Alternative Formatting Provision Report (Word, 93kb)

Provision in Alternative Formats –
making resources accessible for
Students with Print Disabilities
Date: 11.01.2011
Prepared by: Michelle Garvey, Inclusive Curriculum Development Officer, TCD
Table of Contents
Executive summary .................................................................................................... 3
Recommendations to improve the process ................................................................ 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 6
What is alternative format provision”?..................................................................... 6
Current context: internationally, nationally and within TCD. ....................................... 7
Technical developments: ........................................................................................ 7
International developments ..................................................................................... 7
National developments ........................................................................................... 9
Developments within Trinity College Dublin ............................................................ 9
Alternative formatting: the need for a new approach ................................................ 10
Alt formatting process flow chart ........................................................................... 13
The steps involved in providing resources in alternative format: .............................. 14
Forward planning ..................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 16
Recommendations to improve the process .............................................................. 18
Appendices .............................................................................................................. 19
Appendix 1 – The steps involved in providing resources in alternative format: ..... 19
Appendix 2 - Alt Format Process (as proposed by TCD) ...................................... 25
Appendix 3 - How Alternate Format is produced in UCD: ..................................... 27
Appendix 4 – Results of the survey ...................................................................... 28
Appendix 5 – Alternative formatting costings ........................................................ 31
Appendix 6 - Template for requesting electronic resources from publishers ....... 32
Resources cited ....................................................................................................... 33
Information and figures were contributed by:
Julie Trimble, Access Librarian and Text Access Coordinator, UCD.
Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD)
Higher Education Authority (HEA)
National Council of the Blind in Ireland (NCBI)
Executive summary
The collation of this report is an outcome of a meeting held in Trinity College Dublin
on December 22nd 2010 with the aim of formulating a working plan to address some
of the difficulties faced in the alternative format provision process. Alternative format
provision involves providing print disabled students with teaching and learning
resources in formats other than traditional print. Most often, materials are provided in
electronic format. This can be a costly and time consuming process, and so
strategies are sought to improve it.
The report begins by looking at the current context within TCD, nationally, and
internationally. Advances in modern technology such as eBook readers have made
the provision of alternative formats a quicker and easier process than in the past.
Furthermore, under the Disability Act (2005) universities are obliged to ensure that
goods and services supplied by external and internal suppliers are accessible to
students with disabilities. It then goes on to discuss issues arising within provision of
alternative formats.
Arising Issues:
Where readings lists are not provided prior to the commencement of term,
there is a great likelihood of delays in resource provision that can negatively
impact the student’s academic experience and ability to succeed.
Handouts provided in class are often omitted when planning for alternative
format provision.
Lack of awareness of the need for, and processes of, alternative formatting
amongst teaching staff.
Students are not always involved in decisions regarding prioritisation of
The processes of providing print materials in alternative format are labour
intensive and expensive.
While publishers are increasingly recognising their responsibility to make texts
accessible, thus reducing the amount of accessible electronic resources
created by Irish colleges, there is still demand for older texts which are
available through Text Access.
Text access only works if all universities regularly update information on
resources held by them.
There seems to be a lack of awareness on the part of some publishers
regarding the rationale for alternative formatting.
There is confusion regarding who, within the institution, should request
electronic texts for readers with print disabilities.
Texts must be adapted to ensure they are properly usable with assistive
technologies. Currently software incompatibilities can make this difficult
to achieve. In Ireland also, this is an area where awareness needs to be
Recommendations to improve the process
1. Supply a proforma reading list to lecturing staff where they can include proper
citations/references for All materials covered in their course, including
handouts, which are often disconnected from the reading list.
a. Lecturers indicate whether the materials are available electronically
and from where.
2. Advise lecturing staff to prepare materials in accessible formats to lessen the
need for alternative formatting.
3. Include students in the alternative format provision process, including
resources to seek, assistive technologies to use, and the best medium for
acquiring information.
4. Ensure a comprehensive Library search has been carried out so that all e-text
options are exhausted before alternative formatting is considered.
5. Regularly forward updated information regarding resources in alternative
formats available in your institution to Text Access.
6. Encourage the procurement of electronic texts where possible as an
anticipatory duty.
7. Ensure publishers are contacted and an electronic text requested before
alternative formatting is considered.
8. Work together nationally to agree a procedure for requesting electronic
materials from publishers.
