Professor Jinim Park 2008 Annual Lectures in Asian Studies East Carolina University

East Carolina University
Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
Interdisciplinary Asian Studies Program
2008 Annual Lectures in Asian Studies
Professor Jinim Park
Pyeong-Taek University, Korea
Stanford University
Moon Goddess from Goguryeo Tomb
Yearning and Regrets
in Korean Shijo:
From Classics to Modern Shijo
Shijo is a traditional Korean poetic form that resembles Japanese haiku.
Bate Bldg. 1020
Wednesday January 30, 2008
4:00-5:30 PM
Students, faculty, staff and the general public are invited
to attend this free lecture, sponsored by the
Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences
Department of English and the
Interdisciplinary Asian Studies Program
For more information, call 328-5520 or email