Panhellenic Council By-Laws

Bylaws of East Carolina University Panhellenic Association
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the East Carolina Panhellenic Association.
Article II. Object
The Panhellenic Association is a totally student run organization affiliated with the National Panhellenic
Conference. The object of the Panhellenic Association shall be to develop and maintain sorority life and
Interfraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in doing so:
1. Consider the goals and ideals of member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal
2. Promote superior scholarship as basic to intellectual achievement
3. Cooperate with member sororities and East Carolina University Administration in concern and in
maintenance of high social and moral standards.
4. Act in accordance with all the rules established by the Panhellenic Council as to not violate the
sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member sororities.
Preamble: In order to promote and perpetuate the best interest of East Carolina University and the Greek
letter social sororities and women’s fraternities therein, to encourage the most complete intellectual,
emotional, and social development of the members of the sororities, and to foster cooperation among said
sororities, University authorities and the community, we do ordain and establish this constitution of the East
Carolina University Panhellenic Association.
The East Carolina University Panhellenic Association does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, race,
national or ethnic origin, religion, or disability.
Mission Statement: We, the Panhellenic Council of East Carolina University, seek to enrich our college and
sorority experience by providing an environment that fosters growth, higher education, inspiration and
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Membership Classes
There shall be three classes of membership: regular, provisional and associate.
A. Regular membership. The regular membership of the East Carolina University Panhellenic
Association shall be composed of all chapters of NPC fraternities at East Carolina University.
Regular members of the College Panhellenic Council shall pay dues as determined by the College
Panhellenic Council. Each regular member shall have voice and one vote on all matters.
B. Associate membership. The provisional membership of the East Carolina University Panhellenic
Association shall be composed of all colonies of NPC fraternities at East Carolina University
Provisional members shall pay no dues and shall have voice but no vote on all matters. A
provisional member shall automatically become a regular member upon being installed as a
chapter of an NPC fraternity.
Section 2. Privileges and Responsibilities of Membership
A. Duty of compliance. Act in accordance with NPC UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS and the
Panhellenic Code of Ethics
Act in accordance with such rules established by the Panhellenic Association so as not to
violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of NPC chapters in good standing with the
Panhellenic Association.
a. Consider the goals and ideals of the National Panhellenic Conference (hereafter
referred to as NPC) sororities in good standing with the Panhellenic Association as
continually applicable to campus and personal life.
b. Promote superior scholarship as basic to intellectual achievement.
c. Cooperate with NPC chapters in good standing within the Panhellenic Association and
East Carolina University Administration in the maintenance of high social and moral
d. Foster close, dynamic inter-relations between sororities and sorority women.
Article IV. Officers and Duties
Section 1. Officers
1. The officers of the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall be President, Vice
President of Risk Reduction and Management, Vice President of Recruitment, Vice President of
Recruitment Development, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Communication, Vice
President of Programming, Vice President of Scholarship, Vice President of Philanthropy and
Service, and Vice President of New Member Services
Section 2. Eligibility
Eligibility to serve as an officer shall depend on the class of membership:
1. Regular membership. Members from women’s fraternities holding regular membership in the East
Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall be eligible to serve as any officer.
2. Associate membership. Members from women’s fraternities holding associate membership in the
East Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall not be eligible to serve as an officer.
3. An officer must remain on active status in her chapter throughout her term of office.
4. A Panhellenic Executive Board Officer must be an initiated member of her chapter before taking
5. A Panhellenic Executive Board officer may not hold an Executive Board office within her chapter.
6. After elections and before taking office, Panhellenic Executive Board officer’s fall grades will be
checked to ensure that they still maintain a 2.75 cumulative GPA. If not, then the position becomes
vacant and a new election for that position will take place according to the vacancies section of the
Panhellenic Bylaws.
Section 3. Selection of Officers
1. The offices of President, Vice President of Risk Reduction and Management, Vice President of
Recruitment, Vice President of Recruitment Development, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of
Communication, Vice President of Programming, Vice President of Scholarship, Vice President of
Philanthropy and Service, and Vice President of New Member Services of the East Carolina University
Panhellenic Association shall be elected by blind ballot following two interviews. They will then be
confirmed by a vote by the delegates for each chapter.
a. Applications for all Panhellenic Executive Board positions are available in the Office of Greek
life in October.
i. All candidates must fill out an application
ii. No chapter will be required to have a minimum number of candidates apply
iii. There is no cap/limit to the number of applicants a chapter may have apply for
positions, as long as candidates meet all criteria
iv. No chapter will be guaranteed representation of the Panhellenic executive board
v. There will be no more than 2 representatives from a chapter at any time on
Panhellenic executive board
vi. All candidates must have been active in their respective sorority for a minimum of
two semesters from the day of acceptance of a bid.