9. Collate a directory of publisher contact details for use when requesting
electronic formats modelled on the British and American resources
( and
This report has been compiled by the Inclusive Curriculum Strategy in Trinity College
Dublin with the aim of collating data regarding the provision of materials in alternative
formats to students with print disabilities. It seeks to clarify the current context,
nationally, internationally, and technologically, in which alternative format provision
takes place. It then describes the steps involved in the process of alternative format
provision, clarifying the issues that can arise at each step, and offering
recommendations for overcoming / reducing the associated difficulties. Finally, a
collated set of recommendations for enhancing alternative format provision are
offered. This report has been created with contributions from key stakeholders
within the Irish Higher Education sector. A summary of feedback from stakeholders,
collected via a national survey, is available in the appendices. This report has been
compiled so as to identify areas for development and to seek solutions to areas of
difficulty as per the national strategic objective of the Higher Education Authority
(HEA) / National Access Office (NAO) and obligations under the Disability Act 2005.
What is alternative format provision”?
Students with print disabilities have difficulty in reading the written word as presented
in a conventional way, such as hard copy books and documents. Therefore they
require an ‘alternative format’ or alternative mode of access to this material. Like all
students, those with a print disability need access to different types of printed
material including:
Books e.g. core texts,
Journal Articles,
Specific Lecture Notes / Hand-outs.
Usually, but not always, access to alternative format materials involves audio
access, mostly using text-to-speech software. However, depending on their
disability, students might also use other faculties such as sight (e.g. large print for
visually impaired students) or touch (blind students using a Braille-display).When
providing materials in alternative format, the first step is always the acquisition /
creation of an electronic version of the resource, as electronic texts have the
potential to be converted quickly and easily into the format required by the student.
Current context: internationally, nationally and within TCD.
Technical developments:
Until recently providing resources in alternative formats to students required a
lengthy process where texts were dismantled, scanned, converted to word
documents for editing, and the text rebound. This was a time consuming and costly
process. New technologies however are reducing the need to engage in this
Over the past decade the use of electronic resources has become increasingly
popular, aided by new technologies. The electronic format has replaced print as the
most common method of journal use. For example, the Trinity College Dublin library
currently has 6915 e-journal titles beginning with the letter I alone. Lecture handouts
and other resources are increasingly being made available to students online.
While print remains a common method for accessing books, e-readers are becoming
increasingly popular and this is leading to a greater demand for books in an
electronic format. E-readers act as portable electronic book stores. Users can
download electronic books for use either via text or audio. Common commercial ereaders include the Sony Reader and Amazon Kindle. These have the ability to alter
the size of the font automatically. For example, the Kindle allows readers to choose
from six different font size settings.
These developments have ensured that the use of electronic resources as an
alternative to print has entered the mainstream, and as this trend continues, it is
expected that the need to follow the established method for alternative format
provision, involving the scanning of printed texts, will become infrequent.
International developments
Much progress in ensuring material is available in alternative format can be seen in
the international arena.
In the UK alternative format provision is informed by the Freedom of Information Act
(2000), the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and the Equality Act (2010). The
Freedom of Information Act allows people to request information in any format they
specify. The Disability Discrimination Act (and the Equality Act which replaces it),
consider the provision of alternative formatting to be a reasonable accommodation,
and they consider educational institutions to have an anticipatory duty to maximise
accessibility for disabled people. This means that reasonable adjustments should not
simply be reactive to known, current disabled students, but that they should
anticipate the needs of disabled people who have not yet even thought about
applying for a place on courses.
On 15 November 2010 the European Commission adopted a new strategy to break
down the barriers that prevent persons with disabilities from participating in society
on an equal basis. The strategy outlines how the EU and national governments can
empower people with disabilities so they can enjoy their rights. Actions include an
accessibility initiative, which will consider how to use standardisation, public
procurement or state aid rules to make all goods and services accessible to people
with disabilities while fostering an EU market for assistive devices (European
Commission 2010).
Furthermore, the EU Commission is currently preparing a proposal for a Directive
implementing the principle of equal treatment outside employment, based on Article
13 of the Treaty:
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990 and became effective
in January 1992. The ADA federal legislation opened up services to people with
disabilities. The Act states that public and private organisations must provide
appropriate auxiliary aids to ensure that communications with individuals with
hearing, vision, or speech impairments are as effective as communications with
others, unless an undue burden or fundamental alteration would result.
National developments
Legislation within Ireland has also ensured focus on this issue. The Equal Status Act
2000 specifically prohibits discrimination at an 'educational establishment' in Section
7, and under section 28 of the Disability Act 2005 (House of the Oireachtas 2000,
2005), individuals are entitled to receive information in alternative formats where
possible, upon request.
