Reflector Index, 1894-1897 Use your browser's "Find" command to search for keywords. Abbreviations: E.R. = Eastern Reflector ABSTRACT NEWSPAPER DATE Dr. Morrill elected mayor and policeman of Falkland E.R. 6 June 1894 Death of Mrs. Maria Anderson, 79, at the residence of Mrs. W.A. Bernard in Greenville, where she had lived for years E.R. 6 June 1894 Death of daughter of F.G. James E.R. 6 June 1894 About Professor W.H. Ragsdale’s new house E.R. 6 June 1894 Six minks attack horse of W.C. Haddock E.R. 6 June 1894 Greenville bridge and log rafts E.R. 13 June 1894 Death of Nicey, wife of W.G. Little E.R. 13 June 1894 Isadore Lichtenstein in New York E.R. 13 June 1894 Death of Mrs. William Bland of Parmele E.R. 13 June 1894 Death of Bettie, wife of Herbert Manning E.R. 13 June 1894 Town ordinances concerning gates E.R. 13 June 1894 Advertisement: Greenville lumber mill E.R. 13 June 1894 Advertisement: J.A. Andrew’s Grocer E.R. 13 June 1894 Advertisement: R.L. Humber’s machine works E.R. 13 June 1894 Alice and Helen, two daughters of Mrs. L.C. King of Norfolk, Virginia, attending school near Clinton, N.C. E.R. 13 June 1894 About George Washington in New Bern in 1791 E.R. 13 June 1894 G.R. Little graduate of UNC E.R. 13 June 1894 Negro serenade at convention at William Powell’s E.R. 13 June 1894 Story about local being swindled by quack medicine man E.R. 13 June 1894 About F.C. Harding, librarian at UNC E.R. 13 June 1894 Death of Professor Silas E. Warren of Wilson E.R. 13 June 1894 Lula White at Hollins Institute in Virginia E.R. 13 June 1894 Ada and Martha Hearne at Littleton Female College E.R. 13 June 1894 R. Greene moved into new house E.R. 13 June 1894 Two-and-one-half-pound radish of Hal Williams E.R. 13 June 1894 L.H. Pender, new bike E.R. 13 June 1894 A.G. Cox sells good potato barrels E.R. 13 June 1894 H.A. Sutton builds a neat cottage on his lot opposite his residence E.R. 13 June 1894 About Forbestown being a corn field with a jagged fence row five years ago E.R. 13 June 1894 A.B. Ellington and James Brown dissolved Greenville Ironworks partnership, Brown sole owner E.R. 20 June 1894 Children of W.F. Evans at orphanage E.R. 20 June 1894 W.H. Cox in carriage accident, fell over bridge E.R. 20 June 1894 T.I. Gilliam married sister of D.D. Haskett E.R. 20 June 1894 Death of infant son of J.J. Stokes E.R. 20 June 1894 Ayden stores E.R. 20 June 1894 Potato industry in Ayden E.R. 20 June 1894 Fish fry at Sheppards Mill Pond E.R. 20 June 1894 W.L. Grimmer of Elm City, nephew of J.L. Grimmer E.R. 20 June 1894 Mrs. S.M. Merrit of Atlanta, sister of Mrs. S.B. Wilson E.R. 20 June 1894 Cow stolen from Edgar Buck E.R. 20 June 1894 Alfred Tucker painted fence in front of residence E.R. 20 June 1894 Henry C. Tucker, suffering from severe rheumatism for years, lost his barn to fire E.R. 20 June 1894 Henry Edmonds Barbershop under the Opera House E.R. 20 June 1894 Death of Dr. Richard Williams, b. 1813 E.R. 27 June 1894 Greenville sawmill E.R. 27 June 1894 Son of John Ivey Corbet of Falkland E.R. 27 June 1894 About J.H. Shelburn, a member of the U.S. Revenue Service and brother of E.H. Shelburn Married near Hookerton, John L. Wooten of Greenville, druggist, to Lillie Hooker, daughter of T.E. Hooker E.R. 27 June 1894 Redalia Sunday School E.R. 27 June 1894 Miss Rosa Laughinghouse of Castle Hayne, niece of W.J. Laughinghouse of Quinerly E.R. 27 June 1894 H.C. Jones, contractor, built W.H. Ragsdale home E.R. 27 June 1894 Married, Carrie Coghill, music teacher E.R. 27 June 1894 Professor B.E. Goode to open school E.R. 27 June 1894, 11 July 1894 Lucy Bernard’s school E.R. 27 June 1894 Society to be known as Sons of Veterans organized here E.R. 27 June 1894 G.E. Harris, town clerk, dog badges E.R. 27 June 1894 Cyclone hits S.T. Hookers’ four story tobacco factory and hurts men E.R. 4 July 1894 About lumber mill in Ayden E.R. 4 July 1894 Steamboat Gazelle E.R. 4 July 1894 Claude Wilson married E.R. 4 July 1894 Old brick store fixed up, Mr. Schultz E.R. 4 July 1894 A third story added to King House Hotel on Evans Street E.R. 4 July 1894 Methodist church at Langs Crossroads dedicated E.R. 4 July 1894 Pitt Female Seminary built E.R. 11 July 1894 Benjamin Crawford of Beaver Dam is sick, b. 1800 E.R. 11 July 1894 Death of James L. Tyson, son of Shem and Mary J. Tyson, b. 1871 E.R. 11 July 1894 Officers of Bethel Lodge E.R. 11 July 1894 Rev W.A. Forbes hurt at Ward and Barnhill mill E.R. 11 July 1894 Pitt County Veterans meeting E.R. 11 July 18941 August 1894 68th birthday of Mayor John Peebles Miss Florence Perkins of Washington married to Mr. Harry Webb of Charlotte E.R. 11 July 1894 Meta Chestnut of Grifton, teacher in Indian territory E.R. 11 July 1894 Home of J.R. Warren burned E.R. 11 July 1894 Death of W.W. Worthington, uncle of J.L. Tyson E.R. 11 July 1894 About W.S. Christian’s work on Greenville Index E.R. 11 July 1894 Professor T.C. Manning’s writing class E.R. 11 July 1894 About Forbestown bridge E.R. 11 July 1894 Bethel stores E.R. 18 July 1894 Death of son of Herbert Manning, grandson of McG. Davenport E.R. 18 July 1894 Death of son of J.W. Thomas E.R. 18 July 1894 White and Negro schools in Bethel E.R. 18 July 1894 About J.W. Slaughter E.R. 18 July 1894 James Long’s soda fountain E.R. 18 July 1894 Death of Mrs. Guilford Harris, 80 E.R. 25 July 1894 King House Hotel nearly finished E.R. 25 July 1894 Death of James E. Tucker, son of William D. Tucker, of typhoid fever, 28 years old E.R. 25 July 1894 Ed Adams of Greenville E.R. 25 July 1894 T.S. Ragsdale moved to Greenville E.R. 25 July 1894 Home remedies, folklore E.R. 25 July 1894 Lightening struck at House Station E.R. 25 July 1894 Party at home of Mrs. A.M. Keel in Keelsville E.R. 1 August 1894 Bethel school E.R. 1 August 1894 Forbes and Moye’s new Planters Warehouse E.R. 1 August 1894 Garris Mill, three miles below town E.R. 1 August 1894 Walt Carman assisting with a populist newspaper E.R. 1 August 1894 Bull frog farm in New Bern E.R. 1 August 1894 About Portsmouth, North Carolina E.R. 1 August 1894 Pigs stuck together with tar E.R. 1 August 1894 About children of T.A. Nichols teaching school E.R. 1 August 1894 W.F. Harding, teacher in Charlotte E.R. 1 August 1894 About tobacco warehouses E.R. 8 August 1894 Great freshet, like the one in 1887 E.R. 8 August 1894 Death of Wiley J. Higgs, 57 E.R. 8 August 1894 Jack Laughinghouse, grandson of Dr. C.J. O’Hagan E.R. 8 August 1894 C.T. Munford repairing the old store at Five Points E.R. 8 August 1894 Pile driver putting up fenders on bridge E.R. 8 August 1894 Two story house of H.C. Edwards built at Forbestown E.R. 8 August 1894 Greatest freshet of all time at Grifton E.R. 8 August 1894,22 August 1894 Fred Forbes’ goat E.R. 8 August 1894 Tools and relics of D.B. Evans E.R. 8 August 1894 Jame Brewer and Oscar Hathaway in a fight E.R. 15 August 1894 New white school in Forbestown E.R. 15 August 1894 Death of Adrian Staton E.R. 15 August 1894 Impact of the tobacco market on Greenville E.R. 15 August 1894 H.B. Tripps’ house struck by lightning, people killed E.R. 22 August 1894 Alfred Cully, Negro barber, married E.R. 22 August 1894 Allen Forbes, R.T. Turnage in a fight E.R. 22 August 1894 Death of J.L.W. Nobles E.R. 22 August 1894 J.T. Erwin at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee E.R. 22 August 1894 Death of daughter of W.A. Pollard E.R. 22 August 1894 Muford and Ricks’ Racket and Furniture Store open, managed by A.B. Ellington and W.H. Ricks E.R. 22 August 1894 About R.B. Jarvis E.R. 22 August 1894 About W.H. Ricks E.R. 22 August 1894 Hal Williams, telegraph operator at Reflector office E.R. 22 August 1894 Moonlight excursion of Steamboat Myers E.R. 22 August 1894 Gainer, Bethel Postmaster E.R. 29 August 1894 Greenville Lumber Company E.R. 29 August 1894 Mad dog bit a mule, pony, calf, dog, and duck E.R. 29 August 1894 T.A. Porter’s pig has five legs and twentyeight toes E.R. 29 August 1894 Master Charlie Horne’s run-in with a mule E.R. 29 August 1894 About Pitt Female Seminary E.R. 29 August 1894 Mrs. J.C. Lanier of Wilson, daughter of Mrs. J. Peebles E.R. 29 August 1894 Allen Kitrell shot snake and turkey E.R. 5 September 1894 Child’s game in Greenville, Up Jinks E.R. 5 September 1894 Bettie, daughter of R.A. Tyson, went to Winston-Salem to enter Salem Female Seminary E.R. 5 September 1894 About voice of Mrs. J.B. Cherry E.R. 5 September 1894 Bethel stores E.R. 5 September 1894 Advertisement: D.W. Hardee, grocer E.R. 5 September 1894 Advertisement: W.H. White General Merchandise E.R. 5 September 1894 Death of W.H. Roberson of Carolina Township E.R. 5 September 1894 J.F. Harrington, clerk of W.H. White Company E.R. 5 September 1894 About Honorable John S. Harris’ elegant home, ten miles from Greenville E.R. 5 September 1894 Lula White attended Hollins Institute in Virginia E.R. 12 September 1894 About the third story added to the King House Hotel E.R. 12 September 1894 Twenty-eight people baptized at Forbes Mill Pond E.R. 12 September 1894 B.F. Patrick planted 1/2 acre of sugar cane and made 138 gallons of syrup E.R. 12 September 1894 Death of Fernando Fleming, Negro E.R. 12 September 1894 Turner Smith and John Page in a fight E.R. 12 September 1894 Death of J.D. Williamson buggy factory E.R. 12 September 1894 A.J. Grifton, new house in Forbestown owner, husband of Sophia Adams Alligator in Craven County E.R. 12 September 1894 C.S. Forbes