SPRING 2015 SLO/PLO ASSESSMENT REPORT Date: July 3, 2015 Name of Person Reporting: Leslie Milke Name of Department and/or Discipline: Health/Kinesiology/Dance/Athletics 1. a. List the courses/certificates/programs your discipline/department assessed in the Spring 2015 semester. We generally assess all KIN classes each semester but are reporting out on the following courses for Spring 2015: KIN 329 (Body Conditioning) KIN 332 ( Step Aerobics) KIN 351 (yoga) Health 11 (Principles of Healthy Living) SLOs re-assessed for comparison All of these SLOs had been assessed previously, so comparisons could be made based on modifications implemented. PLO’s The department does not have PLO’s b. For each one, indicate whether the benchmark (standard for student success) was reached. The benchmark set for the scores were all reached with the exception of one (KIN 351) 2. Summarize the major assessment results for courses/programs in your area. SLO’s The department was extremely happy with the majority of results in the KIN classes especially. All students improved their fitness scores by the end of the semester. The Health 11 assessment was interesting and the students reached the benchmark for the global awareness assignment. 3. Summarize what changes have been made or are planned to be made as a result of the assessments. There are 2 possible changes that will be discussed at our August department meeting. The Health 11 assignment was the first time we assessed the Global Awareness SLO. The assignment had 3 parts to it and the library staff assisted in creating a workshop for the specific assignment. Because the assignment was somewhat complicated, we seemed to have a few more students who did not submit a paper. In addition, most of the instructors felt that they were spending a bit too much class time on the particular assignment. For these reasons, we will most likely adjust the assignment a bit. The library workshops will not take place during class time so the students will have to attend the workshops on their own. In addition, we may rethink the APA format as the students really struggled with it. These are prosed changes as we have not yet discussed possible changes as a whole. We will be meeting this summer. The only other change would be in our KIN (Yoga) classes. We will be discussing possibly adding more of a variety of flexibility tests to our pre and post semester fitness tests. 4. Follow up on previous assessments: (1) If an SLO was assessed previously, compare the results with the earlier assessments: (a) Have the recommended changes been implemented? All of our courses had been previously assessed and all recommended changes had been implemented with the exception of one. Not all instructors are requiring students to keep a workout/nutrition log as previously discussed. (b) Has the follow-up textbox been filled in on the SLO online system? yes (2) How have the findings led to improved student learning? For the activity (KIN) classes, the instructors are now being more focused on specific aspects to fitness and and coming up with new and creative ways (pedagogy) to better assist students in improving their fitness scores. We have been able to purchase some cutting edge equipment that that keeps the students interested and motivated. Anecdotally, we see that students seem to be more focused and working harder. For the Health 11 students, they seemed to particularly enjoy the global awareness assignment. The department created a very thorough Student Guideline paper and the students indicated that it was very helpful. We also believe that this assignment is bit more rigorous that the previous SLO assignment and the students have risen to the occasion. 5. Have the results of your assessments been shared and discussed among the members of your program? (Provide dates and any minutes of meetings as evidence. Please also post relevant minutes in the Department Notes section of the SLO Online system.) All SLO results are sent to the instructors so they can see how their classes perform. All SLO results and assessments are discussed informally as well as in departmental meetings. The department has not met yet to discuss our recent findings. We will be meeting in August. 6. Have the results of your assessments been shared and discussed with members of your advisory committee (if vocational program)? Our Advisory Committee met in the fall semester on December 5th and discussed workforce needs and how they relate to the coursework offered at LAMC. This was reported in the Fall 2014 report. What resource requests are planned as a result of the assessments? The department has some resources available as a result of the HFAC Enterprise. We are currently hoping to purchasing one more cardio machine to add to the fitness center and a new Fitness Assessment program for the fitness center. 7. Have the assessment results been posted on the online system? All assessment results have been posted on the online system.