Mozambique - MDG Goals 2, 4, 6 8

Map of Mozambique
Background Information
• South eastern Africa
• It is a country of great natural wealth – regular
rainfall, fertile land, forests, fisheries, minerals as
well as its coastal location.
• It has a population of about 20. 4 million
• Average life expectancy is estimated to be 40.4
• The country has an illiteracy rate of approx. 52.2
• Mozambique is ranked 172nd in the Human
Development Index
Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary
The literacy level in Mozambique is only 38.7%.
Mozambique’s case it seems this target will not be completed by 2015, however
huge improvements have been made with the help of Irish Aid
Irish Aid in conjunction with the Mozambican government are trying to improve the
quality of education and trying to increase the enrolment in education, especially
for girls.
Over one million children still do not attend primary education in Mozambique.
In 2004 Mozambique’s school fees were abolished so that families don’t have to
worry about paying for tuition
Irish Aid are striving to improve the quality of education received by increasing their
aid to €11 million in 2010 compared to €5.75 million in 2007.
Teacher training has improved which means that quality of education is better.
Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality
Mozambique’s child mortality numbers are 100 per every 1,000 live births.
In 2006 Mozambique was ranked number three in the world for having the lowest doctor
patient ratio for three doctors per every 100,000 people.
Child mortality is the cause of poor health care and poverty.
The main causes are diarrhea, malaria, neo-natal infections, pneumonia, premature births
and complications at birth such as a lack of oxygen.
In 2004 43% of the population was using an improved water source whereas only 32% were
using improved sanitation.
In 2007 alone Irish Aid gave €15.5 million to a health care fund for Mozambique. Using the
money hospitals and clinics can be built and upgraded.
Irish Aid is particularly concerned with Mother and Child health care in the hospitals which
includes care during the pregnancy and afterwards for mother and child.
There has been huge progress made regarding the issue of child mortality in Mozambique,
Irish Aid says that ‘infant (under-1) mortality was 96 out of 1,000 in 2006, down from 109 in
2003 and 158 in 1990; child (under-5) mortality was 138 out of 1,000 in 2006, down from 158
in 2003 and 235 in 1990’ (
Mozambique only 45% of one year olds are immunized. These immunizations are the BCG
(vaccine against T.B.), MMR (vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella) and DPT (vaccine
against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus)
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and
other disease
• “HIV/AIDS is recognized as the single biggest threat
to poverty reduction.”
• Mozambique has the 10th highest infection rate in
the world (16%)
• Irish Aid have made anti retroviral treatment more
accessible and 100,000 now recieve it.
• The Clinton Foundation provide funding through Irish
Aid to help prevent HIV/ Aids.
• Oxfam estimate that universal primary education
would prevent about 30% all new infections in this
age group.”
Goal 8: Develop a global partnership
This goal states that UN members commit
themselves to “develop further an open –
trading financial system that is rule – based,
predictable and non – discriminatory”.
Foreign aid accounts for 15% of the country’s
GDP and 50% of government spending over
the last 10 years
• Mozambique is an agriculture-based economy. Over
75 percent of the population is employed in the
• Since 1996, Mozambique has become self-sufficient
in its production of grains and cereal production
currently exceeds national needs. However,
agricultural productivity remains considerably lower
than the African average, and the sector has
substantial potential for further growth.
Barriers to fair trade in
• Mozambique bases it’s economy largely on agricultural produce and
specialises in trading these goods. Meanwhile, developed countries have
reduced these countries’ comparative advantage in these areas (through
farm subsidies and CAP).
• Mozambique’s heavy dependence on exporting agricultural produce has
left them in an insecure position as a natural disaster could wipe out their
entire harvest
• Mozambique exports mainly unprocessed goods at very low prices and
then because of lack of access to technological advances they must buy
back these later refined goods from developed countries at a much higher
• There is a huge gap in the use of technology between developed and least
developed countries such as Mozambique which puts them at a major
• Taxes and tariffs cost sub – Saharan nations at least $1.06 on every $1
earned due to negative terms of trade
• By 2012 it is hoped Mozambique could compete internationally on equal
• The following progress has been highlighted in the UN’s 2008 Mozambique
report on development:
• Trade: The Government has been creating and improving the regulatory
mechanisms for business activities
• International prices: The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) has
access to international sources
• Debt Management: The International Monetary Fund approved the
cancellation of 154 million USD (100%) of debt
International Trade and Regional Integration: In January 2008,
Mozambique implemented a Free Trade Zone. Bilateral commercial
relations with neighbouring countries have been established
Information and Communication Technology (ICT): The use of ICT has
experienced a significant growth