attended Trinity College E.R. 12 September 1894 Death of Mrs. E.A. Moye E.R. 12 September 1894 Gray Cory, fire in tobacco barn E.R. 19 September 1894 Claude Joyner taught at Pleasant Grove near Bethel in District 84 E.R. 19 September 1894 Mrs. Ora Whichard and A. Forbes Kennedy married at the home of Mrs. V.H. Whichard by Rev. G.F. Smith E.R. 19 September 1894 About products made by G.C. Moore, manager of Mrs. Susan Atkinson’s business in Greene County E.R. 19 September 1894 Bear killed at Chicod by Calvin and J.H. Mills E.R. 19 September 1894 William Powell house in Parmele E.R. 26 September 1894 Death of Miss Margaret Little E.R. 26 September 1894 About James Killebrew E.R. 26 September 1894 Greenville Amateurs E.R. 26 September 1894 Mrs. S.A. Cherry had cataract removed E.R. 26 September 1894 D.S. Spain moved family to Greenville E.R. 26 September 1894 Myra Skinner at Salem Female Academy E.R. 26 September 1894 J.L. Wooten building house on Fifth Street E.R. 26 September 1894 A.J. Griffin, new house in Forbestown E.R. 26 September 1894 Forbes Mill baptisms E.R. 26 September 1894 Old China plate found in hollow near Pactolus E.R. 26 September 1894 Parmele stores E.R. 3 October 1894 H.A. Joyner, dentist E.R. 3 October 1894 Appie Smith, daughter of J.S. Smith, at Norfolk College E.R. 3 October 1894 Stores of S.M. Schultz and M.R. Lang E.R. 3 October 1894 Gardnersville school E.R. 3 October 1894 About F.G. James, mayor of Greenville (picture) E.R. 3 October 1894 About Solomon M. Jones E.R. 3 October 1894 About John D. Cox E.R. 3 October 1894 Wife of Alfred Leggett, drowned E.R. 3 October 1894 Negro robbed Pactolus depot E.R. 3 October 1894 Peter Plummer’s restaurant E.R. 3 October 1894 Dog chased cat into well and drowned E.R. 3 October 1894 Death of Rufus Grimmer, brother of J.L. Grimmer E.R. 3 October 1894 Weather signal poles E.R. 3 October 1894 Reverend W.A. Forbes of Bethel E.R. 3 October 1894 About J.C. Albritton E.R. 10 October 1894 Grimesland Methodist Church E.R. 10 October 1894 E.O. McGowan at Planters Warehouse E.R. 10 October 1894 Hines and Hamilton prize house behind old Greenville Warehouse E.R. 10 October 1894 John W. Carson ran a merry-go-round E.R. 10 October 1894 About Willis R. Williams E.R. 10 October 1894 About Henry Harding E.R. 10 October 1894 About R.W. King E.R. 10 October 1894 About Mrs. Isabella Moore, widow of James S. Moore E.R. 10 October 1894 About Dr. Charles O’Hagan Laughinghouse E.R. 10 October 1894 W.S. Wooten of Pitt County in Texas E.R. 10 October 1894 About Ollin E. Warren E.R. 17 October 1894 R.D. Cherry E.R. 17 October 1894 M.R. Lang closing his store E.R. 17 October 1894 About John Flanagan E.R. 17 October 1894 About J.B. Kilpatrick E.R. 17 October 1894 Sale of J.D. Williamson’s carriage shop E.R. 17 October 1894 J.M. Williams lost 100 hogs in freshet at Falkland E.R. 17 October 1894 W.H. Harper’s sawmill at Parmele E.R. 24 October 1894 Vandals in town tearing up lamps and fences E.R. 24 October 1894 Death of Mrs. Patsy Brooks near Red Banks E.R. 24 October 1894 Death of Mrs. Nicey Patrick at the home of her son, B.F. Patrick E.R. 24 October 1894 Sale of Penny Hill farm E.R. 24 October 1894 W.A. Garris, 12, grew first crop of tobacco E.R. 24 October 1894 About growth of Winterville and stores E.R. 24 October 1894 J.J. Cory opened Oyster restaurant beside harness shop E.R. 24 October 1894 Henry Sheppard moved into Mrs. A.M. Clarke’s residence E.R. 24 October 1894 H.F. Harris gone to New Bern to open shoe store E.R. 31 October 1894 About Dr. H.A. Joyner, dentist E.R. 31 October 1894 M.T. Speir married Hattie Cobb E.R. 31 October 1894 S.T. Glisson moved from Robersonville to Parmele E.R. 31 October 1894 Charles J. O’Hagan and James Moore at Oxford school E.R. 31 October 1894 Polk Miller at Opera House E.R. 31 October 1894 Political fight at Parker’s Crossroads, Negro band attacked E.R. 31 October 1894 Greenville Amateurs E.R. 31 October 1894 Robert Moye, hunter E.R. 7 November 1894 Home of Robert Smith of Black Jack burned E.R. 7 November 1894 R.L. Humber putting up foundry with machine shop E.R. 7 November 1894 W.H. Long, new bicycle E.R. 7 November 1894 Mary O. Laughinghouse married to J. Bryan Grimes E.R. 7 November 1894 H.A Joyner’s dental office E.R. 7 November 1894 Dr. B. Chear of Plymouth moved to Greenville E.R. 14 November 1894 Fire at Greenville lumber mill E.R. 14 November 1894 S.A. Gainer resigned as county commissioner, became postmaster at Bethel E.R. 14 November 1894 J.J. Cherry moved family into Hotel Macon E.R. 14 November 1894 J. White moved into J.J. Cherry’s house, will operate a boarding house E.R. 14 November 1894 Tucker and Edwards’ livery stable, horses E.R. 14 November 1894 and mules Penny Press started, published by Christian and Rawls, Lee Rawls, editor E.R. 14 November 1894 Death of John B. Nichols of Beaver Dam E.R. 14 November 1894 About Ayden stores E.R. 21 November 1894 Mrs. L. Cobb’s hotel in Grifton E.R. 21 November 1894 J.C. Albritton returned home E.R. 21 November 1894 W.S. Leggett sold out store E.R. 21 November 1894 Irvin Rumley has bought out the butcher business of Moses King and consolidated it with his own E.R. 21 November 1894 About the family of R.E. Brown, north side of the Tar River E.R. 21 November 1894 Death of Lafayette Dillahunt, Jones County Sheriff E.R. 28 November 1894 Death of G.E. Taft, 60 E.R. 28 November 1894 F.C. Harding in Laurinburg E.R. 28 November 1894 Death of Mrs. J.B. Ellis in Craven County E.R. 28 November 1894 Foul chimney of S.B. Wilson, Jarvis Harding climbing roof E.R. 28 November 1894 Redding Norris and Jesse Baker attack W.H. Strum E.R. 28 November 1894 R.M. Starkey moved to Forbestown E.R. 28 November 1894 About sugar caning of Calvin Mills, Chicod E.R. 5 December 1894 About all the county commissioners E.R. 5 December 1894 H.C. Edwards moved into new house in Forbestown E.R. 5 December 1894 Fred Cox moved to Greenville E.R. 5 December 1894 About W.W. Leggett E.R. 5 December 1894 Zeno Moore building a new house E.R. 5 December 1894 Henry Beddard and Bennett Speight in a fight E.R. 5 December 1894, 19 December 1894 M.R. Lang got crayon portrait done for people E.R. 5 December 1894 List of stores in Greenville E.R. 12 December 1894 About Othus L. Joyner E.R. 12 December 1894 Gold found in the well of Major L.C. E.R. 12 December 1894 Latham of Greenville R.A. Tyson’s school on Greene Street remodeled into house E.R. 12 December 1894 Cornelius Kinsaul called "Uncle Neal" E.R. 12 December 1894 Story of first tobacco warehouse E.R. 12 December 1894 About Charles Munford’s store and Greenville mills E.R. 12 December 1894 R.L. Humber nearly lost an eye E.R. 12 December 1894 L.H. Pender’s bicycle E.R. 12 December 1894 Police chief W.B. James and assistant T.R. Moore, new winter coats E.R. 12 December 1894 J.M. Reuss returned to Greenville, working for S.E. Shelburn E.R. 12 December 1894 George W. Williams moved to Greenville from Toisnot E.R. 12 December 1894 About Jesse Smith and his son, John S. Smith E.R. 12 December 1894 About J.B. Cherry and T.R. Cherry E.R. 12 December 1894 About J.L. Starkey and Company E.R. 12 December 1894 About Frank Wilson E.R. 12 December 1894 Ben Williams, Negro restaurant owner E.R. 19 December 1894 Hotel Macon bus accident E.R. 19 December 1894 Death of widow of late sheriff W.A. Quinerly E.R. 19 December 1894 Messers Sheppard, and Highsmith are prepared to put up electric bells and magneto or bell telephones for those wishing E.R. 19 December 1894 Lovit Hines selling lots to build at Greenville lumber mill E.R. 26 December 1894 Death of daughter of J.J. Rollins E.R. 26 December 1894 James H. Barnhill, insane, in Durham E.R. 26 December 1894, 19December 1894 W.S. Bernard teaching E.R. 26 December 1894 About Germain Bernard, son of J.P. Bernard of Durham E.R. 26 December 1894 Best boarding house table, King House E.R. 26 December 1894 Messers James and Wiley Brown exchange E.R. 26 December 1894 residences A.B. Ellington moved to Perkins house on Fourth Street E.R. 26 December 1894 W.H. Harrington and J.A. Thigpen suing Pitt County to be sheriff and treasurer E.R. 26 December 1894 J.J. Stokes and Company, Ayden, dissolved; J.J. Stokes and J. W. Allen E.R. 26 December 1894 G.E. Harris moved family into the Fleming house on the corner of Fourth and Cotanche Streets, opposite Mrs. Dr. Williams E.R. 26 December 1894 Eighteen hotels and boarding houses in Greenville, not including restaurants E.R. 26 December 1894 Thieves stole turkey of Dr. J. Morrill of Falkland E.R. 26 December 1894 J.R. Cory’s harness shops, Ayden and Greenville E.R. 26 December 1894 Reunion of J.B. Johnson family E.R. 26 December 1894 Death of W.T. Smith, keeper of Poor House E.R. 26 December 1894 Death of child of Dr. W.H. Bagwell E.R. 9 January 1895 R.J.W. Carson moved from farm to Bethel E.R. 9 January 1895 J.S.L. Ward moved from Bethel to farm E.R. 9 January 1895 T.T. Cherry moved to Conetoe E.R. 9 January 1895 Staton Cherry and Bunting store, Bethel E.R. 9 January 1895 W.G. Lang and Company of Farmville dissolved E.R. 9 January 1895 Death of J.R. Walker, son of A.S. Walker E.R. 9 January 1895 B.R. King of Falkland moved to Goldsboro E.R. 9 January 1895 Cook’s Ginhouse fire in Falkland E.R. 9 January 1895 C.C. Vines rented house in Falkland E.R. 9 January 1895 Will Blow hurt E.R. 9 January 1895 Sam Ross elected bridgekeeper E.R. 9 January 1895 