The Equality Fund will provide funds to staff and students on a competitive basis for a variety of equality initiatives. The Fund will be awarded to projects, events, workshops and other initiatives that aim to raise awareness on equality issues and promote diversity in Trinity.
Proposals that are deemed beneficial to the University community from academic, administrative, and support areas/departments and student groups will be considered eligible. Both individual department and collaborative projects will be considered, and joint staff and student initiatives are particularly encouraged.
The Fund will be awarded to projects, events, workshops and other initiatives that aim to raise awareness on equality issues and promote diversity in college; with priority given to a series of themes proposed each year.
The themes selected for this year are:
Diversity and Participation in University Life
Age and Inclusion
Gender Equality
Cultures Meeting in Trinity
Accessible Spaces
Wellbeing and University Life
Human Rights & LGBT Rights
Applications can be made under the above themes focussing on any of the 9 protected equality grounds or for other relevant groups. The 9 protected equality grounds are: disability, age, race/ethnicity, religion, gender (including transgender), civil status, sexual orientation, family status or membership of the Traveller community.
Proposals will be judged with consideration to the following: their relevance to the selected theme; the suitability and expected benefit of the project, both locally and for the wider college community; the originality and creative approach of the project; the cost of the project; and whether there may be other sources of funding for the project.
The Fund will not make awards to projects that should otherwise be centrally funded by College or the CSC. The Equality Fund will not normally fund usual academic activities such as conferences, course development or final-year projects. Expenses associated with catering and refreshments will be funded if they are essential to the project and up to a maximum of 10% of the total budget for the project.
The allocation of funding will be made by the advisory sub-committee in December 2015, to be allocated to selected staff and student projects. Applicants are provided with a guideline of €500-
€1,000 per project, although applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Projects must take place within a 6-month period of the award. Projects must comply with the
Terms of Reference and payment requirements detailed in the acceptance letter in order to receive payment. A feedback form must be completed upon completion of the project.
The allocation of the Equality Fund is managed by an advisory sub-committee of the Equality
Committee, comprised of:
The Equality Committee Chair (chair): Dr Catherine McCabe
A member of the Equality Committee: Mr Michael McKeown
A member of the Equality Committee: Mr Conor Clancy (SU Welfare Officer)
A nominee from the Treasurer’s Office: Ms Claire Keane
The Equality Officer: Ms Aoife Crawford (secretary)
A student representative from the Equality Committee: Ms Gianna Hegarty (GSU Vice-
For further details, please see the Equality Fund Terms of Reference:
The deadline for applications is Friday 4 th December at 5:00pm. Please send the completed application form by e-mail to
(with title “Equality Fund Application”). If this is not possible, please post to: Equality Officer, Secretary’s Office Annex, West Theatre, Trinity College
Dublin, Dublin 2.
Staff Student
College ID:
Department/ Area/ Society:
(select as appropriate)
Title of initiative:
Theme (please select one or more of the following):
Diversity and Participation in University Life
Age and Inclusion
Gender Equality
Cultures Meeting in Trinity
Accessible Spaces
Wellbeing and University Life
Human Rights and LGBT Rights
Total grant requested:
Details of initiative:
Please include the following details (you may attach a separate sheet if necessary):
Expected date/ time-frame for the project
Departments/individuals involved in project
Expected benefit for department/area and University community
Your target audience (approx. number)
Detailed costing:
You may attach a separate sheet if necessary.
Please see
for guidelines on payments, including payment for work costs and catering expenses.
Have you applied for any alternative sources of funding for this event? Please provide details of other sources of funding.
How will you publicize your event?
Are there any challenges or factors that might affect the successful completion of your project?
Please detail and outline how you plan to address these.
Deadline for applications is 5:00pm, Friday 4 th December 2015. Please submit this form with all sections completed to
You can contact the Equality Officer on 01 896 3282, or via email, for further details.