This is not the CPS Feb 96 documentation!!! NAME SIZE DESCRIPTION LOCATION ********************************************************************** * All items, except those with one character, also can have * * values of -1, -2, or -3 even if such values are not listed in * * the documentation. The meanings of these values are as * * follows: * * * * -1 = Blank or not in universe * * * * -2 = Don't know * * * * -3 = Refused * * * * Most edited items (E or R) in the second character of the * * item name also can be blank. This means that the record was * * not in universe for that item. * * * ********************************************************************** A1. HRHHID 15 HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER (1 - 15) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE HUINTTYP 2 TYPE OF INTERVIEW (16 - 17) VALID ENTRIES 0 = 1 = 2 = FILLER 2 HUPRSCNT 2 Noninterview or indeterminate Personal Telephone (18 - 19) NUMBER OF ACTUAL AND ATTEMPTED PERSONAL CONTACTS (20 - 21) VALID ENTRIES 1 = Min Value 9 = Max Value HURESPLI 2 LINE NUMBER OF THE CURRENT RESPONDENT VALID ENTRIES 0 = 99 = Min Value Max Value (22 - 23) HUFINAL 3 FINAL OUTCOME CODE (24 - 26) Outcome Codes Between 001 And 200 Are For CATI. All Other Outcome Codes Are For CAPI. VALID ENTRIES 000 = New Interview - Not Contacted 001 = Fully Complete CATI Interview 002 = Partially Completed CATI Interview 005 = Labor Force Complete, Supplement Incomplete - CATI 024 = HH Occupied Entirely By Armed Forces Members 115 = Partial Interview With Callback Planned - CATI 200 = New Interview - Contacted 201 = CAPI Complete 202 = Callback Needed 203 = Sufficient Partial Precloseout 204 = Sufficient Partial - At Closeout 205 = Labor Force Complete, Suppl. Incomplete - CAPI 210 = CAPI Complete Reinterview 216 = No One Home 217 = Temporarily Absent 218 = Refused 219 = Other Occupied - Specify 224 = Armed Forces Occupied Or Under Age 14 225 = Temp. Occupied W/persons With Ure 226 = Vacant Regular 227 = Vacant - Storage Of Hhld Furniture 228 = Unfit, To Be Demolished 229 = Under Construction, Not Ready 230 = Converted To Temp Business Or Storage 231 = Unoccupied Tent Or Trailer 232 = Permit Granted - Construction Not Started 233 = Other - Specify 240 = Demolished 241 = House Or Trailer Moved 242 = Outside Segment 243 = Converted To Perm. Business Or Storage Site 244 245 246 247 Merged Condemned Built After April 1, 1980 Unused Serial No./listing Sheet Line 248 = Other - Specify HUSPNISH 2 = = = = IS SPANISH THE ONLY LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY ALL MEMBERS OF THIS HOUSEHOLD WHO ARE 15 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER? (27 - 28) VALID ENTRIES 1 = HETENURE 2 Spanish Only Language Spoken ARE YOUR LIVING QUARTERS... (READ ANSWER CATEGORIES) (29 - 30) EDITED UNIVERSE: HRINTSTA = 1 OR HUTYPB = 1-3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = HEHOUSUT 2 Owned Or Being Bought By A HH Member Rented For Cash Occupied Without Payment Of Cash Rent TYPE OF HOUSING UNIT EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = Other Unit House, Apartment, Flat Hu In Nontransient Hotel, Motel, Etc. Hu Permanent In Transient Hotel, Motel Hu In Rooming House Mobile Home Or Trailer W/no Perm. Room Added Mobile Home Or Trailer W/1 Or More Perm. Rooms Added Hu Not Specified Above Quarters Not Hu In Rooming Or Brding Hs Unit Not Perm. In Transient Hotl, Motl Unoccupied Tent Site Or Trlr Site (31 - 32) 11 = 12 = HETELHHD 2 Student Quarters In College Dorm Other Unit Not Specified Above IS THERE A TELEPHONE IN THIS HOUSE/APARTMENT? (33 - 34) EDITED UNIVERSE: HRINTSTA = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = HETELAVL 2 Yes No IS THERE A TELEPHONE ELSEWHERE ON WHICH PEOPLE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD CAN BE CONTACTED? EDITED UNIVERSE: HETELHHD = 2 (35 - 36) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = HEPHONEO 2 Yes No IS A TELEPHONE INTERVIEW ACCEPTABLE? EDITED UNIVERSE: HETELHHD = 1 OR HETELAVL = 1 (37 - 38) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = HUFAMINC 2 Yes No FAMILY INCOME (COMBINED INCOME OF ALL FAMILY MEMBERS DURING THE LAST 12 MONTHS. INCLUDES MONEY FROM JOBS, NET INCOME FROM BUSINESS, FARM OR RENT, PENSIONS, DIVIDENDS, INTEREST, SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS AND ANY OTHER MONEY INCOME RECEIVED BY FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ARE 15 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER.) VALID ENTRIES1 1 2 3 4 5 6 = = = = = = Less Than $5,000 5,000 to 7,499 7,500 to 9,999 10,000 to 12,499 12,500 to 14,999 15,000 to 19,999 (39 - 40) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 HUTYPEA 2 = = = = = = = = 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 75,000 to to to to to to to or 24,999 29,999 34,999 39,999 49,999 59,999 74,999 More TYPE A NONINTERVIEW REASON (41 - 42) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 HUTYPB 2 = = = = No One Home (Noh) Temporarily Absent (Ta) Refused (Ref) Other Occupied - Specify TYPE B NON-INTERVIEW REASON (43 - 44) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = HUTYPC HWHHWGT 2 10 Vacant Regular Temporarily Occupied By Persons W/ Ure Vacant-storage Of Hhld Furniture Unfit Or To Be Demolished Under Construction, Not Ready Converted To Temp Business Or Storage Unoccupied Tent Site Or Trailer Site Permit Granted Construction Not Started Other Type B - Specify TYPE C NON-INTERVIEW REASON VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 = = = = 5 6 8 9 = = = = (45 - 46) Demolished House Or Trailer Moved Outside Segment Converted To Perm. Business Or Storage Merged Condemned Unused Line Of Listing Sheet Other - Specify HOUSEHOLD WEIGHT (4 IMPLIED DECIMAL PLACES) USED FOR TALLYING HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS (47 - 56) EDITED UNIVERSE: HRINTSTA = 1 HRINTSTA 2 INTERVIEW STATUS (57 - 58) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 RNUMHOU 2 = = = = Interview Type A Non-Interview Type B Non-Interview Type C Non-Interview TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONS LIVING IN THE HOUSEHOLD (HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS). (59 - 60) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 0 = 16 = HRHTYPE 2 Min Value Max Value HOUSEHOLD TYPE EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = Non-Interview Household Husband/Wife Primary Family (Neither AF) Husb/Wife Prim. Family (Either/Both AF) Unmarried Civilian Male-Prim. Fam Hhlder Unmarried Civ. Female-Prim Fam Hhlder Primary Family Hhlder-Rp In AF, Unmar. Civilian Male Primary Individual Civilian Female Primary Individual Primary Individual Hhld-Rp In AF Group Quarters With Family Group Quarters Without Family (61 - 62) HRMIS 2 MONTH-IN-SAMPLE (63 - 64) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 1 = 8 = HRMONTH 2 Min Value Max Value MONTH OF INTERVIEW (65 - 66) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 01 = 12 = HRYEAR 2 Min Value Max Value YEAR OF INTERVIEW (67 - 68) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 0 = 99 = HRLONGLK 2 Min Value Max Value LONGITUDINAL LINK INDICATOR (69 - 70) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 0 = 2 = 3 = HRSAMPLE 4 Mis 1 or Replacement HH (No Link) Mis 2-4 or Mis 6-8 Mis 5 SAMPLE IDENTIFIER (71 - 74) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 1st Digit - A-Z Digits 2-4 - 000-999 HRSERSUF 2 SERIAL SUFFIX IDENTIFIES EXTRA UNITS (75 - 76) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLDs IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES A-Z HUHHNUM 2 Household Number (77 - 78) The Initial Household Receives A Value Of 1, And Subsequent Replacement Households Increase The Value By 1. VALID ENTRIES 01 = 08 = HUBUS 2 Min Value Max Value DOES ANYONE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD HAVE A BUSINESS OR A FARM? (79 - 80) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = HUBUSL1 2 Yes No ENTER LINE NUMBER FOR HUBUS = 1 (81 - 82) VALID ENTRIES 01 = 99 = HUBUSL2 2 Min Value Max Value See BUSL1 (83 - 84) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 99 = HUBUSL3 2 Min Value Max Value See BUSL1 (85 - 86) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 99 = HUBUSL4 2 Min Value Min Value See BUSL1 VALID ENTRIES (87 - 88) 1 = 99 = Min Value Max Value A2. GEREG 2 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION REGION (89 - 90) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = GESTCEN 2 Northeast Midwest (Formerly North Central) South West CENSUS STATE CODE EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 31 32 33 34 35 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA OH IN IL MI WI MN IA MO ND SD NE KS DE MD DC VA WV NC SC GA (91 - 92) 59 61 62 63 64 71 72 73 74 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 91 92 93 94 95 GESTFIPS 2 = FL = KY = TN = AL = MS = AR = LA = OK = TX = MT = ID = WY = CO = NM = AZ = UT = NV = WA = OR = CA = AK = HI FEDERAL INFORMATION PROCESSING STANDARDS (FIPS) STATE CODE EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 01 02 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI (93 - 94) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 GECMSA 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY CMSA FIPS CODE (95 - 96) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 00 = 07 = 97 = Not Identified Or Nonmetropolitan Min Value Max Value SPECIFIC CMSA CODE (SEE ATTACHMENT 13) GEMSA 4 MSA/PMSA FIPS CODE EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 0000 0080 9360 Identified Or Nonmetropolitan Min Value Max Value (97 - 100) SPECIFIC MSA/PMSA CODE (SEE ATTACHMENT 13) GECO 3 FIPS COUNTY CODE (101 - 103) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 000 Not Identified 001-810 Specific County Code (See Attachment 13) Note: This Code Must Be Used In Combination With A State Code (Gestfips or Gestcen) In Order To Uniquely Identify A County. GEMSAST 1 CENTRAL CITY/BALANCE STATUS (104 - 104) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 GEMETSTA 1 = = = = Central City Balance Nonmetropolitan Not Identified METROPOLITAN STATUS (105 - 105) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = GEINDVCC 1 Metropolitan Nonmetropolitan Not Identified INDIVIDUAL CENTRAL CITY EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 0 Not Identified, Nonmetropolitan, or Not A Central City 1-4 Specific Central City Code (See Attachment 13) Note: Whenever Possible This Code (106 - 106) Identifies Specific Central Cities In An MSA/PMSA That Have Multiple Central Cities. This Code Must Be Used In Combination With The MSA/PMSA Fips Code (Gemsa) In Order To Uniquely Identify A Specific City. GEMSASZ 1 CMSA/PMSA SIZE (107 - 107) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 0 = 2 3 4 5 6 7 GECMSASZ 1 = = = = = = Not Identified Or Nonmetropolitan 100,000 - 249,999 250,000 - 499,999 500,000 - 999,999 1,000,000 - 2,499,999 2,500,000 - 4,999,999 5,000,000+ CMSA/MSA SIZE (108 - 108) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 0 = 2 3 4 5 6 7 HULENSEC 5 = = = = = = Not Identified Or Nonmetropolitan 100,000 - 249,999 250,000 - 499,999 500,000 - 999,999 1,000,000 - 2,499,999 2,500,000 - 4,999,999 5,000,000+ CUMULATIVE INTERVIEW TIME IN SECONDS (109 - 113) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HHLD's IN SAMPLE VALID ENTRIES 00000 99999 Min Value Max Value A3. PROLDRRP 2 PERSONS INFORMATION DEMOGRAPHIC ITEMS RELATIONSHIP TO REFERENCE (114 - 115) PERSON (RECODE) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, OR 3 VALID ENTRIES 01 = 02 = 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 = = = = = = = = 11 = 12 = Ref Pers With Other Relatives In HH Ref Pers With No Other Relatives In HH Spouse Child Grandchild Parent Brother/Sister Other Relative Foster Child Non-Rel Of Ref Per W/Own Rels In HH Partner/roommate Non-Rel Of Ref Per W/No Own Rels In HH SEE LOCATION 118 - 119 FOR AN UNCOLLAPSED VERSION PUPELIG 2 INTERVIEW STATUS OF EACH PERSON IN THE HOUSEHOLD (116 - 117) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PERRP 2 = = = = = = = = = Eligible For Interview Labor Force Fully Complete Missing Labor Force Data For Person (Not Used) Assigned If Age Is Blank Armed Forces Member Under 15 Years Old Not a HH Member Deleted Deceased End Of List After End Of List RELATIONSHIP TO REFERENCE PERSON EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, OR 3 VALID ENTRIES (118 - 119) EXPANDED RELATIONSHIP CATEGORIES 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 = = = = = = = = = = 11 = 12 = 13 14 15 16 = = = = 17 = 18 = Reference Person W/Rels. Reference Person W/O Rels. Spouse Child Grandchild Parent Brother/Sister Other Rel. Or Ref. Person Foster Child Nonrel. Of Ref. Person W/Rels. Not Used Nonrel. Of Ref. Person W/O Rels. Unmarried Partner W/Rels. Unmarried Partner W/Out Rels. Housemate/Roommate W/Rels. Housemate/Roommate W/Out Rels. Roomer/Boarder W/Rels. Roomer/Boarder W/Out Rels. SEE LOCATION 114 - 115 FOR THE COLLAPSED VERSION PEPARENT 2 LINE NUMBER OF PARENT (120 - 121) EDITED UNIVERSE: EVERY PERSON VALID ENTRIES -1 = 01 = 99 = PEAGE 2 No Parent Min Value Max Value PERSONS AGE AS OF THE END OF SURVEY WEEK (122 - 123) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 0 = 90 = PTAGE 1 Min Value Max