1. An exception will be made for new colonies or chapters whose members
have not been able to be active for two full semesters based on the timing
of their initial bid day.
vii. In order to hold the position of Panhellenic President, the candidate must have
served one full term on the Panhellenic Executive Board or her own organization’s
Executive Board.
b. Applications will be turned into the Office of Greek Life for grade verification.
i. There is a 2.75 minimum cumulative GPA required to hold office.
c. The slating process will consist of the following protocol; written applications, group
interviews, final individual interviews
i. Applicants will apply for positions, after which the slating committee will review and
decide what candidates will receive invitations to the first round of interviews, and
for what positions
ii. The president will coordinate interview times with candidates
iii. The first round of interviews will be a group interview for each position
1. The group interview will consist of the entire slating committee, and all
applicants for a specific positions
2. In the event there are more than five applicants for a position, the group
interviews will be divided, as decided by the slating committee
a. No candidate will group interview for more than three positions, if
on the written application the candidate indicates the want for
“any position” during the initial application process the slating
committee will select what three positions the woman may
interview for
b. A woman will have the right to either accept or deny being
interviewed for any position
3. The slating committee will then select nominees to move forward to
individual interviews by the process of secret ballots
iv. The next round of interviews will be individual interviews with the current
Panhellenic executive board
1. If in the case that each chapter is not represented on the executive board,
the slating representative will be asked to participate to ensure equal
2. The committee will vote for each position by secret ballot
3. Those involved in the individual interviews will slate candidates for each
4. In the case of a tie, there will be further discussion and another vote will
take place
E. Once the slate is final, and then a vote of confidence for the slate will take place at the next
scheduled Panhellenic meeting.
Section 4. Office-Holding Limitations
No more than 2 member(s) from the same women’s fraternity shall hold office during the same term.
Section 5. Nomination Procedure
1. A slating committee composed of a member of each sorority reviews all applications for minimum
qualifications of Panhellenic, chapter, campus, or community involvement related experiences.
a. This slating committee consists of the current Chapter Presidents of each
organization and any Panhellenic Executive board not applying for an office.
b. If the sorority President is unable to sit on the slating committee, she may select
another Executive Board member from her chapter.
c. The representative each chapter presents for the slating committee, either the
President or executive board member, must be present for any and all required
slating committee meetings
Section 6. Term
1. The officers shall serve for a term of one year, from January until December. Each Panhellenic
Executive Board officer will be sworn in at the first Panhellenic meeting of the spring semester.
Section 7. Removal
1. Any member of the Panhellenic Association shall be able to initiate removal of an officer of the
Panhellenic Association on the grounds of dereliction of duties or mismanagement of funds.
2. Whenever an executive board member or representative is absent from two meetings without
being excused by the VP of Communications, she will be removed from her position
3. The removal of an officer shall proceed as follows:
a. Said Panhellenic Association member shall contact the Panhellenic President, or in the case
of the President being removed, shall contact the Panhellenic Vice President of Risk
Reduction and Management, and shall submit a statement including intent to substantiate
grounds for the removal of the officer in question.
b. The notified officer shall contact the officer in question and inform her that the removal
proceedings are pending.
c. At the following Panhellenic Association meeting, any member of the Executive Board shall
read the statement and the officer in question may answer questions. A vote on removal will
occur at the next scheduled meeting.
d. If a ⅔ majority vote is reached, the officer shall be considered removed and shall be
replaced according to the procedure for filling a vacancy.
Section 8. Vacancies
1. Vacancies shall be filled in the case of an Executive Board member’s resignation or dismissal by
applications going out to all ECU Panhellenic Sororities in good standing. The current Panhellenic
Executive Board will serve as the selection board. The board will meet to interview all applicants
and be charged with the selection of the new Executive Board member.
Section 9. Duties of Officers
1. Panhellenic Officers must attend all regularly scheduled Panhellenic Association and Panhellenic
Executive Board meetings.
2. The offices of President, Vice President Risk Reduction and Management, Vice President of
Recruitment, and Vice President of Programming will attend the selected Greek conference. The
remaining Panhellenic Executive Board officers will attend if money permits.
3. Panhellenic Officers shall disaffiliate from their houses during formal fall recruitment and adhere to
all rules also applied to Pi Chis during their term of office. Panhellenic Officers shall not participate
in any Continuous Open Bidding activities, as to jeopardize the impartial nature of the Executive
Board positions.
4. Each Executive Board Member shall keep and pass down any applicable files to the next Executive
5. Each Board member will attend the Office of Greek Life transition training after fall elections.
A. The president shall:
 Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic Association.
 Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Panhellenic Association.
 Call and preside at all meetings of the Panhellenic Council Executive Board.
 Serve as member ex-officio of all Panhellenic Council committees with voice but no vote.
 Report as required to the NPC Area Advisor.
 Maintain a complete, updated President’s file, which will include the current Panhellenic
Association Constitution and Bylaws, the current Panhellenic Association Budget, the
current NPC Manual of Information, correspondence and material received from the NPC
Area Advisor, and all other pertinent materials.
 Preside over all Presidents’ Council meetings.
 Serve as a liaison between the Panhellenic Association and the Presidents’ Council.
 Be the spokeswoman and representative from the Panhellenic Council to campus, noncampus organizations, and the University.
The President has the power to appoint a representative from the Executive Board to
serve on any necessary committee.
Meet weekly with the Panhellenic Advisor.
Attend Council President Weekly Meetings
Observe 5 office hours per week to obtain Panhellenic scholarship monies.
Attend the selected Greek Conference.
Serve as the voting delegate at any Greek Conference attended
Must live in Greenville during the summer.
Speak at summer Orientation Greek Life Sessions
Coordinate the Panhellenic Executive Officer selection process.