In August 2006, Ross Geoghegan, Assistive Technology Officer, TCD (Geoghegan
2006) compiled a report on the cost of alternative formatting nationally, suggesting
actions to minimise this cost. A workshop was held in June 2008, attended by library
staff, the HEA and Disability Officers from TCD with the aim of highlighting the
issues with accessible information / alternate formatting, with a view to
progressing a national strategy to streamline the process, and identifying
the responsibilities of different stakeholders. No further national action has
been taken to date.
The HEA published their National Plan for Equity of Access 2008-2013 in July 2008.
Target 34 of this plan states:
The National Access Office will commission research on the provision of
academic material in alternate format across the higher-education sector.
Recommendations will be made and next steps outlined in the context of
creating a model of good practice for the provision of alternative format
(National Office of Equity of Access to Higher Education 2008).
The Centre for Disability, Law and Policy in NUI Galway is currently recruiting
for a researcher to investigate rebalancing Intellectual Property with disability
rights to enable blind and deaf/blind users to access electronic media. This
research aims to enhance the availability of electronic resources to print
disabled students.
Developments within Trinity College Dublin
In July 2009, TCD revised and strengthened its Accessible Information Policy (Trinity
College Dublin 2009), which includes the commitments to:
Openly advertise the availability of information in accessible formats to staff
and members of the public. The College agreed statement is ‘Accessible
formats are available upon request’ and this should be prominently placed on
all publications.
Establish a procedure for requesting information in accessible formats.
Advertise the availability of this service and ensure that all staff are trained in
the receipt and operation of such requests.
Work is on-going to implement this policy within all levels and areas of TCD.
Following an independent quality review of services for readers with disabilities the
library in 2009 (TCD Disability Service 2009), it was recommended that twelve
months funding be provided towards a change management post, to embed best
practice in the library and to oversee the implementation of recommendations arising
from the review. This review had highlighted the need to return to the issue of
alternative format so as to resolve problems around acquisition and accessibility of
alternative format text. The College Inclusive Curriculum Development Officer took
on this role, extending the current Trinity Inclusive Curriculum (TIC) strategy to
include the Trinity Inclusive Library (TIL) strategy.
Alternative formatting: the need for a new approach
The numbers of students registered with disabilities in Higher Education grows
annually. In 2010 there were 2386 new entrants to the Irish Higher Education sector
with registered disabilities (HEA, 2010), while AHEAD (2010) report that there are
currently 6321 students with disabilities studying nationally in Ireland.
Figure 1 shows the increasing numbers of students with disabilities from
AHEAD’s first survey of the subject in 1993/94 right through to 2009/10
Numbers of Students with Disabilities
Total SWD - % of total student population
Undergraduate SWD
Postgraduate SWD
- 3.2%
- 3.4%
- 3.3%
990 -
- 1.1%
There are currently (January 28th 2011) 793 students registered with the TCD
Disability Service compared to 421 five years ago in 05/06, and 222 in 01/02,
according to the Disability Service Annual Report 05/06 (TCD Disability Service
This leads to greater demand for the provision of resources in alternative formats.
This is likely to grow further in line with the Higher Education Authority National
Access Plan (HEA 2008) which seeks to double the number of students with
sensory, physical and multiple disabilities in higher education.
As the demand for provision of information in alternative formats increases, there is a
need to clarify and improve the process for obtaining resources in alterative formats.
In the past, alternative formatted material was created primarily through scanning
and editing from printed texts. This procedure is expensive and labour intensive, and
there is a pressing need, particularly in the current economic climate, to seek ways
to reduce costs. Due to technological advances, more economical methods are
available for obtaining alternative formats, and should be considered before resorting
to the traditional method of alternative formatting provision.
Below is an alternative format flow chart. The next section follows the steps
illustrated in this flow chart, indicating the recommended steps to be taken when
providing resources in alternative format. The next section will examine each step in
sequential order, describing the process, the issues arising, and possible solutions to
these issues.
Alt formatting process flow chart
Students register with
Disability Service
Reading list supplied and
priorities agreed.
If found
Check Text access and other sources for
Use / edit as
existing e-text / alt format
If none found
If received
Use / edit as
Contact publisher / author and request e-
If none received
Create alternative format from hard copy
Give copy to student and
register resource with
The steps involved in providing resources in alternative format:
For more information on each step see appendix 1.
Step 1: Reading
Issues Arising
Late registration with the Disability
Service heightens chance that
materials will be unavailable for the
beginning of teaching term.
Lecturer sends the Late receipt of reading lists means
reading list to the
alt. formats cannot be produced /
located before teaching begins.
Reading lists are not annotated so
priorities cannot be agreed
Reading lists do not include
handouts and other resources that
the student will need access to.
Step 2 – Check
Subject librarian
Lack of staff awareness when
creating reading lists means
materials that are difficult to provide
in alternative formats may be
chosen when more accessible
materials were possible.
