Date: June 26, 2015
Name of Person Reporting: Diana Bonilla
Name of Department and/or Discipline: Counseling/Personal Development
1. a. List the courses/certificates/programs your discipline/department assessed in
Spring 2014 semester. Personal Development 4, 17, and 40
b. For each one, indicate whether the benchmark (standard for student success)
was reached. Yes, the benchmarks was reached for all three: PD 4- 74%, PD 17-96%
and PD 40-91%
2. Summarize the major assessment results for courses/programs in your area.
PD 4 used a field interview based assessment to assess the SLO. Overall the
students did well with their field interviews. The students felt they learned a lot
from their exposure to the various career presentations. They also felt that
speaking directly with various employers assisted them in developing confidence
and knowledge of the work environment. They also not only learned about the
various online websites available to them, but came to class with many they
researched on their own. The SDS assisted them with the ability to view various
career options available to them.
PD 17 used a group assignment scavenger hunt exercise to assess the SLO. The
objective was to be able to use the college catalog to identify the appropriate
student service needed to address the problem in given scenarios. Students were
asked to work in groups of 2 to 3 people. Overall student performed very well and
exceed the benchmark. Strengths that contributed to the excellent performance
had to do with providing clear instructions on how to complete the assignment as
well as being able to work in groups. This seemed to be a motivation factor and
students also had fun doing the assignment.
PD 40 used an assignment in which students had to complete a calendar for the
semester of all of their assignments to assess the SLO. Overall, the students did
very well on the rubric. Challenges were students not submitting the assignment.
Those that did submit assignment did well.
3. Summarize what changes have been made or are planned to be made as a result of
the assessments. PD 4 stated that it would be beneficial to have more in class time
practicing interviewing skills. They seemed to find it helpful but in an 8 week class
it was limited to one hour session.
PD 17 stated in order to help students raise their scores they requested that
students visit a few of the campus resources to personally ask for a description of
the service and its benefits and have students then present this information of
what they learned in class.
4. Follow up on previous assessments:
(1) If an SLO was assessed previously, compare the results with the earlier
(a) Have the recommended changes been implemented? The recommendation
made for PD 4 (see questions 3) would entail changing the format from eight
weeks to 10 or 16 week session. This has not been done as this is a one unit
(b) Has the follow-up textbox been filled in on the SLO online system? No.
(2) How have the findings led to improved student learning? N/A
5. Have the results of your assessments been shared and discussed among the
members of your program? (Provide dates and any minutes of meetings as
evidence. Yes, the department held their first meeting to discuss outcomes on June
6. Have the results of your assessments been shared and discussed with members of
your advisory committee (if vocational program)? N/A
7. What resource requests are planned as a result of the assessments?
Tablets, I-Pads or a dedicated computer lab for online assignments has been
requested for all PD / Counseling courses. A majority of the work that is done in
these courses requires active website researching on various sites that will
enhance the success of the college student.
8. Have the assessment results been posted on the online system?
Yes, the assessment results have been posted on the online system.
Written responses to these questions are due by e-mail to the SLO
Coordinator Pat Flood by Friday, June 27, 2013.