Final Matrices with Revised Dates 10-15-08

Basic Skills Planning Matrices:
The objective of the Basic Skills Taskforce was to collect data and input on the delivery of basic skills at Los Angeles
Mission College, to determine how present practice measures up to the effective practices as outlined by the State Basic
Skills Initiative and to develop matrices which outline what needs to be done at the college to improve the delivery of basic
skills with the ultimate objective of improving student success.
 The State Chancellor’s office has made it clear that the expenditure of basic skills funds must be in accordance with the
implementation of the action items as delineated in the matrices which have resulted from this process. It is also
understood that the pragmatics of matching funds to action items and prioritizing actions is a discussion which must be
further amplified under the auspices of the Educational Planning Committee. It is also understood that the Basic Skills
Task Force will serve as a resource in the continuance of this discussion and that the matrices will be reviewed and
revised by the Taskforce as needed.
Planning Matrix for Section A - Organizational and Administrative Practices
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section A (Organizational and Administrative Practices) and develop a related Action
Plan for the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related
effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section A:
Student success will increase due to a concrete institutional commitment to the delivery of basic skills through adequate planning,
funding, staffing, and training. Make “successful developmental education” a cross- curriculum priority.
Action Plan for Section A:
Academic Year 2008-2009
Planned Action
Hire a Basic Skills Coordinator to work with the
Basic Skills Task Force and implement action
Institutionalize the position of non-credit director
in order expand the non-credit basic skills program
and better ensure the transition of basic skills
students into the credit program.
District: LACCD
College: Los Angeles Mission College
Effective Practice and Strategy
A.1.4 Developmental education is
adequately funded and staffed.
Target Date for
January 2009
Chief Executive
Officer, Chief
Officer, Chief
Student Services
Officer, Academic
Senate, EPC, Basic
Skills Task Force
One-Stop Student and Faculty Success Center
A.3.1 A clear institutional decision exists Spring 2009
modeled after the LaGuardia Center. Centralized regarding the structure of developmental
location where students and faculty could access education (centralized or decentralized, but
Basic Skills resources and receive training in Basic highly coordinated).
Skills instruction and curriculum development.
Chief Executive
Officer, Chief
Officer, Chief
Student Services
Officer, Academic
Senate, EPC
Details of the Basic Skills budget will be provided
to the Basic Skills Task Force on a monthly and
ongoing basis
The college will develop a marketing campaign
which makes the first-year experience and student
success initiatives visible throughout the campus
A.3.3 A designated budget allocation exists Immediate
for developmental education.
Budget analyst,
budget committee
A.1.1 Clear references exist that
developmental education is an institutional
priority; references are public, prominent,
and clear.
A.3.2 Based upon the institutional structure, Accomplished and
a dedicated administrator or lead faculty
is/are clearly identified and accorded
responsibility for college-wide coordination
of basic skills program(s).
A.1.4 Developmental education is
Immediate and
adequately funded and staffed.
A.6.1 Recruitment and hiring processes for
faculty/staff in basic skills programs
emphasize expertise and/or experience in
developmental education.
Collaborate with administration to designate an
associate dean of academic affairs to oversee the
Basic Skills program.
The hiring prioritization committee will include
hiring tenure-track faculty for basic skills as an
institutional priority.
Chief Executive
Officer; relevant
hiring committees
Chief Executive
Officer; relevant
hiring committees;
Chancellor and
Board of Trustees;
Hiring Prioritization
Actively recruit qualified adjuncts and tenured
Make the mastery of educational theory and
methodology and experience in teaching basic
skills students a criterion for hiring faculty
Recruit more qualified tenured faculty with
experience, expertise, and enthusiasm
committed to building developmental
Create mentoring programs to train new
A.6.1 Recruitment and hiring processes for Immediate and
faculty/staff in basic skills programs
emphasize expertise and/or experience in
developmental education.
Chief Executive
Officer; relevant
hiring committees;
Chancellor and
Board of Trustees
Incorporate basic skills objectives into course
SLOs where appropriate.
On an institutional level, define “successful
developmental education;” communicate this
definition among and between departments and
programs; incorporate developmental
competencies into both basic skills and contentarea course SLOs.