May form and oversee a committee if deemed necessary
Perform all other duties as required by this office.
B. The Vice President of Risk Reduction and Management shall:
Perform the duties of the President in her absence, inability to serve, or at her call.
Oversee the Panhellenic Standards process
Serve as the Chair of the Judicial Board
Select and train members of the Panhellenic Judicial Board
Serve as the Risk Management Officer for the Panhellenic Association
Plan a Risk Management Seminar at the beginning of every semester with each
chapters Risk Management officer
Plan chapter and community programs about risk reduction topics such as alcohol,
drugs, hazing, safety, sexual assault, etc.
Keep an updated file on each chapter’s Risk Management Policy
Revise and edit the Panhellenic Constitution and Bylaws yearly
Assist with updating the Formal Recruitment Rules
Attend selected Greek Leadership Conference
May form and oversee a committee if deemed necessary
Perform all other duties as required by this office.
C. The Vice President of Recruitment shall:
Plan, implement, and evaluate all Formal Recruitment activities for the NPC chapters
in good standing with the Panhellenic Association.
Organize Convocation and the opening of Formal Recruitment including a slide show
with equal representation from each sorority
Upon the approval of the Recruitment Rules by the Panhellenic Association, publish
and distribute the rules to each NPC chapter in good standing with the Panhellenic
Keep the Recruitment Chairs of each NPC chapter informed of all activities pertaining
to recruitment.
Meet regularly with the Recruitment Chairs from each NPC chapter to go over plans
and rules for Formal Recruitment.
Serve as co-editor for all recruitment publications with the Vice President of
Speak to all chapters to discuss and ensure understanding of recruitment rules and
procedures for all active sisters.
Provide recruitment-based programs throughout the year to better the quality of
recruitment within the Panhellenic Community.
Plan, coordinate, and participate in marketing activities such as Panhellenic Preview.
Conduct an evaluation of the Formal Recruitment process within one month of the end
of Formal Recruitment each year by gaining feedback from new members, withdrawn
PNM’s and chapter representatives.
Must live in Greenville during the summer.
Required to participate in all orientation sessions.
Attend selected Greek Life Conference.
May form and oversee a committee if deemed necessary.
Perform all other duties as required by this office.
D. The Vice President of Recruitment Development shall:
 Attend and keep minutes of all Recruitment Director meetings.
 Assist the Recruitment Director and the Public Relations Director with all recruitment
 Work with the Recruitment Director in coordinating plans for recruitment.
 Oversee the Continuous Open Bidding Process by communicating with chapters
participating in COB and managing the COB list
 Coordinate Panhellenic COB events as needed
 Delegate duties to other Panhellenic Executive Officers as needed during recruitment.
 Organize and advise the Pi Chis.
 Set up interviews with Pi Chi applicants.
i. Each chapter must have a minimum of 5 Pi Chi applicants
ii. The Panhellenic Executive Board shall make selection of Pi Chis.
iii. There shall be a minimum of two Pi Chis per chapter selected.
 Coordinate training for Pi Chis, including a Pi Chi retreat.
 Make sure all Pi Chis adhere to the needs of Potential New Members.
 Evaluate the Pi Chi program yearly and present any new program ideas to the
Executive Board for approval.
 Present all executive members with a copy of the Pi Chi rules when disaffiliation
 Work with the Vice President to ensure all Pi Chis and Executive Board officers adhere
to the Pi Chi rules.
 Assist Recruitment Director with any recruitment marketing sessions like Panhellenic
 Remain in Greenville over the summer
 May form and oversee a committee if deemed necessary
 Perform all other duties as required by this office.
E. The Vice President of Finance shall:
 Be responsible for the general supervision of the finances of the Panhellenic
 Be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget and recruitment budget and
following approval by the Panhellenic Council, provide a copy for each Executive
Board Member and each Panhellenic Association member sorority.
 Receive all payments due to the Panhellenic Association, collect all dues, and
maintain all receipts for the current term.
 Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills of the Panhellenic Association.
 Have the authority to sign Panhellenic Association checks with the Panhellenic
President and Advisor.
 Maintain up-to-date financial records; give a financial report monthly at Executive
Board Meetings and an annual report to all Panhellenic representatives at the close of
her term of office.
 Work with the Student Government Association (SGA) accounting office to oversee the
use of SGA allocated funds.
 Collect monies for and order Greek Graduation Stoles at the beginning of each
 Assist Director of Scholarship with scholarship committees as necessary.
 May form and oversee a Finance committee if deemed necessary
 Perform all other duties as required by this office.
F. The Vice President of Communications shall:
 Work with the Office of Greek Life ensuring the Greek Life website is updated.
 Produce fliers, brochures, and needs for all Executive Board officers.
 Serve as co-editor for all recruitment publications with the Recruitment Director.
 Keep the media informed of activities involving the Panhellenic Association and its
members in order to promote favorable publicity for the Greek community.
 Publish all advertising and press releases for the Panhellenic Council.
 Actively work to improve the image of Greek Life in the media and community.
 Work with campus publications, including but not limited to the school newspaper,
yearbook, etc.
 Update all Panhellenic Association social media.
 Hold regular roundtables with chapter public relations chairs and secretaries.
