College of Education;

Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Strategic Action Plan 2010-13
College of Education
ECU Values:
ECU’s College of Education adheres to the established “enduring values” outlined in ECU
Tomorrow: A Vision for Leadership and Service (2007), ECU’s long-range strategic plan and is
aligned to the Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13 and its corresponding Key Performance Indicators
that advance our Mission.
ECU’s values are outlined below:
Teamwork; and
Commitment to Serve.
ECU Mission:
To serve as a national model for public service and regional transformation by:
Preparing our students to compete and succeed in the global economy and multicultural
Distinguishing ourselves by the ability to train and prepare leaders,
Creating a strong, sustainable future for eastern North Carolina through education,
research, innovation, investment, and outreach,
Saving lives, curing diseases, and positively transforming health and health care, and
Providing cultural enrichment and powerful inspiration as we work to sustain and improve
quality of life.
Approved by the UNC Board of Governors - November 13, 2009
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Key Strategic Planning Principles:
Several key planning principles were established to develop this strategic plan:
Support for student success throughout the continuum of their college learning experience;
Adherence to ECU Tomorrow: A Vision for Leadership and Service, 2007 and the ECU
Strategic Action Plan, 2010-13;
Support for effective leadership and professional development;
Purposeful decision-making, moving towards clearly defined goals and measurable
A commitment to institutional effectiveness; and,
Allocation of resources to ensure attainment of established priorities.
The COE will provide diverse educational experiences to advance cultural
competence of our students.
The COE will assume a leadership role in evaluating teaching and conducting
research in PK-20 education and allied fields through scholarship and the pursuit of
external funding.
The COE will ensure that ECU and the COE are positioned to address North
Carolina's PK-20 education challenges.
The COE will support the leadership development of faculty and candidates to serve
students, colleagues, the region, and beyond.
The COE will extend our partnerships with government, business, and education to
focus on emerging areas of need.
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Goal 1:
The COE will provide diverse educational experiences to advance cultural competence of
our students.
Outcome Objective: The COE will enhance diverse field experiences to allow students to
respond to the unique needs of populations.
 Measure: In the COE, 90% of teacher education candidates will be confident in their
abilities to meet the needs of diverse learners in the classroom as measured on the
COE Teacher Education Exit Survey for undergraduate programs
 Measure: In the COE, 80% of all teacher education candidates will score an overall
3.5 on Dispositions Form C of the undergraduate Disposition Surveys
 Measure: The COE graduate programs will develop a unit-wide Graduate
Dispositions Survey for all programs in 2011-12 to be implemented in Fall 2012.
Results will be assessed in 2013 and benchmarks set
Outcome Objective: The COE will incorporate multicultural perspectives in a substantive
way into teaching and learning, in alignment with the ECU Diversity Plan.
 Measure: In the COE, 100% of teacher education candidates will receive a
proficient score on evidence of instructional unit planning as measured on a select
teacher performance assessment such as the TPA or DPI evidence product (EE3/5)
 Measure: The COE will conduct periodic course-alike syllabi reviews in
undergraduate and graduate professional core diversity courses to ensure
consistency of instruction
Goal 2:
The COE will assume a leadership role in evaluating teaching and conducting research in
PK-20 education and allied fields through scholarship and the pursuit of external funding.
Outcome Objective: The COE will increase research and external funding that address
challenges in PK-20 education and allied fields.
 Measure: The COE will collaborate with the ECU Division of Research and Graduate
Studies to develop a plan to increase current campus based research opportunities
for COE faculty and students. The COE will benchmark its student and faculty
participation in campus based research activities in 2010-11. In 2011-12, the COE
will develop a plan and aim to increase participation by 5% by 2013
 Measure: The COE will leverage research finding from planned studies of practice
to increase contributions to the research literature
Outcome Objective: The COE will increase, integrate, and align planned research studies to
address challenges in PK-20 education and allied fields.
 Measure: The COE will create a research culture through the development of
research interest groups and support of ECU's Qualitative Research Symposium.