Aylmer Sugg at school E.R. 9 January 1895 Mr. B.L. Cooper has moved to Mr. C. Stephen’s near the bridge E.R. 9 January 1895 Isaac Hardy moved to town and occupies one of the Elliott buildings on Cotanche E.R. 9 January 1895 Street Mr. H.T. King has purchased the Index from Mr. Joyner E.R. 9 January 1895, 16 January 1895 J.E. Tyer moved to Baltimore, Maryland E.R. 9 January 1895 W.S. Fleming’s potato farm E.R. 16 January 1895 Work progressing on new R.L. Humber house E.R. 16 January 1895 Charles Cobb of Farmville moved to Greenville E.R. 16 January 1895 Zeno Stocks and son of White Hall, Illinois, visiting E.R. 16 January 1895 Death of George Dixon of Grimesland E.R. 16 January 1895 Mrs. Julia Nelson of Hobgood, sister of R.L. Humber E.R. 16 January 1895 Put shells on street E.R. 16 January 1895 School at Grindool E.R. 16 January 1895 Death of daughter of E.S. Phelps E.R. 16 January 1895 Son of J.H. Kinion hurt E.R. 23 January 1895 Death of Theo Bland Jr. in gin explosion at Grifton E.R. 23 January 1895 Bethel stores E.R. 23 January 1895 J.S. Keel of Bethel moved to Penny Hill E.R. 23 January 1895 J.W. Smith had old ring in family several generations E.R. 23 January 1895 Death of Willie Jones, 70, of Ayden E.R. 23 January 1895 Bar room on Bernard corner near Court House E.R. 23 January 1895 About Presbyterian Minister, Reverend J.N.H. Summerall E.R. 23 January 1895 About Professor Charles Foust, had sister, Mrs. J.S. Harris E.R. 23 January 1895 About F.C. Harding, lawyer E.R. 23 January 1895 About College City, houses rent for three dollars per month E.R. 23 January 1895 About S.T. White buying out father, Capt. C.A. White E.R. 23 January 1895 Distillery on land of J.J. Evans E.R. 23 January 1895 Ola Forbes and Jesse Speight co-partnering E.R. 23 January 1895 to sell fertilizer R.L. Humber married E.R. 23 January 1895, 6 February 1895 Hooker prize house hurt by wind E.R. 30 January 1895 Ayden business E.R. 30 January 1895 Death of Mrs. Pollie Jones, 80, of Ayden, daughter of Arthur McLawhorn E.R. 30 January 1895 About family of Israel Edwards of Chicod E.R. 30 January 1895 Married, Hattie Bynum to Joseph Parish E.R. 30 January 1895 J.A. Ricks and Company Racket store dissolved E.R. 30 January 1895 W.E. Belcher hurt E.R. 30 January 1895 C .C. Vines building home in Falkland E.R. 30 January 1895 T .J. Campbell, brother of Mrs. A.J. Griffin E.R. 30 January 1895 B.R. King in Goldsboro E.R. 30 January 1895 Death of Mrs. Allen Forbes E.R. 30 January 1895 L.H. Pender, Ola Forbes, and R.M. Moye went hunting on bicycles E.R. 6 February 1895 Tobacco Prize House blown down E.R. 6 February 1895 Death of Dr. J. Robert Eborn, 74, oldest son of Benjamin L. Eborn, brother of Mrs. Lucy Randolph E.R. 6 February 1895 S.M. Schultz purchased store of Wiley Brown E.R. 6 February 1895 Bicycle accident, funny E.R. 13 February 1895 Postmaster, Mrs. D.E. Doughty, hurt on ice E.R. 13 February 1895 Ayden stores E.R. 13 February 1895 Dr. C.J. O’Hagan almost drowned E.R. 13 February 1895 Death in Atlanta of G.W. Hellen of Grifton E.R. 13 February 1895 Lovit Hines of Greenville Lumber Company gave wood to the poor E.R. 13 February 1895 Widening Dickinson Avenue E.R. 13 February 1895 Eight stores in Ayden E.R. 13 February 1895 Sawmill at Grifton burned E.R. 13 February 1895 Greenville Amateurs E.R. 13 February 1895 Cornelia Forbes married E.R. 20 February 1895 Death of David McKinny, born May 10, 1788 E.R. 20 February 1895 Death of Mrs. Delilah E. Doughty from fall on ice E.R. 20 February 1895 Story about Allen Warren talking in his sleep E.R. 20 February 1895 Married near Goldsboro, Henry C. Hooker to Carrie K. Latham, February 13, 1895 E.R. 20 February 1895 Reverend G.F. Smith E.R. 20 February 1895 Allen R. Blount of New York, formerly of Pitt County, in Ayden visiting E.R. 20 February 1895 L.H. Pender snow bicycle E.R. 20 February 1895 Death of W.A. James Sr. at Bethel E.R. 20 February 1895 Death of Jane Worsley E.R. 20 February 1895 John Smith, rat killing in store E.R. 27 February 1895 Dick Kinion traded horse for pocket knife E.R. 27 February 1895 Death of J.H. Highsmith, father of Z.F. Highsmith E.R. 27 February 1895 Death of D.W. Hobgood of Contentnea Township E.R. 27 February 1895 Greenville Public School E.R. 27 February 1895 Mrs. Sallie Wilson of Williamston, mother of Mrs. F.M. Kilpatrick of Quinerly E.R. 27 February 1895 Death of Howard N. Johnson of Green Leaf Johnson Lumber Company E.R. 27 February 1895 Two new bicycles E.R. 27 February 1895 Joseph Tripp moving E.R. 27 February 1895 Mr. Leggett moved into Zeno Morris new house on Dickinson Avenue E.R. 27 February 1895 Mr. Whitley, coast line agent at Parmele E.R. 27 February 1895 Death of Mrs. A.G. Conelly, nee Bessie Hatton E.R. 27 February 1895 Death of E.C. Blount, Pitt County Representative E.R. 6 March 1895 New tobacco warehouse, owners, C.D. Rountree, McG. Ernul, and Wiley Brown E.R. 6 March 1895 Ayden/Harriston E.R. 6 March 1895 Fight between Ben Frank Hardee and Pete E.R. 6 March 1895 Hardee, Ben died T.L. Turnage, 740 pound hog E.R. 6 March 1895 Bethel, latest fad, throwing thirty pound maul, J.R. Bunting, champion E.R. 6 March 1895 Officers of Pitt County Rifles E.R. 13 March 1895 W.B. Bland, hunter and furs E.R. 13 March 1895 J.R. Williams and H.B. Tucker ordained at Red Banks Church E.R. 13 March 1895 Death of Blaney Joyner near Farmville E.R. 13 March 1895 Agent J.R. Moore built two new cottages near depot, this makes nine dwellings built there E.R. 13 March 1895 G.A. Baker, overseer for Col I.A. Sugg E.R. 13 March 1895 No sheriff in Pitt County for some time E.R. 13 March 1895 A.B. Ellington, wallpaper agent E.R. 13 March 1895 Death of Mrs. Margaret Murray, wife of William Murray E.R. 13 March 1895 Will Blow moved to Nashville E.R. 13 March 1895 John H. Taft E.R. 13 March 1895 W.C. Hines moved into his new house on Second Street E.R. 13 March 1895 J.J. Tucker of Chicod, turkey hunter E.R. 20 March 1895 Death of Reverend R.P. Hill, 65, of Greene County, suicide E.R. 20 March 1895 Richard Smith and Walter Williams of Contentnea township ran away E.R. 20 March 1895 Treasure found in Stanley County E.R. 20 March 1895 Burglar at Alfred Forbes’ home E.R. 20 March 1895 Death of Negro Minister, Reverend P.W. Williams E.R. 20 March 1895 Drunkard, Reverend Phillips of Pitt County E.R. 20 March 1895 Ambrose Johnson accident E.R. 20 March 1895 Reverend J.M. Barfield of Ayden E.R. 20 March 1895 McWhorters’ school E.R. 20 March 1895 Death of Mrs. Artemissa Whitfield, age 70, at home of sister, Mrs. J.O. Nelson of Carolina Township E.R. 20 March 1895 Death of Miss Havens Cherry, age 28, E.R. 20 March 1895 sister of T.B. Cherry and Miss Lela Cherry Mrs. J.B. Cherry, singer E.R. 20 March 1895 About Reverend Phillips, Pitt County Legislator and drunk E.R. 20 March 1895 About name of Ayden, Harriston E.R. 20 March 1895, 27 March 1895 Alligator in Kinston E.R. 27 March 1895 Lumber up against bridge in freshet E.R. 27 March 1895 C.T. Munsford to build three story houses in Forbestown E.R. 27 March 1895 Mrs. Bettie Taft lived on corner of Second and Evans Streets E.R. 27 March 1895 Race track constructed at Greenville, Farmville Road E.R. 27 March 1895, 3 April 1895, 26 June 1895 Death of Evan Evans of Brooklyn, New York, age 78, brother of B.D. Evans E.R. 27 March 1895 Large sign painted in front of King house E.R. 27 March 1895 E.B. Higgs, one mile from town, smokehouse robbed E.R. 27 March 1895 W.T. Godwin enlarging his workshop on Dickinson Avenue E.R. 27 March 1895 L.H. Rountree moved out to farm E.R. 27 March 1895 J.C. Lanier moved from Wilson to Greenville E.R. 27 March 1895 Fire engine salesman in Greenville, trying to sell one to Greenville E.R. 27 March 1895 Dissolved: R. Greene and Company and W.H. Cox E.R. 3 April 1895 Mrs. G.E. Harris built house on Cotanche Street E.R. 3 April 1895 Old town bell gives out E.R. 3 April 1895 Baseball club organized at Falkland E.R. 3 April 1895 Death of Mrs. Tom Worthington, age 23, daughter of Samuel McLawhorn E.R. 3 April 1895 Death of Mrs. Fannie Hobgood of Contentnea Township E.R. 3 April 1895 Death of Mrs. Richard Anderson of Contentnea Township E.R. 3 April 1895 Wyatt Tucker of Chicod, turpentine farmer E.R. 3 April 1895 Fire at the home of A.L. Blow E.R. 3 April 1895 Fourth tobacco warehouse E.R. 3 April 1895 Bicycles of Zeb Highsmith and Mark Cherry E.R. 3 April 1895 Mrs. R.L. Humber, organist at Baptist church E.R. 3 April 1895 No brickyard in Greenville E.R. 3 April 1895 New house of H.C. Edwards of Forbestown E.R. 3 April 1895 J.M. Blow and W.F. Burch open newspaper E.R. 10 April 1895 Ayden stores E.R. 10 April 1895 Greenville fire engine E.R. 10 April 1895 J.J. Cherry Jr. and wife Mamie divorced E.R. 10 April 1895 About the county home E.R. 10 April 1895 H.G. Jones moved to Greenville E.R. 10 April 1895 Will Perkins joins circus E.R. 10 April 1895 About post office E.R. 10 April 1895 Purple magnolias in Col. Harry Skinners’ yard E.R. 10 April 1895 New fish stall at market house E.R. 10 April 1895 Christian and Rawls’ printing office moved to W.S. Rawls; jewelry store E.R. 10 April 1895 J.R. Cory building residence beside foundry E.R. 10 April 1895 Race track E.R. 10 April 1895, 17 April 1895 Death of Warren Tyson of Belvoir Township E.R. 17 April 1895 Chief of police W.B. James resigned E.R. 17 April 1895 Mrs. J.L. Wooten of Greenville, sister of T.E. Hooker