Value TOP CODE FOR AGE VALID ENTRIES 0 = 1 = No Top Code Top Coded Value For Age (124 - 124) BEGINS IN APRIL 1996 PEMARITL 2 MARITAL STATUS (125 - 126) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEAGE >= 15 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 PESPOUSE 2 = = = = = = Married - Spouse Present Married - Spouse Absent Widowed Divorced Separated Never Married LINE NUMBER OF SPOUSE (127 - 128) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMARITL = 1 VALID ENTRIES PESEX 2 -1 = No Spouse 01 = Min Value 99 = Max Value SEX (129 - 130) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUAFEVER 2 Male Female DID YOU EVER SERVE ON ACTIVE DUTY IN THE U.S. ARMED FORCES? (131 - 132) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEAFWHEN 2 Yes No WHEN DID YOU SERVE? EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 2 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 = = = = Vietnam Era (8/64-4/75) Korean War (6/50-1/55) World War II (9/40-7/47) World War I (4/17-11/18) (133 - 134) 5 = 6 = PEAFNOW 2 Other Service (All Other Periods) Nonveteran ARE YOU NOW IN THE ARMED FORCES (135 - 136) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 2 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEEDUCA 2 Yes No HIGHEST LEVEL OF SCHOOL COMPLETED OR DEGREE RECEIVED (137 - 138) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 2 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 = = = = = = = = = 40 = 41 = 42 = 43 = 44 = 45 = 46 = PERACE 2 Less Than 1st Grade 1st, 2nd, 3rd Or 4th Grade 5th Or 6th Grade 7th Or 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade No Diploma High School Grad-Diploma Or Equiv (Ged) Some College But No Degree Associate DegreeOccupational/Vocational Associate Degree-Academic Program Bachelor's Degree (Ex: Ba, Ab, Bs) Master's Degree (Ex: Ma, Ms, Meng, Med, Msw) Professional School Deg (Ex: Md, Dds, Dvm) Doctorate Degree (Ex: Phd, Edd) RACE (139 - 140) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = White Black American Indian, Aleut, 4 = 5 = PRORIGIN 2 Eskimo Asian Or Pacific Islander Other - Specify (Delete January 1996) ORIGIN OR DESCENT (141 - 142) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 PUCHINHH 2 = = = = = = = = = = Mexican American Chicano Mexican (Mexicano) Puerto Rican Cuban Central Or South American Other Spanish All Other Don't Know NA CHANGE IN HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION (143 - 144) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = 6 = 7 = 9 = PURELFLG 2 Person Added Person Added - Ure Person Undeleted Person Died Deleted For Reason Other Than Death Person Joined Armed Forces Person No Longer In AF Change In Demographic Information FLAG FOR RELATIONSHIP TO THE OWNER OF A BUSINESS. (145 - 146) VALID ENTRIES 0 = 1 = PULINENO 2 Not Owner Or Related To Owner Owner Of Bus Or Related To Owner Of Bus PERSON'S LINE NUMBER VALID ENTRIES 01 = 99 = Min Value Max Value (147 - 148) FILLER 2 PRFAMNUM 2 (149 - 150) FAMILY NUMBER RECODE (151 - 152) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PRFAMREL 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Not A Family Member Primary Family Member Only Subfamily No. 2 Member Subfamily No. 3 Member Subfamily No. 4 Member Subfamily No. 5 Member Subfamily No. 6 Member Subfamily No. 7 Member Subfamily No. 8 Member Subfamily No. 9 Member Subfamily No. 10 Member Subfamily No. 11 Member Subfamily No. 12 Member Subfamily No. 13 Member Subfamily No. 14 Member Subfamily No. 15 Member Subfamily No. 16 Member Subfamily No. 17 Member Subfamily No. 18 Member Subfamily No. 19 Member FAMILY RELATIONSHIP RECODE (153 - 154) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 0 1 2 3 4 PRFAMTYP 2 = = = = = Not A Family Member Reference Person Spouse Child Other Relative (Primary Family & Unrel) FAMILY TYPE RECODE EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = Primary Family Primary Individual Related Subfamily (155 - 156) 4 = 5 = PRHSPNON 2 Unrelated Subfamily Secondary Individual HISPANIC OR NON-HISPANIC (157 - 158) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PRMARSTA 2 Hispanic Non-Hipsanic MARITAL STATUS BASED ON ARMED FORCES PARTICIPATION (159 - 160) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 2 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 5 6 7 PRPERTYP 2 = = = = Married, Civilian Spouse Present Married, Armed Forces Spouse Present Married, Spouse Absent (Exc. Separated) Widowed Divorced Separated Never Married TYPE OF PERSON RECORD RECODE (161 - 162) EDITED UNIVERSE: ALL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PENATVTY * 3 Child Household Member Adult Civilian Household Member Adult Armed Forces Household Member COUNTRY OF BIRTH EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES (163 - 165) 057 = United States 072 = Puerto Rico 096 = U.S. Outlying Area 100-554 = Foreign Country Or At Sea 555 = Abroad, Country Not Known PEMNTVTY * 3 MOTHER'S COUNTRY OF BIRTH (166 - 168) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 057 = United States 072 = Puerto Rico 096 = U.S. Outlying Area 100-554 = Foreign Country Or At Sea 555 = Abroad, Country Not Known PEFNTVTY * 3 FATHER'S COUNTRY OF BIRTH (169 - 171) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES 057 = United States 072 = Puerto Rico 096 = U.S. Outlying Area 100-554 = Foreign Country Or At Sea 555 = Abroad, Country Not Known * See User Note 1 PRCITSHP 2 CITIZENSHIP STATUS EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 VALID ENTRIES (172 - 173) 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = PRCITFLG 2 Native, Born In The United States Native, Born In Puerto Rico or U.S. Outlying Area Native, Born Abroad Of American Parent Or Parents Foreign Born, U.S. Citizen By Naturalization Foreign Born, Not A Citizen Of The United States CITIZENSHIP ALLOCATION FLAG (174 - 175) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1, 2, 0R 3 (See Allocation Flags attachment For Values Of Allocation Flags) Placed in this position because naming convention is different from all other allocation flags. PRINUSYR 2 IMMIGRANT'S YEAR OF ENTRY EDITED UNIVERSE: PRCITSHP = 2, 3, 4, OR 5 VALID ENTRIES -1 = 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Not In Universe (Born In U.S.) Not Foreign Born Before 1950 1950-1959 1960-1964 1965-1969 1970-1974 1975-1979 1980-1981 1982-1983 1984-1985 1986-1987 1988-1989 1990-1991 1992-1995 STARTING JANUARY 1996 13 = 14 = STARTING JANUARY 1997 1992-1993 1994-1996 (176 - 177) 14 = 1994-1997 STARTING JANUARY 1998 14 = 15 = A4. PUSLFPRX 2 1994-1995 1996-1998 PERSONS INFORMATION LABOR FORCE ITEMS LABOR FORCE INFORMATION COLLECTED BY SELF OR PROXY RESPONSE (178 - 179) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PEMLR 2 Self Proxy Both Self And Proxy MONTHLY LABOR FORCE RECODE EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 2 (180 - 181) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PUWK 2 = = = = = = = Employed-At Work Employed-Absent Unemployed-On Layoff Unemployed-Looking Not In Labor Force-Retired Not In Labor Force-Disabled Not In Labor Force-Other LAST WEEK, DID YOU DO ANY WORK FOR (EITHER) PAY (OR PROFIT)? (182 - 183) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 PUBUS1 2 = = = = = Yes No Retired Disabled Unable To Work LAST WEEK, DID YOU DO ANY UNPAID WORK IN THE FAMILY BUSINESS OR FARM? (184 - 185) VALID ENTRIES PUBUS2OT 2 1 2 DO OR = Yes = No YOU RECEIVE ANY PAYMENTS PROFITS FROM THE BUSINESS? VALID ENTRIES (186 - 187) PUBUSCK1 2 1 = Yes 2 = No CHECK ITEM 1 FILTER FOR QUESTIONS ON UNPAID WORK (188 - 189) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUBUSCK2 2 Goto PUBUS1 Goto PURETCK1 CHECK ITEM 2 Skips owners of family business who did not work last week (190 - 191) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUBUSCK3 2 Goto PUHRUSL1 Goto PUBUS2 CHECK ITEM 3 (192 - 193) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUBUSCK4 2 Goto PUABSRSN Goto PULAY CHECK ITEM 4 (194 - 195) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PURETOT 2 Goto PUHURSL1 Goto PUABSPD RETIREMENT STATUS (LAST MONTH YOU WERE REPORTED TO BE RETIRED, ARE YOU STILL RETIRED THIS MONTH?) (196 - 197) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PUDIS 2 Yes No Was Not Retired Last Month DISABILITY STATUS (LAST MONTH YOU WERE REPORTED TO HAVE A DISABILITY.) DOES YOUR DISABILITY CONTINUE TO PREVENT YOU FROM DOING ANY KIND OF WORK FOR THE NEXT 6 MONTHS? (198 - 199) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PERET1 2 Yes No Did Not Have Disability Last Month DO YOU CURRENTLY WANT A JOB, EITHER FULL OR PART-TIME? (200 - 201) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 5 AND (PURETOT = 1 OR (PUWK = 3 AND PEAGE >= 50) OR (PUABS = 3 AND PEAGE >= 50) OR (PULAY = 3 AND PEAGE >= 50)) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PUDIS1 2 Yes No Has A Job DOES YOUR DISABILITY PREVENT YOU FROM ACCEPTING ANY KIND OF WORK DURING THE NEXT SIX MONTHS? (202 - 203) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUDIS2 2 Yes No DO YOU HAVE A DISABILITY THAT PREVENTS YOU FROM ACCEPTING ANY KIND OF WORK DURING THE NEXT SIX MONTHS? (204 - 205) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUABSOT 2 Yes No LAST WEEK DID YOU HAVE A JOB EITHER FULL OR PART-TIME? (206 - 207) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 PULAY 2 = = = = = Yes No Retired Disabled Unable To Work LAST WEEK, WERE YOU ON LAYOFF FROM A JOB? (208 - 209) VALID ENTRIES 1 = Yes 2 = No 3 = Retired 4 = Disabled 5 = Unable To Work PEABSRSN 2 WHAT IS THE MAIN REASON YOU WERE ABSENT FROM WORK LAST WEEK? (210 - 211) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 2 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PEABSPDO 2 = = = = = = = On Layoff Slack Work/Business Conditions Waiting For A New Job To Begin Vacation/Personal Days Own Illness/Injury/Medical Problems Child Care Problems Other Family/Personal Obligation Maternity/Paternity Leave Labor Dispute Weather Affected Job School/Training Civic/Military Duty Does Not Work In The Business Other (Specify) ARE YOU BEING PAID BY YOUR EMPLOYER FOR ANY OF THE TIME OFF LAST WEEK? EDITED UNIVERSE: 12, 14 (212 - 213) PEABSRSN = 4- VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEMJOT 2 Yes No DO YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE JOB? EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1, 2 VALID ENTRIES 1 = Yes (214 - 215) 2 = PEMJNUM 2 No ALTOGETHER, HOW MANY JOBS DID YOU HAVE? (216 - 217) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMJOT = 1 VALID ENTRIES PEHRUSL1 2 2 = 2 Jobs 3 = 3 Jobs 4 = 4 Or More Jobs HOW MANY HOURS PER WEEK DO YOU USUALLY WORK AT YOUR MAIN JOB? (218 - 219) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMJOT = 1 OR 2 AND PEMLR = 1 OR 2 VALID ENTRIES -4 = 0 = 99 = PEHRUSL2 2 Hours Vary Min Value Max Value HOW MANY HOURS PER WEEK DO YOU USUALLY WORK AT YOUR OTHER (JOB/JOBS)? (220 - 221) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMJOT = 1 AND PEMLR = 1 OR 2 VALID ENTRIES -4 = 0 = 99 = PEHRFTPT 2 Hours Vary Min Value Max Value DO YOU USUALLY WORK 35 HOURS OR MORE PER WEEK? (222 - 223) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEHRUSL1 = -4 OR PEHRUSL2 = -4 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PEHRUSLT 3 Yes No Hours Vary SUM OF HRUSL1 AND HRUSL2. EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1 OR 2 VALID ENTRIES (224 - 226) -4 = Varies 0 = Min Value 198 = Max Value PEHRWANT 2 DO YOU WANT TO WORK A FULL-TIME WORKWEEK OF 35 HOURS OR MORE PER WEEK? (227 - 228) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEHRUSLT = 0-34 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PEHRRSN1 2 Yes No Regular Hours Are Full-time WHAT IS YOUR MAIN REASON FOR WORKING PART-TIME? (229 - 230) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEHRWANT = 1 PEMLR = 1 AND PEHRUSLT < 35) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = PEHRRSN2 2 Slack Work/Business Conditions Could Only Find Part-Time Work Seasonal Work Child Care Problems Other Family/Personal Obligations Health/Medical Limitations School/Training Retired/Social Security Limit On Earnings Full-Time Workweek Is Less Than 35 Hrs Other - Specify WHAT IS THE MAIN REASON YOU DO NOT WANT TO WORK FULL-TIME? EDITED UNIVERSE: PEHRWANT = 2 PEMLR = 1 AND PEHRUSLT < 35) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = Child Care Problems Other Family/Personal Obligations Health/Medical Limitations School/Training (231 - 232) 5 = 6 = 7 = PEHRRSN3 2 Retired/Social Security Limit On Earnings Full-Time Workweek Less Than 35 Hours Other - Specify WHAT IS THE MAIN REASON YOU WORKED LESS THAN 35 HOURS LAST WEEK? (233 - 234) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEHRACTT = 1-34 AND PUHRCK7 NE 1, 2 (PEMLR = 1 AND PEHRUSLT = 35+) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 10 11 12 13 PUHROFF1 2 = = = = = Slack Work/Business Conditions Seasonal Work Job Started Or Ended During Week Vacation/Personal Day Own Illness/Injury/Medical Appointment Holiday (Legal Or Religious) Child Care Problems Other Family/Personal Obligations Labor Dispute Weather Affected Job School/Training Civic/Military Duty Other Reason LAST WEEK, DID YOU OFF ANY HOURS FROM ANY REASON SUCH AS WORK, VACATION, OR LOSE OR TAKE YOUR JOB, FOR ILLNESS, SLACK