Participation of Emeritus Faculty in Graduate Education and Research

1. Retired members of the Graduate Faculty who receive emeritus status may be accorded
status as Emeritus Graduate Faculty upon the recommendation of the director of the
graduate program(s) with which the emeritus faculty member was previously affiliated, the
department chair, and school dean and upon the approval of the Graduate Dean.
2. Individuals who are accorded Emeritus Graduate Faculty status may teach graduate level
courses without seeking temporary approval. This status must be renewed every five years.
3. Individuals who are accorded Emeritus Graduate Faculty status may receive permission to
continue to chair students’ theses, final projects, examinations, and dissertations assigned
prior to their retirement. Additionally, Emeritus Graduate Faculty members may request
permission to be named to serve on thesis, final project, final examination and dissertation
committees, other than as chair, after retirement. These privileges must be requested on
an individual basis and must be recommended by the director for the graduate program(s)
involved, the department chair, and school dean and approved by the Graduate Dean.
4. Emeritus faculty may apply for external funding through SIUE. SIUE will provide the same
services to emeritus faculty in applying for and administering external grants that are
available to current members of the faculty and staff.
5. Emeritus faculty are eligible for support from the R&D fund provided they have an external
grant submitted through SIUE’s office of Research and Projects either pending agency
action or awarded.
6. Emeritus faculty are not eligible to compete in any other Graduate School sponsored
research program or to serve on committees of the Graduate Council.
7. Any emeritus faculty member who participates in the above listed activities is subject to the
rules and regulations governing SIUE and graduate education and research.
Emeritus faculty members represent an important resource. SIUE can benefit from the
expertise of emeritus faculty in teaching and research. Current Operating Papers for the
Graduate School state that faculty must have a continuing appointment to hold regular
graduate faculty status, a requirement for teaching graduate courses and for serving on and
chairing thesis and dissertation committees. This policy will permit emeritus faculty
members to acquire Emeritus Graduate Faculty Status for the purposes of teaching
graduate level courses and for serving on thesis committees. This policy also permits
emeritus faculty members access to some of SIUE’s resources for continuing research. It
does not allow emeritus faculty compete for internal grant monies. These funds are
reserved for the continuing development of the current faculty and staff.