THE WRITING CENTER SIUE—Peck 1419, Ext. 2045 MLA Style Documentation from MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th ed. Vanishing Culture. DOCUMENTING SOURCES Comp. Mando Sevillano. Flagstaff: Northland, 1986. In MLA, parenthetical citations such as (Townsend 10) and (10) Medieval Europe was a place both of “raids, 5.6.8. 33-42. Article in Reference Book Allen, Anita L. “Privacy in Health Care.” pillages, slavery and extortion” and of “traveling Encyclopedia of Bioethics. merchants, monetary exchange, towns if not cities, Reich. and active markets in grain” (Townsend 10). Simon, 1995. (For less familiar references use Rev. ed. 5 vols. Ed. Warren T. New York: Macmillan- full publication information) According to Townsend, “raids, pillages, slavery “Ginsburg, Ruth Bader.” and extortion” were common in medieval Europe (10). ed. ”Noon.” acknowledge the source of words or information, indicate the page(s) where they appear, and direct reader to a Works Cited entry for publication information as in Who’s Who in America. 56th 2002. 2nd ed. The Oxford English Dictionary. 1989. ”Noon.” Def. 4b. The Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1989. (For specific definition) Townsend, Robert M. The Medieval Village Economy. Princeton UP, 1993. 5.6.12. Edition: citing editor in introduction, etc. Bowers, Fredson, ed. WORKS CITED: BOOKS Crane. 1895. 5.6.1. The Red Badge of Courage: An Episode of the American Civil War. Single Author Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1975. Renoir Lithographs. New York: Dover, 1994. Wilson, Frank R. The Hand: How Its Use Shapes 5.6.20. Government Publication the Brain, Language, and Human Culture. New York: New York State. Pantheon, 1998. Commission on the Adirondacks in The Twenty-First Century. The Adirondack Park in the Twenty-First Century. 5.6.4. Eggins, Suzanne, and Diana Slade. Analyzing Casual United Nations. Consequences of Rapid Population Growth in Developing Countries. London: Cassell, 1997. Quirk, Randolph, et al. Albany: State of New York, 1990. Two or More Authors Conversation. By Stephen New York: Taylor, 1991. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985. (For more than 3 authors you can use et al.) WORKS CITED: ARTICLES, ETC., IN PERIODICALS 5.7.1. 5.6.5. Book by Corporate Author American Medical Association. Article in journal w/ continuous Pagination White, Sabina, and Andrew Winzelberg. ”Laughter and Stress.” The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine. Humor 5 (1992): 343-55. Ed. Charles B. Clayman. New York: Random, 1989. (Omit initial articles such as The) 5.7.2. 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