University & Medical Center Institutional Review Board (UMCIRB) IRB00003781 EAST CAROLINA U IRB #2 (Behavioral/SS) NAME(S) OF SIGNATORY INSTITUTION(S) East Carolina University, Greenville, NC(ECU) FWA00000658 NAME(S) OF AFFILIATED INSTITUTION(S) Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Inc. (PCMH)FWA00000652 Beaufort County Hospital (BCH) FWA00000659 Comprehensive Cancer Center, PA (CCC) FWA00006164 Carteret General Hospital (CGH) FWA00000654 Boice-Willis Clinic (BWC) FWA00001597 Heritage Hospital (HH) FWA00002331 Physicians East (PE) FWA 00008229 Gender Highest Member Name Primary Scientific or Institution Status Role and replacement designated M /F Degree Nonscientific Specialty Affiliation for Earned Alternate members Voting Members 1. Michelle F. Eble F PhD English ECU NS member 2. Madhava Bodapati M PhD Criminal Justice ECU OS member 3. David C. Griffith M PhD Anthropology ECU OS member 4. William Kitchin M JD Law None NS member 5. Pamela G. Larsen F DNSc/DrPH Nursing ECU OS member 6. Susan L. McCammon F PhD Psychology ECU OS member, Chair 7. Vivian W. Mott F PhD Education ECU NS member 8. G. Michael Poteat M PhD Psychologist ECU OS member 9. Daniel W. Wong M PhD Rehabilitation Studies ECU OS member 1. Richard Bloch 2. Nancy Harnett 3. L. Wiley Nifong M F M PhD PhD MD Alternate Members Psychology Nursing Surgery ECU ECU ECU OS OS PS alternate for 6, 8 alternate for 5 alternate for 5, 6 1. John Chinn 2. John M. Garland 3. Greg L. Hassler 4. Kundan Kumar 5. Eula B. Pearson 6. Suzanne E. Sparrow M M M M F F MBA PhD PhD, JD MPA HS BS Non-voting Research Compliance Office Sponsored Prog University Attorney UMCIRB staff UMCIRB staff UMCIRB staff ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU ECU NA NA NA NA NA NA ex-officio ex-officio ex-officio staff staff staff FULL MEMBERS: 9 ALTERNATE MEMBERS: 3 EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: 3 QUORUM: 5 Staff: 3 Chair –Susan L. McCammon, PhD. Human Protections Administrators: ECU-Suzanne Sparrow PCMH-Dianne Marshburn BCH & CCC-Sharon Bell CGH-Donna Cheek BWC-Alison Stallings HH-Kim Ledoux PE-Jeffrey Alloway UMCIRB Ed Warren Life Sciences Building Room 104 The Brody School of Medicine East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27834 (252) 744-2914 Office (252) 744-2284 FAX PS=physician scientist OS=other scientist NS=non-scientist Individuals listed as ex-officio and UMCIRB staff are not eligible to vote. NOTES (1) EACH INSTITUTION MUST BE REPRESENTED BY ONE OR MORE MEMBERS KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE INTSTITUTION ON THE IRB UPON WHICH IT RELLIES FOR REVIEWS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING INSTITUTIONAL REPRESENTATION. (2) AFFILIATION MAY TAKE THE FORM OF FULL OR PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT, MEMBER OF GOVERNING PANEL OR BOARD, STOCKHOLDER, OR PAID OR UNPAID CONSULTANT (FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN THE FUNCTIONS). (3) ALATERNATES MAY VOTE ONLY IN THE ABSENCE OF THEIR PREDESIGNATED MEMBERS. (4) ALL INDIVIDUALS ARE PROHOBITED FROM PARTICITPATING IN THE REVIEW OR APPROVAL OF RESEARCH WHRE THERE IS A POTENTIAL FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Roster effective 1/23/08 PAGE 1 OF 1