Students are not always included in
the process, and this can lead to
misunderstandings of priorities, and
missed deadlines.
Often electronic texts are not
Inform all incoming students of the Disability Service
as early as possible.
Aim to have reading lists two months before the
beginning of teaching term.
Supply a proforma reading list to lecturers where they
can indicate key texts, and relevant chapters within
works (see example in appendix 2).
Lecturers indicate whether the materials are available
electronically and from where.
Ask for proforma reading list to include references for
All materials covered in their course, including
handouts, which are often disconnected from the
reading list.
Ensure lecture handouts and other resources are
prepared following accessible information guidelines.
Advise lecturing staff to prepare materials in
accessible formats to lessen the need for alternative
Include students in the alternative format provision
process, including resources to seek, assistive
technologies to use, and the best medium for
acquiring information.
Encourage the procurement of electronic texts where
for existing
resources / alt
Step 3 –
Publisher to
request e-text
Step 4 –
seeks electronic
copies of
resources on the
reading list.
Subject librarian to
check Text
Access for a copy
of the text and
request if
The publisher is
contacted and an
electronic copy is
An electronic copy
is created from an
existing print text.
Issues Arising
considered when purchasing
Not all electronic texts are
accessible to assistive technology.
Relevance of TextAccess is
dependent on participating
institutions sending regular updates
on materials available.
possible as an anticipatory duty.
Publishers can be reticent to
provide electronic copies.
There can be confusion regarding
who should request electronic
copies from publishers.
It is not always known who to
contact within a Publishing house.
Work together nationally to agree a procedure for
requesting electronic materials from publishers.
Work together as a sector to raise awareness of
accessibility issues with publishers.
Regularly forward updated information regarding
resources in alternative formats available in your
institution to Text Access.
Collate a directory of publisher contact details for use
when requesting electronic formats modelled on the
British and American resources
( and
There can be a delay in receiving
Work together nationally to raise awareness of the
materials from publishers after the
importance of receiving electronic formats for
request is made
students with print disabilities.
Materials can be provided in formats Work together nationally to raise awareness of
that cannot be read by assistive
accessible information and assistive technology
amongst publishers.
This is time consuming and
Ensure a comprehensive Library search has been
carried out so that all e-text options are exhausted
before alternative formatting is considered.
Retain a copy of alternatively formatted material for
future use, and inform TextAccess.
Forward planning
There was meeting in Trinity College Dublin on December 22nd 2010, attended by:
Peter Brown, National Access Office
Michelle Garvey, Trinity Inclusive Library Development Officer,
Ann Heelan, AHEAD
Declan Treanor, Director, TCD Disability Service.
This meeting aimed to formulate a working plan to address some of the difficulties
faced in the alternative format provision process.
Outcomes of this meeting included:
Peter Brown to explore the possibility of meeting with the Irish Publishers
Federation to see if we can raise awareness to the need for provision in
alternative formats.
Peter Brown to seek a slot at the IUA and IOT Library groups meeting to discuss
the processes involved in the provision of resources in alternative formats.
TCD produced a report in 2006 outlining the issues and costs associated with
alt-formatting. Michelle Garvey to coordinate the collation of an up to date report
on alternative formatting. The HEA will provide data on the amount of funds
allocated to alt formatting over a number of years.
Michelle Garvey to coordinate a survey of libraries and Disability Officers on
present situation regarding the provision of resources in alternative formats
Ann Heelan to meet up with the head of the Library school in UCD regarding
good practice.
Ann Heelan to talk to Julie Trimble about Text Access.
It is clear from this report that providing alternative format is a complex process, but
one that is vital to, and unquestionable in the inclusion of, students with a print
disability in higher education. Alternative format allows print-disabled students to
participate fully and ensures equality of opportunity in pursuing their education. As
such it is necessary to enhance the efficiency and quality of the alternative format
provision service offered to students in Higher Education.
As new technologies are developed the process involved in the provision of
alternative formats is becoming more cost effective and less labour intensive. This
report highlights actions that can further enhance the process and recommends that
the Higher Education sector works with publishers and students towards this goal.
Below are a set of recommendations for the Higher Education sector as a whole as it
works to enhance this process.
Recommendations to improve the process
The following are a list of recommendations, as proposed by TCD, to improve the
efficiency of the alternative format process which may have application nationally:
1. Supply a proforma reading list to lecturing staff where they can include proper
citations/references for All materials covered in their course, including
handouts, which are often disconnected from the reading list.
a. Lecturers indicate whether the materials are available electronically
and where they are available.
