Meeting Minutes: November 17, 2010

Campus Recreation and Wellness
Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
I. Call to order
Karen Warren called to order the meeting of the Campus Recreation and Wellness
Advisory Council at 5:00 on 11/17/10 in the Student Recreation Center classroom
II. Roll call
The following persons were present:
Graham Brown, Dustin Wynne, Anne Fisher, Patricia Lombardi, Alexa Hawkins,
John Berger, Rhonda Kenny, Kathy Cable, Kathryn Connolly, Antonial Marshall,
Kalen Burwell, Chelsea Corey. Guests in attendance included, Jim Kelly,
Suzanne McDonald, Janis Steele, Nance Mize, David Gaskins
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Passed out copies of minutes. Anne Fisher motioned to approve the minutes,
Graham Brown second, minutes approved unanimously.
IV. Old Business
a) Welcome
b) Heart Walk
Antonial Marshall discussed Heart Walk and asked for ideas
Student and former football player died from heart complications so
decided to organize a memorial service and Heart Walk.
Met with SGA and discussed possibility of scholarship.
Trying to contact the American Heart Association to organize and plan
a Heart Walk with student organizations on campus.
Karen Warren discussed Wear Red, a heart walk, and shoe drive.
Suggested collaborating activities with Wear Red.
Needs help with promoting awareness for heart health.
Karen Warren suggested doing cholesterol screening along with other
Kalen Burwell suggested collaborating with American Red Cross to
get cholesterol levels from blood.
John Berger suggested using Body Fat Analyzer’s and making the
event a Wellness Passport event
Antonial Marshall suggested having Heart Health Week
Graham Brown suggested collaborating with East Carolina Heart
Institute and using them as a resource.
Patricia Lombardi suggested including Nutrition students.
c) Food Service in the Center Court SRC
Representative, Jim Kelly, from Aramark discussed ideas and concerns
about Center Court
Discussed Freshens sampling
Freshens will be having some new products, hopefully available next
Dustin Wynne and Graham Brown discussed that nutritional
information should be more noticeable in Center Court.
Jim Kelly discussed putting nutritional information by the register and
where people will notice it.
Rhonda Kenny discussed concern for sugar content and calories in
products from Freshens. Would like more information on ingredients
of smoothies.
Karen Warren suggested handouts be made available at Center Court
with nutrition information and agreed to follow up with the Campus
Nutritionist regarding this idea.
John Berger discussed having a more potent protein powder from
Freshens for protein shakes as an option.
Nance Mize asked how much latitude we have on what is put and sold
in Center Court. Proposed doing surveys to see what people want.
Jim Kelly responded by saying we could email and let him know what
we want and he can try to make it available.
Jim Kelly discussed remodeling and improvements to Center Court to
be more customer friendly.
Healthy Vending machine got a new makeover. Now says Best Choice
Vending and things are selling well.
V. New business
a) Group Fitness Program Pricing
Nance Mize discussed history of pricing
The goal was to make program competitive and recruit quality
 David Gaskins discussed pricing structure for programs
Explained why students are charged for group fitness passes and
why they aren’t covered by student fees.
 Suzanne McDonald opened up discussion on group fitness program
Kathryn Connolly discussed not minding paying for something if
it’s worth it.
Patricia Lombardi discussed that charging for classes can keep
class numbers down and regulated.
iii. Prices are directly related to the quality and helps keep the class
size manageable.
Graham Brown discussed that from working in the main office,
very few people complain about having to pay for classes because
they are worth it.
Alexa Hawkins discussed enforcing checking for passes so that
classes don’t get too crowded, and offering more classes during the
Finding Health Fitness students that are interested in being
instructors can be difficult but should be further explored.
Rhonda Kenny discussed that group fitness is high quality, and that
passes are currently affordable. Also suggested that financial
incentive be added to be certified to teach Les Mills.
viii. The Advisory Council was in agreement that the current pricing for
Group Fitness Classes remain the same.
b) Janis Steele discussed updates on North Recreation Complex
 Construction on Phase II begins Monday to include: beach, lake area,
boating area, disc golf course, etc.
 Lighting and sound projects are in process.
 Adding and replacing TV’s in the Recreation Center.
 Patricia Lombardi addressed the need for additional drainage out at the
North Rec. Complex due to standing water.
 Patricia Lombardi discussed getting transportation out to North
Recreation Complex
 Propose having a transportation representative come to a meeting.
VI. Adjournment
Karen Warren adjourned the meeting at 6:00pm. Next meeting
Next Meeting: January 26, 2011
Minutes submitted by: Chelsea Corey