Leslie questions 25 May

Working Group One Questions for May 25 subcommittee meeting
Sustainable Plant Systems—BS
NEW major within the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science. Has 4 specializations—
Agronomy, Horticulture, Landscape Design and Management, and Turfgrass Science
Sustainable Plant Systems—BS
1. We are a bit concerned about the ramifications of switching the choice of majors “midstream” for students who specifically selected the original majors. Can you explain what
will happen to the students who are currently majoring in Crop Science, Landscape
Horticulture and Turfgrass Science? i.e., what will their transcripts say? Will students
have the option of completing the major they are enrolled in but not admitting any more
new students? Have you gotten student feedback about this specific issue?
2. Have you submitted the other majors (Crop Science, Landscape Horticulture and
Turfgrass Science) for termination?
3. Can you change the numbers on the front page to match the entire degree? As of now, the
front page only shows the total number of hours required to complete the major, but the
rest of the proposal reflects the numbers for the whole degree (major + GE)
4. Under the program learning goals, item #3 is missing a word. Currently it reads: “to grow
and maintain healthy in an efficient…”
5. Regarding goal 6 – do all students take FCOB courses to meet this objective? Or is
business related content being covered in your courses? If it is the latter, has concurrence
been sought?
6. Does the required internship need to be completed in the summer, or could students add it
to a term with 16 hours or less?
7. Can you confirm that students can reasonably complete the Gen Ed requirement of two
Global Issues courses and one course on Social Diversity with the limited number of Gen
Ed options they have?
8. Any update on whether the two science courses for which you are seeking GE approval
have been approved? If they are not, what will happen to these requirements?
Community Leadership—BS in Agriculture
Re-envisioned with significant changes
Contains two specializations: Community and Extension Education and Leadership
1. Transition policy—need an affirmation of the university’s policy.
2. Can students take Soc 101 or only Rural Soc 105? Do we have any issues with the fact
that 2 of the 3 writing requirements are taken inside FAES? These options seem to have
narrowed under semesters. This also appears on the advising sheets (pp.14) and under
specializations (pp. 20)
3. What are the overarching goals for the major as a whole?
4. Do others feel like the required courses have changed dramatically under semesters? Do
we agree with the rationale for this?
5. Have they gotten concurrence from EHE and FCOB about the leadership specialization?
6. Program seems to suggest that students should take a course in the May term. We should
confirm that this is not the only time that they could take that course, and discuss how we
feel about this “suggestion”
7. It seems that the winter quarter during junior year seems heavy, could students potentially
take a minor course during spring of their senior year to off-set this load?
BS in Agriculture—Professional Golf Management major
Converted with minimal changes
1. Goal #3 seem to break off at the end of the sentence
2. The goals don’t mention anything about golf. It seems more about plants/sustainable
systems, are the goals the same across all the hort-science group?
3. Why is this designed as a 4 ½ year program?
4. It appears that their internships normally occur over the summer and they are required. Is
this a problem? Do they guarantee acceptance into an internship program? What happens
if a student does not get an internship? It seems as though this was the arrangement under
quarters, so should we just assume that is this acceptable?
5. Could the internship happen during autumn semester now that the term will start earlier?
What about integration into spring (and if needed May)? It says they need 14 weeks
working 35+ hours (per week) - is this paid? Can they accomplish this adequately in the
may+summer term?
BS in Environment and Natural Resources—Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife major
Converted with minimal changes
7 Specializations: Wildlife Science, Urban Forestry and Wildlife Management, Forestry and
Wildlife Management, Forest Ecosystem Science and Management, Wildlife and Fisheries
Science, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Wildlife and Pre-Vet Sciences
1. Typos
page 9:
Should it be Number 1 (instead of 10) at the top of the page?
b. should be “depth” instead of “depths”
c. should read “expect” instead of “rexpect”
page 48
All of the bullet points should read: Students WHO (instead of students that…)
Page 51
Under SEI section, it should read “gauge” instead of “guage”
2. What are the charts beginning on CAA page 11 actually showing us? The entire
curriculum? Which are required courses and which are not?
3. Appreciated credit hour change explanation - just wanted to make sure that serving units
were aware of this impact and could handle additional students
4. It seems like they converted many of their 700 level courses to the 5000 level. Is this
5. CAA pp. 28—what is the rationale for requiring 7 units, when all of the courses are 3
units each. Seems that students will be forced to take at least 9 units. Am I missing
something? Do these numbers add up?
6. Where are the program sheets for semesters? (Quarter versions begin on pp. 29)
7. Pp. 49---is it problematic that students who complete the forestry and wildlife
management degree still need one more communications course in order to get TWS
certification? Were they able to get this certification when the specialization was offered
under quarters? Same for other specializations where it says additional courses not
counted in the degree program might be needed for certain certifications – is that true
now? How many additional hours would be needed for students to be prepared?
8. Do we want a chart at the end for all of the specializations?