University & Medical Center Institutional Review Board (UMCIRB) IRB00000705 EAST CAROLINA U IRB #1 (Biomedical) NAME(S) OF SIGNATORY INSTITUTION(S) East Carolina University, Greenville, NC(ECU) FWA00000658 NAME(S) OF AFFILIATED INSTITUTION(S) Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Inc. (PCMH)FWA00000652 SurgiCenter of Eastern Carolina, LLC (SEC) FWA00004183 Heritage Hospital (HH) FWA00002331 East Carolina Health—Bertie Hospital (ECHB) FWA00013514 East Carolina Health—Chowan (ECHC) FWA00013573 Roanoke-Chowan Hospital, Inc. (RCH) FWA00013535 Duplin General Hospital, Inc. (Duplin) FWA00014988 Health Access, Inc. (HA) FWA00016005 Albemarle Hospital Authority (AH) FWA00016102 Member Name Gender Highest Primary Scientific or Institution Status Role and replacement M /F Degree Nonscientific Specialty Affiliation designated for alternate Earned members Voting Members 1. Jeffrey Byers M MBA Business none NS member 2. Michelle Eble F PhD English ECU NS member 3. Jimmy Efird M PhD, MSc Epidemiology ECU OS member 4. Stephen Engelke M MD Neonatology ECU PS member 5. Robert Hickner M PhD Exercise Physiology ECU OS member DNSc/DrPH 6. Pamela Larsen F Pediatrics ECU OS member, Alternate Chair 7. Pamela Lepera F DO Hematology/Oncology ECU PS member 8. Susan McCammon F PhD Psychology ECU OS member, Alternate Chair 9. L. Wiley Nifong M MD Surgery ECU PS member, Chair 10. Joy Phillips F PhD, RN Nursing PCMH OS member 11. Paul Vos M PhD Biostatistics ECU OS member 12. Tammy Worden F RPh Pharmacy PCMH OS member Alternate Members Pharmacology/Toxicology ECU 1. Ethan Anderson M PhD OS alternate for 5 2. Denise L. Brigham F RN Nursing ECU OS alternate for 6, 10 3. Paul Cook M MD Infectious Disease ECU PS alternate for 4, 7, 9 4. Edwin Cooper M MD Orthopedic Surgery ECU PS alternate for 4, 7, 9 5. Doyle Cummings M PharmD Pharmacy ECU OS alternate for 12 6. James Cummings M MD Neonatology ECU PS alternate for 4, 7, 9 7. Cheryl Duke F PhD, NP Nursing PCMH OS alternate for 6, 10 8. Charles Hodson M PhD OBGYN ECU OS alternate for 5 FULL MEMBERS: 12 ALTERNATE MEMBERS: 15 EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: 5 QUORUM: 7 Staff: 4 Chair –L. Wiley Nifong, M.D. Human Protections Administrators: ECU-Suzanne Sparrow PCMH-Dianne Marshburn SEC-Ann Purvis HH-Suzanne Schupp ECHB-Claire Mills ECHC-Cindy Coker RCH-Paul Helfrich Duplin-Sue Taylor HA-Pamela Cowin AH-Dan Drake UMCIRB East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine Old Laupus Library, Room 1L-09 Greenville, NC 27834 (252) 744-2914 Office (252) 744-2284 FAX PS=physician scientist OS=other scientist NS=non-scientist Individuals listed as ex-officio and UMCIRB staff are not eligible to vote. NOTES (1) EACH INSTITUTION MUST BE REPRESENTED BY ONE OR MORE MEMBERS KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE INTSTITUTION ON THE IRB UPON WHICH IT RELIES FOR REVIEWS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING INSTITUTIONAL REPRESENTATION. (2) AFFILIATION MAY TAKE THE FORM OF FULL OR PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT, MEMBER OF GOVERNING PANEL OR BOARD, STOCKHOLDER, OR PAID OR UNPAID CONSULTANT (FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN THE FUNCTIONS). (3) ALTERNATES MAY VOTE ONLY IN THE ABSENCE OF THEIR PREDESIGNATED MEMBERS. (4) ALL