of Hookerton E.R. 17 April 1895 Sam James hurt at Parmele Eccleston Lumber Company E.R. 17 April 1895 Greenville Lumber Company fire E.R. 17 April 1895 Mule kicked Josh Mills E.R. 17 April 1895 About farmer H.C. Jefferson E.R. 17 April 1895 About James School in Grindool E.R. 17 April 1895 W.L. Cobb and new race track E.R. 17 April 1895 Ayden stores E.R. 17 April 1895 About S.A. Congleton E.R. 17 April 1895 Room just vacated by the printing office being fitted for Henry Sheppard and Z.F. Highsmith E.R. 17 April 1895 Forbestown bridge E.R. 24 April 1895 Death of son of M.C. Manning of Bethel E.R. 24 April 1895 Tobacco warehouse and Masonic hall of Grifton E.R. 24 April 1895 Sturgeon caught at Goff’s landing E.R. 24 April 1895 W.C. Darden of Greenville appointed director of state penitentiary E.R. 24 April 1895 Death of David Andrews of Bethel E.R. 24 April 1895 Eborn house near Methodist church vacant E.R. 24 April 1895 Death of John D. Powell E.R. 24 April 1895 Horse accident at Academy Hill and Forbestown Bridge E.R. 24 April 1895 Daughter of John Sutton hurt E.R. 24 April 1895 S.M. Schultz to add another story to his store, H.G. Jones contractor E.R. 24 April 1895 Greenville Confederate Reunion E.R. 24 April 1895 Wife of B.H. Sugg, b. 1814 E.R. 1 May 1895 Mrs. E.B. Higgs ground diamond ring in coffee E.R. 1 May 1895 Fire company organizes officers E.R. 1 May 1895 Lunsford Fleming caught carp in a field E.R. 1 May 1895 Horse races E.R. 1 May 1895 Funny mule E.R. 1 May 1895 J.C. Lanier marble yard E.R. 1 May 1895 Ayden city officers E.R. 8 May 1895 Bethel city officers E.R. 8 May 1895, 15 May 1895 Centreville Academy E.R. 8 May 1895 Story about Mr. Hamilton and his wife, Negro nurse E.R. 8 May 1895 Fire engine E.R. 8 May 1895, 15 May 1895 Asa Garris, story about snake with 20 frogs inside E.R. 8 May 1895 John Lockamy cut off toes E.R. 8 May 1895 Death of J.F. Speight, 40 E.R. 8 May 1895 Grifton Guide E.R. 8 May 1895 Story about J. Proctor E.R. 8 May 1895 Bethlehem Church E.R. 8 May 1895 A.P. Murray, superintendent of Riverside Nursey E.R. 8 May 1895 Ice cream freezer of D.D. Haskett E.R. 8 May 1895 Women’s club called Sporty Five E.R. 8 May 1895 Greenville town tax, levees on everything E.R. 8 May 1895 Bad sanitation E.R. 8 May 1895 Story about Cottondale farm E.R. 15 May 1895 Death of B.F. Bryan, ex-postmaster of Bethel E.R. 15 May 1895 Death of son of G.B. Whitfield, struck by lightning E.R. 15 May 1895 Death of Mrs. Pattie Smith near Farmville, wife of J.L. Smith, sister of B.S. and Henry Sheppard and Mrs. J.T. Smith of Greenville E.R. 15 May 1895 The son of Crandell Little of Pactolus Township drowned E.R. 15 May 1895 Artist visiting Greenville E.R. 15 May 1895 Married at Mildred, Henry G. Burton of England to Cora Lee Mayo E.R. 15 May 1895 Photographer Barns taking pictures of buildings E.R. 15 May 1895 Story about Larry Heilbroner E.R. 15 May 1895 New house of J.L. Sugg on Fifth Street E.R. 15 May 1895 Bethel items E.R. 15 May 1895 H.G. Jones building new tobacco warehouse E.R. 15 May 1895 Tripp Chapel E.R. 15 May 1895 Death of Mrs. Eliza J. Vines of Washington, North Carolina, mother of E.R. 15 May 1895 Miss Mollie Vines and Reverend F.A. Vines Trained carp at Riverside Nursery E.R. 15 May 1895 Roof fell in at S.M. Schultz’s new store E.R. 15 May 1895 Death of Miss Anna Eliza Bernard, born April 25, 1825, a mute sister of the late Honorable Germain Bernard E.R. 22 May 1895 Story about the word "mortician" E.R. 22 May 1895 Bluebirds found dead in a tree E.R. 22 May 1895 Death of Jesse T. Forrest in Greene County, CSA E.R. 29 May 1895 Martins killed in front of Court House E.R. 29 May 1895 Death of Zeno Greene E.R. 29 May 1895 Bennie, son of B.S. Sheppard, went to school at Coharia E.R. 29 May 1895 Death of Mrs. Martha Whitehurst of Bethel E.R. 29 May 1895 Mrs. C.M. Bernard’s school closed E.R. 29 May 1895 Bicycle accident of Walter Pender and Zeb Highsmith E.R. 29 May 1895 Weather station started in Ayden E.R. 29 May 1895 Revival at Sycamore Hill E.R. 29 May 1895 G.E. Harris moved into new residence on Cotanche Street E.R. 29 May 1895 E.C. Williams and brother moved to Elliot building on Cotanche Street E.R. 29 May 1895 The building for the new fire engine nearly complete E.R. 29 May 1895, 19 June 1895 Tobacco inspection 1791, Greenville E.R. 29 May 1895 Bonner’s Lane, owned by Mrs. A.M. Clark, was sold to the city E.R. 5 June 1895 W.H. Cox appointed Greenville tax collector E.R. 5 June 1895 Bryant Gardner of Grifton, a midget, 4 feet 4 inches, 134 pounds E.R. 5 June 1895 Death of Warren Tucker, 72 E.R. 5 June 1895 Death of Meyer Rice, 72 E.R. 5 June 1895 Pitt Board of Education dissolved E.R. 5 June 1895 Town superintendent abolished E.R. 5 June 1895 Rowing party to Goff’s Landing E.R. 5 June 1895 About Professor W.H. Ragsdale, Superintendent of Pitt County Public Instruction E.R. 5 June 1895 William Tucker and sisters Ella and Pattie Tucker, girls attend Holly Springs School E.R. 5 June 1895 R.L. Humber moved into new house E.R. 5 June 1895 Story about contractors H.G. Jones and W.J. Cowell E.R. 5 June 1895 Alfred Forbes put fire pump in yard E.R. 5 June 1895 New houses in Greenville of Sheriff R.W. King W.H. Ragsdale and W.H. White E.R. 5 June 1895 Dreams come true, H.G. Jones, contractor, ESP E.R. 12 June 1895 Death of J.R. Overton, CSA E.R. 12 June 1895 Indecent exposure of boys bathing in river E.R. 12 June 1895 Greenville Lumber Company expanding E.R. 12 June 1895 Monument to CSA soldiers at Cherry Hill, graves on Green Mill Run Road E.R. 12 June 1895 Plank sewers put on Dickinson Avenue E.R. 12 June 1895 Story about boys and green apples E.R. 12 June 1895 J.C. Lanier at Fourth Street Dancy property E.R. 12 June 1895 New steamboat on river, Carolina E.R. 12 June 1895 W.L. Brown in charge of Cherry Hill Cemetery E.R. 12 June 1895 Story about Reverend G.F. Smith E.R. 12 June 1895, 17 July 1895 W.T. Godwin building house on Dickinson Avenue E.R. 19 June 1895 Story about Cherry Hill Cemetery E.R. 19 June 1895 Fire at Parmele Eccleston Lumber Company E.R. 19 June 1895 Story about E.J. Proctor E.R. 19 June 1895 Story about Job Thigpen of Texas E.R. 19 June 1895 Story about W.R. Smith E.R. 19 June 1895 Story about W.B. James E.R. 19 June 1895 Story about bonnets E.R. 19 June 1895 Death of daughter of A.B. Cherry of Bethel E.R. 26 June 1895 W.R. Whichard Jr., Coastline agent at Whichard Station E.R. 26 June 1895 H.W. Whichard at school in Georgia E.R. 26 June 1895 Peyton Atkins visiting mother in Norfolk E.R. 26 June 1895 Carlos Harris sign painter, painted sign of S.M. Schultz’s store E.R. 26 June 1895 Stores at Oakley E.R. 26 June 1895 Bicycle laws E.R. 26 June 1895 Bluebirds dying off E.R. 26 June 1895 Story about R.B. Hester E.R. 26 June 1895 Ola Forbes’ bicycle run E.R. 26 June 1895 S.R. Ross, keeper of the draw bridge E.R. 26 June 1895 Pollard’s Mill E.R. 26 June 1895 Parmele stores E.R. 26 June 1895 For Sale: James Brown Foundry and Wood Shop E.R. 26 June 1895 Story about young men who built a lawn tennis court near the cemetery and had some interesting games E.R. 26 June 1895 Story about Bryant Hardee’s mules E.R. 3 July 1895 Death of B.O. Fleming E.R. 3 July 1895 Methodist church at Grindool E.R. 3 July 1895 J.J. Corey whortleberry canning factory E.R. 3 July 1895, 10 July 1895 Burney S. Wilson of B.S. Wilson manager of W.U.Tel. Company in Orangeburg, South Carolina E.R. 3 July 1895 Charles Forbes’ lawn tennis court near his father’s residence E.R. 3 July 1895 Large huckleberry pie E.R. 3 July 1895 Story about S.A. Congleton E.R. 3 July 1895 Bread from T.A. Nichols and Elder Billy’s Bakery from 1869 E.R. 3 July 1895 Oakley items E.R. 10 July 1895 Bethel school E.R. 10 July 1895 Turkey gobbler of E.S. Edwards, sitting on potatoes E.R. 10 July 1895 J.O. Briley moved to Greenville July 4th, cannon touched off, bicycle race, and horse race E.R. 10 July 1895 Death of Fannie Moore, 81, widow of Reverend Redding Moore E.R. 10 July 1895 Frog fight E.R. 10 July 1895 Death of W.F. Williams of Carolina Township E.R. 10 July 1895 Mr. R.E. Cox of New York, son of W.H. Cox, visiting E.R. 17 July 1895 Bronson Jarvis moved to Trinidad, Colorado E.R. 17 July 1895 Pitt County Rifles E.R. 17 July 1895 W.H. Cox accident remembered E.R. 17 July 1895 About Z.F. Highsmith E.R. 17 July 1895 Buck Forbes E.R. 17 July 1895 Stables built at Star Warehouse E.R. 17 July 1895 About M.C.S. Cherry E.R. 17 July 1895 About Pitt County School System E.R. 17 July 1895 Story about goat eating man’s hat E.R. 17 July 1895 Children’s parade E.R. 17 July 1895 Old brick store E.R. 17 July 1895 G.N. Warren hurt E.R. 17 July 1895 Death of Mrs. Willie Rightsell, 35, daughter of William Rountree of Lenoir County E.R. 24 July 1895 Death of E.S. Galloway, 50, son of John Galloway, married Alice Tucker, daughter of Joshua Tucker E.R. 24 July 1895 Death of Lovie Butler E.R. 31 July 1895 Bethel churches E.R. 31 July 1895 T.A. Nichols, farm and daughters E.R. 31 July 1895 Joe Forbes restaurant broken into E.R. 31 July 1895 Nelson Warren’s arm amputated E.R. 31 July 1895 John Quinerly, fox hunter E.R. 7 August 1895 Berry Belcher’s house burned, two miles below Pactolus bridge over Grindle Creek E.R. 7 August 1895 Advertisement: College Hotel, Mrs. Della Gay E.R. 7 August 1895 Charlie Forbes, mandolin player, Allen Warren, guitar player E.R. 7 August 1895 William Outterbridge, son