 Serve as the Panhellenic Council’s representative at Board of Directors to the Media
Board, and may be asked to serve as the representative at other committees.
 Send out a weekly email to the Panhellenic Executive Board, Chapter Presidents, and
Delegates, highlighting specific meetings and events taking place that week within the
Greek Community.
 Keep an up-to-date roll of the members of the Panhellenic Council and take
attendance at all meetings.
Notify the Executive Board and Chapter Presidents when Executive members and
delegates should be replaced.
 Produce and distribute an agenda before each Panhellenic meeting.
 Keep full minutes of all meetings of the East Carolina University Panhellenic
Association meetings and e-mail them promptly to all members following meetings.
 Maintain a complete and up-to-date file, which will include the minutes of the meetings
of the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association and its Panhellenic Council
from the date of its inception; and keep copies of all contracts made by the Panhellenic
 Send a copy of the Panhellenic minutes to the Panhellenic Advisor and NPC Area
 Be responsible for the official correspondence of the Panhellenic Council unless
otherwise specified.
 Order Panhellenic stationary and write all thank you notes required by the Panhellenic
 May form and oversee a Communication/PR committee if deemed necessary
 Perform all other duties as required by this office.
G. The Vice President of Programming
 Coordinate major programming events for the Panhellenic chapters such as
i. Greek Awards Banquet in conjunction with the Greek Life staff
ii. Greek Leadership Conference in coordination with other councils
iii. Greek Week in coordination with other councils
iv. Various speakers throughout the school year for the Panhellenic Community
v. Panhellenic Pride Week Activities
 Develop meaningful programming for members of all class standing
 Match and oversee the Sister Sorority Program each semester
i. Each chapter is required to participate in two Sisterhood Sorority events per
 Attend Mendenhall Student Center Event Planning Office training each semester.
 Assist other officers in reserving rooms and planning logistics of their programs
 Attend the selected Greek Conference.
 May form and oversee a Programming committee if deemed necessary
 Perform all other duties as required by this office.
H. Vice President of Scholarship shall:
 Responsible for delegating and awarding Professor-of-the-Month of each chapter’s
 Provide opportunities for Panhellenic women to interact with academic faculty and
 Hold regular roundtables with chapter scholarship chairs
 Develop programs for all of the chapters for the promotion of scholarship.
 Promote academic excellence by recognizing chapter and individual achievements.
 Organize and implement scholarship committees for various monetary scholarships
funded by the Panhellenic Association, including Panhellenic Member Scholarship and
First Year Woman Scholarship
Create and maintain a listing of academic assistance resources on campus and
distribute this information to chapters each semester.
 Plan in conjunction with other council representatives the Panhellenic Women of The
Month Committee
 Work with the Office of Greek Life staff to plan the Academic Kick-off Program each
fall semester
 May form and oversee a Scholarship committee if deemed necessary
 Perform all other duties as required by this office.
I. Vice President of Philanthropy and Service shall:
 Plan events for Panhellenic philanthropy including events for the Circle of Sisterhood
 Plan All-Greek philanthropy events in coordination with other council representatives to
support local causes such as the Boys and Girls Club of Pitt County
 Responsible for planning the Panhellenic Holiday Party for the Boys and Girls Club of
Pitt County
 Be the point of contact for chapters from other councils holding philanthropy events
and distribute information about them to the Panhellenic community
 Oversee the Panhellenic Community Involvement Award tracking
 Serve as the Panhellenic liaison to Dance Marathon
 Serve as the Panhellenic liaison to the Volunteer and Service Learning Center and
keep Panhellenic community informed about the opportunities taking place through
this office
 Serves as the point of contact for local non-profits who wish to get volunteers from the
Panhellenic community or come speak at a Panhellenic meeting
 Hold regular roundtables for chapter Philanthropy and Service Chair
 May form and oversee a Philanthropy/Service committee if deemed necessary
 Perform all other duties as required by this office.
J. The Vice President of New Member Services shall:
 Advises Junior Panhellenic officers and delegates from each chapter
 Works with Junior Panhellenic to coordinate service opportunities for the new
 Works with Junior Panhellenic to coordinate leadership development programs for new
 Works with Junior Panhellenic to hold Pi Chi group reunions, Pins & Pearls Gala or a
similar program
 Works with other councils to plan a new member day
 Assists chapter scholarship chairs with programming for new members about
scholarship resources and opportunities on campus
 Works with Office of Greek Life to collect and review new member programs at the
beginning of each fall/spring semester
 Holds new member educator roundtables to talk about topics relevant to their position
 Oversees the plans for Panhellenic Bid Day at the completion of fall recruitment
 Works with Greek Life office to collect Grade Release and Anti-Hazing Contracts from
each chapter
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May form and oversee a committee if deemed necessary
Perform all other duties as required by this office
Article V. The Panhellenic Council
Section 1. Authority
The governing body of the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall be the Panhellenic
Executive Board. It shall be the duty of the Panhellenic Council to conduct all business related to the overall
welfare of the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association including, but not limited to: annually review
the parameters as adopted in the recruitment rules for the automatic adjustment of total; determine dues;
approve the annual budget; consider extension; set a calendar of events; determine programming; and
establish recruitment rules and recruitment style. The Panhellenic Council shall also have the authority to
adopt rules governing the Panhellenic Association that do not violate the sovereignty, rights and privileges
of member women’s fraternities.