A.7.1 A clearly defined and widely shared
definition of “successful developmental
education” exists.
A.7.2 Faculty new to the developmental
program receive an orientation to convey to
them the goals and expectations of the
Spring 2009
Faculty, SLO
coordinator, basic
skills coordinator,
Basic Skills
Associate Dean,
Basic Skills Task
A.7.3. Faculty and other program personnel
Integrate basic and information competency library know/understand their individual roles and
skills into developmental education programs.
accept responsibility for the developmental
Designate a lead basic skills librarian who will
actively be involved with basic skills and personal
development instructors.
A.7.4 Formal mechanisms exist to facilitate
accurate communication of institutional
Build faculty understanding of developmental
values and expectations for developmental
students’ needs across the curriculum and in the students.
content areas. Develop an effective strategy to
incorporate basic skills instruction into the
A.7.5 Faculty/staff communicate clear
curriculum without a long-term negative effect on expectations for student
behaviors/performance in developmental
courses and programs.
A.7.6 Communication of expectations to
On a departmental level, develop more systematic students occurs early and often and is the
communication between and within departments shared responsibility of all developmental
and in training adjuncts.
program providers.
1.2.1 A detailed statement of the mission
for developmental education is clearly
Chief Executive
implementation and Officer, Chief
Emphasize the commitment to basic skills in the
Officer, Chief
institutional mission statement, schedule of
1.2.4 Developmental education goals and
Student Services
classes, and catalog. Emphasize the commitment objectives are clearly communicated across
Officer, Academic
to basic skills in the Educational Master Plan.
the institution
Senate, EPC
Make sure that the institutional leaders are
committed to basic skills. During the hiring
process, administrative candidates need to
demonstrate skills and commitment to
developmental education.
A.1.2 Institutional leadership demonstrates a Immediate
commitment to developmental education. implementation
The coordinated delivery of basic skills (through A.1.4 Developmental education is
both credit and non-credit programs), the
adequately funded and staffed.
completion of vocational programs, the fulfillment
of graduation requirements, and transfer to fouryear institutions must become institutional
priorities that drive budget and planning.
Budget and planning need to be guided by the need
to achieve the following:
 Reduce basic skill class size to allow for more
effective individualized instruction per student
 Ensure that critical support services such as
Matriculation, Assessment, Counseling, the
Library, the Learning Center, and the Math
Center have adequate and permanent funding
Basic skills funding must be linked to the priorities A.3.3 A designated budget allocation exists Immediate
delineated by the Planning Matrices as developed for developmental education.
during the Basic Skills Self Assessment process.
Chief Executive
Officer; relevant
hiring committees;
Chancellor and
Board of Trustees
Chief Executive
Officer, Chief
Officer, Chief
Student Services
College Council
Academic Senate
Budget Committee
Budget Committee
Basic Skills Task
Require early assessment and advisement of
students to promote sound educational planning.
Require students to take basic skills courses early
in their curriculum where appropriate. Advise and
encourage students to enroll only in college-level
courses consistent with their basic skills
preparation. Develop advisories and/or
prerequisites in reading, writing, and computation
in content-area courses.
A.4.1 Students are required to receive early Immediate
assessment and advisement for sound
educational planning
A.4.2 Students are advised and encouraged
to enroll only in college-level courses
consistent with their basic skills preparation.
Include developmental educators (both credit and A.1.3 Developmental educators are
noncredit) in broader college planning activities systemically included in broader college
including staff development and EPC.
planning activities.
Continue this basic-skills task-force. Institute an
ongoing dialog with the Educational Planning
Committee, Academic Affairs, Council of
Instruction, and the Academic Senate.
A.1.5 Institutional commitment is reflected
in the level of comprehensiveness and the
extent to which developmental education is
integrated into the institution.
Academic Affairs,
Student Services,
the Basic Skills
Coordinator, the
Basic Skills
Counselor, and the
Basic Skills Task
Associate Dean, AFT
and Academic Senate
Academic Senate
Academic Affairs
Council of
Basic Skills Task
Planning Matrix for Section B - Program Components
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section B (Program Components) and develop a related Action Plan for the next year (1
yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective practice(s),
identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section B:
Maximize the use of assessment, orientation, student workshops, personal development instruction, and data tracking to ensure the
ongoing success of basic skills students. Ensure that all student services and instruction have a seamless union which serves to facilitate
the success of basic skills students.
