CRW Disciplinary Procedures (Updated 10/6/2009)

East Carolina University
Campus Recreation & Wellness
Disciplinary Procedures-Program Administration – Revised 10/6/09
Dealing with issues and making decisions related to discipline are part of the educational
mission of the university. Campus Recreation & Wellness (CRW) oversees the conduct of its
participants in a similar fashion and in conjunction with the policies set forth by the East
Carolina University Judicial System. Campus Recreation & Wellness strives to deal with issues
involving student, member and guest participants as expeditiously and fairly as possible.
Department personnel will deal directly with unsatisfactory conduct as this conduct affects
departmental personnel, programs and services, however the incident description and resolution
of all departmental issues will be forwarded to the Office of Student’s Rights and
Responsibilities as a matter of record. Certain issues, dealt with on the department level, may
also be forwarded to the Office of Student’s Rights and Responsibilities with a recommendation
for further action. These issues would primarily relate to conduct/actions impacting
departmental personnel, programs and services as well as the greater university community.
In many instances, discipline-related issues are directly related to infractions of policy,
procedure, rules or regulations routinely covered in departmental standards. These types of
minor infractions include but are not limited to unsporting behavior. Minimum penalties for
such infractions are clearly spelled out in departmental literature to be used as a guide by
departmental staff in determining a suitable course of action. Staff representing the particular
program or service area affected by the infraction, will deal with such issues. The staff will
endeavor to obtain written accounts and interview all parties involved as they deem necessary for
the particular incident. The typical time period employed to resolve the issue is within 3-4
working days following the incident. The staff will discuss the incident with the individuals or
groups involved and provide notice of the penalties/sanctions.
The individual or group involved can accept the penalties/sanctions or elect to appeal.
Acceptance will be indicated by signing a written statement which outlines understanding and
compliance with the stated penalties. If an individual or group elects to appeal, a written notice
of appeal must be presented to the appropriate staff member within two weeks (10 class days)
following the date of the initial decision. Requests for appeals after the two week time limit will
not be considered.
Official appeals will be forwarded directly to the Advisory Council Facilitator. At this
point a special meeting will be convened for the purpose of placing the appeal before the
Advisory Council representatives. This meeting will be held within two weeks of the date of
receipt of the official appeal notice/written request or as soon thereafter as possible. A minimum
of three Advisory Council representatives must be present at the appeal review meeting. In the
event of an appeal being requested during a time frame when the Advisory Council is not active
(i.e., summer), the Advisory Council Facilitator will enlist the assistance of the previous term
Advisory Council representatives or representatives who have been appointed to serve during the
upcoming term to address the appeal.
The Advisory Council will listen to the information provided by the participant/group involved
as well as by the staff member who rendered the initial penalties/sanctions. Witnesses with
direct, first hand knowledge of the incident may be asked to present relevant information during
the appeals process. Information, previously submitted, in support of the participant/group or to
the detriment of the participant/group will be reviewed by the Council. The Council, after
listening to and reviewing the pertinent information, will make a decision with regard to the
issue(s). This decision will contain appropriate penalties and/or sanctions to be imposed on the
individual(s) involved.)
This decision will be forwarded to the Advisory Council Facilitator who will forward notice of
the decision to the participant or group involved within three (3) class days after the appeal
meeting. The initial decision will remain in effect until all appeals are exhausted. The appeals
decision will indicate appropriate dates that will apply to either newly established
penalties/sanctions or to the upheld and currently existing penalties/sanctions.
Process Outline
I. Introductions And Statement of Purpose And Explanation Of Hearing Procedure By
Facilitator-the Facilitator remains available to the Council throughout the proceedings.
II. Procedure
1. Staff presentation of issue and actions to include presentation of written reports
and/or verbal accounts presented by first hand witnesses or other directly involved parties.
2. Question and answer session for Advisory Council
3. Sanctioned participant presentation to include presentation of written reports and/or
verbal accounts presented by first hand witnesses or other directly involved parties.
4. Question and answer session for Advisory Council.
5. Dismissal of all parties involved.
6. Committee member discussion.
7. All decision(s) will be determined by a simple majority vote of members present.
8. Written summary provided to Facilitator.
9. Facilitator contacts participant/person representing the group involved and advises
her/him of the Advisory Council decision.
Final Authority
The final authority on decisions affecting the various personnel, programs and services
provided by Campus Recreation & Wellness rests with the Director of CRW. If an individual or
group desires to appeal the decision developed through the Advisory Council appeals process,
the individual or representative of the group may make an appointment to discuss the issue with
the Director provided that the appeal is based upon the following factors:
 Decision not supported by the evidence
 Sanction too harsh
 Proper hearing procedure not followed
In such an instance, the individual or group representative must provide a written request
for a process review addressed to the Director of Campus Recreation & Wellness. This process
review request must be presented within two weeks (10 class days) following the date of
notification regarding the final decision of the Advisory Council review. Failure to seek a
review within this time frame will indicate acceptance of the penalties/sanctions. Requests for
process review after the two week time limit will not be considered.
In some instances, the conduct of participants or the nature of certain discipline related
issues will be of such a severe nature that the impact of such actions relates not only to CRW
personnel, programs, and services but to other aspects of campus life as well. In such instances,
the department representative will forward the details of the incident to the Office of Student’s
Rights and Responsibilities with a specific request to review the incident for appropriate action,
possibly in addition to any action taken by CRW. Such actions may include but are not limited
to intentional physical aggression against an opponent, teammate, spectator or employee;
destruction of property/vandalism; verbal harassment; issuing of threats against one's person; or
any other extreme and unusual disciplinary situation.