A model to describe removal of fouling during relaxation Mads K. Jørgensena, Thomas V. Buggea, Barbara H. Hedea, Morten L. Christensena aDepartment of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University, Frederik Bajers Vej 7H, DK9220 Aalborg Øst, Denmark Abstract Filtration tests were designed with fixed filtration durations and varying relaxation lengths to study the influence of relaxation time on flux recovery and fouling removal. A mathematical model was used to estimate the development and removal of fouling during the filtration and relaxation phases. During the relaxation phases, a relaxation-time dependent back transport constant was introduced to properly simulate the removal of the fouling layer. This parameter decreased with duration of the relaxation phases, showing that the removal rate was fastest in the beginning of relaxation period. Based on this, a model was proposed that could simulate the development in amount of cake during both filtration and relaxation and used to optimize the relaxation length. Keywords Membrane bioreactors, activated sludge, flocculation, simulation, microfiltration 1. Introduction Fouling in membrane bioreactors (MBR) reduces process performance through elevated energy consumption and increased demands for cleaning and replacement of membranes. To maintain high process performance, membranes are cleaned e.g. by relaxation continuously throughout the process [Judd, 2008]. Fouling material is removed by relaxation, which elevates permeability and net flux. Therefore, long relaxation phases compared to filtration phases gives slower development in fouling, as more fouling is removed during the relaxation [Hong et al., 2002, Zsirai et al., 2012]. Thus, the relaxation phases should be long enough to recover permeability, but not too long, as a long phase without permeation relative to the filtration phase will reduce the net flux. To ensure this, knowledge on the kinetics of fouling layer removal is required. In this paper an experimental method has been designed to study the effect of filtration length and determine the optimal relaxation time is presented. Based on the experimental data a mathematical model describing the removal of fouling over relaxation time has been proposed. 2. Materials and Methods Relaxation step filtrations An automated lab scale filtration cell with a submerged flat sheet PVDF membrane (nominal pore size 200 nm, MFP2, Alfa Laval, Denmark) was used for filtration tests. In order to measure the permeate flow permeate was collected in a beaker placed on a balance, the weight was logged every second during the filtration experiments. The system was designed to filtrate at constant TMP, which is controlled by the level difference between the permeate beaker and the level of sludge in the filtration cell. Filtrations were carried out at TMP = 4000 Pa and with air scouring (3529 L air × h-1 × m-2). By switching on a vent, filtration could be stopped for relaxation. Filtration experiments were performed on sludge sampled from a pilot scale MBR system at Aalborg West WWTP. Relaxation step filtrations were designed as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: TMP over time in relaxation step filtrations. The relaxation step filtrations were carried out by thirteen 12 min filtrations at TMP = 4000 Pa with intermediate relaxation periods varying from 25, 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5 to 0.25 min. The net flux of a given relaxation protocol was determined by averaging the flux over relaxation period (0 LMH) and the following filtration period. Filtration and relaxation model Filtration data was analyzed with the short term fouling model assuming cake formation to be the dominating fouling mechanism [Bugge et al., 2012]. The flux, J (m×s-1), was calculated by using a modified Darcian equation: πππ π½ = π(π π +π π ) (1) Where TMP (Pa) is the transmembrane pressure, μ is the dynamic viscosity of water (Pa×s), Rm is the membrane resistance (m-1), and Rc is the cake layer’s hydraulic resistance (m-1). It is assumed that cake formation is the dominating mechanism of fouling, cake resistance is the product of the specific cake mass, ω (kg×m-2), and the specific cake resistance, α (m kg1). As described by Bugge et al., (2012) fouling layers in membrane bioreactors can be considered as compressible giving a linear relationship between specific resistance and TMP: πΌ πΌ = πΌ0 + π0 πππ (2) π α0 (m×kg-1) is the initial specific resistance of a cake and the empirical parameter Pa (Pa) represents the pressure required to double the specific resistance is an empirical parameter. The following mass balance has been used to describe development in cake buildup (Bugge et al., 2012): ππ ππ‘ = (π½ − π½πΏπΌπ (1 − π −π⁄πππππ‘ )) πΆπ (3) Where Cb is the sludge concentration, ωcrit is the critical specific mass of cake and JLIM is the limiting flux, determined from TMP step filtrations. For relaxation phases, J = 0, hence the change in amount of cake over time is negative. By assuming a back transport constant, kBT, which is a factor that corrects for the assumption of constant cake removal, the following model is proposed to describe the change over time for relaxation phases: ππ ππ‘ = −ππ΅π π½πΏπΌπ (1 − π −π⁄πππππ‘ )πΆπ (4) By modelling