NAME OF THE DISCIPLINE(S) ____________________________________________ NAME OF THE REQUESTOR(S)___________________________________________

Los Angeles Mission College
Request for Full-time Faculty Position
NAME OF THE DISCIPLINE(S) ____________________________________________
NAME OF THE REQUESTOR(S)___________________________________________
DATE _______________________________
Each rationale should be no more than sixty words
1. Does the discipline support student success?
2. How does the program support students in fulfilling major requirements for an AA, AS
or certificates?
3. How many different classes/activities are offered in the discipline at least one a year?
4. How does the program support other disciplines in terms of student success at Mission
5. If the requested position is not filled, what is the impact on the program?
6. Are there recent changes that have created a demand for this discipline? Please be
specific. You may attach supporting information.
7. Is there anything else you would like to add in support of your request?
Department Chair
Discipline Vice Chair And/ or Discipline Faculty Representative
(Include past six semesters) ( You may get assistance from the Dean of Technology
and Research – Maury Pearl).
1. How many students have enrolled in the discipline?
2. What is the average class percentage of occupancy at the first census?
3. What is the growth pattern in this discipline? Use WSCH/FTE.
4. What is the ratio of FTE taught by hourly instructors to FTE taught by full-time