Section 2. Composition and Privileges
1. The East Carolina University Panhellenic Council shall be composed of one delegate and one
alternate delegate from and one alumna advisor from each NPC chapter at East Carolina
University and from such NPC colonies national sororities at East Carolina University Panhellenic
Association. No chapter shall have the power to withdraw from this council. The delegates shall be
the voting members and the voice of the Panhellenic Council except as otherwise provided in
Article III of these bylaws. The alternate delegates shall have voice but no vote. The alternate
delegate shall act and vote in the place of the delegate when the delegate is absent. If both
delegate and alternate are absent, the vote may be cast by a member of the fraternity, providing
her credentials have been presented to the association president.
Section 3. Selection of Delegates and Alternates
Delegates and alternates to the Panhellenic Council shall be selected by their respective women’s fraternity
chapters to serve for a term of one year commencing upon the selection by the chapter
Section 4. Delegate Vacancies
When a delegate vacancy occurs, it shall be the responsibility of the fraternity affected to select a
replacement within 2 weeks and to notify the Panhellenic Vice President of Communications of her name,
address and telephone number.
Section 5. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Panhellenic Council shall be held at a time and place established at the beginning
of each academic term.
Section 6. Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Panhellenic Council shall be held during the month of November. The purpose
of the annual meeting shall be for the election of officers and any other business that may properly come
before the delegates.
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Section 7. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Panhellenic Council may be called by the president when necessary and shall be
called by her upon the written request of any member of the women’s fraternities of the East Carolina
University Panhellenic Association. Notice of each special meeting of the Panhellenic Council shall be sent
to each member of the Panhellenic Council at least 24 hours prior to convening the meeting; however, such
notice may be waived, and attendance at such meeting shall constitute waiver of said notice
Section 8. Quorum
Three-fourths of the delegates from the member fraternities of the East Carolina University Panhellenic
Association shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 9. Vote Requirements
A. Proposed motions on issues that impact a chapter as a whole must be announced at a previous
meeting to allow opportunity for chapter input before a vote may be taken on the issue.
B. A three-fourths vote of the Panhellenic Council shall be required to approve a recolonization plan
and for all extension-related votes. All other votes, unless specified in these bylaws, shall require a
majority vote for adoption. (See the Article on Amendment of Bylaws for specific voting
requirements for the amendment of these bylaws.)
Article VI. The Executive Board
Section 1. Composition
The composition of the Executive Board shall be the offices of President, Vice President of Risk Reduction
and Management, Vice President of Recruitment, Vice President of Recruitment Development, Vice
President of Finance, Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Programming, Vice President of
Scholarship, Vice President of Philanthropy and Service, and Vice President of New Member Services.
Section 2. Duties
The Executive Board shall administer routine business between meetings of the Panhellenic Council and
such other business as has been approved for action by Panhellenic Council vote. At the next regular
meeting of the Panhellenic Council through the secretary, the Executive Board shall also report all action it
has taken and record the action in the minutes of that meeting.
1. Whenever an executive board member or representative is absent from two meetings without
being excused by the Vice President of Communications, she will be removed from her position.
Her position will be filled following the procedure as stated in Article IV, section 7
Section 3. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at a time and place established at the beginning of
each academic term.
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Section 4. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the president when necessary and shall be
called by her upon the written request of three members of the Executive Board.
Section 5. Quorum
Three-fourths of Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article VII. The Panhellenic Advisor
Section 1. Appointment
The Panhellenic advisor of the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall be appointed by the
East Carolina University administration
1. She/he will serve for as long as he/she remains employed by East Carolina University’s Greek Life
Section 2. Authority
The Panhellenic advisor shall serve in an advisory capacity to the East Carolina University Panhellenic
Association. The Panhellenic advisor shall have voice but no vote in all meetings of the Panhellenic
Council, and the Executive Board
Article VIII. Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees
1. The standing committees of the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall be the
Judicial Board (as needed), The President’s Council, the Public Relations Committee, the
Newsletter Committee, and the Panhellenic Woman of The Month Committee
2. Term. The standing committees shall serve for a term of one year, which shall coincide with the
term of the officers.
Section 2. Appointment of Committee Membership
The Executive Board shall appoint members and chairmen of all standing and special committees, except
as provided otherwise in these bylaws, and, in making these appointments, recognize fair representation
from all member women fraternities as much as possible. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all
committees except the Judicial Board.
Section 3. Judicial Board
The Judicial Board shall consist of the Vice President of Risk Reduction and Management as chairman and
1 member from the College Panhellenic member groups. The Panhellenic advisor shall serve as a
nonvoting ex-officio member. The Judicial Board members shall participate in training to be educated about
the purpose of the board, the rules and regulations the Judicial Board will monitor, the procedures to be
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followed, proper questioning techniques, the rights of the charged organizations, evaluating evidence, and
deliberations and sanctioning. The Judicial Board shall educate member fraternities about the Panhellenic
judicial procedure. It shall be the Judicial Board’s duty to hold a hearing to adjudicate all alleged violations
of the NPC Unanimous Agreements and the bylaws, code of ethics, standing rules and membership
recruitment regulations of the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association that are not settled
informally or through mediation. The hearing shall be conducted by the entire Judicial Board unless
Panhellenic Council adopts rules for the hearing to be conducted by a committee of the Judicial Board. The
members of the Judicial Board shall maintain confidentiality throughout and upon completion of the judicial
1. In the event that the sorority of the Vice President of Risk Reduction and Management is charged,
the President shall serve as the Chair. The Judicial Chair shall coordinate and preside over all
Judicial Board hearings and mediations.
