Candidate Disposition Appeal Form Candidates: read carefully and complete all information requested below. 1. A candidate has the right to appeal a decision by the Department Dispositions Committee that the candidate be denied advancement in his/her program of study. This Candidate Disposition Appeals Form must be received in the Office of the Senior Associate Dean of the College of Education either as an electronic file attachment via email or as a mailed hard copy within ten (10) business days of the date of the letter sent from the chair of the candidate's academic department notifying the candidate of the department review decision. Complete all requested information on this form. Incomplete forms may result in denial of appeal. 2. Upon receipt of the completed Candidate Disposition Appeals Form to appeal the decision, the Senior Associate Dean or his/her designee shall convene the College Dispositions Appeals Board within 15 (fifteen) business days. This group is comprised of faculty from each academic department in the College of Education, the director of the Office of Teacher Education Advising, Licensure, and Recruiting (TEALR), and the director of the Office of Field Experiences. You will be notified as to the time and place of the hearing. You will be provided an opportunity to speak on your own behalf. The Appeal Board may interview any stakeholders including, but not limited to faculty and staff members who have previously assessed your dispositions or provided documentation of your dispositions in the past. Your absence from this meeting will be taken as acknowledgement that you do not wish to speak on your own behalf. The College Dispositions Coordinator serves as an ex officio member of the board. Any questions you have about this process should be directed to the College Dispositions Coordinator. As of June 11, 2014, the College Dispositions Coordinator is Dr. Laura Hart. She may be reached by email at or by phone at 704-687-8189. 3. After reviewing all documentation, and interviewing the candidate (if the candidate so chooses) and any other stakeholders, the College Dispositions Appeal Board will submit a recommendation to the Senior Associate Dean of the College of Education regarding the candidate’s enrollment status. The board may decide either to uphold the decision of the Department Dispositions Committee to deny the candidate advancement in the program or to allow the candidate to advance in the program, with or without conditions. If the Senior Associate Dean upholds the decision of the Board, such decision shall be final. If the Senior Associate Dean reverses the decision, the Board will formulate an appropriate course of action in consultation with the department chair and the department dispositions committee chair. All documentation related to the appeal will be forwarded to College Dispositions Coordinator for inclusion in the confidential electronic record. See the Professional Education Dispositions Plan for more information. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. To be completed by the candidate: Candidate Name: UNCC Email: Major/Program: 800 ID #: Best Phone Contact #: Mailing address: ( ) I have read and understand the procedures involved in the dispositions appeal process. ( ) I wish to appeal the decision to deny my advancement in my College of Education program of study made by my department dispositions review committee. (continued on next page) Please provide an explanation of your reasons in seeking an appeal of this decision (attach additional pages as needed). Candidate Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Candidate Signature: _________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ****DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE**** The Appeals Board has reviewed the candidate's appeal and all relevant evidence and makes the following recommendation: ( ) Uphold the Department decision ( ) Reinstate with conditions* ( ) Reinstate without conditions __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chair, College Disposition Appeals Board Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member, College Disposition Appeals Board Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member, College Disposition Appeals Board Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member, College Disposition Appeals Board Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member, College Disposition Appeals Board Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member, College Disposition Appeals Board Date __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Member, College Disposition Appeals Board Date I have reviewed the recommendation of the Appeals Board and make the following recommendation: ( ) Uphold the Board decision ( ) Reinstate with conditions* ( ) Reinstate without conditions _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Senior Associate Dean, College of Education Date *suggestions for conditions should be directed to the department review committee/department chair