of A.J. Outterbridge E.R. 14 August 1895 Depot too small E.R. 14 August 1895 Confederate reunion E.R. 14 August 1895 A white and liver colored setter named "Shot" stolen from E.M. McGowan E.R. 14 August 1895 Story about Hodges family- Mrs. Lucretia Hodges, b. Chicod Township, Pitt County, July 12, 1792, had seven children, her son S.V. Hodges, 59, had 17 children E.R. 14 August 1895 Goat arrested in Ayden E.R. 14 August 1895 Lumber mill of J.Z. Brooks in Grifton burned E.R. 14 August 1895 Hortense Forbes’ music school E.R. 14 August 1895 History of Samuel Schultz, b. 1855 in Richmond Virginia, now has store in Wiley Brown’s old store E.R. 21 August 1895 Second robbery of Joel Gardner, wealthy man E.R. 21 August 1895 Death of James Galloway, 77, near Grimesland, widow and eight children E.R. 21 August 1895 John Turnage killed another man in Greene County E.R. 21 August 1895, 28 August 1895 Death of Bessie Joyner Malone in Fletcher, North Carolina E.R. 28 August 1895 Story about son of W.H. Cox, R.E. Cox exonerated of robbery on New York E.R. 28 August 1895 Death of William Tyson E.R. 4 September 1895 Joe Brooks and nephew of Memphis, Tennessee, visiting E.R. 4 September 1895 L.A. Colter, cadet E.R. 4 September 1895 Story about W.F. Brand and relics of the Mexican-American War in Greene County E.R. 11 September 1895 About W.W. Moore of Pitt County in Asheville E.R. 11 September 1895 Death of daughter of J.H. Highsmith E.R. 11 September 1895 Death of Mrs. Lovie May at Maple E.R. 11 September 1895 Cypress, Craven County Lula White and S.T. White in school E.R. 11 September 1895 About Dr. David Wallace of Texas E.R. 11 September 1895 Death of son of W.B. Brown E.R. 18 September 1895 Snakes at "All Pine Farm," seven miles from Greenville E.R. 18 September 1895 Story about Dickinson Avenue E.R. 18 September 1895 Rosa Hooker went to Richmond Female College E.R. 18 September 1895 History of J.R. Davenport of Pactolus, CSA E.R. 25 September 1895 Edward Greene, brother of R. Greene of Greenville, hurt in Norfolk, Virginia E.R. 25 September 1895 Death of mother of F.W. Burch E.R. 25 September 1895 Rate of Steamboat on the Tar River, shipping tobacco, $0.80 per pound E.R. 2 October 1895 Forbes and Moye’s tobacco warehouse E.R. 2 October 1895 Horse racing E.R. 2 October 1895 W.S. Bernard school E.R. 2 October 1895 Pine bark from mills used on streets E.R. 2 October 1895 Private school of I.A. Sugg E.R. 2 October 1895 Funny tale from coon hunt at Ayden E.R. 9 October 1895 Greenville horse races E.R. 9 October 1895 Evans Street trolley car E.R. 9 October 1895 Death of A.F. Kinsaul of Ayden, son of Cornelius Kinsaul E.R. 9 October 1895 Billboard up by Greenville Lumber Company E.R. 9 October 1895 Estate of J.N. Bynum, sale of Centrebluff, 2 acres, warehouse, and a store E.R. 9 October 1895 R.L. Bynum assistant at post office E.R. 16 October 1895 Miss Mary Dail, teacher at Forbes’ school E.R. 23 October 1895 Death of Honorable Louis Charles Latham E.R. 23 October 1895 Death of Peggy Bell, 14 October 1895 of lung disease, b. 6 January 1815, leaves 2 nephews E.R. 30 October 1895 Peyton Atkinson, clerking for J.B. Cherry and Company E.R. 30 October 1895 Death of Estelle, daughter of W.W. Little of Pactolus E.R. 30 October 1895 Dr. F W. Wooten E.R. 30 October 1895 Negro fell out of wagon of T.W. Carr of Greene County at Five Points and was run over E.R. 30 October 1895 Fire at race track E.R. 30 October 1895 Market house to be removed E.R. 6 November 1895 Greenville Lumber Company E.R. 6 November 1895 New rail road for lumber at Falkland E.R. 6 November 1895 Bridge over Grindle Creek E.R. 6 November 1895 Vaults put in Court House E.R. 6 November 1895 Photographs and history of tobacco warehouse E.R. 13 November 1895 Jacob Joyner built first tobacco barn in February, 1886, east of Wilmington and Weldon Rail Road E.R. 13 November 1895 House of Edgar Buck burned, two miles north of river E.R. 13 November 1895 Hope Fire Company E.R. 13 November 1895 T.E. Randolph left for South America E.R. 20 November 1895 I.K. Witherington, ex-representative, pet swan E.R. 20 November 1895 Sale of lot 102, market house E.R. 20 November 1895 Sketch of Winterville E.R. 27 November 1895 Abbott’s brickyard in Greenville E.R. 27 November 1895 R.J. Cobb in tobacco in 1891 E.R. 27 November 1895 Steam whistle of tobacco factory scares horses E.R. 27 November 1895 Married, Col. Harry Skinner in Baltimore E.R. 27 November 1895 Death of James Bryan, 88, in Ayden E.R. 27 November 1895 Weather service poor E.R. 27 November 1895 Oyster house and restaurant at wharf opened E.R. 27 November 1895 Married, Minnie May of Speight Bridge to Charles L. Abernathy, editor of the Beaufort Herald E.R. 27 November 1895 Two mineral water wells in Greenville, E.R. 27 November 1895 H.A. Sutton’s yard and College Hotel Death of James Bryan, 88 E.R. 27 November 1895 Pictures of E.A. Moye, W.T. Magnum, Ola Forbes, George E. Harrison, J.S. Jenkins, Planters warehouse E.R. 27 November 1895 Electric lights E.R. 4 December 1895 Pictures of B. Ernest Parham, J.W. Morgan, M.L. Richard, Wiley Brown, C.D. Rountree, Capt. E. Pace, Rountree, Brown and Company Star Warehouse E.R. 4 December 1895 Runaway marriage of W.B. Bullock and Zilvia Highsmith E.R. 11 December 1895 Death of Stephen Johnston, 17, son of Marion Johnston E.R. 11 December 1895 St. John’s Episcopal Church consecrated in Centreville E.R. 11 December 1895 Laurence Nobles hurt in Ayden E.R. 11 December 1895 Child of Charles Cannon burned to death E.R. 11 December 1895 Photos of R.H. Hayes, tobacco buyer E.R. 11 December 1895 Bethel burned down E.R. 18 December 1895 Eugene Tucker at insane asylum E.R. 18 December 1895 Death of Mrs. Susan V. Whitehead of Greene County, quite old, well known woman in this section E.R. 18 December 1895 Death of Robert, son of R.T. Wilson of Grimesland E.R. 25 December 1895 List of students and schools in Pitt County E.R. 25 December 1895 Speight and Ola Forbes Fertilizer Company dissolved E.R. 1 January 1896 Death of McG. Holliday of Grindool E.R. 1 January 1896 About H.M. Hardee, store in Greenville E.R. 1 January 1896 Cannon fired E.R. 1 January 1896 Advertisement: Pitt County Buggy Company E.R. 8 January 1896 Red Moore moved to Wilson E.R. 8 January 1896 Death of daughter of L.A. Mayo E.R. 8 January 1896 Death of Charles Rountree E.R. 8 January 1896 Ayden race track E.R. 8 January 1896 Higgs Bank opened E.R. 8 January 1896 Hurt: Mrs. Susan Harrington, 75, wife of John Harrington of Ayden E.R. 8 January 1896 About D.V. Dixon E.R. 8 January 1896 J.R Forbes of Rountree, Pitt County E.R. 8 January 1896 Good sayings E.R. 15 January 1896 About building built ca.1860, standing on Third Street in front of Smith Livery Stables, between two law buildings, moved to Main Street E.R. 15 January 1896 Snake killed, four feet long and as thick as a wrist E.R. 15 January 1896 Fire at Greenville Lumber Company E.R. 15 January 1896 Death of Mary Ann James, widow of Augustus James E.R. 15 January 1896 Death of Wallace Manning E.R. 15 January 1896 Death of daughter of W.A. Pollard E.R. 15 January 1896 Electric light poles E.R. 15 January 1896 Death of Artemissia Forbes at her home three miles from Greenville on January 19, 1896 E.R. 22 January 1896 Hope Fire Corps E.R. 22 January 1896 House of L.W. Lawrence on Fourth and Washington Street burned, Memorial Baptist Church records burned up E.R. 22 January 1896 Death of H.B. Barber E.R. 22 January 1896 Sale of old Methodist Episcopal parsonage E.R. 22 January 1896 Death of Emma Little Smith, b.1859, wife of Jesse L. Smith E.R. 29 January 1896 Death of J.J. Fleming, 50 E.R. 29 January 1896 F.W. Braxton dying of consumption E.R. 29 January 1896 About old school in O’Hagan House E.R. 29 January 1896 Harry Skinner Jr. at school at Belmont E.R. 29 January 1896 Old brick store remodeled, occupied by J.S. Tunstall E.R. 29 January 1896 Death of Benjamin Belcher in Pactolus E.R. 29 January 1896 Death of Connie Nichols on 22 January of pneumonia, age 17, daughter of Nelson E.R. 29 January 1896, 5 February 1896 Nichols Ola Forbes, dog fight E.R. 29 January 1896 Alfred Forbes office building, only six feet E.R. 29 January 1896, 5 February 1896 Death of Sally Bryan, wife of Guilford Byran E.R. 5 February 1896 Governor Jarvis hurt in Hotel Macon Omnibus E.R. 5 February 1896 Death of F.W. Braxton E.R. 5 February 1896 Death of Susan Harrington, mother of J.A. Harrington E.R. 5 February 1896 Death of William Moye, 65, of Greene County E.R. 5 February 1896 Bob Moye killed deer beside town E.R. 12 February 1896 Ayden Post Office robbed E.R. 12 February 1896 Dam on river almost lost E.R. 12 February 1896 Death of son of D.H. Moore E.R. 12 February 1896 Jesse Speight and Herbert White almost drown in Contentnea Creek near Farmville E.R. 12 February 1896 Poem and story of the building known as old brick store E.R. 12 February 1896 Fire downtown E.R. 19 February 1896 Old Delany house torn down E.R. 19 February 1896 Old brick store, dental office E.R. 19 February 1896 S.V. Joyner moved from Kenly to Beaver Dam Township E.R. 19 February 1896 Frog Level School, W.W. Walters, teacher E.R. 19 February 1896 Death of J.C. Cox, 73, inventor of Cox planter E.R. 26 February 1896 Death of W.C. House, son of Elder David House E.R. 26 February 1896 Tyson Rawls, Bank of Greenville E.R. 26 February 1896 Grifton fire E.R. 26 February 1896 