Section 4. The President’s Council
The President’s Council shall consist of the Presidents of each NPC chapter in good standing with the
Panhellenic Association, and shall meet no less than monthly to promote good relations among chapters,
discuss relevant issues exchange ideas, and sponsor resolutions pertinent to the Panhellenic Association.
Section 5. The Newsletter Committee
The Newsletter Committee shall be comprised of representatives from all chapters. The committee will
decide on appropriate and relative content of the newsletter and write articles that are relative and
informative to Greek life and Panhellenic.
Section 6. The Panhellenic Woman of The Month Committee
The Panhellenic Woman of The Month Committee shall be comprised of members from all chapters. The
committee shall meet once a month to review application submitted by chapters to decide on a woman they
feel embodies all of the qualities of a Panhellenic Woman and select a nominee and present her with the
Section 7. Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations Committee shall Consists of representatives from all chapters. Promote Panhellenic
and Greek Life through social media. Voice and PR that the Greek community may need to be aware of
Section 9. Other Committees
Other such committees, standing or special, shall be appointed as deemed necessary by the Panhellenic
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Article IX. Finances
Section 1. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall be from January 1 to
December 31 inclusive
Section 2. Contracts
Dual signatures of the President and the Vice President of Finance shall be required to bind the East
Carolina University Panhellenic Association on any contract
1. The Panhellenic Advisor must review and can sign contracts as well
Section 3. Checks
All checks issued on behalf of the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall bear dual
signatures. The following shall be authorized to be one of the two required signatures: the President, the
Vice President of Finance, or the Panhellenic Advisor.
Section 4. Payments
All payments due to the East Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall be received by the Vice
President of Finance, who shall record them. Checks for payments shall be made payable to the East
Carolina University Panhellenic Association.
Section 5. Dues
A. NPC College Panhellenic dues shall be paid yearly as invoiced by the NPC office.
B. Panhellenic Association membership dues shall be $850 per chapter per semester.
• The amount of such dues for the next academic year shall be determined by the
Panhellenic Council no later than February of that year.
• The dues of each Panhellenic Association member fraternity shall be payable on or before
the third regular meeting of each semester.
i. Any member chapter that has not paid three days after the due date will be subject
to a $25 per day late fee
Section 6. Fees and Assessments
1. The Panhellenic Council shall have the authority to determine fees and assessments as may be
considered necessary
2. The Panhellenic President shall receive retribution of $1000 each semester of her term for holding
her weekly office hours.
3. The President, Recruitment Director, and Vice President of Recruitment Development shall receive
a stipend of $500 for her time spent in Greenville during the summer.
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4. If a Chapter Delegate misses a bi-weekly delegate meeting and fails to send an alternate from her
chapter in her place, the chapter will be fined $25.
Article X. Extension
Section 1. Extension is the process of adding an NPC women’s fraternity.
The East Carolina University Association shall follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements and NPC extension
guidelines found on the NPC website and in the Manual of Information.
Section 2. Voting rights
Only regular members of the Panhellenic Council shall vote on extension matters.
Section 3. Special Exceptions
Special exceptions to all bylaws and recruitment rules will be made by the approval of the Panhellenic
Executive Board to accommodate new colonies in their first year.
Article XI. Violation Resolution
Section 1. Violation
Chapters shall be held accountable for the conduct of their individual collegiate and alumnae members.
Conduct contrary to the NPC Unanimous Agreements, these bylaws, the Panhellenic code of ethics,
standing rules and/or membership recruitment regulations of the East Carolina University Panhellenic
Association shall be considered a violation.
Section 2. Informal resolution
Members are encouraged to resolve alleged violations through informal discussion with the involved
Section 3. Judicial process
If informal discussions are unsuccessful, the judicial process will be set in motion by filing a report of the
alleged violation. The East Carolina University Panhellenic Association shall follow all mediation guidelines
found in the Manual of Information.
A. Mediation. Mediation is the first step of the judicial process. The East Carolina University
Panhellenic Association shall follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements concerning the judicial
process found in the Manual of Information.
B. Judicial Board hearing. When a violation is not settled informally or through mediation, the Judicial
Board shall resolve the issue in a Judicial Board hearing. The Panhellenic Council shall adopt
procedures in the standing rules for this purpose that are consistent with the NPC Unanimous
C. Appeal of Judicial Board decision. A decision of the Judicial Board may be appealed by any
involved party to the NPC College Panhellenic’s Judicial Appeal Committee. The East Carolina
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University Panhellenic Association shall follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements concerning the
appeals process found in the Manual of Information.
