skills-based CV format

Jane Anne Smith
31 St Anne’s Grove, Blackrock, Co Dublin
Ballybeg House, Ballyknock, Co Roscommon
085 728569 (mobile)
2010 - present
Trinity College Dublin
Bachelor of Arts in European Studies
Developed a good standard of language fluency and ability to analyse and
develop argumentation. Presented ideas and adhered to strict deadlines.
3rd year 2.1
1st year 2.1
Finals in June 2014
2nd year 2.2
‘The Spanish Catholic Church during the Dictatorship of Francisco Franco –
Collaboration to Opposition’.
Conducted extensive research in both Madrid and Alcalá de Henares and
interpreted and analysed primary Spanish sources.
2004 - 2010
Cadbury College, Ballyknock, Co Roscommon
Leaving Certificate Results
Higher Level:
English (A1), Irish (B2), History (B2), French (B3), Geography (C1),
Biology (C2)
Ordinary Level:
Maths (B1)
Key skills
Working with people
Organised a variety of events to support Suas Educational Development, as part of an organizing
committee of six TCD students.
Involved in ‘Support Cheshire Homes’ scheme throughout school, working with groups of disabled
people and building up friendly relationships with them.
Won the HMV Summer Staff Award for highest volume of sales whilst working as a Sales Assistant in
the classical music section of HMV.
Enthusiastic member of the Trinity College Europe Society and have encouraged and persuaded many
new members through my own personal networks and also during Freshers’ Week.
Organised a variety of local and College clubs, eg Trinity College Innovation Society.
Elected Secretary of the Trinity College Europe Society, which involved considerable planning to
arrange debates, training the team for competitions and organizing events and social functions.
Designed model airplanes over a number of years. Winner of the 2006 Dublin Model Airplane Design
Designed the logo for the student newspaper Trinity Tales, which was selected from a field of 60 other
As a Captain of the hockey team, motivated and encouraged people to make their best efforts.
Led a group of disabled pupils on holiday to France, the first time the Cheshire Home hand attempted
such an event.
Employment History
Hewlett Packard
Production Operative
Summer 2013
Sales Assistant
Summer 2012
First Active
Commercial Loans Clerk
Summer 2011
Additional competences
Full clean driving licence.
Proficient at MS Office applications and internet use.
Good written and spoken French
Interests and Activities
Active in a number of societies, particularly the Filmmakers and the College Choral Society, as well as with
Suas Educational Development. Play hockey and active member of Trinity College Europe Society. Enjoy
reading, theatre and modern jazz.
Dr JP Jones, Lecturer, Department of Hispanic Studies, Trinity College, Dublin 2
Email: Tel: 01 8960000
Mr PW McCormack, Operations Manager, Hewlett-Packard, Liffey Park Campus, Co Kildare
Email: Tel: 01 4120205