Greenville brickyard E.R. 26 February 1896 Brick thrown at train near Littlefield E.R. 4 March 1896 E.M. Short Lumber Company, moving their lumber road from Reeves Landing to Cooper Landing near Pactolus E.R. 4 March 1896 Greenville water works E.R. 11 March 1896 J.W. Smith, keeper of the Poor House E.R. 11 March 1896 Bethel stores E.R. 11 March 1896 About James Barnhill E.R. 11 March 1896 Dongola School, Annie Perkins, teacher E.R. 11 March 1896 Singing school at Oakley, North Carolina E.R. 11 March 1896 About fire at store at Parker’s Crossroads, two miles from town E.R. 11 March 1896 Old Dancy House destroyed E.R. 11 March 1896 Wall around Methodist church in Bethel E.R. 18 March 1896 Death of Miss Obediance Carson, 60 E.R. 18 March 1896 About Charles Wooten, found buried alive, New Bern E.R. 18 March 1896 History of Captain Charles King of Falkland, walking cane, cut on war field at Gettysburg, gift E.R. 18 March 1896 H.C. Turnage farm in Edgecombe County E.R. 18 March 1896 Horse racing E.R. 18 March 1896 J.O. Williams almost killed by falling tree, Oakley, North Carolina E.R. 18 March 1896 Heber Coward and Travis Hooker interested in Star Warehouse E.R. 18 March 1896 Temporary Armory above W.W. White’s Store E.R. 18 March 1896 Hope Fire Company E.R. 18 March 1896 Rear of building on Fourth Street, between Post Office and Corner Street torn down E.R. 18 March 1896 Married Zeno Moore and Eloise Draughon, March 25, 1896, at her father’s house in Edgecombe County, W.F. Draughon E.R. 18 March 1896 Lumber mill at Whichard E.R. 18 March 1896 King House to be sold E.R. 18 March 1896 Reverend Fred McLawhorn, ex-legislator, beat up E.R. 25 March 1896 People complained of post office being too small E.R. 25 March 1896 Mary Lucy, daughter of J.A. Dupree, badly scalded E.R. 25 March 1896 Funny Story from Farmville E.R. 25 March 1896 Winterville Brick Company E.R. 25 March 1896 Bicycle Club E.R. 25 March 1896 Turner Briley School house polling place, Oakley, one mile north, Stokes two miles south-east of school house E.R. 1 April 1896 About city water works E.R. 1 April 1896 Electric light plant E.R. 1 April 1896 Telephone and new depot at Bethel E.R. 1 April 1896 Confederate picnic at Centrebluff E.R. 1 April 1896 Horse racing E.R. 1 April 1896 Old Methodist parsonage moved to Dickinson Avenue E.R. 1 April 1896 W.H. Dixon attending Richmond Medical College E.R. 1 April 1896 About extending Fifth Street from the branch east, on W.H. Harrington’s Property E.R. 1 April 1896 Winterville store E.R. 8 April 1896 Married, F.O. Cox to Maggie Cox in Winterville E.R. 8 April 1896 About store at Whichard E.R. 8 April 1896 Death of Bertie Carson and sister Mrs. Theophilus Barnhill E.R. 8 April 1896 About building a central telephone office E.R. 8 April 1896 People of the north side of the river want bridge repair to stop until after freshet E.R. 8 April 1896 Goff’s Landing fish fry E.R. 8 April 1896 Fire and attempted jail break at jail E.R. 8 April 1896 Fire at Greenville Lumber Company E.R. 15 April 1896 Greenville Board of Trade E.R. 15 April 1896 George Woodward Business school E.R. 15 April 1896 First two seater bicycle in Greenville, L.H.Pender E.R. 15 April 1896 McG. Ernul has not spent a night away from his house since 1866 E.R. 15 April 1896 Mrs. H.A. Sutton has a pair of spectacles that are 130 years old, they are in a heavy silver frame and were worn by her E.R. 15 April 1896 grandfather James Perkins About A.C. Page, son of J.W. Page of Oakley E.R. 15 April 1896 About Miss Lilla Harrington, 60, lost in woods for eight days E.R. 22 April 1896 Death of child of J.J. Carson E.R. 22 April 1896 Bethel stores E.R. 22 April 1896 Central Office on corner of Fourth and Washington Streets E.R. 22 April 1896 Greenville horse racing E.R. 22 April 1896 E.T. King, assistant in the Greenville Post Office E.R. 22 April 1896 Kerosene and camphor are good for red bug bites E.R. 22 April 1896 Old building between post office and Lang’s store torn down E.R. 22 April 1896 Greenville horse racing E.R. 29 April 1896 New Elliot brick building on the east side of Evans in place of those burned E.R. 29 April 1896 Mrs. L. McCullen of Greenville, daughter of E. Hardee of Hardeesville, North Carolina E.R. 29 April 1896 Whichard store and sawmill E.R. 29 April 1896 Presbyterian church struck by lightning E.R. 29 April 1896 New odd fellows hall in new Elliot Brothers brick building E.R. 29 April 1896 Offices of Dr. W.H. Bagwell and Blount and Fleming being rebuilt E.R. 29 April 1896 Charlie Moore, son of Elder Thomas Moore of Snow Hill, attempted suicide E.R. 13 May 1896 Lady wanted thimble at store E.R. 13 May 1896 Hookerton newspaper E.R. 13 May 1896 Bethel stores E.R. 13 May 1896 Death of Robert, son of Louis Heath of Hardeesville E.R. 13 May 1896 Greenville Lumber Company burned down E.R. 13 May 1896 Death of Mrs. Mamie Dancy, wife of J.J. Dancy, sister Mrs. Sallie Marshall E.R. 13 May 1896 William O. Little, clerk in Wilmington, North Carolina E.R. 13 May 1896 Bracing old walls of the Episcopal church E.R. 13 May 1896 No cornet band in Greenville E.R. 13 May 1896 Jesse Tyson nearly died from a spider bite, living about four miles from town E.R. 20 May 1896 About moderation and firmness of speech E.R. 20 May 1896 Stock holders of Greenville bank E.R. 20 May 1896 About fire engine E.R. 20 May 1896 New Greenville Lumber Company E.R. 20 May 1896 10 Year old son of Marshall Cox almost killed in log accident E.R. 20 May 1896 Shelburn new soda fountain E.R. 20 May 1896 Electric lights stopped E.R. 20 May 1896 Coca Cola in Greenville E.R. 20 May 1896 Gas boat, mystery excursion E.R. 20 May 1896 About bridge repairs and ferry road on the north side of the river E.R. 27 May 1896 Lightning killed a dog beside Mrs. A.J. Johnson E.R. 27 May 1896 Depot at Pactolus destroyed by lightning E.R. 27 May 1896 Telephone poles put up E.R. 27 May 1896 Bicycle to rector of St. John’s church E.R. 27 May 1896 Bethel stores E.R. 3 June 1896 Firemen meet E.R. 3 June 1896 Bicycle laws E.R. 3 June 1896 Bridge fixed E.R. 3 June 1896 Greenville horse races E.R. 3 June 1896 Andrew A. Turnage, Jeweler in Kansas E.R. 3 June 1896 W.C. Dancy, clerk in Wilmington, North Carolina E.R. 3 June 1896 Johnson Nichols attending university E.R. 3 June 1896 John Flanagan’s buggy company building, 130 feet long E.R. 3 June 1896 Death of Miss Chrissie Carson E.R. 10 June 1896 About new offices of John Flanagan’s Coffin Company E.R. 10 June 1896 Greenville Lumber Company E.R. 10 June 1896 Married in Martin County, James B. Whitehurst to Mary E. Peal E.R. 10 June 1896 Death of Elbert Forbes at Falkland E.R. 10 June 1896 Afred Forbes opening street south of Ninth Street E.R. 10 June 1896 History of Hope Fire Company E.R. 17 June 1896 About tobacco in Red Banks section of Pitt County E.R. 17 June 1896 About new Bagwell building E.R. 17 June 1896 Greenville horse racing E.R. 17 June 1896 Bank of Greenville reorganized E.R. 17 June 1896 Little Hart, scissors grinding business E.R. 17 June 1896 Town bell rung at each hour E.R. 17 June 1896 About farm of Theophilus Bland Jr. E.R. 24 June 1896 Death of Hattie, wife of Henry F. Congleton of Carolina Township of typhoid fever, leaves little girl, eight months old E.R. 24 June 1896 Tobacco versus cotton in Pitt County E.R. 24 June 1896 Walter A. Burnett of Kinston, inventor E.R. 24 June 1896 Death of Mrs. Alvania M. Clark, 81, on June 17, widow of Hon. S. Clark, legislator and lawyer E.R. 24 June 1896 About new phones E.R. 24 June 1896 About J.J. Cory canning factory E.R. 24 June 1896 Cornerstone laid for the Sycamore Baptist Church E.R. 24 June 1896 R.M. Busler, new newspaper at Bayboro E.R. 24 June 1896 School at Bethel E.R. 1 July 1896 Opera House corner to be rebuilt E.R. 1 July 1896 List of people to CSA reunion in Richmond E.R. 1 July 1896 Miss Julia Forbes, operated central telephone office E.R. 1 July 1896 4th of July in Greenville, red lemonade E.R. 8 July 1896 Death of Mrs. Mahala Whitehurst E.R. 8 July 1896 Death of Mrs. T.C. Davenport E.R. 8 July 1896 Good picture of O.L. Joyner E.R. 8 July 1896 About stores in Grimesland E.R. 8 July 1896 Death of wife of Thomas King E.R. 8 July 1896 Dr. E.A. Moye locates at Five Points E.R. 8 July 1896 Death of child of E.O. McGowan E.R. 8 July 1896 Bethel stores E.R. 15 July 1896 Rubber suits for Hope Fire Company E.R. 15 July 1896 Large snake nearly turned over a buggy near Ridge Spring in Pitt County E.R. 22 July 1896 About Mr. H.H. Draugh of Sampson County, hawk hunter, killed 189 in 31 days E.R. 22 July 1896 E.A. Moye’s cottage near College Hotel finished E.R. 22 July 1896 Pictures of E.A. Moye and Ola Forbes E.R. 29 July 1896 Death of Theophilus Bland E.R. 29 July 1896 Death of Mrs. W.F. Manning, 48, eight children E.R. 29 July 1896 Mrs. July Ann Whitehurst, daughter of Charity Death of Davenport, wife of W.W. Whitehurst E.R. 29 July 1896 Wife of L.F. Anderson accidentally shot E.R. 29 July 1896 About election days in Pitt County in the 1830’s E.R. 29 July 1896 Death of Mrs. Creecy Paul, one of the oldest in the state, at the home of T.A. Nichols in Beaver Dam E.R. 29 July 1896 Harmon Jenkins of Pitt County in Alabama E.R. 5 August 1896 About Staton Sawmill, six miles from Greenville E.R. 12 August 1896 Death of Pennie E., 27, wife of John I. James E.R. 12 August 1896 Death of eight month old daughter of J.A. Harrington E.R. 12 August 