The Evolution of the Role of the Pharmacists in Health... Presenters: Lakesha M. Butler, PharmD, BCPS, Clinical Assistant Professor of... Practice (SIUE School of Pharmacy); Jenny Niemerg, PharmD, BCPS, Clinical...

The Evolution of the Role of the Pharmacists in Health Care
Presenters: Lakesha M. Butler, PharmD, BCPS, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy
Practice (SIUE School of Pharmacy); Jenny Niemerg, PharmD, BCPS, Clinical Assistant
Professor of Pharmacy Practice (SIUE School of Pharmacy); Janice Frueh, PharmD, BCPS,
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice (SIUE School of Pharmacy)
The role of the pharmacists in health care has dramatically evolved over the last century.
Pharmacists initially began their journey as “druggists” by mixing and compounding lotions and
potions used to cure every ailment encountered. The druggists evolved into the pharmacists seen
behind the counter of local pharmacies to now mid-level practitioners who are actively a part of
the healthcare team. Additionally, pharmacy education has evolved from a bachelor’s degree to
now all pharmacists receiving a doctorate of pharmacy degree. This platform presentation will
provide an audience of approximately 100 students and faculty, an evolution journey by
discussion, active learning and role-play.
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