HOLIDAY? (235 - 236) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUHROFF2 2 Yes No HOW MANY HOURS DID YOU TAKE OFF? (237 - 238) VALID ENTRIES 0 = 99 = PUHROT1 2 Min Value Max Value LAST WEEK, DID YOU WORK ANY OVERTIME OR EXTRA HOURS (AT YOUR MAIN JOB) THAT YOU DO NOT USUALLY WORK? (239 - 240) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUHROT2 2 Yes No HOW MANY ADDITIONAL HOURS DID YOU WORK? (241 - 242) VALID ENTRIES 0 = 99 = PEHRACT1 2 Min Value Max Value LAST WEEK, HOW MANY HOURS DID YOU ACTUALLY WORK AT YOUR JOB? (243 - 244) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1 VALID ENTRIES 0 = 99 = PEHRACT2 2 Min Value Max Value LAST WEEK, HOW MANY HOURS DID YOU ACTUALLY WORK AT YOUR OTHER (JOB/JOBS) (245 - 246) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1 AND PEMJOT = 1 VALID ENTRIES 0 = 99 = PEHRACTT 3 Min Value Max Value SUM OF PEHRACT1 AND PEHRACT2. (247 - 249) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1 VALID ENTRIES 0 = Min Value 198 = Max Value PEHRAVL 2 LAST WEEK, COULD YOU HAVE WORKED FULL-TIME IF THE HOURS HAD BEEN AVAILABLE? EDITED UNIVERSE: PEHRACTT = 1-34 (PEMLR = 1 AND PEHRUSLT < 35 AND PEHRRSN1 = 1, 2, 3) VALID ENTRIES (250 - 251) 1 = 2 = PULBHSEC 5 Yes No TOTAL SECONDS TO COMPLETE LABOR FORCE ITEMS. (252 - 256) VALID ENTRIES 00000 Min Value 99999 Max Value PUHRCK1 2 CHECK ITEM 1 (257 - 258) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUHRCK2 2 Goto PUHRUSL2 Goto PUHRUSLT CHECK ITEM 2 SKIPS PERSONS RESPONDING YES TO HRFTPT OUT OF PT SERIES (259 - 260) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = PUHRCK3 2 If entry of 1 in MJ and entry of D, R OR V in HRUSL1 and entry of D, R, V or 0-34 in HRUSL2 goto HRFTPT If entry of 1 in MJ and entry of D, R or V in HRUSL2 and entry of D, R V or 0-34 in HRUSL1 goto HRFTPT If entry of 2, D or R in MJ and entry of D, R or V in HRUSL1 goto HRFTPT If entry of 1 in BUS1 and entry of D, R or V in HRUSL1 then goto HRFTPT All others goto HRCK3-C CHECK ITEM 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = If entry of 1 in Absot or (entry or 2 in ABSOT and entry of 1 in BUS and CURRENT R_P EQUALS BUSLST) then goto HRCK8 If entry of 3 in RET1 Goto HRCK8 If entry in HRUSLT is 0-34 hours goto HRCK4-C (261 - 262) 4 = 5 = 6 = PUHRCK4 2 If entry in HRUSLT is 35+ goto HROFF1 All others goto HRCK4-C Goto PUHRCK4 CHECK ITEM 4 (263 - 264) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = PUHRCK5 2 If entry of 1, D, R or V in HRFTPT then goto HRACT1 If entry of 2, D or R in BUS2 then goto HROFF1 If HRUSLT is 0-34 then goto HRWANT If entry of 2 in HRFTPT then goto HRWANT All others goto HRACT1 CHECK ITEM 5 (265 - 266) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUHRCK6 2 If entry of 1 in MJOT goto HRACT2 All others goto HRCK6-C CHECK ITEM 6 (267 - 268) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PUHRCK7 2 If HRACT1 and HRACT2 EQ 0 and entry of 2, D, R in BUS2 then goto LK If HRACT1 and HRACT2 EQ 0 then store 1 in ABSOT and goto ABSRSN All others goto HRACTT-C CHECK ITEM 7 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = (If entry of 2, D or R in BUS2) and (HRACT1 less then 15 or D) goto HRCK8 (If entry of 2, D or R in BUS2) and (HRACT1 is 15+) goto HRCK8 (If HRUSLT is 35+ or if entry of 1 in HRFTPT) and (HRACTT < 35) and entry in HRACT1 or HRACT2 isn't D or R then goto HRRSN3 (269 - 270) 4 = 5 = PUHRCK12 2 If entry of 1 in HRWANT and HRACTT < 35 and (entry of 1, 2, 3 in HRRSN1) goto HRAVL All others goto HRCK8 CHECK ITEM 12 (271 - 272) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PULAYDT 2 If entry of 2, D or R in BUS2 and HRACTT is less than 15 or D goto LK All others goto IOCK1 HAS YOUR EMPLOYER GIVEN YOU A DATE TO RETURN TO WORK? (273 - 274) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PULAY6M 2 Yes No HAVE YOU BEEN GIVEN ANY INDICATION THAT YOU WILL BE RECALLED TO WORK WITHIN THE NEXT 6 MONTHS? (275 - 276) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PELAYAVL 2 Yes No COULD YOU HAVE RETURNED TO WORK LAST WEEK IF YOU HAD BEEN RECALLED? (277 - 278) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PULAYAVR 2 Yes No WHY IS THAT? (279 - 280) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PELAYLK 2 Own Temporary Illness Going To School Other EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE TO BE CALLED BACK TO WORK, HAVE YOU BEEN LOOKING FOR WORK DURING THE LAST 4 WEEKS. EDITED UNIVERSE: PELAYAVL= 1, 2 (281 - 282) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PELAYDUR 3 Yes No DURATION OF LAYOFF (283 - 285) EDITED UNIVERSE: PELAYLK = 1, 2 VALID ENTRIES 1 = Min Value 260 = Max Value PELAYFTO 2 FT/PT STATUS OF JOB FROM WHICH SAMPLE PERSON WAS ON LAYOFF FROM (286 - 287) EDITED UNIVERSE: PELAYDUR = 0-120 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PULAYCK1 2 Yes No CHECK ITEM 1 (288 - 289) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PULAYCK2 2 Goto PULAYCK3 Goto PULAYFT Goto PULAYDR CHECK ITEM 2 SCREEN FOR DEPENDENT LAYOFF (290 - 291) VALID ENTRIES 2 = PULAYCK3 2 1 = Goto PULAYFT Goto PULAYDR3 CHECK ITEM 3 FILTER FOR DEPENDENT I & O (292 - 293) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PULK 2 MISCK = 5 goto IO1INT I-ICR = 1 or I-OCR = 1, goto IO1INT All others goto SCHCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ANYTHING TO FIND WORK DURING THE LAST 4 WEEKS? VALID ENTRIES (294 - 295) 1 2 3 4 5 PELKM1 2 = = = = = Yes No Retired Disabled Unable To Work WHAT ARE ALL OF THE THINGS YOU HAVE DONE TO FIND WORK DURING THE LAST 4 WEEKS? (FIRST ANSWER) (296 - 297) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 4 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 12 = 13 = PULKM2 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Nothing Other Passive ANYTHING ELSE? (SECOND ANSWER) VALID ENTRIES 1 = Contacted Employer Directly/Interview 2 = Contacted Public Employment Agency 3 = Contacted Private Employment Agency 4 = Contacted Friends Or Relatives 5 = Contacted School/University Empl Center 6 = Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application 7 = Checked Union/Professional Registers 8 = Placed Or Answered Ads (298 - 299) 9 = 10 = 11 = PULKM3 2 Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses 13 = Other Passive SAME AS PULKM2 ( THIRD ANSWER) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PULKM4 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive SAME AS PULKM2 (FOURTH ANSWER) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = (300 - 301) Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive (302 - 303) PULKM5 2 SAME AS PULKM2 (FIFTH ANSWER) (304 - 305) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PULKM6 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/university Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/filled Out Application Checked Union/professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/courses Other Passive SAME AS PULKM2 (SIXTH ANSWER) (306 - 307) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PULKDK1 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Pulbic Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive YOU SAID YOU HAVE BEEN TRYING TO FIND WORK.(308 - 309) HOW DID YOU GO ABOUT LOOKING? (FIRST ANSWER) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 12 = 13 = PULKDK2 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Nothing Other Passive ANYTHING ELSE? (SECOND ANSWER) (310 - 311) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PULKDK3 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive SAME AS PULKDK2 (THIRD ANSWER) VALID ENTRIES 1 = Contacted Employer (312 - 313) 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PULKDK4 2 Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive =SAME AS PULKDK2 (FOURTH ANSWER) (314 - 315) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PULKDK5 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive SAME AS PULKDK2 ( FIFTH ANSWER) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment (316 - 317) 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 PULKDK6 2 = = = = 13 = SAME Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive AS PULKDK2 (SIXTH ANSWER) (318 - 319) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PULKPS1 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT WHAT YOU DID TO SEARCH FOR WORK? (FIRST ANSWER) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives (320 - 321) 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 12 = 13 = PULKPS2 2 Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Nothing Other Passive ANYTHING ELSE? (SECOND ANSWER) (322 - 323) VALID ENTRIES 1 = Contacted Employer Directly/Interview 2 = Contacted Public Employment Agency 3 = Contacted Private Employment Agency 4 = Contacted Friends Or Relatives 5 = Contacted School/University Empl Center 6 = Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application 7 = Checked Union/Professional Registers 8 = Placed Or Answered Ads 9 = Other Active 10 = Looked At Ads 11 = Attended Job Training Programs/Courses 13 = Other Passive PULKPS3 2 SAME AS PULKPS2 (THIRD ANSWER) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application (324 - 325) 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PULKPS4 2 Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive SAME AS PULKPS2 (FOURTH ANSWER) (326 - 327) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PULKPS5 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive SAME AS PULKPS2 (FIFTH ANSWER) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active (328 - 329) 10 = 11 = 13 = PULKPS6 2 Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive SAME AS PULKPS2 (SIXTH ANSWER) (330 - 331) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 9 10 11 = = = = 13 = PELKAVL 2 Contacted Employer Directly/Interview Contacted Public Employment Agency Contacted Private Employment Agency Contacted Friends Or Relatives Contacted School/University Empl Center Sent Out Resumes/Filled Out Application Checked Union/Professional Registers Placed Or Answered Ads Other Active Looked At Ads Attended Job Training Programs/Courses Other Passive LAST WEEK, COULD YOU HAVE STARTED A JOB IF ONE HAD BEEN OFFERED? (332 - 333) EDITED UNIVERSE: PELKM1 = 1 - 13 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PULKAVR 2 Yes No WHY IS THAT? (334 - 335) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 PELKLL1O 2 = = = = Waiting For New Job To Begin Own Temporary Illness Going To School Other - Specify BEFORE YOU STARTED LOOKING FOR WORK, WHAT WERE YOU DOING: WORKING, GOING TO SCHOOL, OR SOMETHING ELSE? EDITED UNIVERSE: PELKAVL = 1-2 (336 - 337) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 PELKLL2O 2 = = = = Working School Left Military Service Something Else DID YOU LOSE OR QUIT THAT JOB, OR WAS IT A TEMPORARY JOB THAT ENDED? (338 - 339) EDITED UNIVERSE: PELKLL1O = 1 OR 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PELKLWO 2 WHEN LAST WORKED EDITED UNIVERSE: PELKLL1O = 1 - 4 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PELKDUR 3 Lost Job Quit Job Temporary Job Ended (340 - 341) Within The Last 12 Months More Than 12 Months Ago Never Worked DURATION OF JOB SEEKING (342 - 344) EDITED UNIVERSE: PELKLWO = 1 - 3 VALID ENTRIES 0 = Min Value 999 = Max Value PELKFTO 2 FT/PT STATUS OF JOBSEEKER (345 - 346) EDITED UNIVERSE: PELKDUR = 0-120 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PEDWWNTO 2 Yes No Doesn't Matter DO YOU CURRENTLY WANT A JOB, EITHER FULL OR PART TIME? EDITED UNIVERSE: PUDWCK1 = 3, 4, -1 VALID ENTRIES (347 - 348) 1 2 3 4 5 PEDWRSN 2 = = = = = Yes, Or Maybe, It Depends No Retired Disabled Unable WHAT IS THE MAIN REASON YOU WERE NOT LOOKING FOR WORK DURING THE LAST 4 WEEKS? (349 - 350) EDITED UNIVERSE: PUDWCK4 = 4, -1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 6 7 8 9 = = = = = 10 = 11 = PEDWLKO 2 Believes No Work Available In Area Of Expertise Couldn't Find Any Work Lacks Necessary Schooling/Training Employers Think Too Young Or Too Old Other Types Of Discrimination Can't Arrange Child Care Family Responsibilities In School Or Other Training Ill-Health, Physical Disability Transportation Problems Other - Specify DID YOU LOOK FOR WORK AT ANY TIME IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS (351 - 352) EDITED UNIVERSE: (PUDWCK4 = 1-3) or (PEDWRSN = 1-11) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEDWWK 2 Yes No DID YOU ACTUALLY WORK AT A JOB OR BUSINESS DURING THE LAST 12 MONTHS? (353 - 354) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEDWLKO = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEDW4WK 2 Yes No DID YOU DO ANY OF THIS WORK DURING THE LAST 4 WEEKS? (355 - 356) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEDWWK = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEDWLKWK 2 Yes No SINCE YOU LEFT THAT JOB OR BUSINESS HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR WORK? (357 - 358) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEDW4WK = 2 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEDWAVL 2 Yes No LAST WEEK, COULD YOU HAVE STARTED A JOB IF ONE HAD BEEN OFFERED? (359 - 360) EDITED UNIVERSE: (PEDWWK = 2) or (PEDWLKWK = 1) VALID ENTRIES 1 = Yes 2 = No PEDWAVR 2 WHY IS THAT? (361 - 362) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEDWAVL = 2 