MAEd in Mathematics (High School Conc): Course Offerings (2013-15) Course MATE 6361 Course Title Course Description Summer 2 2013 Key issues in teaching and learning measurement as it supports other mathematical strands. Measurement Across the Curriculum Fall 2013 MATE Mathematics Assessment for P: Consent of instructor. Theory, methods, and techniques of assessment for improving mathematics learning. Requires assessment and intervention project adapted to local classroom setting. 6200 the Classroom Teacher MATE 6351 Data Analysis & Probability in the Middle Grades MATE 6211 MATE 6331 MATE 6400 Research in Mathematics Education Reasoning with Number and Algebra Capstone Project in Mathematics Education MATE 6371 Teaching and Learning of Algebra MATE Leadership in Mathematics 6206 Education MATE 6341 Data analysis, probability concepts, and pedagogical issues for middle grade teachers. Spring 2014 Readings, reports, and syntheses of research literature on teaching and learning K-12 mathematics. Projects based on this literature. Rational numbers, proportional reasoning, and linear relations as tools to explore mathematical relationships in grades 6-8. Research project, portfolio modeled on the National Board Professional Teaching Standards, or equivalent project. Summer 2 2014 Current mathematical learning theory and research as it pertains to algebra taught from a problemsolving, student-centered perspective. Fall 2014 P: Admission to MAEd program; consent of instructor. Mathematics content and information necessary for service as leader in public school mathematics education. Teaching and Learning of Geometry MATE 6200 Analysis of middle school student work using the van Hiele model to examine relationships of shape, size, symmetry, and transformations in two- and three- dimensional space. Spring 2015 Mathematics Assessment for P: Consent of instructor. Theory, methods, and techniques of assessment for improving mathematics learning. Requires assessment and intervention project adapted to local classroom setting. the Classroom Teacher MATE 6351 MATE 6400 Data Analysis & Probability in the Middle Grades Capstone Project in Mathematics Education MATE 6361 Measurement Across the Curriculum MATE 6211 MATE 6331 Research in Mathematics Education Reasoning with Number and Algebra Data analysis, probability concepts, and pedagogical issues for middle grade teachers. Research project, portfolio modeled on the National Board Professional Teaching Standards, or equivalent project. Summer 2 2015 Key issues in teaching and learning measurement as it supports other mathematical strands. Fall 2015 Readings, reports, and syntheses of research literature on teaching and learning K-12 mathematics. Projects based on this literature. Rational numbers, proportional reasoning, and linear relations as tools to explore mathematical relationships in grades 6-8. NOTE: Students in the MAEd in Mathematics Education (High School Concentration) take four courses from the Department of Mathematics and may take as many as six courses. See for information on courses, including summer offerings, which are subject to having sufficient enrollment. Here is the academic-year rotation for graduate MATH courses. MATH 5101 MATH 5322 MATH 5774 MATH 5801 MATH 6011 MATH 6500 MATH 6651 Math 6804 Department of Mathematics Offerings FALL SEMESTER SPRING SEMESTER Advanced Calculus I MATH 5002 Logic for Math and Computer Science Foundations of Math MATH 5031 Applied Statistical Analysis Programming for Research MATH 5101 Advanced Calculus I Probability Theory MATH 5102 Advanced Calculus II Modern Algebra I MATH 6001 Matrix Algebra Special Topics MATH 6111 Introduction to Complex Variables I Introduction to Topology MATH 6121 Real Variables I Stochastic Processes MATH 6805 Topics in Mathematical Statistics