Article XII. Hazing
Hazing means any action, activity, or situation which recklessly, negligently, or intentionally endangers the
mental or physical health or safety of a person for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation
with any organization operating under the sanction of the university, hereinafter referred to as “university
All NPC Chapters in good standing with the Panhellenic Council will abide by this hazing policy:
1. Any person suffering or witnessing a hazing activity is encouraged to report the incident to the
Office of Greek Life.
2. New member programs and activities must not interfere with the rights and activities of others and
should always reflect the best interest of the members of the organization it represents and
university organizations as a whole.
3. Initiation week activities should be scheduled in a way so as to not interfere with or be detrimental
to academic performance of organization members or perspective members. Initiation week
activities shall not be scheduled during the week prior to or the week of final exams. Initiation
weeks shall not be referred to as “Hell Week.”
4. Hazing shall include, but not be limited to forcing, requiring, or expecting new members, associate
members, perspective members, or initiated members to participate in the following actions or
 Drinking alcohol or any other substance
 Using any drug, narcotic, or controlled substance.
 Eating spoiled foods or anything a reasonable person would not eat.
 Dropping food or other substances into another person’s mouth.
 Tying a person to a chair, pole, tree, or any other object, or to another person.
 Causing excessive fatigue through physical exercise or psychological shock.
 Paddling, whipping, or beating of any nature.
 Performing calisthenics.
 Pushing, shoving, tackling, or any other physical abuse.
 Throwing anything at a person or group of people.
 Exposing one’s self indecently or appearing nude in any way that is considered by a
reasonable person to be offensive.
 Subjecting a person or group of people to verbal harassment.
 The use of demeaning names.
 Misleading new members in an effort to convince them that they will not be initiated, that
they will be hurt during initiation, or any of the activity that would cause extreme stress.
 Carrying any items that serve no constructive or educational purpose or that is designed to
punish or embarrass the carrier.
 Waking new members or initiated members at odd intervals or permitting fewer than six
continual hours of sleep each night.
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Conducting activities that do not allow adequate time for study
Wearing apparel or accessories that are demeaning and not normally in taste or wearing
items that cause discomfort.
 Defacing property
 Stealing any property
 Compelling a person or a group to remain at a certain place or transporting a person or
group anywhere.
 Assigning or endorsing pranks
 Engaging in public stuns, buffoonery, or other embarrassing activities.
 Yelling when entering, traveling through, or leaving any public building.
 “Trashing”, intentionally any area for the purpose of annoying others or for having others
clean the “trashed” area.
 Disallowing new members to talk for an extended period of time for no constructive
 Having new members perform personal chores or errands.
 Blind folding and parading individuals in public areas, blind folding and transporting in
motor vehicles, or privately conducting blind folding activities that serve no constructive
 Answering doors or phones with a prescribed chant, riddle, song, or rhyme.
 Allowing new members to use only a particular door when entering or leaving any building
or to use only a certain stairway within a building.
 Conducting quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, paddle hunts, or similar activities in a
non-constructive manner.
 Exposure to the elements.
 Conducting “interrogations or any non-constructive questioning.
5. Any activity as described above upon which the initiation or admission into or affiliation with a
sorority directly or indirectly conditioned shall be presumed to be forced activity.
Article XIII. Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the East
Carolina University Panhellenic Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are
not inconsistent with the NPC Unanimous Agreements, these bylaws and any special rules of order the
East Carolina University Panhellenic Association may adopt.
Article XIV. Amendment of Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the East Carolina University
Panhellenic Council by a three-fourths vote, provided that the proposed amendment has been announced
and submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting allowing an opportunity for chapter input.
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Article XV. Dissolution
This Association shall be dissolved when only one regular member exists at East Carolina University. In the
event of the dissolution of this Association none of the assets of the Association shall be distributed to any
members of the Association, but after payment of the debts of the Association its assets shall be given to
the National Panhellenic Conference.
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1. Greek Letter organizations strive to ensure the safety of their members and guests, as well as to
provide an opportunity for responsible social interaction. The Panhellenic Council Alcohol Policy
serves to complement and require compliance with all federal, state, local, and university policies,
and to provide parameters for the social events of Greek Letter organizations. The Greek System
also expects alcohol education from their member chapters and recognizes abstinence from
alcohol as a healthy choice for its members.
2. Socials between Fraternities and Sororities that take place at Fraternity houses must be nonalcoholic functions.
3. Events where alcohol is present must conform to each chapter’s National Risk Management Policy,
and the following guidelines:
A. There shall be no more than 8 social functions a semester.
i. A social function is defined as a chapter event that includes alcohol
ii. Any social function including alcohol must be registered with the Panhellenic
Association using the Social Event Registration Form 48 hours prior to the event.
iii. Events announced in chapter meetings, flyers, chapter emails, and/or Facebook
qualify as social events. They are not limited to these examples of announcement.
iv. Social events include but are not limited to grab-a dates, formals, semi-formals,
alumna events and Parents Weekend events.
B. There shall be no chapter-organized tailgates.
C. Chapters are only allowed to participate in quad socials if their individual National
Organizations allow them.
D. No special pricing on drinks outside of normal specials will be allowed.
E. Panhellenic sororities of East Carolina University are not allowed to host social events with
alcohol at any off campus house.
