Secondary English Language Arts Student Name, p. 1 Spring 2015 English Student Teacher Screening Bachelor of Arts in English plus Professional Educator Licensure in Secondary English Language Arts Transcript Review and CI 315A Profile Sheet Are you are a qualified candidate for this spring’s English student teacher screening? Prepare the following form to document your eligibility for Spring 2015 English Student Teacher Screening and Spring 2016 English Student Teaching (May 2016 graduation). All coursework must be complete before the full-time English student teaching semester. 1. Read the program information sheet entitled BA in English plus Professional Educator Licensure in Secondary English Language Arts. See the Program Information section of the English Education website for the 7-page PDF: 2. Prepare for English Student Teacher Screening with Prof. Heather Johnson, Director of Student Teacher Screening. Contact Dr. Johnson with any questions about the screening process: 3. Before the Spring 2015 semester begins—and after your Fall 2014 grades have been recorded on Cougarnet—submit this complete document to Prof. Jill K. Anderson (Program Director, Secondary English Education) via email attachment: Forms are due by Monday, 12 Jan. 2015 (no later than first day of SP15 classes). Contact Dr. Anderson with any questions about academic program requirements and for help with completing the form. Student Name: SIUE Student 800… Identification Number: When did you pass the Illinois Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP) or its ACT Plus Writing equivalent? Contact La Cheryl Lewis, Secondary Education Advisor in School of Education Student Services, for current information about Illinois testing requirements: What is your cumulative grade point average at SIUE? Check Cougarnet to find this number. The School of Education requires that candidates have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. Do you have at least a B average in English and, separately, in Speech? The English Dept. requires that you have a 3.0 minimum GPA in the English major and, separately, in the Speech Communication Education minor. SIUE General Education Requirements In addition to the IS and foreign language courses listed below, are all of your SIUE general education requirements complete? Confirm gen. ed. completion with your CAS Advisor. Grade Interdisciplinary Studies Hours [Don’t forget SIUE’s upper-level Gen Ed requirement of one IS course.] 3 Foreign Language 101 Foreign Language 102 4 4 Term Secondary English Language Arts Student Name, p. 2 Tentative Class Schedule – May 2016 Graduation The secondary English Education program requires that all academic coursework be complete prior to the SP16 Student Teaching semester. How will you fit your remaining required courses into the available time? Check with your CAS Advisor, and list your tentative schedule here. Semester: Recommended No. of Courses: Course 1: Course 2: SP15 SU15 FA15 SP16 5 2 5 ST ENG 485*1 EPFR 415*4 CI 315A CI 315B CI 407*4 SPC 461*2 CI 352F ENG 497A*3 Course 3: Course 4: Course 5: [n/a] Course 6: [n/a] English Student Teaching (full-time field placement; 12 credits) *1 ENG 475 is only offered in fall semesters, and ENG 485 is only offered in the spring. Therefore, if you took 475 in Fall 2014, then you’ll need ENG 485 in SP15 (if you didn’t take it last spring). *2 SPC 461 is only offered in fall semesters. If you didn’t take it this fall, you’ll need it in FA15. *3 If you have completed the majority of your English coursework, including literary theory (ENG 301/495), then you may register to take your English Senior Seminar (ENG 497A) a semester earlier. Most students in our program take the Senior Seminar in the final semester before full-time student teaching. *4 The optional courses for the Middle School endorsement (EPFR 415 and then CI 407) must be taken in sequence and can be completed efficiently in the summer. EPFR 315 (Educational Psychology) and EPFR 320 (Multicultural Society) are prerequisites for EPFR 415 (the Middle School Learner). Illinois policies are under revision and may not be available as they are listed here; therefore, be sure to discuss the Middle School endorsement option with La Cheryl Lewis, the Secondary Education Advisor: CI 315A Student Profile Sheet and Application for Fall 2015 Field Placements The information that you present in the next two pages constitutes your CI 315A Student Profile Sheet (CI 315A = two-credit, pre-student teaching course that also includes observation hours in regional schools). Fill in the course number and an intelligible course title for each required course. Some of the English special topics course titles are confusing to outsiders, so simplify when necessary—i.e., use a general title, such as Topics in Early American Literature for English 211, rather than a specific subtitle about American Identities (or whatever!). You will submit the twopage profile to School of Education Student Services (1110 Founders Hall; 618-650-3940) with other materials associated with your CI 315A Application for your Fall 2015 school placements. See the School of Education’s website for the CI 315A Application, which also serves as your official application to the SOE’s Secondary Education Program. The application will be available in January at the beginning of the academic year: If you do not pass English student teacher screening, then the English Department will pull your CI 315A Application. You will have the opportunity to screen again and to reapply for CI 315A in a later semester (based on whatever conditions the English Education Committee assigns to your case). Secondary English Language Arts Student Name, p. 3 CI 315A Student Profile Sheet Request for CI 315A Placement for Spring 2015 Semester Name: Address: Phone: Email: Major: English Language and Literature Minor: Speech Communication Education 1. Course Information List Course English Major Requirements ENG 200 ENG ENG ENG ENG Introduction to Literary Study Literature Survey – Topics in… Literature Survey – Topics in… Literature Survey – Topics in… Literary Theory – ENG ENG ENG 369 ENG ENG ENG 475 Major Author – Shakespeare Major Author – Grammatical Analysis Language Systems – Writing Approaches – English Teaching Methods – Literature and Culture ENG 485 ENG 497A English Teaching Methods – Composition and Language English Senior Seminar Additional Coursework in English English Composition I English Composition II ENG 101 ENG 102 ENG Grade Speech Communication Education Minor Requirements ACS/SPC 101 ACS/SPC 103 Public Speaking (formerly SPC 105) Interpersonal Communication Skills ACS/SPC 201 ACS/SPC 204 ACS/SPC 261 ACS/SPC 305 ACS/SPC 461 Small Group Communication Oral Argumentation Skills Oral Interpretation of Literature Listening Strategies for Teaching Speech Communication Term 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ENG ENG Course Hours Grade Hours 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Term Secondary English Language Arts Course Professional Education Requirements CIED 100 Introduction to Education (formerly CI 200) EPFR 315 EPFR 320 SPE 400 CI 440 CI 315A CI 315B/352F Educational Psychology Foundations of Education in a Multicultural Society The Exceptional Child Adolescent Literacy Methods of Teaching in Secondary [observation / 2 credits] Secondary Student Teaching: English [full-time / 12 credits] EPFR 415 CI 407 The Middle School Learner [optional] The Middle and Junior High School [optional] Student Name, p. 4 Grade Hours 3 3 3 3 3 2 12 [+3] [+3] Term FA15 SP16 2. Briefly explain why you have chosen teaching as a career. Delete this text, and then respond to the School of Education’s first prompt. This brief student resume—aka Student Profile Sheet—may be viewed by the superintendent, principal, or cooperating teacher. Keep the entire document to two pages (two-page maximum for the whole document, including the above course information lists and these two responses). Proofread your responses carefully. English student teacher candidates have been turned down for placements due to poorly phrased sentences and sloppily edited prose. 3. List any educational experiences, opportunities for leadership, and any honors that you have received. Delete this text, and then respond to the School of Education’s second prompt. This brief student resume—aka Student Profile Sheet—may be viewed by the superintendent, principal, or cooperating teacher. Keep the entire document to two pages (two-page maximum for the whole document, including the above course information lists and these two responses). Proofread your responses carefully. English student teacher candidates have been turned down for placements due to poorly phrased sentences and sloppily edited prose.