2. Aim to have reading lists two months before the beginning of teaching term.
3. Advise lecturing staff to prepare materials in accessible formats to lessen the
need for alternative formatting.
4. Include students in the alternative format provision process, including
resources to seek, assistive technologies to use, and the best medium for
acquiring information.
5. Ensure a comprehensive Library search has been carried out so that all e-text
options are exhausted before alternative formatting is considered.
6. Regularly forward updated information regarding resources in alternative
formats available in your institution to Text Access.
7. Encourage the procurement of electronic texts where possible as an
anticipatory duty.
8. Ensure publishers are contacted and an electronic text requested before
alternative formatting is considered.
9. Work together nationally to agree a procedure for requesting electronic
materials from publishers.
10. Collate a directory of publisher contact details for use when requesting
electronic formats modelled on the British and American resources
( and
Appendix 1 – The steps involved in providing resources in
alternative format:
Preliminary step
Higher education institutions should ensure that all students are aware of the
Disability Service as early as possible to ensure that students who anticipate
needing materials in alternative format connect with the Disability Service as early as
Step 1: - The reading list
The first step in the provision of resources to students with print disabilities is the
provision of reading lists by lecturers. To ensure a smooth process reading lists
should be clear, concise, and received in a timely manner.
Reading lists are often provided to students and the library at the beginning of the
teaching term, or even after teaching has begun. The TCD library recommends that
all reading lists for the academic year should be received by the library before the
end of July of the previous summer (see While this is important to ensure resources are
available for all students, it is particularly important when texts are required in
alternative formats as the acquisition of alternative formats can be a lengthy process.
Where readings lists are not provided prior to the commencement of term, there is a
great likelihood of delays in resource provision that can negatively impact the
student’s academic experience and ability to succeed.
Clear and concise:
In order to provide alternative formats effectively, libraries need to know:
what resources are key,
what sections of resources are key
what is available electronically,
Handouts provided in class must also be highlighted in advance.
It is suggested that a pro-forma be supplied to lecturing staff where they include
proper citations/references for all materials covered in their course, including
handouts, which are often disconnected from the reading list. They should also
indicate whether the materials are available electronically and where they are
The pro-forma will do two things:
1. Allow educational support workers/Library staff to search and retrieve more
2. Should the material need to be converted into alternative format it can be
referenced/catalogued properly.
Raising staff awareness when preparing materials:
The lecturer can help ensure the provision of accessible materials to students with
print disabilities when preparing lecture handouts and choosing course material.
Where lecture notes and other resources are prepared in accordance with
accessible information guidelines, the need for editing and formatting can be greatly
reduced, or even eliminated. According to a legal opinion sought by TCD in January
2011, lecturers have a legal responsibility to ensure students with a print disability
have the same access to handouts and teaching material as their peers:
“If notes are provided as a part of a particular module or subject then
these should be made available in advance to students whose disability
would prevent them from taking an accurate note during the lecture”
Lecturers should also be aware of electronic resources when compiling reading lists.
Increasingly material published after 2002 (particularly journal articles) is available
Further recommendations regarding reading lists are available from:
Further information on accessible information is available from:
Student involvement when prioritising resources:
Students need to be involved in deciding what material is to be sought and when it
should be prepared. Problems such as miscommunication, missed deadlines and the
student’s changing priorities can lead to frustration on all sides. Furthermore,
students need to be involved in deciding what assistive technologies to use for most
effective information provision, training needs, and when the support of a reader may
be more appropriate than engaging in the alternative formatting process. Overall, it is
essential that the student is at the centre of the decision making process regarding
alternative formats.
Step 2– Check for existing electronic resources / alt format.
Once reading list priorities are agreed, the information is forwarded to the relevant
Subject Librarian, who carries out full search of e-text databases and online
resources. This includes Text Access. A comprehensive library search should be
carried out by the Subject Librarian so that all e-text options are exhausted before
alternative formatting is considered. The labour and cost of doing this are far more
economical than the expense of alternative format production.
Availability of eBooks
As e-reader technologies advance, the availability of eBooks grows. Libraries should
be encouraged to seek electronic texts in additional to printed texts where possible.
Under the Disability Act (2005) universities are obliged to ensure that goods and
services supplied by external and internal suppliers are accessible to students with
disabilities. Through the purchase and supply of electronic texts universities would
certainly live up to this obligation, fulfilling an anticipatory duty, and would move a
long way toward an inclusive and universally accessible learning environment.
