Windows User Guide

DATE 2/5/15
Identity Finder User Guide
Your Identity Finder Profile
How to search for sensitive data
Searching for sensitive data by identities
Starting and stopping searches
Protecting personal information (PII)
Performing monthly scans
Additional documentation
Your Identity Finder Profile
Every time you start Identity Finder you will be asked to sign into your Profile. You can Skip this and use a Guest Profile,
if you prefer.
Creating a Profile
The first time you use Identity Finder you will see a dialog box to create a New Identity Finder Profile. This Profile is
unique to the user logged into Windows. A single Windows user may not have multiple profiles. After you create your
Profile you will always be required to sign into it because it can contain sensitive information about you and is
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Guest Profile
If you would like to run Identity Finder with its default settings or with a set of modified settings that will be deleted on
exit, you can Skip signing into your profile. Certain features will not be available to you but most will. Any settings you
modify will be deleted when you exit so every time you open Identity Finder with the Guest Profile you will always have
default settings.
How to Search for Sensitive Data
This Windows ribbon allows you to choose the Identity Types you want to search to customize the search method. These
methods include:
Searching with AnyFind
Searching with OnlyFind
Searching with MultiFind
Searching with AnyFind
Enable or disable AnyFind searching by clicking the various Identity Type buttons on the Identities Windows ribbon.
When a button has an orange highlight, it is enabled and by default Identity Finder will use AnyFind searching for that
Identity Type.
To view or modify AnyFind settings
1. Click the Configuration Windows ribbon,
2. Click the Settings button
3. Then the AnyFind page.
Searching with OnlyFind
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OnlyFind allows you to search for only individual's personal information instead of any person's information. However,
Identity Finder doesn't simply search for the personal information you enter, but rather it converts that information into
multiple formats to increase the likelihood of discovering matches. For example, when you enter 03/12/1972 as a Date
of Birth, Identity Finder will match all of the following formats (and others) in any location:
Mar. 12, 1972
March 12, 1972
Additionally, Identity Finder will also look for any words you enter in various cases so it is not necessary for Maiden
Name to enter Smith, smith, and SMITH. Any one of these will match all three versions.
You can enable OnlyFind for all of the Identity Types but, if you want Identity Finder to locate any of the following
Identity Types, you must enter unique information, such as:
Passport Numbers
Mother's Maiden Names
Custom Types
Identity Finder will not enable OnlyFind until you provide specific personal information.
To add information
Go to the Identities Windows ribbon,
then click the dropdown menu of an Identity Type
Select Customize OnlyFind.
If you have not provided any personal information for Passport Numbers, Mother's Maiden Names, or
Custom Types, that specific type's button will be disabled on the Windows ribbon.
5. When these button(s) are highlighted, Identity Finder will search for that Identity Type.
6. If you do not want Identity Finder to search for that Identity Type for a specific search, but wish to leave
the information in your OnlyFind Identities List, then click the button to remove the orange highlight.
Once viewing the OnlyFind Identities List, enter your personal information in the field to its right.
Below this field is an example of the acceptable syntax for this identity. It is important for you to use the correct
syntax so that Identity Finder can convert your identity into numerous formats for searching. Once you have
entered the appropriate identity information, click the Add button and it will appear in the OnlyFind Identities
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To remove an identity or multiple identities
1. Highlight any Identities you want to remove
2. Click the Remove button. The Remove All button clears the entire list.
3. Click OK, the Windows ribbon button for the Identity Type(s) you included will be highlighted orange.
To view or modify OnlyFind settings
1. Click the Configuration Windows ribbon
2. Click the Settings button
3. Select OnlyFind Identities.
Searching for Sensitive Data by Identities
You can customize what you want to search for by selecting options on the Identities Windows ribbon. This Windows
ribbon allows you to select Identity Types to search for and how to search:
Identities are the various methods to identify, for example, a password that gives you access to a website or your EMail, a credit card that allows you to buy something, or a social security number that allows you to sign up for a bank
account. Identity Finder finds and protects information that can be used to identify you so that it cannot be stolen by
identity thieves who want to commit identity fraud.
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Identity Finder helps you find the following Identity Types:
Social Security Numbers
Credit Card Numbers
Bank Account Numbers
Driver License Numbers
Dates of Birth
Phone Numbers
Searching by Location
This Windows ribbon allows you to choose Locations where on computers you want to find personal information.