Action Plan for Section B
Academic Year 2008-2009
District: LACCD
College: Los Angeles Mission College
Planned Action
Train all counselors to facilitate assessment,
orientation, and placement and to provide
guidance to basic skills students.
Target Date
Effective Practice and Strategy
B.3.2 Counseling and instruction are integrated Spring 2009
into the developmental education program.
Coordinate student services including all B.3.2 Counseling and instruction are integrated Spring 2009
counseling units with academic programs into the developmental education program.
to promote a more effective and seamless
relationship between the instructional
support components and student service
Increase coordination among all counseling
units, (including but not limited to
Counseling, EOPS, DSPS, Financial Aid,
and those SFP grants with counseling
from Academic
Affairs and Student
Services, the Basic
Skills Coordinator,
the Basic Skills
Counselor, the
Basic Skills Task
Force, Noncredit
Program Director
from Academic
Affairs and Student
Services, the Basic
Skills Coordinator,
the Basic Skills
Counselor, the
Basic Skills Task
Force, Noncredit
Program Director
In accordance with Title V regulations, institute B.1.2 Mandatory assessment exists for all new
mandatory assessment for both credit and
noncredit students. Examine practices in colleges
which have mandatory assessment in place and
implement best practices. Make assessment easily
accessible and available so that students do not
need to return for assessment appointments and
results. Examine the issue of placement in terms of
identification as native or non-native speakers
Fall 2009
from Academic
Affairs and Student
Services, the Basic
Skills Coordinator,
the Basic Skills
Counselor, the
Basic Skills Task
Force, Noncredit
Program Director
Ensure that funding for both credit and non credit
assessment be linked to this initiative, especially in
terms of computer/software upkeep and personnel.
Tie this effort into the Master Technology Plan.
Designate a lead basic skills counselor who would B.3.2 Counseling and instruction are integrated Spring 2009
be actively involved in the assessment, orientation, into the developmental education program.
placement, and guidance of basic skills students.
This counselor would visit classes, help with
professional development classes offered to basic
skills students, and work closely with basic skills
faculty and the basic skills coordinator.
Assure that all students receive orientation.
B.1.1 Mandatory orientation exists for all new
Examine practices in colleges which have
mandatory orientation in place and implement best
Fall 2009
from Academic
Affairs and Student
Services, the Basic
Skills Coordinator,
the Basic Skills
Task Force,
Noncredit Program
from Academic
Affairs and Student
Services, the Basic
Skills Coordinator,
the Basic Skills
Counselor, the
Basic Skills Task
Force, Noncredit
Program Director
Every semester the Basic Skills Task Force and the B.2.2 Formative program evaluation activities
Institution will review and publish the number of occur on a regular basis.
new students (credit and noncredit) who were
assessed and placed into developmental classes.
Future planning and continuous improvement will
be based on the following:
 Whether students placed in
developmental coursework actually
enrolled in their first semester
 Course completion rates of students
who were placed into developmental
 Whether students continue in the
developmental sequence in successive
 Success rates of students in
mainstream courses who have
completed developmental courses
 Degree completion of students who
initially placed in developmental
 Transfer rates of students who initially
placed in developmental courses.
Fall 2009
Basic Skills Task
Force, institutional
Noncredit Program
Institutionalize financial aid outreach mechanisms B.4.1 Outreach and proactive mechanisms exist Fall 2009
to educate developmental students about various to educate developmental students about various
opportunities to acquire financial aid.
opportunities to acquire financial aid.
Basic Skills
Financial Aid
Director, Noncredit
Program Director
B.4.2 Developmental students receive timely
assistance in identifying and applying for
appropriate sources of financial aid.
Planning Matrix for Section C - Faculty and Staff Development
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section C (Faculty and Staff Development) and develop a related Action Plan for the
next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective
practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section C:
Ongoing staff development activities support the faculty/department/program/institution commitment to the improvement of basic skills
delivery. Provide incentives for faculty participation in staff development regarding basic skills. Ensure that staff development be
adequately funded and guided by the Basic Skills Task Force.