There are organisations that specialize in the supply of materials in alternative
formats. In Ireland, the National Council for the Blind in Ireland (NCBI) media centre
produces and distributes resources in electronic formats to those with registered
visual impairments. It has a database of over 16,000 titles. Other resources include
the American organisation Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, who will provide
Irish citizens with cassette audio files, and Robobraille, which is an EU initiative that
provides braille embossed or audio files within minutes of receiving electronic files
from users via
Text Access
Currently there is a national AHEAD initiative to catalogue resources prepared in
alternative format called Text Access. Text Access provides a centralised database
of accessible resources created by participating Irish colleges. Essentially if a book
has been converted to an alternate format by any Irish college then no other Irish
college should have to convert the same book if required by one of their students.
While publishers are increasingly recognising their responsibility to make texts
accessible, thus reducing the amount of accessible electronic resources created by
Irish colleges, there is still demand for older texts which are available through Text
Text Access began as a joint initiative between AHEAD and a Consortium of
National and university Libraries (CONUL). It was developed over a two year period
and worked in consultation with CONUL, staff in libraries throughout the sector,
similar projects in the UK, technology and copyright experts, and students with
It arose from the realisation that a great effort was being made by the Disability
Services in Irish colleges to provide books in accessible formats for students with
disabilities. The aim of Text Access was to reduce duplication and to share
resources. There are currently 1634 records on the database. Although it is still
being added to the number of accessible books being created by colleges has
reduced substantially as colleges have had success in obtaining accessible formats
directly from the publishers.
How Text Access Requests Work:
Ireland's third level educational institutions are authorised under the Copyright and
Related Rights Act, 2000 to make and supply a modified copy of a work to an
individual with a physical or mental disability without infringing the copyright of that
work. Subsequent sale, rental or loan of this modified copy to a member of the public
is strictly forbidden by copyright law and could result in fines or imprisonment.
Students registered with the Disability Service of any college who have a print
impairment can search the Text Access catalogue and request books. A member of
Disability Service staff within the students’ home institution then requests the book
on the student’s behalf from the college where it was produced. A copy of the book is
sent to the requesting college within 48 hours.
How Text Access is updated:
The HEA requires colleges who receive funding from the National Office for Equity of
Access to Higher Education Fund for Students with Disabilities, to submit records of
all accessible books created to the Text Access database. Text access only works if
all universities regularly update information on resources held by them. While
originally individual colleges uploaded their own records to the database, this proved
problematic in that the records were often not created by librarians but people
working in the disability service and were of varying quality. All records are now sent
to the Text Access coordinator (currently UCD’s Access Librarian) who uploads the
records on behalf of each college.
Step 3 – Contact publisher to request e-text
Following an exhaustive search of current resources, the publisher is contacted and
an electronic copy is requested.
A list of publisher contact details for British publishers is available from:
A list of publisher contact details for American publishers is available from:
There is no equivalent directory for Ireland.
As these accessible copies are bound by licensing agreements, colleges have to
apply on behalf of each individual student who requires the accessible text.
Legal deposits
Trinity College Dublin has legal deposit privileges in both Britain and Ireland.
Furthermore, DCU, UL, UCD, NUIG, UCC and NIUM have legal deposit privileges in
Ireland under the Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000, which also notes the right
of these institutions to receive an electronic copy of the resource.
Where a copy of a book requested under subsection (1) is delivered in a
form other than an electronic form, the Board or other authorities referred
to in subsection (1) may request, in addition to that copy, a copy in an
electronic form readable by means of an electronic retrieval system and
on such request being made a copy in electronic form shall be delivered
by the publisher to the Board or authority concerned (House of the
Oireachtas, 2000).
There seems to be a lack of awareness on the part of some publishers
regarding the rationale for alternative formatting however and there can be
delays in the receipt of electronic resources. Furthermore there is confusion
regarding who, within the institution, should request electronic texts for readers
with print disabilities. A nationally agreed process between higher education
institutes and publishers would be welcomed.
It is important to recognise that the distribution of an electronic text is not the
only step in alternative format provision. Resources requested in electronic
format are often supplied in formats inaccessible to assistive technology
(Quark). Texts must then be adapted to ensure they are properly usable with
assistive technologies. In the UK, the Publishers Association
( has started working to inform publishers as
to the importance of documents having a semantic structure which can be used
for navigation by a wide range of assistive technologies. In Ireland also, there is
a need to raise awareness of the rationale for alternative formatting, and the
principles of accessible information.
Step 4 – Alternative formatting
If it proves impossible to locate an existing electronic copy of the necessary text, or
to obtain a copy from the publisher, an electronic copy is produced from an existing
printed text. This is always the option of final resort as it is both time consuming and
The production of alternative formats involves obtaining a print text and removing the
spine, scanning material and editing as necessary. Once the electronic text has been
created it can be converted to the format necessary and sent on to the student.