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PUDWCK1 2 Own Temporary Illness Going To School Other SCREEN FOR DISCOURAGED WORKERS (363 - 364) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = PUDWCK2 2 If Entry Of 2 In BUS2 Goto PUSCHCK If Entry Of 3 On ABSRSN Goto PUNLFCK1 If Entry Of 1 In RDT1, Store 1 In DWWNTO And Goto PUDWCK4 All Others Goto PUDWWNT SCREEN FOR DISABLED VALID ENTRIES 1 = If Entry In DIS1 Or DIS2 Goto (365 - 366) 2 = 3 = 4 = PUDWCK3 2 PUJHCK1-c If Entry Of 4 In DWWNT Goto PUDIS1 If Entry Of 5 In DWWNT Goto PUDIS2 All Others Goto PUDWCK4 FILTER FOR RETIRED (367 - 368) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUDWCK4 2 If AGERNG Equals 1-4 Or 9 Goto PUDWCK4 All Others Goto PUNLFCK2 FILTER FOR PASSIVE JOB SEEKERS (369 - 370) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = PUDWCK5 2 If entry of 10 and/or 11 and/or 13 only in LKM1-LKM3 goto PUDWCK5 If entry of 10 and/or 11 and/or 13 only in LKDK1-LKDK3 goto PUDWCK5 If entry of 10 and/or 11 and/or 13 only in LKPS1-LKPS3 goto PUDWCK5 All others goto PUDWRSN FILTER FOR PASSIVE JOB SEEKERS (371 - 372) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEJHWKO 2 If entry of 1 in LK then store 1 in DWLKO and goto PUDWWK All others goto PUDWLK HAVE YOU WORKED AT A JOB OR BUSINESS AT ANY TIME DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS? (373 - 374) EDITED UNIVERSE: HRMIS = 4 or 8 AND PEMLR = 5, 6, AND 7 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUJHDP1O 2 Yes No DID YOU DO ANY OF THIS WORK IN THE LAST 4 WEEKS? (375 - 376) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEJHRSN 2 Yes No WHAT IS THE MAIN REASON YOU LEFT YOUR LAST JOB? (377 - 378) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEJHWKO = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 3 4 5 = = = = 6 = 7 = 8 = PEJHWANT 2 Personal/Family (Including Pregnancy) Return To School Health Retirement Or Old Age Temp, Seasonal Or Intermittent Job Complete Slack Work/Business Conditions Unsatisfactory Work Arrangements (Hrs, Pay, Etc.) Other - Specify DO YOU INTEND TO LOOK FOR WORK DURING THE NEXT 12 MONTHS? (379 - 380) EDITED UNIVERSE: (PEJHWKO = 2) or (PEJHRSN = 1-8) VALID ENTRIES 1 = Yes, Or It Depends 2 = No PUJHCK1 2 FILTER FOR OUTGOING ROTATIONS (381 - 382) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PUJHCK2 2 IF PURET1 = 1, -2, or -3 then goto NLFCK2 IF MISCK equals 4 or 8 then goto PUJHCK2 ll others goto PUNLFCK1 FILTER FOR PERSONS GOING THROUGH THE I AND O SERIES VALID ENTRIES 1 = If entry of 1 in DWWK and IMLR= 3, 4 Then store 1 in JHWKO, store DW4WK in JHDP1O (383 - 384) 2 = 3 = PRABSREA 2 and goto PUJHRSN If entry of 2, D or R in DWWK then store DWWK in JHWKO and goto PUJHWANT All others goto PUJHWK REASON NOT AT WORK AND PAY STATUS EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 2 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 = = = = 5 = 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 = = = = = = = = = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 19 20 22 23 24 = = = = = = 25 = 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 = = = = = = = = = 35 = Ft Paid-Vacation Ft Paid-Own Illness Ft Paid-Child Care Problems Ft Paid-Other Family/Personal Oblig. Ft Paid-Maternity/Paternity Leave Ft Paid-Labor Dispute Ft Paid-Weather Affected Job Ft Paid-School/Training Ft Paid-Civic/Military Duty Ft Paid-Other Ft Unpaid-Vacation Ft Unpaid-Own Illness Ft Unpaid-Child Care Problems Ft Unpaid-Other Fam/Personal Obligation Ft Unpaid-Maternity/Paternity Leave Ft Unpaid-Labor Dispute Ft Unpaid-Weather Affected Job Ft Unpaid-School/Training Ft Unpaid-Civic/Military Duty Ft Unpaid-Other Pt Paid-Own Illness Pt Paid-Child Care Problems Pt Paid-Other Family/Personal Oblig. Pt Paid-Maternity/Paternity Leave Pt Paid-Labor Dispute Pt Paid-Weather Affected Job Pt Paid-School/Training Pt Paid-Civic/Military Duty Pt Paid-Other Pt Unpaid-Vacation Pt Unpaid-Own Illness Pt Unpaid-Child Care Problems Pt Unpaid-Other Fam/Personal Obligation Pt Unpaid-Maternity/Paternity (385 - 386) 36 = 37 = 38 = 39 = 40 = PRCIVLF 2 Leave Pt Unpaid-Labor Dispute Pt Unpaid-Weather Affected Job Pt Unpaid-School/Training Pt Unpaid-Civic/Military Duty Pt Unpaid-Other CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE (387 - 388) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-7 VALID ENTRIES 01 = 02 = PRDISC 2 In Civilian Labor Force Not In Civilian Labor Force DISCOURAGED WORKER RECODE (389 - 390) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRJOBSEA = 1-4 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PREMPHRS 2 Discouraged Worker Conditionally Interested Not Available REASON NOT AT WORK OR HOURS AT WORK EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-7 VALID ENTRIES 0 1 2 3 = = = = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = Unemployed And Nilf W/Job, Not At Work-Illnes W/Job, Not At Work-Vacation W/Job, Not At Work-Weather Affected Job W/Job, Not At Work-Labor Dispute W/Job, Not At Work-Child Care Problems W/Job, Not At Work-Fam/Pers Obligation W/Job, Not At WorkMaternity/Paternity W/Job, Not At WorkSchool/Training W/Job, Not At WorkCivic/Military Duty W/Job, Not At Work-Does Not Work In Bus W/Job, Not At Work-Other At Work- 1-4 Hrs (391 - 392) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 PREMPNOT 2 = = = = = = = = = = At At At At At At At At At At WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWork- 5-14 Hrs 15-21 Hrs 22-29 Hrs 30-34 Hrs 35-39 Hrs 40 Hrs 41-47 Hrs 48 Hrs 49-59 Hrs 60 Hrs Or More MLR - EMPLOYED, UNEMPLOYED, OR NILF (393 - 394) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-7 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = PREXPLF 2 Employed Unemployed Not In Labor Force (Nilf)Discouraged Not In Labor Force (Nilf)Other EXPERIENCED LABOR FORCE EMPLOYMENT (395 - 396) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-4 AND PELKLWO ne 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PRFTLF 2 Employed Unemployed FULL TIME LABOR FORCE (397 - 398) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-4 VALID ENTRIES PRHRUSL 2 1 = Full Time Labor Force 2 = Part Time Labor Force USUAL HOURS WORKED WEEKLY EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-2 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 = = = = = = 0-20 Hrs 21-34 Hrs 35-39 Hrs 40 Hrs 41-49 Hrs 50 Or More Hrs (399 - 400) PRJOBSEA 2 7 = Varies-Full Time 8 = Varies-Part Time JOB SEARCH RECODE (401 - 402) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRWNTJOB = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 3 4 5 PRPTHRS 2 = = = = Looked Last 4 Weeks - Not Worked Looked Last 4 Weeks - Worked Looked Last 4 Weeks - Layoff Unavailable Job Seekers No Recent Job Search AT WORK 1-34 BY HOURS AT WORK (403 - 404) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1 AND PEHRACTT = 1-34 VALID ENTRIES 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = PRPTREA 2 Usualy Ft, Pt For Noneconomic Reasons Usu.Ft, Pt Econ Reasons; 1-4 Hrs Usu.Ft, Pt Econ Reasons; 5-14 Hrs Usu.Ft, Pt Econ Reasons; 1529 Hrs Usu.Ft, Pt Econ Reasons; 3034 Hrs Usu.Pt, Econ Reasons; 1-4 Hrs Usu.Pt, Econ Reasons; 5-14 Hrs Usu.Pt, Econ Reasons; 15-29 Hrs Usu.Pt, Econ Reasons; 30-34 Hrs Usu.Pt, Non-Econ Reasons; 1-4 Hrs Usu.Pt, Non-Econ Reasons; 514 Hrs Usu.Pt, Non-Econ Reasons; 1529 Hrs Usu.Pt, Non-Econ Reasons; 3034 Hrs DETAILED REASON FOR PART-TIME EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1 AND (PEHRUSLT = 0-34 OR PEHRACTT = 134) (405 - 406) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 10 11 11 13 14 = = = = = = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 = 19 = 20 = 21 = 22 = 23 = PRUNEDUR 3 Usu. Ft-Slack Work/Business Conditions Usu. Ft-Seasonal Work Usu. Ft-Job Started/Ended During Week Usu. Ft-Vacation/Personal Day Usu. Ft-Own Illness/Injury/Medical Appointment Usu. Ft-Holiday (Religious Or Legal) Usu. Ft-Child Care Problems Usu. Ft-Other Fam/Pers Obligations Usu. Ft-Labor Dispute Usu. Ft-Weather Affected Job Usu. Ft-School/Training Usu. Ft-Civic/Military Duty Usu. Ft-Other Reason Usu. Pt-Slack Work/Business Conditions Usu. Pt-Could Only Find Pt Work Usu. Pt-Seasonal Work Usu. Pt-Child Care Problems Usu. Pt-Other Fam/Pers Obligations Usu. Pt-Health/Medical Limitations Usu. Pt-School/Training Usu. Pt-Retired/S.S. Limit On Earnings Usu. Pt-Workweek <35 Hours Usu. Pt-Other Reason DURATION OF UNEMPLOYMENT FOR LAYOFF AND LOOKING RECORDS (407 - 409) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 3-4 VALID ENTRIES 0 = Min Value 999 = Max Value PRUSFTPT 2 USUAL FULLTIME/PARTTIME STATUS EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-2 VALID ENTRIES 1 = Full Time (410 - 411) 2 = 3 = PRUNTYPE 2 Part Time Status Unknown REASON FOR UNEMPLOYMENT (412 - 413) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 3-4 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 PRWKSCH 2 = = = = = = Job Loser/On Layoff Other Job Loser Temporary Job Ended Job Leaver Re-Entrant New-Entrant LABOR FORCE BY TIME WORKED OR LOST (414 - 415) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1 - 7 VALID ENTRIES 0 1 2 3 4 PRWKSTAT 2 = = = = = Not In Labor Force At Work With Job, Not At Work Unemployed, Seeks Ft Unemployed, Seeks Pt FULL/PART-TIME WORK STATUS EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-7 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = Not In Labor Force Ft Hours (35+), Usually Ft Pt For Economic Reasons, Usually Ft Pt For Non-Economic Reasons, Usually Ft Not At Work, Usually Ft Pt Hrs, Usually Pt For Economic Reasons Pt Hrs, Usually Pt For NonEconomic Reasons Ft Hours, Usually Pt For Economic Reasons Ft Hours, Usually Pt For NonEconomic Not At Work, Usually PartTime Unemployed Ft Unemployed Pt (416 - 417) PRWNTJOB 2 NILF RECODE - WANT A JOB OR OTHER NILF (418 - 419) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 5-7 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUJHCK3 2 Want A Job Other Not In Labor Force JOB HISTORY CHECK ITEM (420 - 421) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUJHCK4 2 If I-MLR EQ 3 or 4 then goto PUJHDP1 All others goto PUJHRSN SCREEN FOR DEPENDENT NILF (422 - 423) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = PUJHCK5 2 If entry of 2, D or R in PUDW4WK or in PUJHDP1O then goto PUJHCK5 If entry of 1 in PUDW4WK or in PUJHDP10 then goto PUIO1INT If I-MLR equals 1 or 2 and entry in PUJHRSN then goto PUJHCK5 If entry in PUJHRSN then goto PUIO1INT All others goto PUNLFCK1 SCREEN FOR DEPENDENT NILF (424 - 425) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUIODP1 2 If I-IO1ICR equals 1 or IIO1OCR equals 1 then goto PUIO1INT All others goto PUIOCK5 LAST MONTH, IT WAS REPORTED THAT YOU WORKED FOR (EMPLOYER'S NAME). DO STILL WORK FOR (EMPLOYER'S NAME) (AT YOUR MAIN JOB)? VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = Yes No (426 - 427) PUIODP2 2 HAVE THE USUAL ACTIVITIES AND DUTIES OF YOUR JOB CHANGED SINCE LAST MONTH? (428 - 429) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUIODP3 2 Yes No LAST MONTH YOU WERE REPORTED AS (A/AN) (OCCUPATION) AND YOUR USUAL ACTIVITIES WERE (DESCRIPTION). IS THIS AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF YOUR CURRENT JOB? (430 - 431) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEIO1COW 2 Yes No INDIVIDUAL CLASS OF WORKER CODE ON FIRST JOB (432 - 433) NOTE: A PEIO1COW CODE CAN BE ASSIGNED EVEN IF AN INDIVIDUAL IS NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED. EDITED UNIVERSE: (PEMLR = 1-3) OR (PEMLR = 4 AND PELKLWO = 1-2) OR (PEMLR = 5 AND (PENLFJH = 1 OR PEJHWKO = 1) OR (PEMLR = 6 AND PENLFJH = 1) OR (PEMLR = 7 AND PEJHWKO = 1) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PUIO1MFG 2 = = = = = = = = Government - Federal Government - State Government - Local Private, For Profit Private, Nonprofit Self-Employed, Incorporated Self-Employed, Unincorporated Without Pay IS THIS BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION MAINLY MANUFACTURING, RETAIL TRADE, WHOLESALE TRADE, OR SOMETHING ELSE? VALID ENTRIES (434 - 435) 1 2 3 4 PEIO1ICD 3 = = = = Manufacturing Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Something Else INDUSTRY CODE FOR PRIMARY JOB (436 - 438) EDITED UNIVERSE: (PEMLR = 1-3) OR (PEMLR = 4 AND PELKLWO = 1-2) OR (PEMLR = 5 AND (PENLFJH = 1 OR PEJHWKO = 1)) OR (PEMLR = 6 AND PENLFJH = 1) OR (PEMLR = 7 AND PEJHWKO=1) VALID ENTRIES 0 = Min Value 999 = Max Value PEIO1OCD 3 OCCUPATION CODE FOR PRIMARY JOB. (439 - 441) EDITED UNIVERSE: (PEMLR = 1-3) OR (PEMLR = 4 AND PELKLWO = 1-2) OR (PEMLR = 5 AND (PENLFJH = 1 OR PEJHWKO = 1)) OR (PEMLR = 6 AND PENLFJH = 1) OR (PEMLR = 7 AND PEJHWKO = 1) VALID ENTRIES 0 = Min Value 999 = Max Value PEIO2COW 2 INDIVIDUAL CLASS OF WORKER ON SECOND JOB. NOTE: FOR THOSE SELF-EMPLOYED UNINCORPORATED ON THEIR FIRST JOB, THIS SHOULD HAVE A RESPONSE EVERY MONTH. FOR ALL OTHERS, THIS SHOULD ONLY HAVE A VALUE IN OUT-GOING ROTATIONS. EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMJOT = 1 AND (HRMIS = 4,8 OR PEIO1COW = 7,8) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = = = = = = = Government - Federal Government - State Government - Local Private, For Profit Private, Nonprofit Self-Employed, Incorporated Self-Employed, Unincorporated (442 - 443) 8 9 10 11 PUIO2MFG 2 = = = = Without Pay Unknown