the development in amount of cake as function of time by using Eq. (3) during the filtration phases and Eq. (4) during the relaxation phases, the development in flux was modelled over time. The equation was fitted to flux data from filtration experiments adjusting the kBT parameter in each relaxation phase with the SOLVER function in Microsoft Excel. Parameter values of JLIM, ωcrit, α0, and Pa was determined with the procedure described in Bugge et al. (2012), shown in Table 1. Table 1: Fouling model parameter values used to model flux and amount of cake over time. JLIM (LMH) 46.7 ωcrit (kg m-2) 0.22 3. Results and discussion α0 (m kg-1) 9.31β1010 Pa (Pa) 521 In Figure 2, below, the development in measured and modelled flux is plotted vs. time. Two modelling approaches are shown. Model 1, where it is assumed that kBT = 1, and Model 2 where kBT is adjusted for each relaxation phase. Figure 2: Measured flux and flux modelled by approach 1 and 2 plotted against time. The measured flux decreases during filtration, but is partly restored after relaxation. Model 1 overestimates the initial flux after 25-10 min filtration phases and underestimates the initial flux of the steps after short relaxation phases. The root mean squared error is RMSE = 98.31. The second approach, where kBT is adjusted shows to represent the flux decline and level well with RMSE = 51.23. kBT values are plotted against duration of relaxation in Figure 3a. Figure 3: kBT constant as function of relaxation time with power law regression k BT=11.2βtr-0.86 (a) and variation of rate of cake removal over time (b). It is observed that the kBT factor, decreases with relaxation length. Hence, Eq. 4 with kBT = 1 would under predict cake removal at short relaxation periods, whereas it will over predict cake removal at long phases. This shows that the rate of removal is not constant. To illustrate how the rate of cake removal changes over time, − ππ ππ‘ has been modelled numerically with Eq. (4) for different durations of relaxation using JLIM = 46.7 LMH and an initial amount of cake ω(t=0) at different times of relaxation, shown in Figure 3b. This confirms that the rate of removal is largest in the beginning of relaxation and decreases as relaxation proceeds. The time dependency of the rate of cake removal is described by the following power law found from regression: ππ − ππ‘ = π(π½πΏπΌπ , πΆπ , π(π‘ = 0)) × π‘π −π (5) ππ − ππ‘ = 0.0165 × π‘π −0.904 ππ The slope, k, is a function of JLIM, Cb, and ω(t=0). By repeating simulations of − ππ‘ in the relaxation phases with varying different settings of these variables, the following empirical relationship to calculate k is proposed: π = (π1 πΆπ ln(π½πΏπΌπ ))(π(π‘ = 0))0.831 (6) The value of the constants k1 = 2.89β10-3, and a = 0.904 are limited to this filtration experiment. Filtration experiments with different filtration times and pressures show that especially k1 and a depend on the sludge and the operating conditions. By integrating Eq. (5) the development in cake over time from different initial amounts of cake is simulated (Fig. 4). Figure 4: Development in amount of cake over time at varying initial amount of cake (left) and relaxation time required to removed cake (right). The figure confirms that the more cake that is present on the membrane, the longer relaxation time is needed to remove fouling. Further, it shows that the fastest decline in amount of cake is in the beginning of relaxation. 4. Conclusion A relaxation step filtration procedure with fixed filtration times and varying relaxation times was used to study the influence of relaxation time on reclamation of permeability and removal of fouling. The amount of fouling was assessed through data analysis by fitting a model flux through development in amount of cake to, to experimental flux data. A back transport constant was introduced in each relaxation step to describe the removal. This constant decreases with relaxation time, showing that the rate of removal depends on time and is higher in the beginning of relaxation than in the end. On this background an empirical model for development in amount of fouling over time was suggested, which shows that most of the cake is removed in the beginning of the relaxation. Potentially, this model can be used to design filtration and relaxation cycles, to ensure that the length of relaxation is sufficient to remove fouling without lowering net flux by too long relaxations without permeate production. To do this, the model has to be further developed and confirmed, by calibrating constants and showing how they depend on operating conditions and sludge and membrane characteristics. Potentially, the model should be calibrated by direct observation techniques to study the kinetics of cake removal. References Bugge, T. V., Jørgensen, M. K., Christensen, M. L., Keiding, K., 2012. Modeling cake build-up under TMP-step filtration in a membrane bioreactor: Cake compressibility is significant. Water Research 46, 4330-4338. Hong, S.P., Bae, T.K., Tak, T.M., Hong, S., Randall, A., 2002. Fouling control in activated sludge submerged hollow fiber membrane bioreactors. Desalination 143, 219-228. Judd, S., 2008. The status of membrane bioreactor technology (review). 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