1896 About telephone company in Greenville E.R. 12 August 1896 History of James Grape E.R. 12 August 1896 Death of T.M.G. Ross, CSA, one armed E.R. 12 August 1896 W.R. Parker, market E.R. 12 August 1896 Death of Sally, 18, daughter of Ruel E.R. 12 August 1896 Willoughby W.D. Moore of Pitt County in Brooklyn, New York E.R. 19 August 1896 Ed Randolph in South America E.R. 19 August 1896 New depot in Bethel E.R. 26 August 1896 Death of J.R. Whitehurst, 27, son of J.H. Whitehurst E.R. 26 August 1896 Death of L.B. Sheppard of Baltimore of Bright’s disease E.R. 26 August 1896 Death of Edward Ward E.R. 2 September 1896 About using matches to see in post office at night E.R. 2 September 1896 Mrs. Alfred Forbes’ school E.R. 9 September 1896 Winterville stores, newspaper E.R. 16 September 1896 About Hearse of undertaking business of Harding and G.A. McGowan and Company E.R. 16 September 1896 Masonic Lodge school E.R. 16 September 1896 Death of Captain Henry W. Brown E.R. 23 September 1896 Death of Robert Turnage, 76, at home of daughter Mrs. Martha Joyner E.R. 23 September 1896 Central office enlarged E.R. 23 September 1896 Musicians at central office, Charlie Forbes E.R. 23 September 1896 About Scotland Neck E.R. 30 September 1896 List of all doctors in Pitt County, blacklist people E.R. 30 September 1896 Cornelius Barnhill lost arm E.R. 30 September 1896 Death of Claudie, 25, daughter of S.H. Spain E.R. 30 September 1896 R.L. Smith horse racer E.R. 30 September 1896 Death of child of Levi Whitehurst E.R. 7 October 1896 Cistern on Fourth and Evans Streets E.R. 7 October 1896 Phones E.R. 7 October 1896 Pheonix and Rialto building built E.R. 7 October 1896 Greenville Lodge moved E.R. 7 October 1896 Coca Cola in Greenville E.R. 7 October 1896 Robert Baldree hurt in wagon fall E.R. 14 October 1896 Death of Ed Butts, drunkard E.R. 14 October 1896 W.H. Long and J.H. Small, law copartnership E.R. 14 October 1896 Death of James Whichard, 70 E.R. 21 October 1896 Death of Mollie, daughter of Harvey Tyson E.R. 21 October 1896 Small building moved back on corner, in front of Dr. William B. Brown’s home E.R. 21 October 1896 No depot in Winterville E.R. 21 October 1896 G.E. Taft farm for sale E.R. 28 October 1896 Death of Joshua Smith, son of J.W. Smith E.R. 28 October 1896 Telephone to House Station E.R. 28 October 1896 Death of Dr. W.L. Best, 50, of Centreville E.R. 28 October 1896 Death of Mrs. W.S. Fleming E.R. 4 November 1896 J.B. Sutton of Pitt County in Montana E.R. 4 November 1896 Death of William Little of Pactolus E.R. 4 November 1896 Governor Jarvis, Civil War story about Greenville E.R. 11 November 1896 Death of Roy, son of J.N. Hart E.R. 11 November 1896 G.O. Taylor went to Florida E.R. 18 November 1896 Depot to be enlarged E.R. 18 November 1896 Harrington store, Winterville E.R. 18 November 1896 Miss Della Gay married at Falkland to W.T. Hunter of Gaston County on November 12 E.R. 18 November 1896 Greenville races E.R. 25 November 1896 Lumber rail road south of Greenville E.R. 25 November 1896 Bicycle Club meeting at Hotel Macon E.R. 25 November 1896 Boys parade and circus, goat carts E.R. 25 November 1896 William Elks store, Ballards Crossroads, robbed E.R. 25 November 1896 Corp. J.R. Nichols, a member of the Pitt County Rifles, joined the army, stationed at Fortress Monroe E.R. 25 November 1896 Letter from Lorenzo Devisconti E.R. 2 December 1896 King House bus accident E.R. 2 December 1896 Old Dancy building fire E.R. 2 December 1896 W.R.G. Smith married in Martin County to Mittie Cofield E.R. 2 December 1896 Death of H.A. Rountree, 31 E.R. 2 December 1896 An express office established at Winterville, B.F. Manning agent E.R. 2 December 1896 Death of Mrs. Thomas E. Little E.R. 9 December 1896 O’Hagan building on Washington Street next door to telephone office E.R. 9 December 1896 New county commissioners E.R. 9 December 1896 First Greenville tobacco warehouse collapsed E.R. 9 December 1896 Death of Mrs. Penny Gardner, 87 E.R. 9 December 1896 Officers of Pitt County Rifles: J.R. Cory, J.S. Smith, J.C Albriton, C.B. Whichard E.R. 9 December 1896 Sheriff’s office E.R. 9 December 1896 For Sale: lot # 105, store of W.C. Proctor and Company and J.R. Cory E.R. 9 December 1896 About County Home and McG. Bryan and J.W. Smith E.R. 16 December 1896 Death in Carolina Township of W. Jesse Belcher, age 22, son of George Belcher E.R. 16 December 1896 About Hope Fire Corp E.R. 16 December 1896 Mrs. William Russ of Raleigh, daughter of Mrs. R Williams of Greenville E.R. 23 December 1896 Frank Barnhill of Pitt County in Franklin, Virginia E.R. 23 December 1896 Married in Washington, Josephus B. Latham to Mary C. Burgess E.R. 23 December 1896 Death of Mrs. J.A. Andrews E.R. 23 December 1896 Ayden horse races E.R. 23 December 1896 Death of Whitmell Hardee, aged of Greenville, on December 28 E.R. 30 December 1896 Home of J.J. Laughinghouse of Grimesland burned E.R. 30 December 1896 Death of W.A. Forbes E.R. 30 December 1896 David A. Crandell killed by John Keel E.R. 30 December 1896 New Masonic Hall in Rialto building E.R. 30 December 1896, 20 January 1897 Death of Annie Lynn, daughter of O.L. Joyner, at College Hotel E.R. 6 January 1897 Death of B.S. Wilson, 28, of typhoid fever E.R. 6 January 1897 Fire at old Dancy building on corner of Evans and Fourth Streets E.R. 6 January 1897 Death of James L. Langley, 60 E.R. 6 January 1897 Boiling wells in Beaver Dam E.R. 6 January 1897 Simon A Congleton resigns at O.L. Hookers and Company E.R. 6 January 1897 New Greenville horse exchange near Hotel Macon E.R. 6 January 1897 Owing to the death of one member of the firm, D.E. House and Brother at House, N.C. will disperse of the entire stock of merchandise at cost E.R. 6 January 1897 G.A. McGowen and Company purchased the John Flanagan Buggy Company and Undertaker Business E.R. 6 January 1897 Large warehouse on wharf built E.R. 13 January 1897 D.T. House elected Door Keeper of House of Representatives E.R. 13 January 1897 Fire at Flanagan Blacksmith shop E.R. 13 January 1897 R.A. Willoughby, hawk hunter E.R. 20 January 1897 Horse looking through window E.R. 20 January 1897 Whichard depot E.R. 20 January 1897 Cornelius Kinsail celebrated his 79th birthday on January 15, 1897, called Uncle Neal E.R. 20 January 1897 Doctors’ blacklist put off E.R. 20 January 1897 Reward for the arrest of John Keel who killed David Crandall in Pitt County on Christmas Day E.R. 27 January 1897 J. Bryan Grimes renting store in Grimesland E.R. 27 January 1897 R. Greene, new undertaking establishment E.R. 27 January 1897 Train crash at Whichards E.R. 27 January 1897 Death of Mrs. R.A. Parker of Belvoir Township E.R. 27 January 1897 Jordan Nelson and sister judged insane and taken to asylum at Raleigh E.R. 27 January 1897 Death of son of Jason Joyner of Farmville E.R. 27 January 1897 Township Married in Virginia, sister of Miss Mary L. Lacy of Pitt County E.R. 3 February 1897 H.W. Whichard, Dr. W.E. Warren, both of Whichard, railroad agents E.R. 3 February 1897 E.H. Shelburn, bus E.R. 3 February 1897 Death of Mrs. J.O. Pollard E.R. 10 February 1897 New 750 pound fire bell for Greenville E.R. 10 February 1897 Death of David Hillard of Falkland E.R. 10 February 1897 John Flanagan Buggy Company dissolved E.R. 10 February 1897 Moye’s schoolhouse, one mile from Greenville E.R. 10 February 1897 Death of Arcena Cherry, wife of M.S.S. Cherry of Bethel, leaves nine children E.R. 10 February 1897 Funny story about horse shoe bringing bad luck E.R. 17 February 1897 J.H. Woolard and sons, sawmill at Whichard E.R. 17 February 1897 Mother of R.L. Nichols and the well E.R. 17 February 1897 Rats at Rick’s House E.R. 24 February 1897 Lumber mill, Oakley E.R. 3 March 1897 Death of Benjiman H. Sugg, b. 1819 E.R. 3 March 1897 Mrs. T.E. Hooker, beautiful voice E.R. 10 March 1897 Whichard sawmill E.R. 10 March 1897 A.M. Moore of Pitt County now of Seattle E.R. 10 March 1897 John Keel, murderer, caught E.R. 17 March 1897 Death of daughter of Captain J.W. Howard, keeper of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse E.R. 17 March 1897 Lightening struck rail road tracks at Whichard E.R. 17 March 1897 Re-established lodge E.R. 17 March 1897 Death of Mrs. Olivia, wife of D.D. Gardner E.R. 24 March 1897 Death of Council James E.R. 24 March 1897 Death of Elder William A. Ross E.R. 24 March 1897 Greenville rail road to Washington, N.C. chartered E.R. 24 March 1897 T.C. Manning married in Florida E.R. 24 March 1897 Fire bell tower on courthouse square E.R. 24 March 1897 W.B. Quinnerly store at Centreville and Ayden E.R. 24 March 1897 R.R. Cotton appointed penitentiary director E.R. 24 March 1897 Four buses in Greenville, J.F. King, bus E.R. 31 March 1897 Still found at Centreville E.R. 31 March 1897 Briley Family E.R. 7 April 1897 Dancy building burned and fire engine E.R. 7 April 1897 Story about efficiency of fire department E.R. 14 April 1897 J.B. Johnson, 45 inch beard E.R. 14 April 1897 Death of Jennie, wife of M.A. Woolard, age 33 E.R. 14 April 1897 Robert Perkins, insane E.R. 14 April 1897 Bethel stores E.R. 21 April 1897 Prison labor on Grindool Creek bridge E.R. 21 April 1897 Bicycle Club E.R. 21 April 1897 Rialto building burned E.R. 21 April 1897 Death of W.T. Hayden E.R. 21 April 1897 Bank of Pitt County E.R. 28 April 1897, 9 June 1897 Jessie Proctor, daughter, Mrs. Nannie Stafford E.R. 28 April 1897 Rough and