Government, Level Unknown Self-Employed, Incorp. Status Unknown IS THIS BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION MAINLY MANUFACTURING, RETAIL TRADE, WHOLESALE TRADE, OR SOMETHING ELSE? (444 - 445) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 PEIO2ICD 3 = = = = Manufacturing Retail Trade Wholesale Trade Something Else INDUSTRY CODE FOR SECOND JOB. (446 - 448) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMJOT = 1 AND HRMIS = 4 OR 8 VALID ENTRIES 0 = Min Value 999 = Max Value PEIO2OCD 3 OCCUPATION CODE FOR SECOND JOB. (449 - 451) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMJOT = 1 AND HRMIS = 4 OR 8 VALID ENTRIES 0 = Min Value 999 = Max Value PUIOCK1 2 I & O CHECK ITEM 1 SCREEN FOR DEPENDENT I AND O VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = If {MISCK EQ 1 or 5) or MISCK EQ 2-4, 6-8 and I-MLR EQ 3-7) and entry of 1 in ABS} then goto PUIO1INT If (MISCK EQ 1 or 5) or {(MISCK EQ 2-4, 6-8 and I-MLR EQ 3-7) and (entry of 1 in WK or HRCK7-C is blank, 1-3) goto PUIO1INT If I-IO1NAM is D, R or blank then goto PUIO1INT All others goto PUIODP1 (452 - 453) PUIOCK2 2 I & O CHECK ITEM 2 SCREEN FOR PREVIOUS MONTHS I AND O CASES (454 - 455) VALID ENTRIES 2 = 3 = PUIOCK3 2 1 = If I-IO1ICR EQ 1 then goto PUIO1IND If I-IO1OCR EQ 1 then goto PUIO1OCC All others goto PUIODP2 I & O CHECK ITEM 3 (456 - 457) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PRIOELG 2 If I-IO1OCC equals D, R or blank then goto PUIO1OCC If I-IO1DT1 is D, R or blank then goto PUIO1OCC All others goto PUIODP3 INDUSTRY AND OCCUPATION ELIGIBILITY FLAG (458 - 459) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-3, OR (PEMLR = 4 AND PELKLWO = 1 OR 2) OR (PEMLR = 5 AND (PEJHWKO = 1 OR PENLFJH=1), OR (PEMLR = 6 AND PENLFJH = 1), OR PEMLR = 7 AND PEJHWKO = 1) VALID ENTRIES 0 = 1 = PRAGNA 2 Not Eligible For Edit Eligible For Edit AGRICULTURE/ NON-AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY (460 - 461) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRIOELG = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PRCOW1 2 Agricultural Non-Agricultural CLASS OF WORKER RECODE - JOB 1 EDITED UNIVERSE: PRIOELG = 1 VALID ENTRIES (462 - 463) 1 2 3 4 = = = = 5 = 6 = PRCOW2 2 Federal Govt State Govt Local Govt Private (Incl. Self-Employed Incorp.) Self-Employed, Unincorp. Without Pay CLASS OF WORKER RRECODE - JOB 2 (464 - 465) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRIOELG = 1 AND PEMJOT = 1 AND HRMIS = 4 OR 8 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 = = = = 5 = 6 = PRCOWPG 2 Federal Govt State Govt Local Govt Private (Incl. Self-Employed Incorp.) Self-Employed, Unincorp. Without Pay COW - PRIVATE OR GOVERNMENT (466 - 467) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEIO1COW = 1 - 5 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PRDTCOW1 2 Private Government DETAILED CLASS OF WORKER RECODE - JOB 1 EDITED UNIVERSE: PRIOELG = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 8 9 10 = = = = Agri., Wage & Salary, Private Agri., Wage & Salary, Government Agri., Self-Employed Agri., Unpaid Nonag, Ws, Private, Private Hhlds Nonag, Ws, Private, Other Private Nonag, Ws, Govt, Federal Nonag, Ws, Govt, State Nonag, Ws, Govt, Local Nonag, Self-Employed (468 - 469) 11 = PRDTCOW2 2 Nonag, Unpaid DETAILED CLASS OF WORKER RECODE - JOB 2 (470 - 471) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRIOELG = 1 AND PEMJOT = 1 AND HRMIS = 4 OR 8 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 8 9 10 11 PRDTIND1 2 = = = = = Agri., Wage & Salary, Private Agri., Wage & Salary, Government Agri., Self-Employed Agri., Unpaid Nonag, Ws, Private, Private Hhlds Nonag, Ws, Private, Other Private Nonag, Ws, Govt, Federal Nonag, Ws, Govt, State Nonag, Ws, Govt, Local Nonag, Self-Employed Nonag, Unpaid DETAILED INDUSTRY RECODE - JOB 1 EDITED UNIVERSE: PRIOELG = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = Goods Producing-Agricultural Services Goods Producing-Other Agricultural Mining Construction Mfg-Lumber & Wood Prods, Ex Furniture Mfg-Furniture & Fixtures Mfg-Stone, Clay, Concrete, Glass Prods Mfg-Primary Metals Mfg-Fabricated Metals Mfg-Not Specified Metal Industries Mfg-Machinery, Ex Electrical Mfg-Electrical Machinery, Equip Supplies Mfg-Motor Vehicles & Equip Mfg-Aircraft & Parts Mfg-Other Transportation Equipment Mfg-Professional & Photo (472 - 473) 17 = 18 19 20 21 22 = = = = = 23 = 24 = 25 = 26 = 27 = 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 = = = = = = = = = = = = 40 = 41 = 42 = 43 = 44 45 46 47 48 = = = = = 49 = 50 = 51 = 52 = PRDTIND2 2 Equip, Watches Mfg-Toys, Amusement & Sporting Goods Mfg-Misc & Nec Mfg Industries Mfg-Food & Kindred Prods Mfg-Tobacco Prods Mfg-Textile Mill Prods Mfg-Apparel & Other Finished Textile Pr Mfg-Paper & Allied Products Mfg-Printing, Publishing & Allied Inds Mfg-Chemicals & Allied Prods Mfg-Petroleum & Coal Prods Mfg-Rubber & Misc Plastic Prods Mfg-Leather & Leather Prods Transportation Communications Utilities & Sanitary Services Wholesale Trade Eating And Drinking Places Other Retail Trade Banking And Other Finance Insurance And Real Estate Private Household Services Business Services Automobile And Repair Services Personal Serv Exc Private Households Entertainment & Recreation Services Hospitals Health Services, Exc. Hospitals Educational Services Social Services Other Professional Services Forestry & Fisheries Justice, Public Order & Safety Admin Of Human Resource Programs National Security & Internal Affairs Other Public Administration Armed Forces DETAILED INDUSTRY RECODE - JOB 2 EDITED UNIVERSE: PRIOELG = 1 AND PEMJOT = 1 AND HRMIS = 4 OR 8 (474 - 475) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 19 20 21 22 = = = = = 23 = 24 = 25 = 26 = 27 = 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 = = = = = = = = = = = = Goods Producing-Agricultural Services Goods Producing-Other Agricultural Mining Construction Mfg-Lumber & Wood Prods, Ex Furniture Mfg-Furniture & Fixtures Mfg-Stone, Clay, Concrete, Glass Prods Mfg-Primary Metals Mfg-Fabricated Metals Mfg-Not Specified Metal Industries Mfg-Machinery, Ex Electrical Mfg-Electrical Machinery, Equip Supplies Mfg-Motor Vehicles & Equip Mfg-Aircraft & Parts Mfg-Other Transportation Equipment Mfg-Professional & Photo Equip, Watches Mfg-Toys, Amusement & Sporting Goods Mfg-Misc & Nec Mfg Industries Mfg-Food & Kindred Prods Mfg-Tobacco Prods Mfg-Textile Mill Prods Mfg-Apparel & Other Finished Textile Pr Mfg-Paper & Allied Products Mfg-Printing, Publishing & Allied Inds Mfg-Chemicals & Allied Prods Mfg-Petroleum & Coal Prods Mfg-Rubber & Misc Plastic Prods Mfg-Leather & Leather Prods Transportation Communications Utilities & Sanitary Services Wholesale Trade Eating And Drinking Places Other Retail Trade Banking And Other Finance Insurance And Real Estate Private Household Services Business Services Automobile And Repair 40 = 41 = 42 = 43 = 44 45 46 47 48 = = = = = 49 = 50 = 51 = 52 = PRDTOCC1 2 Services Personal Serv Exc Private Households Entertainment & Recreation Services Hospitals Health Services, Exc. Hospitals Educational Services Social Services Other Professional Services Forestry & Fisheries Justice, Public Order & Safety Admin Of Human Resource Programs National Security & Internal Affairs Other Public Administration Armed Forces DETAILED OCCUPATION RECODE - JOB 1 EDITED UNIVERSE: PRIOELG = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = Officials & Administrators, Public Admin. Other Executive, Admin. & Managerial Management Related Occupations Engineers Mathematical And Computer Scientists Natural Scientists Health Diagnosing Occupations Health Assessment And Treatment Occupations Teachers, College And University Teachers, Except College And University Lawyers And Judges Other Professional Specialty Occupations Health Technologists And Technicians Engineering And Science Technicians Technicians, Except Health, Engineering, And Science Supervisors And Proprietors, (476 - 477) 17 = 18 = 19 = 20 = 21 = 22 = 23 = 24 = 25 = 26 = 27 = 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 = = = = = = = = 36 = 37 = 38 = 39 = 40 = 41 = 42 = 43 = 44 = 45 = 46 = PRDTOCC2 2 Sales Occupations Sales Reps, Finance And Business Services Sales Reps, Commodities, Except Retail Sales Workers, Retail & Personal Services Sales Related Occupations Supervisors, Administrative Support Computer Equiptment Operators Secretaries, Stenographers, And Typists Financial Records Processing Mail And Message Distribution Other Admin. Support, Including Clerical Private Household Service Occupations Protective Service Food Service Health Service Cleaning And Building Service Personal Service Mechanics And Repairers Construction Trades Other Precision Production, Craft, And Repair Machine Operators, And Tenders, Except Precision Fabricators, Assemblers, Inspectors, Samplers Motot Vehicle Operators Other Transportation And Material Moving Occupations Construction Laborers Freight, Stock, & Materials Handlers Other Handlers, Equipt. Cleaners, Helpers, Laborers Farm Operators And Managers Farm Workers And Related Occupations Forestry And Fishing Occupations Armed Forces DETAILED OCCUPATION RECODE EDITED UNIVERSE: PRIOELG = 1 AND PEMJOT = 1 AND HRMIS = 4 OR 8 VALID ENTRIES (478 - 479) 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 = 19 = 20 = 21 = 22 = 23 = 24 = 25 = 26 = 27 = 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 = = = = = = = Officials & Administrators, Public Admin. Other Executive, Admin. & Managerial Management Related Occupations Engineers Mathematical And Computer Scientists Natural Scientists Health Diagnosing Occupations Health Assessment And Treatment Occupations Teachers, College And University Teachers, Except College And University Lawyers And Judges Other Professional Specialitu Occupations Health Technologists And Technicians Engineering And Science Technicians Technicians, Except Health, Engineering, And Science Supervisors And Proprietors, Sales Occupations Sales Reps, Finance And Business Services Sales Reps, Commodities, Except Retail Sales Workers, Retail & Personal Services Sales Related Occupations Supervisors, Administrative Support Computer Equiptment Operators Secretaries, Stenographers, And Typists Financial Records Processing Mail And Message Distribution Other Admin. Support, Including Clerical Private Household Service Occupations Protective Service Food Service Health Service Cleaning And Building Service Personal Service Mechanics And Repairers Construction Trades 35 = 36 = 37 = 38 = 39 = 40 = 41 = 42 = 43 = 44 = 45 = 46 = PREMP 2 Other Precision Production, Craft, And Repair Machine Operators, And Tenders, Except Precision Fabricators, Assemblers, Inspectors, Samplers Motot Vehicle Operators Other Transportation And Material Moving Occupations Construction Laborers Freight, Stock, & Materials Handlers Other Handlers, Equipt. Cleaners, Helpers, Laborers Farm Operators And Managers Farm Workers And Related Occupations Forestry And Fishing Occupations Armed Forces EMPLOYED PERSONS (NON-FARM & NON-PRIVATE HHLD) RECODE (480 - 481) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1 OR 2 AND PEIO1OCD ne 403-407, 473-484 VALID ENTRY 1 Employed Persons (Exc. Farm & Priv Hh) PRMJIND1 2 MAJOR INDUSTRY RECODE - JOB 1 EDITED UNIVERSE: PRDTIND1 = 1-51 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = 13 = Agriculture Mining Construction Manufacturing - Durable Goods Manufacturing - Non-Durable Goods Transportation Communications Utilities And Sanitary Services Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate Private Households Business, Auto And Repair (482 - 483) 14 = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 19 20 21 22 23 PRMJIND2 2 = = = = = = Services Personal Services, Exc. Private Hhlds Entertainment And Recreation Services Hospitals Medical Services, Exc. Hospitals Educational Services Social Services Other Professional Services Forestry And Fisheries Public Administration Armed Forces MAJOR INDUSTRY RECODE - JOB 2 (484 - 485) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRDTIND2 = 1-51 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 12 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 16 = 17 = 18 19 20 21 22 23 PRMJOCC1 2 = = = = = = Agriculture Mining Construction Manufacturing - Durable Goods Manufacturing - Non-Durable Goods Transportation Communications Utilities And Sanitary Services Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate Private Households Business, Auto And Repair Services Personal Services, Exc. Private Hhlds Entertainment And Recreation Services Hospitals Medical Services, Exc. Hospitals Educational Services Social Services Other Professional Services Forestry And Fisheries Public Administration Armed Forces MAJOR OCCUPATION RECODE - JOB 1 (486 - 487) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRDTOCC1 = 1-46 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = 13 = 14 = PRMJOCC2 2 Executive, Administrative, & Managerial Occupations Professional Specialty Occupations Technicians And Related Support Occupations Sales Occupations Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Private Household Occupations Protective Service Occupations Service Occupations, Except Protective & Hhld Precision