Scheduling minors (those under 18)
Fair Labor Standards Act-federal law
Being fair and reasonable
Do not take advantage of the best; nor penalize the
Remember pre-shift & post-shift work
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
Step 6: Distribute & Adjust the Crew Schedule
– Detailed schedule: 7-10 days before its first day
– Posted in central locations, distributed in paychecks,
company intranet
– Contingency plan
• For use in an emergency or an unexpected event
• Cross-train employees
• Identify & compensate shift leaders
• Utilize “floaters”
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
Step 7: Monitoring Employees During a Shift
– Pre-shift ( or “line-up) meetings
– Observation: coaching & positive feedback
– Quality standards enforced
– Production
– Post-shift: address immediate concerns and thank
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
Step 8: Analyzing After-shift Labor Information
– Budget/planned versus actuals = variance
– Variance + or – needs to be examined and
– Forecast evaluation critical to determining
impact on variance
– No such thing as unexplainable excess in labor
– Documentation needed so issues don’t occur in
the future
– safety
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Scheduling Employees
Step 9: Monitor Weekly Labor Costs and Adjust as
– Excess waged labor costs reduce profits
– Exhibit 6.15, p. 196: Weekly labor cost recap
– Two major factors
Will reducing labor costs affect quality &
More than average on high volume days; less
on slower
– safety
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Using Checklists to Monitor Quality
• For specific times in designated areas
• Help employees develop good work habits;
ensures a consistent approach
• Types:
Facility opening and pre-shift
Front-of-the-House opening and pre-shift
Back-of-the-House opening and pre-shift
Financial opening and pre-shift
FOH, BOH, Financial mid-shift
FOH, BOH, Financial closing
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
Using Communications Logs to Monitor Quality
• Used to record shift information to share with
future shifts
• Help show patterns and identify problems
• Capture information to protect from liability
• Types:
Dining room managers
Banquet and catering
Copyright © 2013 by The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Published by Pearson. All rights reserved.
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