F. All social events must follow Third Party Vendor Guidelines:
i. A licensed insured company serves the function and the company must be
licensed and insured as required by state and local ordinances.
ii. Chapters are prohibited from entering into arrangements with a company or
another Greek organization to provide them a set amount of alcohol. This is the
same as purchasing alcohol with chapter funds or having an open tab/bar. The
company must be paid for services only, not the purchase of alcohol in any mater
including a “free keg” from the vendor.
iii. There must be vendor-hired security at all events taking place where alcohol is
present. For the purposes of this section, the monitoring process shall be defined
to be the physical activity of walking through all areas of the function and
performing a visible check in order to look for: Underage drinkers, persons in
distress, the presence of illegal drugs, and/or any other activity believed to be
illegal or a risk to the proper functioning of the event.
iv. Any third party vendor that hosts sorority social functions must respect and comply
with this agreement. The chapter holding the event will be held accountable if the
vendor does not comply.
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v. Any vendor that does not comply with this agreement will be banned from any
further social events that involve any of the Panhellenic Sororities until further
G. There should be 3 sober monitors at each chapter event. Sober monitor must be chosen
from roster of active sisters
No chapter can formally or informally partner with an IFC Fraternity or any other campus
organization for the purposes of a “Preference” social.
A. No individual new member may be “matched with another individual by the chapter.
B. No organization can provide alcohol for any chapter member for the purpose of a
“Preference” social
C. No chapter can require new members to do something outside of initiation requirements on
Preference night (inclusive of but not limited to singing, dress requirement, alcohol
consumption, etc.)
D. To hold a Preference night you must submit a social form to the Greek Life Office 10 days
prior to the night of the social with an agenda
E. Acceptable forms of Preference Night are inclusive of, but not limited to:
i. Dinners
ii. Grab-a-Dates
iii. Chapter Programs
Use/Purchase of Alcohol
A. No organization shall furnish or cause to be furnished any alcoholic beverage to any
B. Common sources of alcohol such as kegs, alcoholic punch, unmonitored bulk containers of
alcohol, etc. are prohibited.
C. Alcohol may not be directly or indirectly purchased by chapter funds.
D. No individuals under the legal drinking age will be permitted to bring alcohol to a function,
to consume alcohol at the function those found to be in violation of this shall be held
accountable by their own chapter’s National Risk Management Policy.
E. Social events, which encourage drinking, drinking games, drinking contests, and/or
drunkenness are prohibited.
Alcohol is prohibited from the following events:
A. Any formal or informal recruitment events.
B. Any new member event.
C. Initiation activities
Pre parties and post parties for events are strictly prohibited. An event qualifies if it meets the
following criteria:
A. An event that occurs directly before or after a sorority function
B. A substantial amount of chapter membership is in attendance.
C. Chapter funds or “chipping in” have been used to prepare for this function.
All social events where alcohol is present must be closed to the public.
i. A fraternity and sorority roster must be at the entrance
ii. For grab a date socials must have sorority roster and list of dates names and
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9. If an organization does not adhere to the Panhellenic social policies and receives 2 complaints,
that organization will be prohibited from having social functions with any Panhellenic group for the
duration of a semester.
1. In order to secure the single-sex designation, NPC prohibits the participation of men in
membership recruitment and Bid Day activities, and expects the NPC members not to participate in
any men’s fraternity recruitment events through the NPC Unanimous Agreements.
2. A member chapter can host men’s fraternity formal recruitment events at their chapter house, but
can be in no way seen as part of the event, and shall designate areas in the chapter house for
men’s fraternity use during the duration of the event.
3. Areas designated for men’s fraternity use should be unoccupied by NPC members, or any women
affiliated with an NPC chapter, during the time allotted for the men’s fraternity formal recruitment
4. The areas designated for men’s fraternity use must be reported to the Vice President of Risk
Reduction and Management at least one week prior to the start of the men’s fraternity formal
recruitment event.
5. NPC members, or any women affiliated with a NPC chapter, are prohibited from attending men’s
fraternity formal recruitment events at men’s fraternity chapter houses, or any other space where
men are holding their fraternity formal recruitment events.
1. In the case of Panhellenic difficulties, all chapters involved shall do their utmost to restore harmony
and prevent publicity both in the University and the community.
2. It is in accord with the dignity and good manners of sorority women to:
A. Avoid disparaging remarks about any sorority or college woman;
B. Create friendly relations between sorority and non-sorority women.
C. Avoid negative publicity on Panhellenic matters.
3. The Panhellenic Association shall not tolerate, under any circumstances, verbal slander,
vandalizing, destroying, or stealing, or any other form of infringement upon the rights, and good
name of any other fraternity or sorority. The Panhellenic Judicial Board shall deal with violations to
1. A new member may not be required to spend more than 15 total hours on homecoming preparation
per week.
2. For every 5 new members participating in homecoming preparation and activities 1 initiated
member must also participate in homecoming preparation and activities.
3. Each chapter must turn in a roster of homecoming participants including active and new members
for each homecoming activity to the Panhellenic Vice President of New Member Services and
Panhellenic Vice President of Risk Reduction and Management, within five days of the beginning
of Homecoming.
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4. New members may not be required to participate in any homecoming activities or preparation that
is not required of initiated members.
5. Chapter members may not be required to participate in any homecoming activities or preparation
past 11:00 pm weekdays and 12:00 am weekends.
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