Production, Craft & Repair Occupations Machine Operators, Assemblers & Inspectors Transportation And Material Moving Occupations Handlers, Equip Cleaners, Helpers, Laborers Farming, Forestry And Fishing Occupations Armed Forces MAJOR OCCUPATION RECODE - JOB 2 EDITED UNIVERSE: PRDTOCC2 = 1-46 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 = Executive, Administrative, & Managerial Occupations Professional Specialty Occupations Technicians And Related Support Occupations Sales Occupations Administrative Support Occupations, Including Clerical Private Household Occupations Protective Service Occupations Service Occupations, Except Protective & Hhld (488 - 489) 9 = 10 = 11 = 11 = 13 = 14 = PRMJOCGR 2 Precision Production, Craft & Repair Occupations Machine Operators, Assemblers & Inspectors Transportation And Material Moving Occupations Handlers, Equip Cleaners, Helpers, Laborers Farming, Forestry And Fishing Occupations Armed Forces MAJOR OCCUPATION CATEGORIES (490 - 491) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRMJOCC = 1-13 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = PRNAGPWS 2 Managerail & Professional, Technical, Sales & Support Occupations Service Occupations Production, Craft, Repair, Operators Farming, Forestry & Fishing Occupations NON-AGRICULTURE, PRIVATE WAGE AND SALARY WORKERS RECODE (492 - 493) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRCOW1 = 1 AND PEIO1ICD ne 761 OR 010-030 VALID ENTRY 1 Non-ag Priv Wage & Salary (Ex Priv Hh) PRNAGWS 2 NON-AGRICULTURE WAGE AND SALARY WORKERS RECODE (494 - 495) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-4 AND PRCOW = 1-4 AND PEIO1ICD ne 010-030 VALID ENTRY 1 Non-ag Wage And Salary Workers PRSJMJ 2 SINGLE/MULTIPLE JOBHOLDER EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1 OR 2 (496 - 497) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PRERELG 2 Single Jobholder Multiple Jobholder EARNINGS ELIGIBILITY FLAG (498 - 499) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEMLR = 1-2 AND HRMIS = 4 OR 8 VALID ENTRIES 1 = PEERNUOT 2 0 = Not Eligible For Edit Eligible For Edit DO YOU USUALLY RECEIVE OVERTIME PAY, TIPS, OR COMMISSIONS AT YOUR JOB? (500 - 501) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRERELG = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEERNPER 2 Yes No PERIODICITY (502 - 503) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRERELG = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PEERNRT 2 = = = = = = = Hourly Weekly Bi-Weekly Twice Monthly Monthly Annually Other - Specify (EVEN THOUGH YOU TOLD ME IT IS EASIER TO REPORT YOUR EARNINGS (PERIODICITY); ARE YOU PAID AT AN HOURLY RATE ON YOUR (MAIN/THIS) JOB? (504 - 505) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEERNPER = 2-7 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEERNHRY 2 Yes No HOURLY/NONHOURLY STATUS EDITED UNIVERSE: PRERELG = 1 (506 - 507) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUERNH1C 4 Hourly Worker Nonhourly Worker WHAT IS YOUR HOURLY RATE OF PAY ON THIS JOB, EXCLUDING OVERTIME PAY, TIPS OR COMMISSION? DOLLAR AMOUNT - 2 IMPLIED DECIMALS (508 - 511) VALID ENTRIES 0 Min Value 9999 Max Value PEERNH2 4 (EXCLUDING OVERTIME PAY, TIPS AND COMMISSIONS) WHAT IS YOUR HOURLY RATE OF PAY ON YOUR (MAIN/THIS) JOB? DOLLAR AMOUNT - 2 IMPLIED DECIMALS (512 - 515) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEERNRT = 1 VALID ENTRIES 0 Min Value 9999 Max Value PEERNH1O 4 OUT VARIABLE FOR HOURLY RATE OF PAY (2 IMPLIED DECIMALS) (516 - 519) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEERNPER = 1 VALID ENTRIES 0 Min Value 9999 Max Value PRERNHLY 4 RECODE FOR HOURLY RATE 2 IMPLIED DECIMALS (520 - 523) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEERNPER = 1 OR PEERNRT = 1 VALID ENTRIES 0 Min Value 9999 Max Value PTHR 1 HOURLY PAY - TOP CODE VALID ENTRIES (524 - 524) 0 = 1 = PEERNHRO 2 Not Topcoded Topcoded USUAL HOURS (525 - 526) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEERNH1O = ENTRY VALID ENTRIES 0 Min Value 99 Max Value PRERNWA 8 WEEKLY EARNINGS RECODE 2 IMPLIED DECIMALS (527 - 534) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRERELG = 1 VALID ENTRIES PTWK 1 0 Min Value 1923 Max Value WEEKLY EARNINGS - TOP CODE 0 = 1 = PEERNVR1 2 (535 - 535) Not Topcoded Topcoded I HAVE ESTIMATED YOUR USUAL WEEKLY EARNINGS (FOR YOUR MAIN JOB) AS ( ) BEFORE TAXES OR OTHER DEDUCTIONS. DOES THAT SOUND CORRECT? (536 - 537) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEERNHRO = ENTRY VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEERNVR3 2 Yes No I HAVE ESTIMATED YOUR TOTAL WEEKLY EARNINGS (FOR YOUR MAIN JOB) AS ( ) BEFORE TAXES OR OTHER DEDUCTIONS. DOES THAT SOUND CORRECT? EDITED UNIVERSE: PEERNVR1 = -2 OR 2 (THIS IS AN APPROXIMATE UNIVERSE AS THE VARIABLES WHICH COMPRISE THE UNIVERSE ARE NOT INCLUDED ON THIS FILE) VALID ENTRIES (538 - 539) 1 = 2 = PEERN 8 Yes No CALCULATED WEEKLY OVERTIME AMOUNT 2 IMPLIED DECIMALS (540 - 547) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEERNUOT = 1 AND PEERNPER = 1 VALID ENTRIES 0 = Min Value 99999999 = Max Value PUERN2 8 CALCULATED WEEKLY OVERTIME AMOUNT 2 IMPLIED DECIMALS (548 - 555) VALID ENTRIES PTOT 1 0 = Min Value 99999999 = Max Value WEEKLY OVERTIME AMOUNT - TOP CODE (556 - 556) VALID ENTRIES 0 = 1 = PUERNVR4 2 Not Topcoded Topcoded I HAVE RECORDED YOUR TOTAL EARNINGS (FOR YOUR MAIN JOB) AS ( ) BEFORE TAXES OR OTHER DEDUCTIONS. IS THAT CORRECT? (557 - 558) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEERNWKP 2 Yes No HOW MANY WEEKS A YEAR DO YOU GET PAID FOR? (559 - 560) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEERNPER = 6 VALID ENTRIES 01 = 52 = PEERNLAB 2 Min Value Max Value ON THIS JOB, ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A LABOR UNION OR OF AN EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION SIMILAR TO A UNION? (561 - 562) EDITED UNIVERSE: (PEIO1COW = 1-5 AND PEMLR = 1-2 AND HRMIS = 4, 8) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PEERNCOV 2 Yes No ON THIS JOB ARE YOU COVERED BY A UNION OR EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION CONTRACT? (563 - 564) EDITED UNIVERSE: (PEIO1COW = 1-5 AND PEMLR = 1-2 AND HRMIS = 4, 8) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PENLFJH 2 Yes No WHEN DID YOU LAST WORK AT A JOB OR BUSINESS? (565 - 566) EDITED UNIVERSE: HRMIS = 4 OR 8 AND PEMLR = 3-7 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = 3 = PENLFRET 2 Within The Last 12 Months More Than 12 Months Ago Never Worked ARE YOU RETIRED FROM A JOB OR BUSINESS? (567 - 568) EDITED UNIVERSE: PEAGE = 50+ AND PEMLR = 3-7 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PENLFACT 2 Yes No WHAT BEST DESCRIBES YOUR SITUATION AT THIS TIME? FOR EXAMPLE, ARE YOU DISABLED, ILL, IN SCHOOL, TAKING CARE OF HOUSE OR FAMILY, OR SOMETHING ELSE? EDITED UNIVERSE: (PEAGE = 14-49) or (PENLFRET = 2) (569 - 570) VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 = = = = 5 = 6 = PUNLFCK1 2 Disabled Ill In School Taking Care Of House Or Family In Retirement Something Else/Other NOT IN LABOR FORCE CHECK ITEM - 1 (571 - 572) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PUNLFCK2 2 If AGERNG Equals 1-4 or 9 Then Goto NlfACT All Others Goto NlFRET NOT IN LABOR FORCE CHECK ITEM - 2 (573 - 574) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PESCHENR 2 If MISCL Equals 4 or 8 Then Goto NlFJH All Others Goto LBFR-END LAST WEEK, WERE YOU ENROLLED IN A HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE, OR UNIVERSITY? (575 - 576) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 2 and PEAGE = 16-24 VALID ENTRIES 1 = PESCHFT 2 Yes 2 = No ARE YOU ENROLLED IN SCHOOL AS A FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME STUDENT? (577 - 578) EDITED UNIVERSE: PESCHLVL = 1, 2 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PESCHLVL 2 Full-Time Part-Time WOULD THAT BE HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE, OR UNIVERSITY? EDITED UNIVERSE: PESCHENR = 1 (579 - 580) VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = PRNLFSCH 2 High School College or University NLF ACTIVITY - IN SCHOOL OR NOT IN SCHOOL (581 - 582) EDITED UNIVERSE: PENLFACT = -1 OR 1-6 AND PEAGE = 16-24 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 2 = In School Not in School PERSON'S WEIGHTS PWFMWGT 10 FAMILY WEIGHT (4 IMPLIED DECIMALS) ONLY USED FOR TALLYING FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS. (583 - 592) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1-3 PWLGWGT 10 LONGITUDINAL WEIGHT (4 IMPLIED DECIMALS) ONLY FOUND ON ADULT RECORDS MATCHED FROM MONTH TO MONTH. (USED FOR GROSS FLOWS ANALYSIS) (593 - 602) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 2 PWORWGT 10 PWSSWGT 10 OUTGOING ROTATION WEIGHT (4 IMPLIED DECIMALS) USED FOR TALLYING INFORMATION COLLECTED ONLY IN OUTGOING ROTATIONS (i.e., EARNINGS, 2nd JOB I & O, DETAILED NILF) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 2 FINAL WEIGHT (4 IMPLIED DECIMAL PLACES) USED FOR MOST TABULATIONS, CONTROLLED TO INDEPENDENT ESTIMATES FOR 1) STATES; 2) ORIGIN, SEX, AND AGE; AND 3) AGE, RACE, AND SEX. (603 - 612) (613 - 622) EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 1-3 PWVETWGT 10 VETERANS WEIGHT (623 - 632) 4 IMPLIED DECIMALS) USED FOR TALLYING VETERAN'S DATA ONLY, CONTROLLED TO ESTIMATES OF VETERANS SUPPLIED BY VA. EDITED UNIVERSE: PRPERTYP = 2 FILLER 6 (633 - 638) ALLOCATION FLAGS PRWERNAL 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (639 - 640) WEEKLY EARNINGS RECODE (PRERNWA) ALLOCATION FLAG EDITED UNIVERSE: PRERELG = 1 00 = 01 = PRHERNAL 2 NO ALLOCATION ONE OR MORE COMPONENTS OF THE RECODE ARE ALLOCATED ALLOCATION FLAG (641 - 642) HOURLY EARNINGS RECODE (PRERNHLY) ALLOCATION FLAG EDITED UNIVERSE: PRERNHRY = 1 00 = 01 = NO ALLOCATION ONE OR MORE COMPONENT OF THE RECODE ARE ALLOCATED (See the allocation flags attachment for a description of allocation values) HXTENURE 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (643 - 644) HXHOUSUT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (645 - 646) HXTELHHD 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (647 - 648) HXTELAVL HXPHONEO 2 2 ALLOCATION FLAG ALLOCATION FLAG (649 - 650) (651 - 652) PXINUSYR 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (653 - 654) PXRRP 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (655 - 656) PXPARENT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (657 - 658) PXAGE 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (659 - 660) PXMARITL 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (661 - 662) PXSPOUSE 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (663 - 664) PXSEX 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (665 - 666) PXAFWHEN 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (667 - 668) PXAFNOW 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (669 - 670) PXEDUCA 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (671 - 672) PXRACE 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (673 - 674) PXNATVTY 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (675 - 676) PXMNTVTY 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (677 - 678) PXFNTVTY 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (794 - 680) FILLER 2 PXORIGIN 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (683 - 684) PXMLR 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (685 - 686) PXRET1 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (687 - 688) PXABSRSN 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (689 - 690) PXABSPDO 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (691 - 692) PXMJOT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (693 - 694) PXMJNUM 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (695 - 696) PXHRUSL1 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (697 - 698) PXHRUSL2 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (699 - 700) PXHRFTPT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (701 - 702) PXHRUSLT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (703 - 704) PXHRWANT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (705 - 706) PXHRRSN1 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (707 - 708) PXHRRSN2 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (709 - 710) PXHRACT1 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (711 - 712) (681 - 682) PXHRACT2 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (713 - 714) PXHRACTT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (715 - 716) PXHRRSN3 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (717 - 718) PXHRAVL 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (719 - 720) PXLAYAVL 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (721 - 722) PXLAYLK 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (723 - 724) PXLAYDUR 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (725 - 726) PXLAYFTO 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (727 - 728) PXLKM1 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (729 - 730) PXLKAVL 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (731 - 732) PXLKLL1O 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (733 - 734) PXLKLL2O 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (735 - 736) PXLKLWO 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (737 - 738) PXLKDUR 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (739 - 740) PXLKFTO 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (741 - 742) PXDWWNTO 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (743 - 744) PXDWRSN 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (745 - 746) PXDWLKO 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (747 - 748) PXDWWK 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (749 - 750) PXDW4WK 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (751 - 752) PXDWLKWK 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (753 - 754) PXDWAVL 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (755 - 756) PXDWAVR 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (757 - 758) PXJHWKO 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (759 - 760) PXJHRSN 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (761 - 762) PXJHWANT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (763 - 764) PXIO1COW 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (765 - 766) PXIO1ICD 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (767 - 768) PXIO1OCD 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (769 - 770) PXIO2COW 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (771 - 772) PXIO2ICD 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (773 - 774) PXIO2OCD 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (775 - 776) PXERNUOT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (777 - 778) PXERNPER 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (779 - 780) PXERNH1O 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (781 - 782) PXERNHRO 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (783 - 784) PXERN 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (785 - 786) PXERNVR1 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (787 - 788) PXERNVR3 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (789 - 790) PXERNWKP 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (791 - 792) PXERNRT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (793 - 794) PXERNHRY 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (795 - 796) PXERNH2 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (797 - 798) PXERNLAB 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (799 - 800) PXERNCOV 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (801 - 802) PXNLFJH 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (803 - 804) PXNLFRET 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (805 - 806) PXNLFACT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (807 - 808) PXSCHENR 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (809 - 810) PXSCHFT 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (811 - 812) PXSCHLVL 2 ALLOCATION FLAG (813 - 814) All supplement items contain an additional value of -1. definition of -1 is "Not in Universe." PESD1 2 During the last 3 calendar years, that is, January 1993 through December The 815-816 1995, did you lose a job, or leave one because: your plant or company closed or moved, your position or shift was abolished, insufficient work or another similar reason? EDITED UNIVERSE All household members 20+ years old VALID ENTRIES PESD2 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response Which of these specific reasons describes why you are no longer working at that job? 817-818 EDITED UNIVERSE PESD1 = 1 VALID ENTRIES PESD3 2 1 = Plant or company closed down or moved Plant or company operating but lost or left job because of: 2 = Insufficient work 3 = Position or shift abolished 4 = Seasonal job completed 5 = Self-operated business failed 6 = Some other reason 2 = Don't Know 3 = Refused 9 = No response In what year did you last work at that job? EDITED UNIVERSE PESD2 = 1, 2, or 3 VALID ENTRIES 1 = 1993 819-820 PESD4 2 2 3 4 2 3 9 = = = = = = 1994 1995 Other Don't Know Refused No response Do you expect to be recalled to that job within the next 6 months? 821-822 EDITED UNIVERSE PESD2 = 2 or 3 and PESD3 = 3 VALID ENTRIES PESD5 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response Had you been given written advance notice informing you that (fill: the plant or business would be closed / you would lose your job)? 823-824 EDITED UNIVERSE PESD3 = 1, 2, 3, -2, -3, or -9 VALID ENTRIES PESD6 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No Response How long before you were to have lost your job did you receive that notice? EDITED UNIVERSE PESD5 = 1 VALID ENTRIES 1 = Less than 1 month 2 = 1 to 2 months 3 = More than 2 months 825-826 PESCOW1 2 2 = Don't Know 3 = Refused 9 = No response Class of Worker 827-828 EDITED UNIVERSE Entry in PUSD7, PUSD8 or PUSD9 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Federal government State government Local government Private for profit Private, nonprofit Self-employed, incorporated Self-employed,unincorporated Without pay Unknown Government, level unknown Self-employed, incorporation status unknown - 9 = No response PES1ICD 3 = = = = = = = = = = = Industry Code 829-831 EDITED UNIVERSE Entry in PUSD10, PUSD11, or PUSD12 VALID ENTRIES 000-992 = Industry Code - 9 = No response PRSDIND 2 Detailed Industry Recode VALID ENTRIES 1 = Goods producing agricultural services 2 = Goods producing other agricultural 3 = Mining 4 = Construction 5 = Mfg - lumber & wood prods, ex furniture 6 = Mfg - furniture & fixtures 7 = Mfg - stone, clay, concrete, glass prods 8 = Mfg - primary metals 832-833 9 = Mfg - fabricated metals 10 = Mfg - not specified metal industries 11 = Mfg - machinery, ex electrical 12 = Mfg - electrical machinery, equip supplies 13 = Mfg - motor vehicles & equip 14 = Mfg - aircraft & parts 15 = Mfg - other transportation equipment 16 = Mfg - professional & photo equip, watches 17 = Mfg - toys, amusement & sporting goods 18 = Mfg - misc & n.e.c. mfg industries 19 = Mfg - food & kindred prods 20 = Mfg - tobacco prods 21 = Mfg - textile mill prods 22 = Mfg - apparel & other finished textile pr 23 = Mfg - paper & allied products 24 = Mfg - printing, publishing & allied inds 25 = Mfg - chemicals & allied prods 26 = Mfg - petroleum & coal prods 27 = Mfg - rubber & misc plastic prods 28 = Mfg - leather & leather prods 29 = Transportation 30 = Communications 31 = Utilities & sanitary services 32 = Wholesale trade 33 = Eating and drinking places 34 = Other retail trade 35 = Banking and other finance 36 = Insurance and real estate 37 = Private household services 38 = Business services 39 = Automobile and repair services 40 = Personal serv exc private households 41 = Entertainment & recreation services 42 = Hospitals 43 = Health services, exc. hospitals 44 = Educational services 45 = Social services 46 = Other professional services 47 = Forestry & fisheries 48 = Justice, public order & safety 49 = Admin of human resource programs 50 = National security & internal affairs 51 = Other public administration - 9 = No response PES1OCD 3 Occupation Code 834-836 EDITED UNIVERSE Entry in PUSD13, PUSD14 and PUSD15 VALID ENTRIES 003-905 = Occupation code - 9 = No response PRSDOCC 2 Detailed Occupation Recode VALID ENTRIES 1 = Officials & administrators, pub. admin. 2 = Other executive, admin. & managerial 3 = Management related occupations 4 = Engineers 5 = Mathematical and computer scientists 6 = Natural Scientists 7 = Health diagnosing occs. 8 = Health assessment and treatment occs. 9 = Teachers, college and 837-838 university 10 = Teachers, except college and university 11 = Lawyers and judges 12 = Other professional specialty occs. 13 = Health technologists and technicians 14 = Engineering and science technicians 15 = Technicians, exc. health,engin. & science 16 = Supervisors and proprietors, sales occs 17 = Sales reps, finance and business serv. 18 = Sales reps, commodities, exc. retail 19 = Sales workers, retail & personal serv. 20 = Sales related occs 21 = Supervisors, admin. support 22 = Computer equipment operators 23 = Secretaries, stenographers, and typists 24 = Financial records processing 25 = Mail and message distributing 26 = Other admin support, inc. clerical 27 = Private household service occs 28 = Protective service 29 = Food service 30 = Health service 31 = Cleaning and building service 32 = Personal service 33 = Mechanics and repairers 34 = Construction trades 35 = Other precision prod., craft, & repair 36 = Machine opertrs and tenders,exc precis. 37 = Fabricatrs,assemblrs, inspectrs,samplrs 38 = Motor vehicle operators 39 = Other transp. & material moving occs 40 = Construction laborers 41 = Freight, stock & materials handlers 42 = Oth handlrs, equip. cleanrs, helprs, labrrs 43 = Farm operators and managers 44 = Farm workers and related occupations 45 = Forestry and fishing occs 46 = Armed forces - 9 = No response PESD16 2 On that job, were you a member of a union or an employee association similar to a union? 839-840 EDITED UNIVERSE (PESD5 = 1, 2, -2, -3, or -9) and (PESCOW1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, or -9) VALID ENTRIES PESD17 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response Did you have health insurance at that job? EDITED UNIVERSE 841-842 PESD16 = 1, 2, -2, -3, or -9 VALID ENTRIES PESD18A 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response How long had you worked for (fill: SD10/SD11/that employer) when that job ended? (Answer number) EDITED UNIVERSE PESD17 = 1, 2, -2, -3, or -9 843-844 VALID ENTRIES 01-99 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PESD18B 2 How long had you worked for (fill: SD10/SD11/that employer when that job ended? (Answer Periodicity) 845-846 EDITED UNIVERSE PESD18A = 0-99, -2, -3, or -9 VALID ENTRIES PESD19 2 1 2 3 4 2 3 9 = = = = = = = Days Weeks Months Years Don't Know Refused No Response Did you usually work 35 hours or more per week at that job? 847-848 EDITED UNIVERSE PESD18B = 1, 2, 3, 4, -2, -3, or -9 VALID ENTRIES PESLE1O 2 1 2 4 2 3 9 = = = = = = Yes No Hours varied Don't Know Refused No response Out variable for PUSLE1 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = = = = = = = Hourly Weekly Bi-weekly Twice monthly Monthly Annually Other 849-850 PESLE2 2 2 = Don't Know 3 = Refused 9 = No response Did you usually receive overtime pay, tips, or commissions on that job? 851-852 EDITED UNIVERSE PUSLE1 = 1-7 VALID ENTRIES PESENH1O 4 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response Out variable for hourly pay rate-lost job (Item PUSLE3, PUSLE3D or PUSLE3C) Dollar Amount-Two implied decimals Topcoded 853-856 EDITED UNIVERSE PUSLE1O = 1 VALID ENTRIES 0-9999 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PTSENH1O 1 Lost job hourly rate--topcode 857 VALID ENTRIES 0 = No topcode 1 = Topcoded value PESLE4O 2 Out variable for how many hours did you usually work per week at that rate? EDITED UNIVERSE PUSLE1O = 1 and entry in PESENH1O VALID ENTRIES 01-99 - 2 = Don't Know 858-859 PUSLE5 2 3 = Refused 9 = No response On the job you lost or left, how much did you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? 860-861 VALID ENTRIES PUSLE6 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 9 = = = = = = = = = Per hour Per day Per week Per month Per year Other Don't Know Refused No response How many hours did you usually work per week at that rate? 862-863 VALID ENTRIES 00-99 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PUSLE6D 2 What is your best estimate of the number of hours per week you usually worked at that rate? 864-865 VALID ENTRIES 00-99 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PUSERN 6 Calculated weekly amount of overtime-lost job Dollar Amount-Two implied decimals 866-871 VALID ENTRIES 0-192300 = (topcoded) PUSERN2 6 Corrected calculated overtime amount lost job Dollar Amount--Two implied decimals 872-877 VALID ENTRIES 0-192300 = (topcoded) PTSERN 1 Lost job overtime pay-topcode (PUSERN) 878 VALID ENTRIES 0 = No topcode 1 = Topcoded value PTSERN2 1 Corrected lost job overtime pay-topcode (PUSERN2) 879 VALID ENTRIES 0 = No topcode 1 = Topcoded value PESLE22 2 How many weeks a year did you get paid for at that job? 880-881 EDITED UNIVERSE PESLE1O = 6 VALID ENTRIES 01-52 - 2 Don't Know - 3 Refused - 9 No response PESD20 2 Did you receive unemployment insurance benefits after that job ended? 882-883 EDITED UNIVERSE PESD19 = 1, 2, -2, -3, -4, or -9 VALID ENTRIES PESD21 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response Did you exhaust your eligibility for unemployment benefits? EDITED UNIVERSE 884-885 PESD20 = 1 VALID ENTRIES PESD22 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response Since that job ended, have you moved to a different city or county? 886-887 EDITED UNIVERSE PESD20 = 1, 2, -2, -3. or -9 VALID ENTRIES PESD23 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response Was the reason for the move to look for work or to take a different job? 888-889 EDITED UNIVERSE PESD22 = 1 VALID ENTRIES PESD24 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response Have you worked for pay since job ended? EDITED UNIVERSE (PESD22 = 1, 2, -2, -3, or -9) (PEMLR = 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7) VALID ENTRIES - 1 = Yes 2 = No 2 = Don't Know and 890-891 PESD25 3 3 = Refused 9 = No response After that job ended, how many weeks went by before you started working again at another job? 892-894 EDITED UNIVERSE (PESD24 = 1) or [(PESD22 = 1, 2, -2, -3, or -9) and (PEMLR = 1 or 2)] VALID ENTRIES 0-168 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No Response PESD26 2 How many jobs have you held since that job ended? 