Ready Fire Company E.R. 28 April 1897 Poem to Miss Mollie Bagley E.R. 5 May 1897 Death of J.H. Blount E.R. 5 May 1897 Chapel at county home E.R. 5 May 1897 Bethel town officers E.R. 5 May 1897 Steam fire engine E.R. 5 May 1897 W.A. James Jr. E.R. 5 May 1897 Old W.R. Whichard of Whichard had to be carried around E.R. 12 May 1897 Bethel Literary Club officers E.R. 12 May 1897 Whichard telephone E.R. 12 May 1897 Grifton sawmill E.R. 12 May 1897 Officers of Hope Fire Company E.R. 19 May 1897 Death of Mrs. Laura Newton, wife of E.R. 19 May 1897 William Newton Kitten in safe of D.W. Hardee E.R. 19 May 1897 Children of William Brown hurt by lye E.R. 19 May 1897 Death of Mrs. I.A. Sugg E.R. 26 May 1897 Steam fire engine subscription, W.H. Long and J.G. Moye E.R. 26 May 1897 Coreys High School, Grindool E.R. 26 May 1897 Trinity School E.R. 2 June 1897 Reverend John Branch, 40th Anniversary E.R. 2 June 1897 Earthquake at Greenville, shocks felt at House, Pactolus, Pantego, and Tarboro E.R. 2 June 1897 Bicycle ordinances E.R. 2 June 1897 Death of C.C. Braxton E.R. 9 June 1897 Death of J.J. Frizzle E.R. 9 June 1897 Store of Marshall L Starkey E.R. 9 June 1897 Mrs. J.A.K. Tucker, daughter of B.F. Patrick E.R. 9 June 1897 Weather signal station started again E.R. 9 June 1897 History of Henry Wyatt and Greenville E.R. 16 June 1897 Grimesland telephone E.R. 16 June 1897 Johnson Nichols, son of Thomas A. Nichols, first college graduate from Beaver Dam township E.R. 16 June 1897 J.H. Woolard and sons, assigned at Whichard E.R. 16 June 1897 Hope Fire Company E.R. 23 June 1897 Gas boat Rubelle E.R. 23 June 1897 Winterville fire, first fire E.R. 23 June 1897 Wiley J. Brown drowned dog E.R. 23 June 1897 Death of Mr. John Branch, 70, highly esteemed citizen E.R. 30 June 1897 Ayden fire at guardhouse E.R. 30 June 1897 Greenville ready room E.R. 30 June 1897 Grimesland lodge E.R. 30 June 1897 Stores at Grimesland E.R. 30 June 1897 Whichard telephone E.R. 30 June 1897 Whichard stores E.R. 30 June 1897 Recipe to get rid of flies E.R. 30 June 1897 Death of Thomas D. Carson, 85 E.R. 30 June 1897 Death of Mrs. Sallie James, wife of B.F. Bryan E.R. 30 June 1897 Fire Company hat E.R. 7 July 1897 Death of infant child of Mr. And Mrs. S.A. Gainor E.R. 7 July 1897 Court House repairs E.R. 7 July 1897 Death of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Taft E.R. 7 July 1897 Ada Cherry, ready room E.R. 7 July 1897 Death of Mary Louisa Harding, wife of Fred Harding E.R. 7 July 1897 C.B. Tripp’s wooden leg turkey E.R. 14 July 1897 Phone line to Parkside and Winterville E.R. 14 July 1897 Steam fire engine E.R. 21 July 1897 Julia Foley, central office operator E.R. 21 July 1897 Children of J.B. Jarrett, Gertrude and Robert Jarrett, of Virginia E.R. 21 July 1897 Gorman Tobacco Company E.R. 28 July 1897 Death of Sarah, wife of Jessie Proctor E.R. 28 July 1897 Wildcat in a house E.R. 4 August 1897 Witnesses used to stand out of the Court House and jury called out of the window E.R. 22 September 1897 Fire bell cracked E.R. 22 September 1897, 5 October 1897 Morill House Hotel rented to tobacco men E.R. 22 September 1897 New fire engine E.R. 22 September 1897 Married in Virginia, Mary Carne Langley E.R. 22 September 1897 Eight new rooms being built on Hotel Macon E.R. 22 September 1897 Death of Jesse W. Carson E.R. 29 September 1897 Court case of solictor C. M. Bernard E.R. 29 September 1897 Town commons E.R. 29 September 1897 H.C. Cannon married, he was bookkeeper of Greenville Tobacco Warehouse E.R. 29 September 1897 Confederate monument business E.R. 29 September 1897 Court House repairs and Poor House E.R. 29 September 1897 Death of Mrs. T.A. Nichols E.R. 29 September 1897 Fire engine hose and cistern E.R. 29 September 1897 E.B. Higgs thumb cut off in bicycle accident E.R. 29 September 1897 Death of son of W.H. Ricks E.R. 5 October 1897 Court case of Miss Nancy McGowan and Jacky Ann McGowan E.R. 5 October 1897 H.A. Taft married at Toissot E.R. 5 October 1897 Baptist Young People Organization started in Greenville E.R. 8 October 1897 Death of Leon Briley, son of J.A. Briley E.R. 8 October 1897 Maud Blow educated at Peabody Institute in Nashville, Tennessee E.R. 8 October 1897 Horse races E.R. 8 October 1897 Bessie Patrick and Daisy Tucker went to Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro E.R. 8 October 1897 Advertisement: Pitt County Buggy Company E.R. 8 October 1897 Advertisement: H.W. Whichard General Merchandise at Whichard, N.C. successor of W.R. Whichard E.R. 8 October 1897 Story about moving market house and cistern E.R. 12 October 1897 Pennsylvania town asks Greenville for a few hundred frogs E.R. 12 October 1897 Frank Wilson, new flag pole in front of his clothing store E.R. 12 October 1897 Bethel Stores E.R. 15 October 1897 For sale: lot # 102 market house lot E.R. 15 October 1897 Death of Abram Cox, Sheriff of Pitt County, 1854-1858, CSA E.R. 15 October 1897 Court House lot raised and fenced in E.R. 15 October 1897 F.M. Wooten, clerk in Wilmington E.R. 15 October 1897 Store of L.A. Garber in Falkland robbed E.R. 15 October 1897 Football E.R. 15 October 1897 Andrew Joyner, lawyer in Winston-Salem E.R. 15 October 1897 Death of Thomas Willowby of Beaver E.R. 15 October 1897 Dam Fireman practice E.R. 19 October 1897 Death of Mrs. Sarah Roberson, wife of T.H. Roberson of Oakly E.R. 22 October 1897 Death of Mrs. Nancy Jenkins, 80 E.R. 22 October 1897 Fire at Negro Odd Fellows on First Street E.R. 22 October 1897 Death of John Carroll, leaves son Frank Carroll and Mrs. Joseph Cox E.R. 26 October 1897 F.M. Hodges of Hope Fire Company hurt E.R. 26 October 1897 Married in Bethel on October 19th, L.B. Thigpen of Nashville, Tennessee, to Cena Cherry, daughter of M.C.S. Cherry E.R. 26 October 1897 J.B Randolph married in Martin County E.R. 29 October 1897 Reverend John Harding of New York, Beaufort County native E.R. 29 October 1897 Forbes school house services E.R. 29 October 1897 About Surry County divorce E.R. 2 November 1897 Death of Bettie, wife of M.R. Page E.R. 2 November 1897 Death of child of Jarrett Jenkins E.R. 5 November 1897 Acorns for sale as hog feed at market E.R. 5 November 1897 E.G. Leggett of Greenville, N.C. and Charleston, S.C. E.R. 5 November 1897 Pecans called Pecan nuts E.R. 9 November 1897 Dickinson Avenue in bad shape E.R. 9 November 1897 New market opened near depot by Mr. Renfrew E.R. 9 November 1897 Scuppernong wine made in 1849 at wedding of John B. Randolph E.R. 9 November 1897 Quince growing here, brought here from Mississippi by Harriet Yellowly E.R. 12 November 1897 Death of Ada, wife of J.Z. Brooks E.R. 12 November 1897 Death of Mrs. Polly Ann Rogers, 78 E.R. 12 November 1897 Hope Fire Company E.R. 12 November 1897 Blind runaway horse slammed into Alfred Forbes’ store E.R. 16 November 1897 Cotton barge burned at Centrebluff E.R. 16 November 1897 Married J.L. Patrick in Greene County E.R. 16 November 1897 Dissolved, Greenville Supply Company E.R. 19 November 1897 P.J. Bynum, mad dog E.R. 19 November 1897 Meeting in Flanagan coffin room E.R. 19 November 1897 John Strictland suicide, after inviting them to the funeral E.R. 19 November 1897 Poem by Mrs. S.S. Cotton, White Doe and After E.R. 23 November 1897 W.J. Hemby, Fortes Monroe Football team E.R. 23 November 1897 For sale, entire store of D.E. House and Brother at House Station E.R. 23 November 1897 Hotel Macon improvements E.R. 30 November 1897 Grimesland stores E.R. 30 November 1897 Sale of 15 acres opposite the road from homeplace of George Moye E.R. 3 December 1897 Death of Harry Gurganus, 80 E.R. 3 December 1897 Ring found of M.M. Nelson, lost 12 years E.R. 3 December 1897 Presbyterian church E.R. 3 December 1897 Contributions for a new fire house E.R. 3 December 1897, 7 December 1897, 10 December 1897 Eating habits of man in Lincolnton E.R. 7 December 1897 Della M. Clark, born 1840 E.R. 7 December 1897 Market house sold E.R. 10 December 1897 G.W. Slaughter and W.A. Morris bicycled to Granville County from Grimesland E.R. 10 December 1897 New cistern on Sutton Lane E.R. 14 December 1897 Poor House in bad shape E.R. 14 December 1897 Greenville Telephone Company E.R. 14 December 1897 Hope Fire Company benefit E.R. 17 December 1897 J.R. Jenkins burned own home, insane E.R. 17 December 1897 Death of Mary E. Brooks, wife of Squire Brooks E.R. 17 December 1897 Quinerly musicians E.R. 17 December 1897 Big snows in 1857 and 1877 E.R. 17 December 1897 E.S. Moore in prison in 1890 E.R. 21 December 1897 Three fires in Greenville, house of W.T. Godwin, Dickinson Avenue; Old Nelson E.R. 21 December 1897 house on Front Street during a wedding; John Flanagan Buggy Company Death of Emily, wife of B.A. House Sr. E.R. 24 December 1897 About fire company E.R. 24 December 1897 Rodman and Grimes, new lawyer W. Dempsie Grimes, son of General Bryan Grimes E.R. 24 December 1897 New Steamboat Edgecombe E.R. 24 December 1897 Dedication of new Presbyterian church E.R. 24 December 1897 Death of Wiley Cobb, 78 E.R. 31 December 1897 Firemen concert E.R. 31 December 1897 Death of Edith, daughter of Dr. J. Morrill of Falkland E.R. 31 December 1897 Little folks masquerade at academy E.R. 31 December 1897 Old man dinner in honor of Alfred Forbes E.R. 31 December 1897 Married R.S. Evans to Maggie Smith, daughter of F.M. Smith E.R. 31 December 1897 All the things built in Greenville in 1897 E.R. 31 December 1897