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Outcome Objective: The COE will advance the use of innovative instructional and
informational technologies.
 Measure: The COE will share its expertise in effective instruction with other units
on campus through collaboration with the ECU Center for Faculty Excellence. The
COE will benchmark in 2010-11 and increase the number of faculty leading
workshops in instructional and informational technologies through the ECU Center
for Faculty Excellence by 10% by 2013
Goal 3:
The COE will ensure that ECU and the COE are positioned to address North Carolina's PK20 education challenges.
Outcome Objective: The COE will increase the number of traditional and alternatively
prepared teachers.
 Measure: The COE will lead efforts for ECU to meet annual UNC-GA teacher
completer targets through 2013. Under current UNC GA targets, ECU is expected to
produce 920 program completers in 2012-13, with specific targets in high needs
 Measure: The COE will target COAD 1000 for the retention of teacher education
majors. The COE will benchmark the number of teacher education COAD 1000
sections offered in 2010-11 and develop a plan to increase to the number of sections
of teacher education majors to include all COE teacher education programs by 2013
 Measure: The COE will continue to meet UNC General Administration deadlines for
reports on the ECU Teacher Recruitment Plan and refine strategies and measures
Outcome Objective: The COE will increase the number of professional development
opportunities for PK-20 educators.
 Measure: The COE strives to conduct ongoing assessment and quality enhancement
of professional development programs for PK-20 educators. To support ongoing
needs assessment, the COE will develop a model for tracking professional
development offering from one COE department in 2011-12. This model would then
be implemented in one additional COE department in 2012-13
Outcome Objective: The COE will integrate efforts to prepare school leaders and allied
education professionals.
 Measure: The COE strives to conduct ongoing assessment and quality enhancement
of professional development programs for school leaders and allied professionals.
To support the ongoing needs assessment, the COE will collaborate with IAPR as it
develops processes for conducting alumni and employer surveys. Such feedback is
essential for accreditation requirements at the state and national level
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Institutional Planning, Assessment & Research
Goal 4:
The COE will support the leadership development of faculty and candidates to serve
students, colleagues, the region, and beyond.
Outcome Objective: The COE will enhance curricula and student support activities to
advance student leadership development.
 Measure: The COE will, upon completion a leadership gap analysis, prepare a
quality enhancement plan for all degree programs as identified in 2010-11 annual
SACS reports in TracDat. This report will drive and inform future planning
 Measure: The COE will partner with the ECU Leadership Collaborative to develop
leadership modules in support of the ECU Integrated Leadership Framework
Identify target programs in 2011-12, in which to develop leadership modules in
 Measure: Increase the number of COE scholarships awarded through the
development of an online scholarship application system. COE scholarship
applications will be benchmarked in 2010-11. The system will be developed in
2010-11 for implementation in 2011-12
Outcome Objective: The COE will increase the leadership capacity of its faculty through
engagement in campus based leadership initiatives, regional partnerships, and succession
 Measure: The COE will increase faculty productivity and faculty service to the
community through membership and participation in regional or content specific
professional organizations, as noted in Sedona in 2010-11 and seek to increase
participation in regional activities by 5% by 2013
 Measure: The COE will provide support for and enhancement of succession
planning in the college through the establishment of the Dean's Leadership
Internship. Success will be measured by the number of applications in 2011-12 and
benchmarks will be set for 2011-13
 Measure: The COE will provide support for and enhancement of succession
planning in the college by establishing assistant chair assignments within
departments in 2011-12. Faculty in these new assignments will support
department leadership in various activities related to planning, instruction, and
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Goal 5:
The COE will extend our partnerships with government, business, and education to focus
on emerging areas of need.
Outcome Objective: The COE will advance its viability, productivity, and effectiveness
through increased partnerships to support regional economic priorities.
 Measure: The COE will provide evidence of compliance with SACS Principle 3.4.7.
By fall 2013, 100% of COE contractual and consortial agreements will be in
compliance and reviewed regularly according to guidelines developed by the SACS
working group in this area
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