MLS Program Meeting August 24, 2015 218 Ragsdale, 1:30


MLS Program Meeting

August 24, 2015

218 Ragsdale, 1:30

Present: Al Jones, Elaine Yontz, John Harer, Kaye Dotson, and Lou Sua.

Absent: Barbara Marson (family health)

Attempts to connect Jami Jones via Skype were unsuccessful.

Course loads and admissions so far

The MLS head count for Fall semester 2015 is 235. In Fall 2014 it was 194, and in Fall 2013,

176. Head counts for Fall semester 2015 in some other graduate programs in COE are 94 in the

Master of School Administration, 96 in Master of Instructional Technology, 65 in Master of

Counselor Education, and an average of 35 in Master of Arts in Teaching programs.

88 students were admitted into the MLS program for Fall. 70 of these registered as first-time registrants this Fall. There are 4 non-degree students taking LIBS 6010; these are individuals who applied too late for regular admission. There are 74 students currently taking 6010. Some applications are still pending, and a fourth section of 6010 may be added if warranted. Some of the 88 admissions were re-admissions; these students are enrolled in courses beyond Tier One.

Harer distributed a handout showing current Course Enrollment Distribution by faculty member.

The distribution showed that all full-time faculty members have at least a full student load.

Curriculum Development

The MLS curriculum committee for 2015-16 will include Harer, representing academic library pathway; Sua, representing public library pathway, and Dotson, representing school library pathway. Additional members to represent alumni and current students will be sought.

Harer recommended these priorities for curriculum development this year:

~~ 4 new courses that are part of the ALA transition plan. These courses are Digital

Libraries, developed by Marson; Library Services to Diverse and Special Populations, developed by Sua; Library Advocacy, developed by Yontz; and Electronic Resources in

Library Collections, developed by Yontz. These 4 course proposals were developed during Summer 2015, and these proposals will be on the MLS Program meeting agenda in September for the faculty’s review. Harer reported that Diane Coltrane has offered to help us get these proposals ready for GCC.

~~ LIBS 6019, Research Literacy in Library Science. This proposal, which will complete the revision of LIBS 6012, has been sent to GCC for inclusion on their agenda.

~~ Development of an archives curriculum. Harer is pursuing this with Arthur Carlson of

Joyner Library.

~~ Changing pathways to concentrations. This would allow for concentrations to be listed on transcripts and for the development of a curriculum checksheet for students that doesn't require an immediate decision on a pathway/concentration choice.

Other Reports

Dotson and Sua plan to apply for an IMLS scholarship grant for students planning to be public librarians.

We have 35 current students who are academic or public pathway students, 10 in academic and

25 in public.

We have a fixed-term faculty position to fill. Dotson and Harer will serve on the search committee. 2 others from outside MLS will be appointed also. Options for changing the position to tenure track will be explored.

Bryna Coonin will teach LIBS 6810 this semester.

Planning for Spring courses.

Schedule of courses for Spring 2016 is due on September 7.

These courses were identified as priorities for the Spring schedule:

~~ All Tier One and Tier Two courses

~~ 6989, 6142, and 6144

~~ 6137 and 6018

~~ Library Services to Diverse and Special Populations

~~ Genealogy

~~ Digital Libraries

Recruitment venues.

These upcoming recruitment opportunities were mentioned:


Wake County Public Library professional staff day—Harer will attend.


West Virginia Library Association: Oct. 5-7


Virginia Library Association: Oct. 21-23


NCSLMA: Oct. 22-23—Harer will attend.


NCLA: October 20-24—Al Jones and Sua will attend

National AAECT, which has a school library media division, was mentioned as an additional possible recruiting venue.

Transition to coverage of administrative tasks

To prepare for the departure of Marson in May 2016 due to retirement, these administrative tasks and possible ways to cover them were discussed:

~~ Admissions rubber stamping—Sua volunteered.

~~ TaskStream—to be determined.

~~ Assessment and TrackDat—to be determined; Jami Jones was suggested.

~~ Webpage—we can send all webpage requests to Christine Wilson.

~~ Social media (Facebook and Twitter)—Dotson volunteered.

Harer distributed new recruiting bookmarks.

The meeting adjourned at 2:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Yontz