895-896 EDITED UNIVERSE (PESD24 = -2, -3, or -9) or (PESD25 = 0-168, -2, -3, or -9) VALID ENTRIES 0-99 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No Response PESD27 2 Other than Medicare or Medicaid, do you now have health insurance? 897-898 EDITED UNIVERSE (PESD24 = 2) or (PESD26 = 0-99, -2, -3, or -9) VALID ENTRIES PESCE2O 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response An out variable for SCE2 EDITED UNIVERSE 899-900 PEMLR=1 or 2, PESD27 = 1, 2, -2, -3, or -9 and HUMISCK=1, 2, 3, 5, 6, or 7 VALID ENTRIES PESCE3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 9 = = = = = = = = = = Hourly Weekly Bi-weekly Twice monthly Monthly Annually Other-specify Don't Know Refused No response Do you usually receive overtime pay, tips, or commissions (?/at your MAIN job?) 901-902 EDITED UNIVERSE Entry in PUSCE2 VALID ENTRIES PESEH1OA 4 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No response Out variable for hourly pay rate-current job 903-906 Dollar Amount--Two implied decimals EDITED UNIVERSE PUSCE2O=1 VALID ENTRIES 0-9999 = (topcoded such that hourly rate is less than or equal to $1923.00 divided by usual hours) - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PTSEH1OA 1 Supplement current job hourly rate-topcoded 907 VALID ENTRIES 0 = No topcode 1 = Topcoded value PUSCE5 2 How many hours do you usually work per week at this rate? 908-909 EDITED UNIVERSE PUSCE2O=1 and entry in PESEH1OA VALID ENTRIES 01-99 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PESCE5O 2 Out variable for usual hours worked-current job 910-911 VALID ENTRIES 01-99 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PUSCE6 2 (Fill: How/At your MAIN job, how) much do you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? 912-913 VALID ENTRIES PUSCE7 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 9 = = = = = = = = = Per hour Per day Per week Per month Per year Other Don't Know Refused No response How many hours do you usually work per week at this rate? VALID ENTRIES 00-99 - 2 = Don't Know 914-915 PUSCE8 2 3 = Refused 9 = No response What is your best estimate of the number of hours per week you usually work at this rate? 916-917 VALID ENTRIES 00-99 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PUSERN1 6 Calculated weekly amount of overtime-current job Dollar Amount-Two implied decimals 918-923 VALID ENTRIES 0-192300 =(topcoded) PUSERN2A 6 Corrected calculated weekly overtime amount--current job Dollar Amount--2 implied decimals 924-929 VALID ENTRIES 0-192300 = (topcoded) PTSERN1 1 Supplement current job overtime pay-topcoded (PUSERN1) 930 VALID ENTRIES 0 = No topcode 1 = Topcoded value PTSERN2A 1 Supplement current job calculated overtime pay-topcoded (PUSERN2A) 931 VALID ENTRIES 0 = No topcode 1 = Topcoded value PESCE25 2 How many weeks a year do you get paid for? EDITED UNIVERSE PESCE2O=6 932-933 VALID ENTRIES 01-52 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PRSLWKLY 6 Recode for weekly earnings on lost job 934-939 Dollar Amount--Two implied decimals VALID ENTRIES 0-192300 - 2 = - 3 = - 9 = PTSLWKLY 1 = (topcoded) Don't Know Refused No response Lost job weekly earnings-topcode 940 VALID ENTRIES 0 = No topcode 1 = Topcoded value PRSCWKLY 6 Recode for weekly earnings on current job. This is allocated if missing, don't know, refused or no response. 941-946 Dollar Amount--Two implied decimals VALID ENTRIES 0-192300 =(topcoded) - 1 = Month-in-sample 4 and 8 cases not eligible for basic earnings (PEIO1COW = 6-11) PTSCWKLY 1 Supplement current job weekly earningstopcode 947 VALID ENTRIES 0 = No topcode 1 = Topcoded value PESHRY 2 Hourly/Nonhourly Status -- Current Job Earnings. VALID ENTRIES 1 = Hourly worker 948-949 2 = Nonhourly worker PRSHR 4 Recode for hourly rate -- Current Job Earnings. (2 implied decimals) 950-953 VALID ENTRIES 0 = Minimum Value 9999 = Maximum Value PRSUPERN 2 Eligibility of current job supplement earnings. 954-955 VALID ENTRY: 1 = Eligible PEST1A 2 How long have you been working CONTINUOUSLY (fill: for company name from basic CPS/as a selfemployed person/at your main job/for your present employer)? (Answer - number) 956-957 EDITED UNIVERSE PEAGE = 15+ and PEMLR = 1 or 2 VALID ENTRIES 0-99 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No Response PEST1B 2 How long have you been working CONTINUOUSLY (fill: for company name from basic CPS/as a selfemployed person/at your main job/for your present employer)? (Answer - Periodicity) EDITED UNIVERSE PEST1A = 0-99, -2, -3, or -9 VALID ENTRIES - 1 2 3 4 2 = = = = = Days Weeks Months Years Don't Know 958-959 PEST3 2 3 = Refused 9 = No Response Could you please give the exact number of months? 960-961 EDITED UNIIVERSE (PEST1A = 0,1, or 2) and (PEST1B = 4) VALID ENTRIES 0-35 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No Response PEST4 2 Did you have any previous periods of employment with (fill: company name from basic CPS/your main employer/your present employer) in addition to the period you just told me? 962-963 EDITED UNIVERSE [(PEST1B = 1, 2, or 3) or (PEST1A >2 and PEST1B = 4) or (PEST3 = 01-35)] and (PEIO1COW = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, or 10) VALID ENTRIES PEST5A 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No Response Altogether, how long have you worked for (fill: company name from basic CPS/your main employer/ your present employer)? (Answer number) EDITED UNIVERSE PEST4 = 1 VALID ENTRIES 0-99 - 2 = Don't Know 964-965 PEST5B 2 3 = Refused 9 = No Response Altogether, how long have you worked for (fill: company name from basic CPS/your main employer/your present employer)? (Answer number) 966-967 EDITED UNIVERSE PEST5A = 0-99, -2, -3, or -9 VALID ENTRIES PEST7 2 1 2 3 4 2 3 = = = = = = Days Weeks Months Years Don't Know Refused Earlier you told me you lost or left your job in 1995. Did you work there in February 1995? 968-969 EDITED UNIVERSE PESD3 = 3 VALID ENTRIES PEST8 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No Response Were you working a year ago, in February 1995? 970-971 EDITED UNIVERSE (PEST7 = [(PEST1A [(PEST1A (PEST3 = 2, -2, -3, -9) = 0 - 51) and = 0 - 11) and 0 - 11) VALID ENTRIES - 1 2 2 3 = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused or (PEST1B = 2)] (PEST1B = 3)] or or PESCOW2 2 9 = No Response Class of Worker -- Tenure Section 972-973 EDITED UNIVERSE Entry in PUST9, PUST10 or PUST11 VALID ENTRIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 = = = = = = 7 = 8 = 9 = 10 = 11 = PES2ICD 3 9 = Federal government State government Local government Private for profit Private, nonprofit Self-emplyed, incorporated Self-employed, unincorporated Without pay Unknown Government, level unknown Self-employed, incorporation status unknown No response Industry Code 974-976 EDITED UNIVERSE Entry in PEIO1ICD or Entry in PUST17 VALID ENTRIES 000-992 = Industry Code - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PRSD2IN 2 Detailed Industry Recode VALID ENTRIES 1 = Goods producing agricultural services 2 = Goods producing other agricultural 3 = Mining 4 = Construction 5 = Mfg - lumber & wood prods, ex furniture 6 = Mfg - furniture & 977-978 fixtures 7 = Mfg-stone, clay, concrete, glass prods 8 = Mfg - primary metals 9 = Mfg - fabricated metals 10 = Mfg - not specified metal industries 11 = Mfg - machinery, ex electrical 12 = Mfg - electrical machinery, equip supplies 13 = Mfg - motor vehicles & equip 14 = Mfg - aircraft & parts 15 = Mfg - other transportation equipment 16 = Mfg - professional & photo equip, watches 17 = Mfg - toys, amusement & sporting goods 18 = Mfg - misc & nec mfg industries 19 = Mfg - food & kindred prods 20 = Mfg - tobacco prods 21 = Mfg - textile mill prods 22 = Mfg - apparel & other finished textile pr 23 = Mfg - paper & allied products 24 = Mfg - printing, publishing & allied inds 25 = Mfg - chemicals & allied prods 26 = Mfg - petroleum & coal prods 27 = Mfg - rubber & misc plastic prods 28 = Mfg - leather & leather prods 29 = Transportation 30 = Communications 31 = Utilities & sanitary services 32 = Wholesale trade 33 = Eating and drinking places 34 = Other retail trade 35 = Banking and other finance 36 = Insurance and real estate 37 = Private household services 38 = Business services 39 = Automobile and repair services 40 = Personal serv exc private households 41 = Entertainment & recreation services 42 = Hospitals 43 = Health services, exc. Hospitals 44 = Educational services 45 = Social services 46 = Other professional services 47 = Forestry & fisheries 48 = Justice, public order & safety 49 = Admin of human resource programs 50 = National security & internal affairs 51 = Other public administration - 9 = No response PES2OCD 3 Occupation Code 979-981 EDITED UNIVERSE Entry in PEIO1OCD or Entry in PUST18, PUST21 and PUST22 VALID ENTRIES 003-905 = Occupation code - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No response PRSD2OC 2 Detailed Occupation Recode VALID ENTRIES 1 = Officials & administrators, pub. admin. 2 = Other executive, admin. & managerial 3 = Management related occupations 4 = Engineers 5 = Mathematical and computer scientists 982-983 6 = Natural Scientists 7 = Health diagnosing occs. 8 = Health assessment and treatment occs. 9 = Teachers, college and university 10 = Teachers, except college and university 11 = Lawyers and judges 12 = Other professional specialty occs. 13 = Health technologists and technicians 14 = Engineering and science technicians 15 = Technicians, exc. health,engin. & science 16 = Supervisors and proprietors, sales occs 17 = Sales reps, finance and business serv. 18 = Sales reps, commodities, exc. retail 19 = Sales workers, retail & personal serv. 20 = Sales related occs 21 = Supervisors, admin. support 22 = Computer equipment operators 23 = Secretaries, stenographers, and typists 24 = Financial records processing 25 = Mail and message distributing 26 = Other admin support, inc. clerical 27 = Private household service occs 28 = Protective service 29 = Food service 30 = Health service 31 = Cleaning and building service 32 = Personal service 33 = Mechanics and repairers 34 = Construction trades 35 = Other precision prod., craft, & repair 36 = Machine opertrs and tenders,exc precis. 37 = Fabricatrs,assemblrs, inspectrs,samplrs 38 = Motor vehicle operators 39 = Other transp. & material moving occs 40 = Construction laborers 41 = Freight, stock & materials handlers 42 = Oth handlrs, equip. cleanrs,helprs,labrrs 43 = Farm operators and managers 44 = Farm workers and related occupations 45 = Forestry and fishing occs 46 = Armed forces - 9 = No response PEST16 2 Earlier you told me that the business or industry that you currently work in is (fill: name of industry from basic CPS). Is that the same industry in which you worked a year ago, in February 1995? 984-985 EDITED UNIVERSE [(PEST1A = 52 - 99) [(PEST1A = 12 - 99) [(PEST1A = 2 - 99) (PEST3 = 12-35) or [(PEST5A = 52 - 99) [(PEST5A = 12 - 99) [(PEST5A = 0- 99) [(PEST7 = 1 or PEST8 PEIO1ICD = 1 - 999] and and and (PEST1B = 2)] (PEST1B = 3)] (PEST1B = 4)] or or or and and and = 1) (PEST5B s = 2)] or (PEST5B = 3)] or (PEST5B = 4)] or and VALID ENTRIES PEST20 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No Response Earlier you told me that you are now working as (fill: occupation from basic CPS). Were you doing the same kind of work a year ago, in February 1995? EDITED UNIVERSE 986-987 [(PEST1A = 52 - 99) and (PEST1B = 2)] or [(PEST1A = 12 - 99) and (PEST1B = 3)] or [(PEST1A = 2 - 99) and (PEST1B = 4)] or (PEST3 = 12-35) or [(PEST5A = 52 - 99) and (PEST5B = 2) or [(PEST5A = 12 - 99) and (PEST5B = 3) or [(PEST5A = 1- 99) and (PEST5B = 4) or [(PEST7 = 1 or PEST8 = 1) and PEIO1OCD = 1 - 999] VALID ENTRIES PEST23A 2 1 2 2 3 9 = = = = = Yes No Don't Know Refused No Response Altogether, how long have you worked as (fill: occupation from basic CPS)? (Answer - number) 988-989 VALID ENTRIES 0-99 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No Response PEST23B 2 Altogether, how long have you worked as (fill: occupation from basic CPS)? (Answer - Periodicity) 990-991 EDITED UNIVERSE PEST23A = 0-99, -2, -3, or -9 VALID ENTRIES PEST24 2 1 2 3 4 2 3 9 = = = = = = = Days Weeks Months Years Don't Know Refused No Response Could you please give the exact number of months. EDITED UNIVERSE 992-993 (PEST23A = 0, 1, or 2) and (ST23B = 4) VALID ENTRIES 01-35 - 2 = Don't Know - 3 = Refused - 9 = No Response PRSUPTYA 2 Type of Supplement Interview - Displaced Workers 994-995 1 = Interviewed, Displaced Worker (self-employed people included) 2 = Interviewed, Not a Displaced Worker 3 = Interviewed, But Displaced Worker Status Unknown 4 = Noninterview Eligible for Displaced Workers, but Not Interviewed 5 = Not Eligible for Displaced Workers PRSUPTYB 2 Type of Supplement Interview - Job Tenure and Occupational Mobility 6 = Interviewed, Job Tenure and Occupational Mobility 7 = Noninterview Eligible for Job Tenure and Occupational Mobility, but not Interviewed 8 = Not Eligible for Job Tenure and Occupational Mobility 996-997