siRNA and High Content Analysis Research Forum: March 10, 2006, Institute of Molecular Medicine. Download the programme as Microsoft Word document (sirna.doc 79k here

HCA Trinity
Research Forum: siRNA and High Content Analysis on the 10-Mar-2006
Guest Speakers: Dr. Eberhard Krausz, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology
and Genetics. Dr William Marshall Executive Vice President Dharmacon Colorado
USA, Vice president for technical development Fisher Biosciences, Dr Nicholas
Thomas Principal Scientist in Discovery Systems, GE Healthcare Cardiff UK10 Mar
2006, 0930-1800 at the IMM, St. James's Hospital
siRNA and High Content Analysis
Advanced approaches to intracellular signalling and imaging of cellular processes
utilising siRNAs and automated high content analysis platforms
Over the last five years, RNA interference (RNAi) has become an ever increasingly
popular research tool, providing direct, causal links between individual genes and
loss of function phenotypes. The use of siRNA libraries in conjunction with
automated high content analysis (HCA) technologies now offer the opportunity to
generate large volumes of high quality multi-parametric data quickly, reducing both
experimental turn around times and cost.
HCA technologies have been widely used in cell-based cancer, inflammation,
cardiovascular and neurological studies, providing specific quantitative information on
parameter such as cellular morphology, sub-cellular localisation of intracellular
molecules, cell viability, apoptosis and cytoskeletal rearrangement.
HCA Trinity is proud to announce the first siRNA / HCA research forum, offering a
day of scientific talks and practical demonstrations delivered by experts from both
industrial and academic institutions, show casing the capabilities of this recently
established HCA core facility.
siRNA and high content screening 10th
March 2006
Provisional Agenda
9.00 Registration
9.30 High-Content siRNA Screening for Genome-Wide Functional
Analysis of Human Kinases in Endocytosis. Dr. Eberhard Krausz
10.15 Recent Developments in siRNA technology and Applications
of siRNA silencing in High Throughput Screening. Dr, William Marshall
11.00 Automated Liquid Handling and academic life science
research. Dr. Aoife Gallagher
11.20 Coffee
11.40 Multi-parametric Cell Cycle siRNA Screening with Dynamic
GFP Sensors. Dr. Nicholas Thomas
12.25 siRNA design including secondary structure target site
prediction, Dr Gerrit Schramm
13.10 Lunch
14.10 Afternoon session begins.
Discussions with Dharmacon and GE healthcare
These sessions will allow delegates to discuss potential collaborative projects in
greater detail.
15.40 Coffee
16.00 Practical demonstrations will be held by GE Healthcare
Deerac Fluidics
For those interested in the new technologies driving high our content analysis
facility, GE healthcare will be demonstrating their INCELL 1000 imaging platform and
Deerac fluidics will show case their Equator HTS liquid handling system.