Trinity Teaching Innovation Grants Application Form Please use this template to make your application to the Trinity Teaching Innovation Grants. This form should be sent to by 17.00 on Friday, 25 September 2015. 1. Please complete the following contact details: Name of lead/individual Trinity staff member requesting funding: Department: Contact email address: Contact telephone number: 2. Please list all other partners for the proposed project: Name (s) Department (s) 3. Please give the title of the proposed project: 4. Please provide a summary (maximum 100 words) of your project proposal. 5. Please describe the aims and objectives of your project and explain the rationale for the proposed innovation. (300 words) 6. Please detail how your proposal is innovative and how it will enrich the student learning experience. (300 words) 7. Please locate your project within the relevant teaching and learning research. (300 words) 8. If your project is collaborative, please describe the extent of collaboration with another/other discipline(s). (200 words) 9. Project Plan: Please describe how you will develop your proposal, including, for example, methodology, timelines and evaluation. (300 words) 10. Outputs: Please explain what you hope to achieve and how will you measure the impact of your innovation. You should consider its potential to impact on students, your Department/School and the University or beyond. (300 words) 11. Dissemination and Mainstreaming: Please set out how the results will be shared within the College community and/or beyond? What is the potential for mainstreaming your innovation across your School/Faculty/University as a whole? (300 words). 12. Budget and Workplan: Please provide a detailed breakdown of project costs and relate these clearly to a delivery plan, setting out milestones, including mid-point achievables. . Checklist for Applicants (Please underline as appropriate) - Is ethical approval necessary for this project? YES/NO Are there likely to be intellectual property rights or copyright issues arising from your project? YES/NO Have you received funding from any other source for this project? YES/NO Project Application Sign-Off I understand that I will need to: produce a mid-term report on this project; present on the project’s implementation at a Trinity showcase event; describe the project for inclusion in a digital repository; record all project expenditure appropriately in readiness for any future auditing process. Signed: _______________________________________________ (Individual applicant or lead contact in group application) I endorse this application and confirm that the proposed project has the support of my School. Signed: ___________________________________ Head of School Date: _________________________________ For Office use Only Application Approved No.: Yes/No