Office of Undergraduate Research

Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Strategic Action Plan 2010-13
Office of Undergraduate Research
ECU Values:
ECU’s Office of Undergraduate Research adheres to the established “enduring
values” outlined in ECU Tomorrow: A Vision for Leadership and Service (2007), ECU’s
long-range strategic plan and is aligned to the Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13 and its
corresponding Key Performance Indicators that advance our Mission.
ECU’s values are outlined below:
Teamwork; and
Commitment to Serve.
ECU Mission:
To serve as a national model for public service and regional transformation
Preparing our students to compete and succeed in the global economy and
multicultural society,
Distinguishing ourselves by the ability to train and prepare leaders,
Creating a strong, sustainable future for eastern North Carolina through
education, research, innovation, investment, and outreach,
Saving lives, curing diseases, and positively transforming health and health
care, and
Providing cultural enrichment and powerful inspiration as we work to
sustain and improve quality of life.
Approved by the UNC Board of Governors - November 13, 2009
Office of Undergraduate Research Strategic Action Plan7/11/11
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Key Strategic Planning Principles:
Several key planning principles were established to develop this strategic plan:
Support for student success throughout the continuum of their college
learning experience;
Adherence to ECU Tomorrow: A Vision for Leadership and Service, 2007 and
the ECU Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13;
Support for effective leadership and professional development;
Purposeful decision-making, moving towards clearly defined goals and
measurable objectives;
A commitment to institutional effectiveness; and,
Allocation of resources to ensure attainment of established priorities.
Strengthen the undergraduate research experience for ECU students.
Provide support for innovative undergraduate research and
Partner to support and leverage undergraduate research through
external and internal funding sources.
Continue to assess the undergraduate research experience.
Knowledge gained will help us provide the best education for
undergraduates at ECU.
Strengthen the research curriculum for Honors students.
Office of Undergraduate Research Strategic Action Plan7/11/11
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Goal 1:
Strengthen the undergraduate research experience for ECU
Outcome Objective:
 Increase the number of students enrolled in research courses.
 Students enrolled in research courses in departments across all
colleges will increase by 5% annually.
Outcome Objective:
 Increase by number of presentations.
 Poster and oral presentations will increase from 111 in 2009-2010 by
5% annually.
Outcome Objective:
 Increase participation in the annual research compliance workshop.
 Undergraduate participants in the workshop will increase from
annually by 5%.
Goal 2:
Provide support for innovative undergraduate research and
Outcome Objective:
 Increase number of applications received to the URCA committee.
 A minimum of 50% of students who apply will receive research
 A minimum of 80% will receive travel funding for discipline-specific
Office of Undergraduate Research Strategic Action Plan7/11/11
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Goal 3:
Partner to support and leverage undergraduate research through
external and internal funding sources.
Outcome Objective:
 Increase the number of proposals in support of undergraduate research
to external agencies.
 Two proposals per year will be written until funding is received.
Outcome Objective:
 Increase funding for undergraduate research through altered resource
 Increase budget for undergraduate research by 5% per year.
Goal 4:
Continue to assess the undergraduate research experience.
Knowledge gained will help us provide the best education for undergraduates
at ECU.
Outcome Objective:
 Survey students on participation and value of undergraduate research
through additional questions on end of year GA survey.
 Establish an undergraduate coordinator network to inform and guide
decision making for undergraduate research.
Goal 5:
Strengthen the research curriculum for Honors students.
Outcome Objective:
 Develop the research course for Honors students.
 Course will be developed and taught in Fall 2011.
Office of Undergraduate Research Strategic Action Plan7/11/11
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Outcome Objective:
 Facilitate development and completion of Honors thesis research
 Successful completion of Honors projects.
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