Malawi - MDG Goals 1, 2 6

Country: Malawi
Capital city: Lilongwe
Population: Approx. 14 million
Birth rate is on average 5.9 per woman.
The economy is predominately agricultural, with about 90% of the
population living in rural areas.
One of the least developed countries in the world: 2/3 of population
living in poverty.
It is estimated that in Malawi, a country of approximately 13 million
people, there are around 260 doctors
Life expectancy at birth:
- Men: 44 years - Women: 43 years
2007 estimate: 930,000 people suffering from HIV/AIDS
Politically turbulent
Since 2002 the Irish Government has funded development programmes in
Malawi. This funding amounts to 3 million euro per year.
Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty & Hunger
• Achievements:
New agricultural initiatives
Establishment of micro-finance networks
Rehabilitation of land for small holder farmers
Identification of other sources of economic growth
• Statistics:
New= Roman
Population below $1 a day (%): Times1998
Population below national poverty line, (%)1991 = 54.0%
Employment-to-population ratio, both sexes, 1991 = 71.6%
Children under 5 severely underweight, 1992 = 27.2%
• Future Challenges:
A shortage of agricultural goods
Food storage
Lack of skills
2004 = 73.9%
1998 = 65.3%
2007 = 71.8%
2006 = 20.5%
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education by 2015,
ensuring that children everywhere, boys and girls alike,
are able to complete a full course of primary schooling
The 2008 Malawi Development Report (Challenges)
• Malawi- Huge inequalities in access to education, most likely to not attend school are the poorer
people, those in rural areas and girls.
• The report identified the following as challenges to achieving universal education:
-Lack of qualified teachers
-Poor School building infrastructure
-Teaching standards not monitored
-No provision for children with special needs
-Absenteeism due to diet and health problems.
-Children not continuing on to secondary school.
The National Educational Sector Plan 2008 (Achievements)
• Reducing the pupil teacher ratio to 1:60 by 2013/14.
• Increasing the availability of textbooks.
• The Primary Curriculum Assessment Review.
• Increased School -50 a year, and Teacher House construction.
• Grants specifically to increase the participation of girls in education.
• Free Education
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
• Achievements:
Awareness campaigns
Counselling and testing sites: 184 sites in 2005.
ATR drugs (Anti-Retroviral) clinics: 60 clinics in May 2005.
19,000 people have now received ATR drugs as opposed to none in the year 2000.
HIV/AIDS Education.
• Statistics:
AIDS Deaths:
2001: 60,000
2007: 68,000
Men, 15-24 years old with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS (%)
2000 = 41%
2006 = 42%
2000 = 34%
2006 = 42%
• Challenges:
Negative social attitudes
Inadequate number of health personnel
Difficulty in administering ATR drugs.
Cultural beliefs
MDG 1?
MDG monitor: MDG 1 = Off track
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy 2006 – 2011
A solution: Loans and credit systems?
MDG 6?
MDG monitor: MDG 6 = possible to achieve if some changes are made
Increase in awareness campaigns
Voluntary testing
Increase the number of clinics
A focus on Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) Services