You can customize what you want to search for by selecting options on the Locations Windows ribbon.
Identity Finder helps you find the following Location:
Searching Files
Searching E-Mails
Searching Web Browsers
Searching the Windows Registry
Searching Files
Files include all files on your computer that can be read by Identity Finder. Identity Finder can search more than
200 of the most common file types using its built-in filters. For these filterable file types, Identity Finder can
search the file while preserving the format and structure of the file.
To enable searching of Files
1. Click the Files button on the Locations Windows ribbon
2. When enabled, the button will be highlighted orange. Identity Finder will search for files in the File
Location you specify.
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Searching E-mail Messages
To enable searching of E-Mail Messages
1. Click the E-Mails button on the Locations Windows ribbon.
2. When enabled, the button will be highlighted orange. E-Mails include all E-Mail messages on your
computer and their attachment files that can be read by Identity Finder.
3. To view or modify E-Mails settings
4. Click the Configuration Windows ribbon
5. Click the Settings button the E-Mails page. Alternatively you may click the Locations Windows ribbon,
then click the E-Mails dropdown menu and select Customize E-Mail Settings.
Searching Web Browsers
Searching within Browsers will search one of your most commonly used applications for personally identifiable
information. Your web browser may automatically, and without your knowledge, save your passwords and form
data (sometimes referred to as AutoComplete data) when you interact online. This information commonly
contains credit card information or a password to a merchant. Identity Finder can uncover this information and
secure or shred it.
You can enable searching of Web Browsers
1. Click the Browsers button on the Locations Windows ribbon.
2. When enabled, the button will be highlighted orange.
To view or modify Browsers settings
1. Click the Configuration Windows ribbon
2. Click the Settings button
3. Click the Browsers/Registry page.
Searching the Windows Registry
The Windows Registry is where applications typically save their configuration information. Sometimes for
registration or convenience purposes personally identifiable information will be saved in the registry. For
example, an application may save your password in the registry so you are not required to enter it each time the
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application opens. Additionally, an application may use the registry to save the personal registration information
that you provided during its installation process. Identity Finder can find application-stored information and
shred it.
To enable searching of the Windows Registry
1. Click the Registry button on the Locations Windows ribbon.
2. When enabled, the button will be highlighted orange.
To view or modify Registry settings
1. Click the Configuration Windows ribbon
2. Click the Settings button
3. Select the Browsers/Registry page.
Searching Databases
Databases include any remote or local database server that you want Identity Finder to search using a database
connection string. Identity Finder can search any database you can connect to via OLE DB. You will not be able to
perform any security actions on Databases, but you can determine if the risk of personal information exposure
To enable searching of Databases
1. Click the Databases button on the Locations Windows ribbon.
2. If enabled, the Databases button will be highlighted orange.
3. Identity Finder will search the database you specify.
Starting and Stopping Searches
Starting a Search
1. Once you have customized your search or decided to use the default search settings
2. Click the Start button on the Main Windows ribbon
3. Identity Finder will begin searching the locations you selected.
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4. You may interact with the results as they are displayed or you may wait until Identity Finder has
completed its search.
5. To temporarily pause a search in progress
6. Clicking the Pause button on the Main Windows ribbon. The Pause button is in the same place as the
Start button, and automatically changes from Start to Pause when a search begins.
7. Once you click Pause, it will change into a Resume button.
8. To resume your search, click the Resume button.
Pausing a search is beneficial when you need to interact with a certain result, or find incoming results
distracting or affecting the performance of your computer.
Viewing the Status Window
The Status Window provides a real-time summary of your current search and is composed of the Current Status
Summary, Locations Searched Summary, and Identity Matches Summary groups as well as the Worldwide
Identity Matches Summary group, if enabled.
To view the status window Click the Status Window button on the Main Windows ribbon.
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Stopping a Search in Progress
To stop the current search
1. Click the Stop button on the Main Windows ribbon.
2. It will not be possible to resume the search once you click Stop.
3. Once you click Stop, Identity Finder will complete the current process.
4. A dialog box notifies you of its status. If the location currently being analyzed is large or complex, it may
take a long time for Identity Finder to stop your search. After the search has been stopped, you will be
prompted to either initiate a New Search or Exit Identity Finder.
Note: If you choose to be reminded later, you are presented with several time options. Identity Finder
will minimize itself to your system tray and remain there until the specified period of time has passed. If
you want to bring Identity Finder back sooner, you can double click the System Tray icon.