Action Plan for Section C
Academic Year 2008-2009
District: LACCD
College: Los Angeles Mission College
Target Date for
Planned Action
Effective Practice and Strategy
Revise the three-year professional and staff
C.2.1 Developmental education faculty are Immediate and
development plan to include Basic Skills activities involved in the design, planning, and
and ongoing training in methodology for basic
implementation of staff development
skills. Link staff development to Basic Skills
activities related to developmental education
Institutional goals as developed by the BSSA, then
link these goals back to funding.
Basic Skills Task
Force, professional
and staff
Invite colleagues from other colleges which
currently have a first-year experience to share their
experiences with Mission College staff.
The action plans as described in this document
must determine how basic skills funds be spent.
C.1.1 Department, program, and/or
institutional goals related to the
improvement of developmental education
are established.
Immediate and
Budget Committee
Staff Development
Basic Skills Task
Immediate and
SLO Task Force
SLO Coordinator
Basic Skills Task
Staff Development
Extrinsic rewards (e.g., funding, time, salary
advancement, or formal recognition of
achievement) must be offered to faculty involved C.3.3 Staff development activities are
in the implementation of action plan items.
adequately funded, funding is ongoing, and
development activities are coordinated by
specific designated staff as part of their core
C.5.1 A structure that provides faculty who
participate in staff development with
intrinsic rewards (e.g., praise, support, or
peer recognition) is promoted.
Deliver ongoing training to faculty and staff
C.3.1 Developmental education staff
members to incorporate basic skills instruction into development activities are clearly linked
development of curriculum, SLOs, and/or course to department, program, and/or
outlines. Specifically, critical reading and writing institutional goals.
as well as computational skills need to be more
widely incorporated into department and course
C.3.2 Developmental education staff
SLOs and linked to institutional SLOs; evaluation development activities are not based
strategies need to be developed. Faculty need to
around “one-shot” workshops; rather,
be offered incentives for participation.
staff development activities are
comprehensive and ongoing.
Planning Matrix for Section D - Instructional Practices
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section D (Instructional Practices) and develop a related Action Plan for
the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the
related effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section D:
 Establish a First-Year Experience Program that incorporates such best practices as learning communities, paired classes, accelerated ESL
language acquisition courses, and interdisciplinary programs which pays special attention to student placement, orientation, counseling and
 Establish a permanent coordinator for this program
 Establish stipends for faculty/staff participants in the First-Year Experience.
 Expand the noncredit program
Action Plan for Section D
Academic Year 2008-2009
Planned Action
District: LACCD
College: Los Angeles Mission College
Effective Practice and Strategy
One-Stop Student and Faculty Success Center
D.6.1 Instructors in developmental
modeled after the LaGuardia Center. Centralized education courses assess, employ, and
location where students and faculty could access incorporate a variety of active learning
Basic Skills resources and receive training in Basic strategies (e.g., student engagement,
Skills instruction and curriculum development.
collaborative learning, learning
communities, supplemental instruction, and
service learning).
D.6.3 The academic and campus climate
supports active learning strategies and
connects developmental education students
to the institution, faculty, staff, and other
Target Date for
Spring 2009
Responsible Person(s)/
from Academic
Affairs and Student
Services, the Basic
Skills Coordinator,
Noncredit Program
Director, the Basic
Skills Counselor,
and the Basic Skills
Task Force
D.7.3 A systemic approach exists within
disciplines to align developmental education
course content and pedagogy to degreeapplicable and transfer-level course content
Section D
Instructional Practices
The 2008-2009 academic year will be used to plan for the
first-year experience, which will be piloted beginning
Summer 2009.
Develop and strongly encourage participation in a first-year
experience including personal development courses for new
students to learn how to succeed in college and to develop
career or transfer plans
 Focus on building learning communities; develop
programs including accelerated ESL language
acquisition courses, paired classes, and
interdisciplinary programs targeting developmental
 Require assessment, orientation, counseling
 Provide departmental counseling and peer
 Provide personal development courses
and library workshops
 Designate a permanent coordinator to develop and
improve the first-year experience
 Require students to participate in developmental
courses to facilitate their later success in contentarea courses through paired classes (developmental
classes paired with core content classes) and
interdisciplinary programs targeting developmental
 Provide stipends to faculty participating in the
planning and implementation of this first-year
 Establish a Faculty and Peer Mentoring Program to
assist students
Promote the role that noncredit can play as a pathway to
credit instruction in the first-year experience.