INDIVIDUALS ARE PROHIBITED FROM PARTICITPATING IN THE REVIEW OR APPROVAL OF RESEARCH WHRE THERE IS A POTENTIAL FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Roster effective 11/4/11 PAGE 1 OF 2 University & Medical Center Institutional Review Board (UMCIRB) IRB00000705 EAST CAROLINA U IRB #1 (Biomedical) NAME(S) OF SIGNATORY INSTITUTION(S) East Carolina University, Greenville, NC(ECU) FWA00000658 NAME(S) OF AFFILIATED INSTITUTION(S) Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Inc. (PCMH)FWA00000652 SurgiCenter of Eastern Carolina, LLC (SEC) FWA00004183 Heritage Hospital (HH) FWA00002331 East Carolina Health—Bertie Hospital (ECHB) FWA00013514 East Carolina Health—Chowan (ECHC) FWA00013573 Roanoke-Chowan Hospital, Inc. (RCH) FWA00013535 Duplin General Hospital, Inc. (Duplin) FWA00014988 Health Access, Inc. (HA) FWA00016005 Albemarle Hospital Authority (AH) FWA00016102 9. Carolyn Horne F MSN Nursing ECU OS alternate for 6, 10 10. Suzanne Hudson F PhD Biostatistics ECU OS alternate for 11 11. Janet Malek F PhD Ethics ECU NS alternate for 2 12. Mary Lisa Pories F MSW Social Work ECU NS alternate for 2 13. Carole Savitt F Child PCMH NS alternate for 1 Advocate/Wellness 14. Carrie Simpkins F ADN Nursing PCMH OS alternate for 6, 10 15. Charles Singhas M PhD Biology ECU OS alternate for 5 16. Norma Epley NV F MS Regulatory ECU NA ex-officio 17. Paul Zigas NV M JD University Attorney ECU NA ex-officio 18. Jackie Unger NV F RN Satellite representative ECU NA ex-officio 19. Alan Schreier NV M PhD Research ECU NA ex-officio 20.Dianne Marshburn NV F RN, MSN Pt. Care Svcs. Admin PCMH NA ex-officio 21. Kundan Kumar NV M MPA UMCIRB staff ECU NA staff 22. Jason Conrad NV M BS UMCIRB staff ECU NA staff 23. Suzanne Sparrow NV F MPH UMCIRB staff ECU NA staff 24. Kenneth Briley NV M MSW UMCIRB staff ECU NA staff FULL MEMBERS: 12 ALTERNATE MEMBERS: 15 EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS: 5 QUORUM: 7 Staff: 4 Chair –L. Wiley Nifong, M.D. Human Protections Administrators: ECU-Suzanne Sparrow PCMH-Dianne Marshburn SEC-Ann Purvis HH-Suzanne Schupp ECHB-Claire Mills ECHC-Cindy Coker RCH-Paul Helfrich Duplin-Sue Taylor HA-Pamela Cowin AH-Dan Drake UMCIRB East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine Old Laupus Library, Room 1L-09 Greenville, NC 27834 (252) 744-2914 Office (252) 744-2284 FAX PS=physician scientist OS=other scientist NS=non-scientist Individuals listed as ex-officio and UMCIRB staff are not eligible to vote. NOTES (1) EACH INSTITUTION MUST BE REPRESENTED BY ONE OR MORE MEMBERS KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE INTSTITUTION ON THE IRB UPON WHICH IT RELIES FOR REVIEWS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING INSTITUTIONAL REPRESENTATION. (2) AFFILIATION MAY TAKE THE FORM OF FULL OR PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT, MEMBER OF GOVERNING PANEL OR BOARD, STOCKHOLDER, OR PAID OR UNPAID CONSULTANT (FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN THE FUNCTIONS). (3) ALTERNATES MAY VOTE ONLY IN THE ABSENCE OF THEIR PREDESIGNATED MEMBERS. (4) ALL INDIVIDUALS ARE PROHIBITED FROM PARTICITPATING IN THE REVIEW OR APPROVAL OF RESEARCH WHRE THERE IS A POTENTIAL FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Roster effective 11/4/11 PAGE 2 OF 2