Download CNS Building Copier Instructions

v. 9/1012
New CNS 143 copier, and new instructions (!) but same old user codes. If you run into trouble for any
reason, find me I’ll come down and glare at the machine!
Reminder – for ALL activities, use the touch screen rather than the number keyboard to the right.
To sign on…Type in your 4-digit code. After machine validates, hit “enter”
To copy…machine automatically brings up a self-explanatory copy screen – select single or double sided,
staple, etc., and type in number of copies, then hit start button on right.
To scan a document or book and then send it to your email address…
1. Hit “Service Home” – top left silver button
2. Select “email”
3. Type in address for email recipient
4. Select “job assembly” – top right tab on screen
5. Hit “build job”
6. Hit “on” and then “save” (to upper right of screen)
7. Do scan
8. When scanning completed, hit “end build job” to complete transmission to designated email
To fax a document – same “Service Home” button takes you to Fax option. Everyone can set up their
own address books. Scan 2-sided originals as 2-sided to 2-sided – document will be faxed as 2 pages.
To end a job and log out, hit “clear all” and select “clear all and log out”