D.1.1 Developmental education focuses on selfdirected learning, with students engaged in actively
assessing and monitoring their own motivation and
D.2.1 Developmental courses/programs implement
effective curricula and practices for English (e.g.,
reading/writing integration, writing across the
curriculum, and use of writing labs).
Summer 2009
Representatives from
Academic Affairs and
Student Services, the
Basic Skills
Noncredit Program
Director, the Basic
Skills Counselor, and
the Basic Skills Task
D.2.2 Developmental courses/programs implement
effective curricula and practices for mathematics
(e.g., addressing environmental factors, problembased learning, small group instruction, contextual
learning, appropriate use of technology, and learning
D.2.3 Developmental courses/programs implement
effective curricula and practices for ESL.
D.2.4 Developmental courses/programs implement
effective curricula and practices for development of
study skills.
D.6.1 Instructors in developmental education courses
assess, employ, and incorporate a variety of active
learning strategies (e.g., student engagement,
collaborative learning, learning communities,
supplemental instruction, and service learning).
D.6.2 Developmental education promotes
individualized student learning, focusing on learnercenteredness rather than teacher-centeredness.
D.6.3 The academic and campus climate supports
active learning strategies and connects
developmental education students to the institution,
faculty, staff, and other students.
D.7.3 A systemic approach exists within disciplines
to align developmental education course content and
pedagogy to degree-applicable and transfer-level
course content
Reexamine basic skills curriculum (accelerated
ESL track, paired classes, contextualized
D.6.1 Instructors in developmental
education courses assess, employ, and
incorporate a variety of active learning
strategies (e.g., student engagement,
collaborative learning, learning
communities, supplemental instruction, and
service learning).
from Academic
Affairs, appropriate
Noncredit Program
Director, and the
Basic Skills Task
Basic Skills Task
Force, professional
and staff
Noncredit Program
D.2.3 Developmental courses/programs
implement effective curricula and practices
for ESL.
Design staff development activities to facilitate
faculty acquisition of active learning pedagogies
and methodologies; instruction should
accommodate student learning styles.
D.1.3 Developmental education
curriculum recognizes and emphasizes the
cognitive development of students (e.g.,
contextual learning, metacognitive skill
development, and constructivism).
D.8.1 Formal processes exist that
facilitate and promote the exchange of
effective instructional strategies among
faculty within disciplines.
D.8.2 Formal processes exist that facilitate
and promote the exchange of effective
instructional strategies among faculty
across disciplines.
D.8.3 Formal processes exist that facilitate
and promote the exchange of effective
instructional strategies between faculty in
general and developmental education
Incorporate problem-solving and critical-thinking
skills into course outlines across the disciplines.
D.1.2 Problem-solving and criticalthinking skills are integrated into
developmental education curriculum.
committee, SLO
Task Force
SLO Coordinator
Basic Skills Task
Force, Noncredit
Program Director
Assure that student services have the specialized
D.3.3 Timely interventions occur with
resources to address developmental students’
students to address emotional, social, or
needs, regardless of financial status of the student. non-academic obstacles that arise, and to
prevent student attrition resulting from
such circumstances.
Reduce class sizes in order to meet the cognitive, D.3.4 Formal mechanisms in developmental Long-term effort
social, and emotional needs of developmental
courses and programs enhance student
motivation and engagement to promote
Chief Executive
Officer, Chief
Student Services
Develop and establish appropriate prerequisites or D.5.1 A well-planned, step-by-step
advisories within disciplines; implement
sequence of developmental education course
mandatory placement of students in developmental offerings exists.
reading and writing courses prior to their
enrollment in the content areas
from Academic
Affairs, appropriate
committee, and the
Basic Skills Task
Chief Executive
Officer, Chief
Officer, Academic
Senate, EPC, Basic
Skills Task Force
Signature, Co- Chair EPC
Signature, Co- Chair EPC
Signature, Chief Executive Officer
Signature, Academic Senate President