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Viewing Search Results
The Search Results Pane is a reporting table that is, similar to a spreadsheet. It is on the left side of the Identity
Finder window. It contains all the information about the results of your search and allows you to analyze and
protect any sensitive data. It has a header across the top that allows you to Choose Results Columns to Display:
Selected (the Checkbox): Allows you to select multiple results and perform an action of your choice
using the Windows ribbon or right-click menu. To select or deselect all locations, you may left click on
this column header.
Location Type (the Icon): System generated icon to represent the location type. Move the mouse cursor
over the icon to see a detailed description of the location type.
Location: Displays the full path to where on your computer the result resides.
Date Created: Displays the date your item was created.
Date Modified: Displays the date your item was modified.
Date Accessed: Displays the date your item was last accessed.
Size: Displays the size of your item.
Owner: Displays the Windows user who owns the item.
Attributes: Displays the attributes for files.
Group (the +/-): An expandable/collapsible tree icon for results that contain multiple unique identity
matches. Click the +/- to show/hide unique identity matches for a location.
Identity Type: Identity Finder generated icon that represents the identity match type. Move the mouse
cursor over the icon to see a detailed description of the Identity Type.
Identity Match: The actual identity match found by Identity Finder. Your actual identity, such as credit
card number, will be displayed here. (Note: Matches can be hidden or masked).
Match Quantity (the #): For a parent row this shows the total number of identity matches in the
location. For child rows, this shows the quantity of that exact identity match found.
Saving Results
Depending on your edition, Identity Finder allows you to save the results of your searches in three ways:
Identity Finder (IDF file), Web Page Report (HTML file) and Text Export (CSV file).
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Identity Finder: Generates a *.idf file, which is encrypted with a password of your choice and cannot be
read by anyone else. Files saved in this format can only be opened from within Identity Finder and allow
you to work with your results at any time in the future. This format is useful when you have run a search
but wish to take action on your results at a later time. All results are saved and secured using this
Web Page Report: Generates a report as a *.html file, which contains an analysis of your results
including summary information and totals for the number and types of identity matches that were
found as well as the locations containing those matches. This report can be used to show trends if you
compare it to previous reports. The Web Page Report is not secured and potentially contains location
and identity information so you must be careful to protect it. After you are finished with a file in this
format, you should use the Identity Finder tools to shred it.
Text Export: Generates a Comma Separated Values (*.csv) file, which is saved unencrypted, in clear text
and can be read by anyone with access to your computer. Files saved in this format can be opened in
any text editor or spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel but cannot be loaded back into Identity
Finder. This format is useful when you wish to perform advanced searching, sorting, and reporting of
your data in another application. After you are finished with a file in this format, you should use the
Identity Finder tools to shred it.
To save your results, click the Save icon in either the Quick Access menu or the Application menu. The
default save type is Identity Finder Format, a more secure format that you can use to work with your
results at any point in the future. When you are ready to work with your saved results, you will need to
open the file in Identity Finder. Click Save and select the folder location and filename for your results.
You will see the Options button on the bottom right of this dialog. This allows you to choose what to
include in your saved file and allows you to omit information depending on what type of file you are
Protecting Personal Information (PII)
To remove sensitive data found during a scan:
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Delete the data from the file.
Delete the file.
Seek approval from the Identity Theft Protection Committee (ITPC) if it is determined that Personal
Identifying Information (PII) or SSNs are required for business purposes. Email for
instructions. The ITPC’s website is located at
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Contact the ECU IT Help Desk for assistance at 252.328.9866 if you need assistance in locating or
deleting the files on their computer.
Performing Monthly Scans
Performing regular scans is necessary in order to remain compliant with ECU’s policy. The reason that they are required
is because new PII can find its way onto your device every day, so regular scans are critical in order for your personal
information to remain secure.
1. Open Identity Finder
2. Click Configurations in top toolbar
3. Double click Scheduling
4. Check the Schedule Identity Finder box and then click Configure
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5. Set Schedule Task to Monthly and set a day and time for scan. Then click Select Months at the bottom
and select ALL months.
6. Check Automatically securely save results with password. Then enter a location for the results to be
automatically saved in and enter a new password.
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Additional Documentation
For more help, read Getting Started with Identity Finder for Windows on the Identity Finder website.
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