Financial Guarantee Memo of Understanding College of Health and Human Performance

College of Health and Human Performance
Financial Guarantee Memo of Understanding
OSP Grant # _______________________
Principal Investigator _______________________________
Funding Agency_____________________________________________________________
Grant Brief Title_____________________________________________________________
A financial guarantee is being issued for the project listed above. If the funding is not received 60 days
from the date the project is scheduled to start, the funding agency will be informed the project will be
halted unless said funding is received within 45 days from the contact date. Department chairs must be
careful about agreeing to such guarantees as any costs incurred are generally covered by the
department unless other arrangements are agree to by the Dean. These costs can be considerable.
Should the funding agency not supply the funds to support the project from the start date, the
Department of ____________________________________will cover ________% of the incurred project
costs and the College of Health and Human Performance will pay for the remaining _______% of
incurred project costs.
Principal Investigator
Department Chair
Dean of HHP
[Type here]
[Type here]