In order to reduce the need for future formatting it is good practice to retain the new
electronic resource for future use. As such, records should be added to any local
archiving systems in your institution and information forward on to Text Access at
regular intervals.
Appendix 2 - Alt Format Process (as proposed by TCD)
1. Lecturer supplies prioritised reading list with proper citations and details at
least six weeks prior to teaching commencement:
o Priority (top five 1,2,3,4,5, asterisk others)
o relevant chapters/sections including pages (no point in scanning a
whole book when only chapter 17 is relevant!)
o availability of material in electronic format
o weblink/name of e-text database (e.g. JSTOR) where available
(give top five +
Chapters/Sections online/as e-
of material
asterisk others (1
Harvard style)
(Please indicate page
(Please include
being most
numbers where
(Please indicate
library catalogue
which database)
number or ISBN
if unsure of
Reading list given to student to prioritise with Support Worker
Where e-texts are marked available, Support Workers check, retrieve and
start to format as required
Reading List emailed to subject librarian
Subject Librarian carries out full exhaustive search of e-text databases/online
resources (including (at end) RevealWeb, Text Access)) – there is a set
search fee for this work (more economical than preparing alt formats)
(Subject Librarian saves texts/link once found?)
If material available electronically - edited as necessary (some text-to-speech
software will read web pages and PDF documents, depends on students
If material unavailable publisher or author contacted – explain situation and
If alt format necessary: books bought/retrieved from Library (booked by
Librarian on library system or support worker takes out on student’s card –
special borrowing privileges)
Support Worker/Librarian brings book to spine chopping/removal facility
Material is scanned and edited in order of priority
Each scanned piece is saved as one document, with a title similar to the
actual title of the article/chapter. It is scanned to a minimum standard of
alternative formatting – see section below. [It is suggested that for dyslexic
students, diagrams and tables are left as graphics (obviously depends on
students disability) – this should be to a minimum of black + white and
resolution of 300 dpi (dependent on local scanning techniques/backup)]
File converted as necessary (to audio etc.)
File sent to student and archived (included on a regular backup schedule) or
submitted to institutional digital repository for future retrieval
Record added to local Library Systems (as attribute of library record – e.g.
available in alternative format)
Record added to Text Access [include hyperlink/URI to digital repository if
Book rebound and sold/brought back to Library
Appendix 3 - How Alternate Format is produced in UCD:
1. The student, in consultation with their lecturer or tutor, produces a prioritised
booklist of the texts for the course of study.
2. UCD archives are checked and any books already produced are supplied to
the student immediately.
3. The Text Access database is checked and any books which have already
been produced by other HEIs are requested from the holding institution and
supplied to the student as soon as they are received.
4. An online search is carried out and links to any books which are freely
available are sent to the student.
5. Publishers are asked to supply accessible copies of all other books.
6. On receipt the books are edited if necessary and supplied to the student as
soon as possible.
7. Books which are not available in an accessible format from any other source
are ordered from the Campus Bookshop.
8. The new books are sent to UCD Copy Print to have their spines removed.
9. The Access Librarian arranges for the loose pages of the book to be scanned,
using a high-speed scanner and OCR software (Omnipage), and the resulting
raw text is saved.
10. The scanned text is edited - page numbers are entered, pictures described,
tables formatted etc. - and the text is checked to ensure that it has scanned
correctly. This is the slowest and most costly stage of the production process.
11. The books are provided as accessible pdf documents or Microsoft Word
documents depending on the requirements of the student. The files are saved
onto a Compact Disc for the student and an archive copy is kept.
12. If material is required in further format such as Large Print or Braille the edited
text is printed and bound for the student.
13. At various points throughout the year UCD uploads completed texts to , where it can be seen that UCD are the single largest
contributor to this repository of accessible texts.
14. Original copy of E text is held by UCD and where required, further copies are
made available to students when requested, thus ensuring multiple use of
available texts.
Appendix 4 – Results of the survey
Twenty respondents, seven were affiliated with the library, fifteen were affiliated with
the Disability Service. Job titles were:
AT Officer X4
Disability officer X3
Alternative Formatter X2
Learning Support Specialist
ESW Administrator
Computer Technician
Access Officer
User Services Librarian
Access Librarian
Senior Library Assistant,
Assistant Librarian
Deputy Librarian X2
Keeper (Readers' Services)
When asked who was responsible for alternative formatting in their area:
8 responded with the Disability Service generally,
5 with the Assistive Technology officer,
3 with a librarian,
2 with the Access office,
1 with alternative format officer,
1 did not know.
When asked about the three greatest difficulties / concerns facing their institution
regarding the allocation of electronic resources and alternative formatting
respondents responded with (in order of significance):
Concerns regarding the cooperation of publishers,
Time involved,
Cost involved,
Access to electronic documents,
Levels of expertise,
Availability of timely reading lists,
Time taken to receive requested electronic documents.
When asked for suggestions to enhance the process the top response was to work
together to approach publishers regarding future practice. While responsibility
contacting publishers lay with different areas in different institutions (usually the
library or Disability Service), responses from publishers varied, and could hinder the
Depending on the publisher, it can be straightforward or not. Some are very
accommodating and provide material straight away. Others require that
requests be passed through an intermediary (e.g. St Joseph's Centre, who
technically are responsible for second level only) in order to provide material.
This process took 2 months to complete last year which hindered the student.
(Survey respondent)
67% of respondents said their institutions currently purchase eBooks but it was
noted that these are not always accessible.
Good practice here and elsewhere
Response from survey
Origin unknown
Our acquisitions team have found that some publishers are more willing to provide
this material than others, so they keep a list of these publishers for future reference.
I have provided some other institutions with a template email which I use when
requesting accessible copies from publishers.
Letterkenny IT
This year we subscribed to a federated search - which cross searches 16 electronic
resources in a single search.
We have a bank of alternative formatters where we break up the text in to chapters
and send them out so that a book can be completed in a short period and the
amount of work flows more evenly. One very experienced formatter scans for all and
divides up the work. Where there are foreign languages, we have a bank of
formatters for these as well.
IT Tallaght
IT Tralee
The link with a centre that has specific and trained resources that carries out this
work on an on-going basis.
Appendix 5 – Alternative formatting costings
HEA data –total amounts approved under the category of Alternate Format.
Received February 22nd 2011
Athlone Institute of
Cork College of
Dublin City University
Institute of Technology
Institute of Technology
Letterkenny Institute of
National University of
Ireland, Galway
National University of
Ireland, Maynooth
St. Angela's College
Trinity College Dublin
University College Cork
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
€ 2,400
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
No data
€ 1,728
No data
No data
No data
€ 1,920
€ 3,728
No data
No data
No data
No data
€ 7,500
No data
€ 6,474
€ 7,496
€ 2,550
€ 5,000
No data
€ 7,550
No data
No data
€ 2,550
No data
No data
No data
€ 7,480
No data
€ 7,950
No data
€ 2,550
University College
University of Limerick
Grand Total
€ 1,800
Appendix 6 - Template for requesting electronic resources from
(Compiled by Julie Trimble, Access Librarian, UCD).
Dear Sir/Madam
Please would it be possible for you to send me an accessible electronic version of
the following:
Author: _____________________
Year: _______________________
Title: _______________________
ISBN: ______________________
The file is for ______________, who is a print impaired student who is studying for a
degree in __________ at _________________. Access to this text is required for his
/ her ___________________ module.
In order to support this student we need to access copies of texts which are
compatible with _______________ software.
If possible we would like your permission for our Library to retain the document for
future use by visually or other print impaired students.
The Library has already bought printed copies of this title.
I appreciate your assistance and I look forward to your reply.
Best wishes
Resources cited
AHEAD (2010). Survey on the Participation Rates of Students with Disabilities in
Higher Education for the Academic Year 2009/2010. AHEAD, Dublin.
Association of American Publishers website. Retrieved 4th February, 2011, from
European Comission (2010, 15th November 2010). EU launches Disability Strategy
2010 -2020. European Commission: Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
Retrieved 28th January 2011 from
Geoghegan, R. (2006). Alternative Format – Making Books Accessible for Students
with a Print Disability. Dublin, TCD Disability Service.
House of the Oireachtas (2000). Copyright and Related Rights. Section 198.
House of the Oireachtas (2000). Equal Status Act. Section 7.
House of the Oireachtas (2005). Disability Act 2005. Section 28.
National Office of Equity of Access to Higher Education (2008). National Plan for
Equity of Access to Higher Education 2008-2013. Higher Education Authority.
National Office of Equity of Access to Higher Education (2010). National Plan for
Equity of Access to Higher Education 2008-2013: Mid Term Review. Higher
Education Authority. Dublin.
TCD Disability Service (2006). Disability Service Annual Report 05/06. Dublin, TCD.
TCD Disability Service (2009). Trinity College Dublin Library Disability Service
Review. Dublin, TCD.
Trinity College Dublin. (2009, 12th October 2009). "Accessible Information Policy."
Retrieved 18th January, 2011, from
UK Publishers Association website. Retrieved 4th February, 2011, from